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Version: 1.0.0

Nymph CO.

The Year is 2138, the world has been completely taken over by emotionless, unfeeling companies, though none controlled as much as Nymph CO. A mysterious corporation that makes women far and wide into sex slaves.

85% of women in the world are property of Nymph CO, owned by the upper elite of the world. Meanwhile the lower class of men are hard at work in many of the Nymph's factories to make these slaves.

You are one such man, known simply as Worker ZP-101568, working hard at one of the small factories in your little slummy town. Slaves of this town are often instead paraded around, given that the only ones wealth enough to afford them are tavern owners, meaning that many slaves work as prostitutes.
This is where your story begins.



A work in progress, going to continue the plotline as well as work on having an in browser version and possible commission an artist for some images to go with the story.

Worker ZP-101568 - You, an average male lower class worker for one of Nymph CO.'s factories

Slave VB-800008 - A woman who awoke before her transition into slavery was complete, being the whole reason you got dragged along

1.0.0 Base Game/Proof of Concept

Review by bearclaw01234

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 06/18/2019

Half-Decent Storyline, though it'd be much better if it was more thorough in the details of the characters & story along with a lot more details about the background.   Also ye would do well to mark the version as 0.0.1 instead of 1.0.0, since this is the first version of the game (it should be v0.0.1) & not a finished/complete game (v1.0.0).

Review by pingguo

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 06/18/2019

A 5 minutes short read with less than a handful of endings.

There is no complicated story, no game machanism, no fancy GUI, paperdoll, animated gif or webm. It is just the basic twine with an unfinished short story with branch off here and there. Yet, it reminds me of how simple thing work great. 

Review by BgCntry

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 06/17/2019

Look forward to seeing how this one will proceed.  I do wish there were some pics, but it is good as is, so far.  

Review by DaBushWookie

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 06/17/2019

Really promising start, with an interesting twist at the start, hope for more soon!

Review by foxdsx

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 06/17/2019

Hahaha a good one

It will be hard to continue in the same quality. (the curse of quick fire)

But i still wish you to prove me wrong.

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