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RPG Maker MV
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Adult Themes
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Version: 5.4.1

Crimson Veil

Crimson Veil is a thrilling and involved RPG Maker experience focused around vampires, monster girls and corruption. You play as Mila, a vampire huntress who secretly fantasizes of being taken and turned into a vampire herself. Her inner conflict is yours to control by either engaging with or surrendering to your enemies to view the game’s vast collection of possible bad endings! 

(as of version 5.4.1) The game features:

-  20+ hour campaign across 5 chapters.

146 unique pieces of artwork which can be collected for your in-game Picture Gallery.

- Over 50 fully illustrated characters to interact with.

- Over 20 optional hunting contracts and side quests that feature other monsters capable of corrupting you, such as succubi, lamias, slime girls, and many more!

- An alternate Vampire Route - take on an entirely separate story as a playable vampire, if you so desire.

- A Bad Ending Theater to view every lewd scene included in the game! (Unlocked upon completing the game.)

- An interactive Developer’s Room with access to cheats and skips for all parts of the game!*

Themes included prominently are: lesbian, femdom, transformation, corruption, and hypnosis.

More to come with future updates!

The game is available for multiple platforms and is completely free! 

I've also written a full walkthrough so that you don't miss a single thing the game has to offer!

Crimson Veil 5.4.1 Walkthrough

Pre-Made save files at various points in the game are also available for returning players who want to skip straight to the latest content!

Crimson Veil 5.4.1 Pre-Made Save Files

The game design and art are all done by me. If you like the game and would like to support it, I have a Patreon. By joining you will have access to all game updates two weeks before anyone else, as well as access to polls for what content gets added into the game, high resolution art downloads, Developer Room Access*, and more! Many of the perks are available at just $2, so please consider supporting the growth of my game. 


Rate the game or leave a review if you've enjoyed what you played!


Guide for 5.4.1



•Minor Bug fixes
•Additional features in Dev Room.

•Chapter 3-V added to Vampire Route.
•Fallholt area, Casino, and Slime Arena areas added.
•Additional scene added to the end of Chapter 2-V.
•You can now warp to view a bond scene with a Pet when prompted.
•Pet Equipment is no longer locked, except for the accessory slots.
•Additional dialogue added to certain events when specific Pet is in your party.
•Level Cap added to training with Ophelia.
•Key phrases for clues are now highlighted in blue.
•Fixed glitch in chapter 2-V with a certain character stuck in front of your party member.
•Food items that provide buffs now also remove debuffs of the same stat.
•6 Images added to Picture Gallery. (146 total)

•Additional NPCs added to game with items to collect.
•Vampire Hunters stop chasing Mila when entering certain buildings in town.
•Minor bug fixes.

•Contract 3 added to Vampire Route. ("Shattered Sanctity")
•Ophelia and Bianca's support conversations updated.
•Ophelia, Bianca, and Seraphina added as playable partners.
•Dorian and Ophelia's character portraits/sprites have been updated.
•6 Images added to Picture Gallery. (140 total)
•Blood Points (BP) guage added to HUD in vampire route.
•Bat Form shortcut added by pressing PGUP (PC only).

•Fixed bug in the Main Route where the Gemmare Statue at Dorian Mansion warped you to locations in the Vampire Route.

•Claudia now gives Mila the "Enhanced QTW" at the end of chapterV-1.
•Puzzle in Cabin 5B of the Ruddy Raider has been updated with additional hints.
•Misc Bug fixes.

•Contracts have been added to the vampire route, accessible after chapter 2-V. (“Terror of the Seas” and “Countess in Crimson”)
•Pet System updated. Vicilla, Lauren, and Edith added as playable partners.
•New title screen after the start of the Vampire Route.
•12 Images added to Picture Gallery. (134 total)
•Vampire hunters are pushed back after escaping from battle.
•Food items are now limited to use outside of battle.
•Bat transformation skill adjusted, (No longer forced out of form when hit. Greater decrease to stats when in form.)
•Adjustments to enemy health and damage to accommodate partners.
•Blood skills have been adjusted in health cost and effectiveness.
•Fixed progress bug during the casino side quest in the main route.

•New NPC appears at Fallholt Casino that you can play Blackjack with for a small reward.
•1 additional image added to Picture Gallery, with the new total being 122.
•Misc bug fixes.

•Events no longer move while castle map is open, preventing the black screen glitch from occuring.
•Faahlda now levels you up for all vampire items in your inventory at once.
•Another character can now appear during the final scene of the main campaign.
•Fixed glitch where event would not occur during last boss on a cleared save file.
•Surrender Skill changed to confirm action, to prevent accidental deaths.
•Portal error in Hall of the Lost 14 fixed.
•Enemy damage values and skills adjusted slightly.
•Miscellaneous bug fixes.

•The Main Story can now be played from start to finish! Final dungeon added to chapter 5.
•Theater of Inevitability added (unlocked after completing the game). The game’s multiple Bad Endings can be viewed here.
•10 images added to the Picture gallery for a total of 121.
•Enemy damage values and skills adjusted slightly.
•Miscellaneous bug fixes.

•"Mind's Eye" bug fixed Now provides weaknesses/resistance for all enemies.
•Faye ultimate move damage fixed to not be overpowered in Chapter 1
•Unlimited "Count Vorigan's Cane" glitch fixed.
•Critical Whip's effect now only applies to Whip Strike Skill.
•Jewelry Shop prices adjusted.

•First half of chapter 5 added.
•“Mind’s Eye” item now gives data on all enemies in a battle.
•Bomb, Cross, and Axe skills have been adjusted.
•Dorian Quest can now be completed and boss fight has been rebalanced.
•2 additional quests added for Bianca, completing her story.
•Light Skills now have their own menu.
•Total amount of save slots increased from 30 to 50.
•Max level updated to 99
•11 new images added to the Picture Gallery.
•Ghoul Bad Ending art updated and redrawn.
•Equipment screen updated.
•Dev Room updated with additional tools and skips.
•Additional Autosave points added throughout quests.
•Misc Bug Fixes.

•Removed NPC blocking hallway in chapter 4 clinic.

•Additional Autosave Points added before main story boss fights.
•Misc. bug fixes.

•Contracts 12 & 13 added
•Baitelle side-quest added in Mor Town Tavern after chapter 3.
•Serenity Drug side activity added. Accessible after chapter 2 intro and during Viviene's extended bad ending.
•Ghoul Bad Ending (MIla) updated to include extra art.
•Addicted and Cursed status added.
•Additional scenes with contract and plot relevant characters added before they are properly introduced to the player.
•Jessica can be interacted with in Viviene's extended bad ending.
•Picture Gallery has 100 total pictures to unlock (Pic 92 currently not accessible except through the dev room).
•"Dual Lashings" skill damage adjusted and now requires 15 LP instead of 25. "Selfless Soul" now requires 25 LP instead of 20.
•Minimum enemy damage is now a fixed percent based on skill used instead of 1.
•Dorian's Brides' sprites updated.
•Added detail in certain maps.
•Additional autosave points added throughout quests.
•Misc. bug fixes.

•Top Patrons added as NPCs (check walthrough for details).
•Some spelling errors addressed.

•New Main Story chapter added.
•Lingrave Wastelands area added.
•Battle UI updated.
•Battle animations overhauled and now show when enemies attack.
•Narrative Mode added.
•Poison status effect now applies outside of battle.
•Prism Core item added. Permanently increases LP regeneration.
•Quest relevant NPCs now have a "..." above their heads.
•Illustration of Gabrielle biting Mila has been updated.
•Picture Gallery now has 91 total Pictures to unlock.
•Misc. bug fixes.

•LP generation adjusted. Minimum 5 LP gained each turn regardless of damage taken.
•Battle Results screen updated. No longer displays EXP.
•Fixed bug where scenes involving Sybille were not playing as intended.
•Cutscene near the end of chapter 2 has been updated to run better with speed up functionality.

•Updated Inventory UI.
•Updated Menu Options.
•AutoSave functionality added.
•Eight additional images added to photo gallery.
•One new Hunting Contract has been added.
•Viviene's Playable Bad Ending sequence extended with additional scenes you can discover in certain areas.
•Charlotte's Bad Ending updated with additional art.
•New quest available after completing Bianca's Diary that allows you to earn a new skill.
•Armor customization added to shop in Fenrir Glade and Jewelry Store added to Fallholt.
•Vampire Route updated with Quest Journal.
•2 new enemies have been added: Jaina can be found in the Rotten Grove Dead Trees area (Vampire Route) and Jaclyn can be found in the empty cave in Fenrir Glade (Main Route).
•More features added to the Developer Room.
•Mila's overall stat growth has been adjusted. Level Cap raised to 35.
•Dagger skill changed from "Piercing" to "Silver" type. Weakness has been added to appropriate enemies.
•Supply Cache items recover more SP. Selfless Soul now recovers a percentage of total SP
•Mila's sprite and menu portrait now change if she is affected by the vampirism state.
•Certain enemy gold and drop rate values adjusted. Certain fights adjusted to guarantee vampire dust.
•Certain character sprites edited.
•Miscellaneous bug fixes.

•Updates and Info section added to Title Menu.
•Fix to Humilem Mansion Basement Map.

•Chapter 2 added to vampire route.
•Enemies now drop salable loot.
•Vampire skills rebalanced.
•Vampire hunters now have different sprites/artwork. Additionally they score more critical hits on average.
•Various Maps redesigned.
•Chapter titles have been added.
•Developer Room added.
•Game intro updated to include illustration. Additionally, the beginning of each main story chapter has been updated with this illustration.
•The Bad Ending in the Mor Taven has been rewritten.
•Minor Bug fixes and spelling errors fixed in certain areas.

•Miscellaneous spelling/grammar fixes.
•Certain scenes fixed to show appropriate character portraits.
•"Purify" and "Holy Purify" skills have reduced TP cost (20 to 15 and 40 to 35 respectively).
•Guard skill significantly increases LP regeneration when blocking attacks (from 350% to 600%).

•New Contract added, including the new town, Ilbrooke.
•Bianca's Diary prequel story was added.
•Quest Journal added to the menu.
•Ability to speed through dialogue with "PGDN" key (Some events may not run as intended.)
•Changes to Battle UI.
•Faye Boss battle updated to better work as intended.
•Additional Illustrations added for Faye and the Librarian character.
•"Weakened" state now lasts 4 turns. Higher levels of the "Dagger" skill inflict more potent "Weakened" states.
•Weather effects now appear in battle.
•Vampire Mila no longer has an LP Gauge.
•Buffs and Debuffs now have an indicator to show how many turns remain.
•File Select screen now displays more game information.
•You can now load a different save without returning to the title menu.
•Chapter numbers appear at the beginning of each story chapter.

•Fix to Viviene's Bad Ending where the player would get stuck when approaching Maria in a cutscene.
•Viviene's Boss fight has been redone.
•Fix in the Blood Temple where player could walk through the railing leading to the basement area.
•"Sacred Whip" starting weapon damage increased slightly.
•Fix to a cutscene in Noctorna HQ with Amber which replays if you are holding the reseach notes.
•Fix to certain items not being removed from inventory when starting vampire route.
•New optional dialogue with Dorian directly after speaking with Dealer.
•Casino Slot Machine odds have been adjusted to be easier to win coins.
•Amount of Casino Coins needed for side quest has been reduced to 500 from 1500
•Winning at blackjack now has a higher payout. 1200 coins from 500.
•Minor Bug fixes and spelling errors fixed in certain areas.

•New Story chapter added.
•Fallholt area added.
•Casino area added.
•Slime cave area added.
•New cutscene occurs the first time entering Abelleth Village that more clearly tells the player to speak with Alaexa before unlocking the contract.
•Pic 17 can now be unlocked in the Picture Gallery even if Bianca has been killed.
•Certain character graphics/sprites have been updated.
•Nine additional images have been added to the Picture Gallery.
•Contracts that have been completed now have a sparkle above them in the contracts room.
•General Stores now carry a set amount of Ammo Pouches to sell.
•Lab Master Key from Ch1 is now discarded after it is used on the door and chest.
•The vampire route is now accessed during the events of chapeter 3 after meeting with Dealer.

•Guard Skill no longer protects against vampire state.
•Amber's design has been updated.
•Amber and Mila's sprite has been updated.
•Fixed glitched chest that allowed player to gain infinite Iron Ore.

•Bookworm/Bianca and Iris' Bad Endings have been updated.
•Two new Hunting Contracts have been added.
•2 Vampire Hunter enemies have been added to the Vampire Route. Alyena can be found in the Rotten Grove Cemetery and Johannes can be found in the Rotten Grove Grotto.
•Eight additional images added to photo gallery.
•Bug fixed which allowed players to purchase Laurels in the flower shop without any gold.
•Bug fix which prevented the player from saving after using the "Invoke Fog" skill.
•"Guard" skill has been adjusted. Reduces more damage, protects against more ailments including "Vampire", increases LP charge rate when taking damage.
•"Summon Bat" skill has been updated. It now hits 7 times, with a fixed HP damage. No longer drains HP.
•Leveling up with Faahlda now fully restores Mila's HP and SP.
•Ghouls now appear in the mountainside area after completing chapter 2.

•Adjustmentments to Faye's Flying Syringe Skill.
•More HP added to Viviene in each form.
•Bug fix which made Contract 3 inaccessible if you completed Contract 2 before accepting Contract 3
•Nosferatu's drop rate for Vampire Dust adjusted from 25% to 33%
•Genevieve, Scarlett, and Claudia all drop Vampire Dust after their boss fight.
•Summon Bat Skill now hits 3 times instead of 5
•Boss fight music added to Victoria's fight.
•Minor Bug fixes and spelling errors fixed in certain areas.

•Vampire route is now accessible after completing chapter 2. Speak with the
bald man in South Mor Town to begin!
•Five additional images added to photo gallery.
•Bookworm/Bianca can now be fought in chapter 1 without any penalty
of accidentally slaying her. Option to slay is still available.
•New enemy type: Vampire Maid
•Additional items, equipment, and skills have been added.
•Pet system has been added in the vampire route.
•Sound effect tweaks in certain scenes.
•Character profiles added in status menu for all party members.
•Stat growths for Mila have been adjusted.

•Gallery Pic 8 art has been updated
•Fixes to progression in certain contracts.

•Two new Hunting Contracts have been added.
•One new Non-Hunting Contract side quest available in South
Mor Town from NPC after the end of chapter 2.
•Ten additional images added to photo gallery.
•The Rotten Grove expanded.
•You can now read through Mila's diary without triggering
a bad ending.
•New enemy type: Nosferatu.
•Flower Shop Laurels now have a stock of 5 per Laurel
•Eastern Overworld is locked until end of chapter 2.
•Librarian scene in chapter 1 redone. New art has been added as well.
•Difficulty of Librarian and Bookworm battles have been adjusted.
•Whip Upgrade store has been expanded! New whips are available as well as a place to purchase Silver Ore.
•Selling items now possible at a store found in the Eastern Overworld (Abelleth Village).
•Transformation sequence added when dying from vampirism
in the Overworld.
•Liquid Silver and Dagger skills now inflict "Weakened" state
instead of lowering all stats.
•The level at which certain skills are aquired has been changed.

Review by Snifflez

Version reviewed: 5.4.1 on 05/21/2024

"How can I give the players the absolute worst combat experience possible?" -The Dev of this game.


I like the story of this game, but everything, and I mean everything being unskippable is 100% why I will NEVER play this a second time, the text is slow as hell, the forced unskippable mini cutscenes are not fun to have to sit through everyt single time you fail. add a skip cutscene button dang.

Review by user210

Version reviewed: 5.1.1 on 04/11/2024

Good story of corruption and heroism. Only problem is that there are tons of short endings and they get tiring to get, you will have to give up again and again. Anyways, you are a novice Vampire Huntress whose deepest fantasy is to become a vampire and corrupt humans. You can have a full on heroic path with tons of short endings in 5 chapter story or become a Vampire at chapter 3 and take that route.

Nevertheless, one of the best corruption game on the site. Easy 9/10.

Review by TheMagicalGurl

Version reviewed: 5.1.1 on 11/16/2023

Wonderfully done game with alot of good things going for it and an example of how you can maximize RPGM to look good, but Vampire Mila is something I need in life.

Review by cryofpaine

Version reviewed: 4.1.2 on 01/25/2022

There was a game that I played as a kid, Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness. This really reminds me of that. (I replayed it recently on Steam, what a blast from the past.) I bring this up because this could easily be mistaken for a 30 year old AAA game. 

The story is amazing. If anything, it's TOO good. :D The characters are deep and engaging, and I felt bad for every innocent victim I had to put down to progress the story. Losing is a blast though, and the artwork is beautiful. There are hours of content - I made it up to nearly 20 in my last playthrough, and there was still more to do.

The game ran without any problems, though I did get a strange popup error dialog everytime I start it up. Something about a profile error. It doesn't stop the game from running though, so I just close it and move on. (version 4.1.2) 

Review by AloneTaco

Version reviewed: 4.1.2 on 01/22/2022

Love the art

Love the amount of transformations. 

Love the gameplay.

Sounds are really good.

Musics are nice for the few unique ones there are.

Game is kind of short and I want it to stay that way because shorter = less to add = completed sooner = Off of complete story and complete game. Why? Cause I'm tired of waiting for 99% of everything I read/watch/ play to be completed.

Story is a love hate relationship with me. It's good, except that it's bad because it's not finished and could not have chosen a worse time to leave a cliffhanger on vampire AND hunter routes both... All downhill, no satisfying parts whatsoever, I feel like I'm reading a hentai Berserk manga except vampires... well I kinda exaggerated but you get the point.

Hate how mc kills "monsters" like 9/10 times she could have easily saved or helped instead.

Hate how incompetence is a part of plot. Like "oh the people we're supposed to protect Ima just conveniently go on a potty break in another city real quick"

(spoiler ahead btw)




Hate how it has literal devil worship in one of the important plots so that you don't even want to lose there no matter even though your literal best friend becomes one of them. Like regular vampire? Ok I'd join my best friend... but best friend that became a satanist vampire???? You really making me have to choose that to get an ending with her???

Total Games: 2,269
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,557
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,072,915

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