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Public Update 3
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Cloud Maiden

Cloud Maiden

Click this link to play the Online Version (Public v0.3)

Public Offline Versions are available for Windows, macOS and Linux (see tab on the left)

Backers Releases and Android Apps may be found on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/loganscodini

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Dream Therapy



The warm crimson rays of the setting sun tickle your bare skin as you slowly awaken, only to realize that you have been transformed into a sensual Nymph!

You can’t even remember your name, and stand stuck with amnesia inside the Sky Tower, a tall Castle which serves as an exclusive entertainment center for the powerful figures of the Realms. The Sorceress Zelana, who rules the area, has thus appointed you as a Cloud Maiden – a courtesan tasked with pleasing the guests of the Citadel.

Will you manage to discover your real identity and break the Transformation Spell, or will you remain forever a submissive attendant of the Sky Tower?


About the game

Cloud Maiden is an Adventure Game for adults which combines the Gamebook storyline format with images and short animations. It features relaxed gameplay without any “Game Over” possible, and a flexible interface intended for PC and mobile devices (an Android App is available for Backers Releases).

It is loosely based in the universe of Concubine and mostly features submissive positions for the player, though you will sometimes be able to “take the lead” and have romantic interactions.


Dream Therapy

Dream Therapy


Public Updates:

- v0.3: Initial Public Release.

Dream Therapy

Dream Therapy

Dream Therapy

Review by HDGoat

Version reviewed: Public Update 3 on 04/25/2019

Kind wish there was more of this game with less of that other issue....is a king or prince in this story,


I am not sure only "game" I saw on here was that gambling casino not very helpful is there any charts tells you if you win anything??


need a mini map help get us around so I entertained there risk my character that I don't create myself get raped by something plant, animal or guard.

Group sex parties would entertaining to see but I don't think that will occur...currently...


Other "issue" I had is why not let her keep her chastity wouldn't her value increase...make her willing to broken in increase by male party?

Review by losdia

Version reviewed: Public Update 3 on 12/02/2018

This is a new personal favorite. Easily the most visually impressive game I've seen in a while. Very well done fantasy 3D video scenes make this a stand out. 

Now the downside; this is clearly not even close to finished. Minor things like an entire RPG system that doesn't have stats implemented yet and an equipment system without, you know, any actual equipable items yet. What story is there is very interesting, but there isn't a lot of it. The first quest isn't finished yet, which was incredibly frustrating considering how much effort/luck is involved in getting to the goal only to get an "end of content" message. The currency exchange system, which is mostly necessary to use, is a little annoying for how much grinding it requires with a gambling mini-game.

All that said? This is so worth it for the 9-ish completed sex scenes. 

I'm really looking forward to a more complete release. 

Review by obsidian

Version reviewed: Public Update 3 on 12/01/2018

Looks beautiful so far, but content appears limited at this point.

Total Games: 2,269
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,552
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,072,349

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