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DEMO Factions: Crystals of Control

For those that have played/read all my massive interactive transformation, corruption, mind control and more novels- the time has finally come!  After years of building up a huge amount of lore as a foundation- I am releasing my first ever video game!  Be advised, this is a rough draft, bare-bones, proof-of-concept demo, built by me and my programmer, BlankSubroutine.  So, if you are one of my fans, or even if you are new to the dark, gritty Anaxverse, this fun little match three demo might make for a fine Halloween treat!


In the demo, you can only choose to play as Dion, Chieko, or Justine from my novels (you can find them all here)


-but in the full game someday, you will be able to be male or female, and likely even have male to female transformations, as that is the entire point of the game!  The dark factions from my world are vying for power, and you can beat them- but the trick is to fulfill the requirements to CONVERT them.  Robots, vampires, aliens, demons, and more, just like in my novels, you must corrupt and change your enemy into your own minion!


Watch my YouTube video (it does have closed captioning on it) to learn more or download and try it out!



Known Issues:
Resizing the window outside of the expected aspect ratio (16:9) may cause problems.
A board with no valid moves can occur, and there is currently no detection/resolution. (Future versions will reshuffle the board if this happens)
Some buttons in combat can be mashed before their effects complete.

If you do happen to review this, please read the post on the TF Games forums for more details about known issues and future ideas for a full game.  This is ONLY a proof of concept demo.  It is rough, not polished!  So, please review it for what it is.  One could maybe think of it as an alpha version of the full game, but this project is complete.  I have to pay Blank from now on in order to make the real game, so if you support me on Patreon, that will help reach my goal.  All my income that I live off is made on Patreon, so if I can't pay him, then our community will at least have this small match three game demo, I suppose!


Also, now a Linux and Mac version available for download!

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