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Version: 0.0.4

Version: 0.0.3

Version: 0.0.1

Ednura's Guide to the Races

Some crazy shiz happened and now there are random animal people and other non-humans about. You've been contracted to go study them. But don't study them too much. Or do, if that's your thing.


Game is very early in development. 

Following Quagg's review, I found and fixed what bugs were mentioned (unsure about change sticking bug, will have to continue testing, perhaps the other bugs were getting in the way). Horse Prostitute should now correctly offer every guy options.


Redid most of the core programming to streamline things a bit using better techniques and data structures. Set up framework for more future options. Added a few more scenes.


Fixed bathroom glitch. Added a little more content.

Review by Quagg

Version reviewed: 0.0.3 on 05/18/2024

This is the first review I've ever written here, so please forgive me if I miss a few things. First off, I'm writing this as I play through the first time to give my most genuine impressions. Any bugs I find and debug I'll gladly document here as I go through, along with whatever fix worked. I won't bother with correcting grammar, since I'm sure others will be able to do that, or just a pass-through Grammarly or some other free software. There will invariably be spoilers in here, fair warning.


First off, the game engine, Twine 2's Harlowe 3 engine, 3.3.8 specifically, the default Twine story format. For personal ease of use reasons I'm very much not a fan of this engine, mostly because while you can still press tab to cycle between clickable buttons, I prefer to be able to play one-handedly (haha masturbation joke), and Harlowe (every version, not just 3) makes that a pain, because, unlike SugarCube, Harlowe doesn't support pressing space to "click" a button, you have to press enter, which is an annoying stretch across the keyboard, covering part of the screen with my hand to press the button, or just manually using the mouse instead of my preferred full keyboard-only play. My only other complaint with Harlowe is the lack of console access to in-game variables since I'm at heart, a cheater. This means for easy access to be able to play around with stuff like unlimited money or whatever in these Harlowe games, I have to take them into Twinery and add a scope escalation script into their JS. Again, this is just a personal complaint with Harlowe being the choice of engine, not the game itself. Besides cheating, it makes working around any bugs a lot easier, being able to quickly check the source to see what the bug is, and either edit whatever variable is causing it, or just edit the source and reload the page.


Now, onto the actual game itself. Very barebones at the moment, opening the game gives a black screen with a sparse start menu. Play Game starts the game, so I'll go from there. Choose a game file, okay so there are built-in save games, good to know since Harlowe doesn't have that by default, it's a built in feature, but the devs have to implement the save and load menus, instead of the default save/load menu of SugarCube built into every story. Not a fan of the lack of Back and Forward buttons, as with console access to variables, that's another very helpful tool for dealing with and finding bugs. it also makes it so that when I misclick and accidentally give my character a vagina, I have to close the whole page and reopen the game, since simply reloading doesn't lose the session state. Either having a back button on character creation or enabling the default one would be massively helpful for debugging, and just general play. Now that the SE hack is in and the sidebar display none CSS is removed, I can actually comfortably get into the game.


Standard intro sequence, lots of reveal text to fit what feels like multiple passages into a single one. Okay, so our job is to study and breed with other races, fun. Seems character creation is slightly randomized, for instance, height medium for a man can be between 5 to 6 feet, plus between 0 and 8 inches, oddly meaning that 5'9"-5'11" can't be generated. 


Seems our first species to interact with are horses, the Equineze. Since we're learning about their culture I decided to start with the Saloon, got myself a drink for $2 (what it doesn't tell you is that you start with $500, money and stuff like a basic appearance button would be nice to have on the sidebar), and went to watch the show in the Saloon. From there, I followed the woman when she offered some extra fun afterward, but despite having the money and prices listed, the only options for the prostitute were "Not interested" and "I'm broke", so seems paying her isn't yet in. Next up, Sherriff's office, thinking there may be some cultural faux pas or legalities around here to watch out for. Not implemented yet, but that's okay, very new game. The Stable was next and seemed to just be watching the men work, which gets the other part of your job here done. I also met Jenny, a Donkeze woman who likes watching the men work. From there, I checked the General Store, and it being unimplemented, headed back to my apartment.


In the apartment, you get the option to write up an entry about what you've learned at your desk, earning (for me) $220, totaling now $718. There's also a bathroom, which gives a basic description of you, and your wardrobe, to change clothes in, going more in-depth than the basic outfit selector from earlier. You also have a bed to sleep in, and a shelf, which contains pictures of everyone you've had sex with, as well as a checklist of all sex scenes and a button that speeds pregnancies up. Finally, we get our first opportunity to save the game.  Quickly leaving the apartment, it seems there's a new location open, the Mall, which just has a few clothes we can buy that would've been given to the opposite gender on start.


An interesting first day in the game finished, I headed back home for a good night's rest, saved the game, and will now only list anything important instead of most everything. Going to the stable again revealed Jenny's secret spot to watch the workers. Flirting with her instead of watching the workers was cute. Taking a pic of her changing in the back of the general store gets her to understand you do find her attractive. back in her secret spot you can show her the picture and get an unwritten sex scene. The number displayed is a roll of the dice for pregnancy. A few days later she tells you she's pregnant and either you're happy, in which case she optionally moves in with you, or you're unhappy, in which case she dies. The whore in the Saloon seems to be implemented, but for some reason beyond mortal ken doesn't have sex options if you're a man who isn't muscular. Seems that her sex scenes are the only source of TF at the moment. (I've since learned of other TF sources, all are horse, but I didn't find them in my hour or so casual exploration)

From here on out are bugs I've found, and the fixes I've used.

Jenny never stops being pregnant and gives birth infinitely, in the birth passage, $donkey_preg_track and $donkey_preg_on are set to 0, the correct vars are $donkeynerd_preg_on and $donkeynerd_preg_track. 

The whore doesn't have sex with non-muscular men. Manually changed my size to be muscular instead of average, this requires the aforementioned scope escalation hack, or just copying most of the muscular second visit code into the average man code since the prices and links are all the same.

Handjobs display both the male and female text, a closing square bracket is missing at the very end of the passage to fix that. Eating her out has the same issue, a missing square bracket, this time after the flee link.

TF's don't take hold unless you flee for some reason, if you just continue eating out the whore after getting a horse face, it magically reverts off screen unless you flee. You also don't unlock the clinic unless you flee.

Buying clothes always errors because you're adding an array to a dataset, changing the a in (a: "bra") for example to ds, as in (ds: "bra"), will fix the issue.

The medical clinic searches for your parts via the description datamap, while they're stored in the changers datamap. Switching each of those from description to changers fixes that issue. The medical clinic also has no exit, meaning you're trapped in that dialogue as soon as you enter it.


I've enjoyed this so far, it's very short and very sparse, but it's definitely going to be something to watch and come back to later. I won't bother with a numerical rating, the text of this should be enough for anyone reading.

Review by BlueMoon

Version reviewed: 0.0.2 on 09/04/2018

There's a lot of potential here, but very, very little content. This is a game I'm going to be keeping my eye on in the future, but there's barely anything there right now.

Review by Bubblewumbo

Version reviewed: 0.0.2 on 09/04/2018

To the comments that says that leaves them to the document but not allowing them to download: there's a small icon that allows the download: http://prntscr.com/kqhmtr
You are welcome, and next time don't go like blind monkeys, you have a brain and eyes, use them!


As for the game, is just the barebones, it requires a lot more... try to add a little more content before uploading it

Review by scaily

Version reviewed: 0.0.2 on 09/04/2018

would love to try it but it when clicking to download it jsut takes tothe document not the actuly game its self

Review by coolmira12

Version reviewed: 0.0.1 on 09/04/2018

It har a good and promising start

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