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Version: 1.3

The M.A.R.E. Project

Play at: https://chyoa.com/story/The-M-A-R-E--Project.59846 (Twine version will be once I have several paths finished)

The fictional story of Mind.Alteration.Repurpose.Enslavement program features stories of various individuals who either consensually or unknowingly enter the program. In this 'reality' an 'evil' mega-corporation called Slut.co has a monopoly on the global market and government of a mostly anthropomorphic population due to genetic manipulation. It has recently started to allow its customers to custom order actual mail-order-brides, tailored to their every desire. Your choices matter and will lead you down one path or another including 'bad ends' depending on your perspective. Will you overthrow the corporation, become a member or will your life be repurposed? The story will give you hints/foreshadowing where it can so you can make the best choices or avoid certain fetishes and consequences. However, it is trying to steer you on a path of 'corruption'.


A fairly lengthy introduction with minimal smuttiness is available now, I will continue to update it throughout the week(s) to come.
You can read it here:
(You don't need an account but doing so grants you neat features and it's free).

So what's new?
I've added quite a few chapters and tweaked the original text here and there.
In this platform, it's easier to see which chapters you've already read, and which are unexplored.

It also allows readers to submit their own chapters for review that I can authorize for publishing thus allowing multiple writers to expand each branch if they so desire.

As mentioned before there is an option to do a sort of roleplay with me and create your own character, these will be their own individual stories with their own rules.

Review by newsbox

Version reviewed: 0.1.2 on 05/25/2020

Found these in the forum


Download link is


Decryption key is



At this time not much to see, clearly more was planned but not filled out.

Review by Mr.E

Version reviewed: 0.1.2 on 11/25/2018

IF this is 25% complete on the said routes, then this is gonna be short and suck big dinosaur balls... this is just 2.1% complete at most

Review by Excanda

Version reviewed: 0.1.2 on 08/05/2018

It looks interesting (especially the halloween version) but it is still way to short. You can only get about 5 or 6 pages deep.

I look forward to more, also I hope to see more then top or bottom heavy as both don't really do it for me.

Review by Elaine28

Version reviewed: 0.1.2 on 07/30/2018

I hope to see more in the future from this game, I love it so far, just wish it was longer lol, but no worries, I hope the top heavy gets a huge chunk and then the broodmother figure gets implemented soon with a nice big chunk to see what it'll look like, keep up the good work Aeylin, loving the whole Mare thing too, love Anthros, especially Equine Females :D

Review by xkira1995

Version reviewed: 0.1.2 on 07/29/2018

Too many dead ends for a game with no back button. =(

Total Games: 2,269
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,552
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
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