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Game Information
Release Date
Last Update
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes

Version: 2.5

Version: 2.2

Sissy Adventures

Live as a sissy harlot

 The mega links always take you to the latest version of the game

 Links under 'Downloads'





Instructions to download as zip file:

All the links direct to the folder where its always the latest and up to date. The version in the "mega" folder is always the latest one.



Only the html file needs to be redownloaded.

v 1.7 download the html file and the dc folder. the rest of the image folders are unchanged

1.4 update only the html file needs to be re-downloaded if you already have the imagepack. 

Start as a sissy. Earn money to be able to change back and forth at will with the X-Change Pill.



Mom's boyfriend


One night stands

And some more!

Roomate can be found in the gym showers after visting a few times



See how many men you can go through once you know each of their weaknesses.


5 weaknesses randomly assigned to each of the 5 different types of men you'll find in the small town of Karis.
Only use 'perform' for item usage.Use technique for sexual move weaknesses and item -> perform for item weaknesses.


New settings slider bars

New phone system. How the player aquires item has been reworked (may go back to the way things initially were)

Phone system (No quests yet)

Changelog is also in the html file in game (not always updated)


Strip club mini game



New way of putting on clothes 

Bug fixes (thanks  HiEv and Elune and everyone else in the thread for helping to bring them to my attention


New expansion back to game to the virtual reality device (wip)


new content found after purchasing and using the virtual reality machine

(re download the "dc" folder and the .html file. zip files havent been updated yet!)

bug fixes
-no back button on computer game
-no return school flirt
-multiple error displays in school
gameplay (all wip)
added flirt interaction with classmates before school
stained clothes imagery (just bottom half for now, mostly)
added computer gameplay for some money
increased cost of going to school marginally (can be avoided)
added a faster way to go to sleep with a nightie on (wake up earlier, more time in the day)
-added time limit to end game (5 weeks)

all brought to my attention
-fixed wrong display for clinic treatment cooldown
-fixed nails showing incorrectly
-fixed roommate nails interaction not being triggered
-fixed laundromat cleaning clothes

-bar background


added bar scene mini game
added more work scenes and improved on secretary task
added more images via hot links (no need to download new image pack for this update)
added negotiate mechanic to clothing shop

-fixed nails passage not displaying correctly
-fixed If you use glasses while whoring on the street then it will disappear but you cannot buy new ones.
-fixed stripclub error message
-added closing tag in moms bf passage
-fixed hormone player passage not adding bimbo correctly
-fixed walk event where player choices lead no where
- fixed Stuck on Error: the passage "This slightly bothers you" does not exist


-added more settings like background color and font location
-added toggle for two to three columns when displaying long lists (wip)

1.4 update only the html file needs to be re-downloaded if you already have the imagepack. 





-gas station can "overcum" you now

-new roommate scenes while asleep

-new boyfriend catching you in moms room scenes with cum on clothes kink

-all new laundromat room area working alongside all new cum on clothes mechanic.

-laundromat scenes

-working with background imagery on certain passages

-many new hotlinked photos. some new added photos

-added cum getting on clothes to old events

-cum on accessories also available but only possible in very limited areas at the moment

-added (buggy :( ) skip mirror option 

 -added bg-color settings 

bug fixes:

-player.money bug in walk event

-roommate rent doubling bug

-possible to pass text now without cheating/studying (bug didnt allow you to pass without cheating) 




added weakness system to Karis. (see walkthrough / ask on forums for more information)

-fixed gas station gloryhole error message

-fixed computer error message

-fixed buttplug loop when ordering from amazon

-fixed wrong accessories showing up

-added gym outfit / bottled water bonuses to gym squat workout

-added more clarification in some vague areas (follower count, gym gains number.)

-fixed certain gym images blocking link visibility

-added high score stat counting men bowled over in karis

-increased money gained in Karis

-Added a link to get handcuffs back from bug where handcuffs dissapear from player inventory

WIP- rework item usage in Karis





Fixed item images slashes not working

Fixed game looping in Karis


Added a a downtown called Karis (which should be familiar to some of you from 'Escort Dreams'. Plan to flesh out the big city more in the futre)
Added a "engagement" system for sex scenes at Karis
More images will be increasingly hotlinked to the web to keep file download size down
Fixed the text when changing setting options from being unreadable
New items available to be used during the players foray into Karis


Fixing the broken parts of the newly added 1.05

Fixed palindrome game not working properly.
Made smart pills make the clinic trials trivially easier. (higher bimbo makes them harder to accomplish)
Added various new photos/various bug fixes
Added new walk home event
Added new Sunday event
Added new gas station event
Made requirements easier to take clinical trial
Added new roommate events (nails and gym scene)
Moved Pong game to center of screen
Added new computer scene and redid computer scene background
Added the beginning of buttplugs (Buttplug for now can just be worn for added bimbo score. Order yours online by evil drone today)
Added new passage (Backroom at strip club)



fixed truancy not showing up until work is made available
you can go to class before taking the exam on wednesday for added chance



halved bimbo gain in many places
fixed location costs not substracting correctly
reworked clinical trial money gain
made some travel more consistent in time cost
made some travel faster
added School location with school scene, study buddy scene, and professor scene



bug fixes


Clinic trials (mini-games) for $

new images

very minor new events



reworked gas station scenes/text
player should be able to not be late for work if he arrives early. (no longer have to leave, then show up late)
increased bimbo costs of many events
added more very minor bimbo gains to certain events

minor image updates to house/gym/shower

rebalanced money gain in gas station gloryhole


wip (magazines (still),third roommate,timed events)



removed broken rent gameplay mechanic and simplified it for now.
fixed broken work/negotiate pay raise mechanics and totally broken pay raises
fixed photos not showing up
fixed accessories mechanic to lay the groundwork for more bimbo raising accessories
increased bimbo gain slightly and raised bimbo requirements to unlock certain events

added bimbo costs to certain events


wip (magazines,rent,more accessories,work events/tasks)



fixed strip club being broken 


added roommate (gym showers)

fixed nightie

fixed work pay being broken (work is a necessity now as player can no longer start stripping until more conditions are met)

rebalanced work pay

fixed typos/return loops

fixed permanent game over situations from occuring (No money to travel, no money for rent no longer end the game)




broke and fixed work pay not working
fixed time not moving forward during gas station scenes
fixed already worked bug when player had not worked

version .75

fixed white space issues. images/videos should no longer display white space.

fixed gym and coworker sex scenes.

tiny-tits fixed. 

fixed second onkeydown event missing ; at the end (

 added pills taken today under stats




fixed bugs from .71




fixed the bugs found from .7

hormone system reworked. the more pills you take out over a spread period of time mean more pronounced changes

the more pills you take out over a smaller period of time mean faster but not as pronounced changes

missing a daily dosage sets you back

overdosing is extremely costly, literally.



minor bug/UI fixes and a few images added (clinic, clinic ad, gym shower images, new gym / dream images

reworked hormone pills (added functionaity to them,careful not to overdose!)

reworked forced sleep

(cam show for the player)

added player skill and player crotch size (not much to either of these yet )

strip club bug where stripping too late into the night means missing the change of the next day
tazer set to out of stock

tweaked shower camming money earned values(and couple of new shower images)

Version .65

fixed glasses/lipstick thing
fixed shower not working after camera broke
fixed shower empty space
gloryhole link
added line breaks for readability
reworked alarm system values





accessories, revamped clothes. added some coworker scenes



boss scene

wearable lipstick


player can no longer increase / decrease body dimensions beyond limits
added flash scene to bus ride
added negotiate pay raise at boss's office


bug fixes in installing web cam to spy on mother at the computer passage 


Added cost,cooldown, and visual effect changes to the Clinic treatments available. 




Added electronics store/computer/bathroom


Player webcam

Mom webcam options/sex scene images

(more feminization stuff in progress)


fixed condition checking if work clothes were on.

Made clothing system multi part. Clothing modifies bimbo score which brings in more or less money depending on your job(to be expanded)
Added clinic option to change player
Gym now changes player butt type


Show money gained from last passage
Fixed nightie not advaning day when worn to sleep


added user Image size setting 

Added pill selling event on day 6
Fixed clinic interaction
Made inventory neater




Reworked the clothing system to single item clothing. May add combination outfits in the future



Updated how to wear workoutfit:

Lowered font size by 33%

Fixed Strip Club scene (must be wearing strip club outfit)


Review by DiaperedJasmin

Version reviewed: 2.5 on 12/08/2023

Mega is not very strict on what you upload there,... But the download was removed and the uploader was banned for uploading that content... It must contain illegal things...

Review by Red-XIII

Version reviewed: 2.5 on 06/12/2019

This is one of those rare cases where the 1st impression was so bad that I didn't bother giving it a real chance.

Doesn't take long to see where all the complaints from the other reviewers are coming from and to lose all doubt about their validity.

If this was cooking I would say that you're wasting food.

The game just drops the player in the middle of “do whatever” without giving any sort of direction.

PC's reasons are unspecified, PC's character is undefined, PC's immediate next step is up in the air.

While there are a game design approaches that actually pull those kinds of stunts deliberately, 85+ % of the times where there's more than one of them you can be sure that it's a blunder and NOT a calculated move. We get all 3 of them.

Add all the interface shenanigans to the picture and suddenly you're even less likely to believe in the author's game designing prowess.

The "game" gives a VERY strong impression of author not caring about the quality of their work. That, or they just don't understand what differentiates good quality from abysmal quality. If it's the former I'd advise to start taking this seriously, if it's the later I'd advise dropping it altogether - if that's the real extent of your skill then you'd need Naturo-grade determination to get from that bad to just plain average.

Yes, this is harsh, but this is NOT an overstatement. (IMHO)

I dunno, MAYBE I judged this too soon and thus too harsh, MAYBE there's was an engaging story or gameplay just a few clicks away and MAYBE the whole horrible presentation was just a hastily made placeholder which really should not be used to judge the author's skills and the quality of his game, but from the looks of it those “maybes” weren't worth putting a click on, and I'm not seeing any reviews that would give me a reason to think otherwise either.

Review by BgCntry

Version reviewed: 2.5 on 06/07/2019

Even the new update hasn't corrected the bugginess that was present before.  I really want to like this a lot, but still having too many issues.

Still quite buggy.  Even if you take a pill the day before you are told that you didn't so you can't progress with doing the special experiment at the clinic.  I find this to have all kinds of potential, but there are too many issues that are still here.  Looking forward to how it progresses.


Review by manarak

Version reviewed: 2.5 on 06/07/2019

the game could be interesting, yet it is still riddled with so much bugs and a messy interface that it puts me off from playing.

I hope the author puts more work into the interface.

EDIT: the interface is still horrible (colors), messy and buggy :-(

Review by pingguo

Version reviewed: 2.2 on 03/17/2019

This is another game that goes with the popular sissy trend on this site lately... and it received subpar likes comparing to its rivals with a similar theme. Here are the reasons why:

1) The author had no idea about what's mean by GUI. It started off with an image so big it didn't fit with a standard screen. When I went to the setting menu, I was allowed to change the size of that image to 1/15 of the original size which was so small that I couldn't figure out the detail, 1/12 of the original size, 1/13 of the original size or 1/14 of the original size, in that order. You wouldn't have a guess which one was bigger or smaller unless you try them out one by one. There was also nothing in between. You either had an images of 2 feet wide that didn't fit on your screen, or an image of 2 inches wide that was so small you couldn't see a thing.

2) Buggy... wait. I mean the author had no idea. I started the game. It said that I had roommates on the right menu. It said that I had no roommates on the main body... If the game couldn't work out left and right itself, I wondered how I would be able to do so. I then went on with the options of the day... and went confused in a few seconds. Did I start off with any clothes at all? Am I supposed to go naked to the street to buy some clothes? Wait, a few clicks and my avatar was suddenly on the street... how did he get there?

3) Art Design. The author tried to design using ###, +++ and -> and messed up quite a bit. I'd rather want it neat and clean. When I was on the street in the game, I was shown an action menu, over a street background picture with so many colours that I couldn't read anything.

What I said might sound harsh, but I would suggest the author to try to stick with plain text formatting for now. GUI, art and design could wait... and that version be better changed to 0.22 instead of 2.2. It would make people like me a lot more forgiving. Versioning over 1 usually means that the game is finished and playable, which is not the case of this game.

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