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Game Information
Release Date
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Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes

Version: 0.12.1

The Sissy Girlfriend Experiment



The Sissy Girlfriend Experiment is an erotic game with erotic text and images. It also contains the following themes: Forced transformation, M2F, Femdom, Cuckold (optional), Cumplay (optional), BSDM (optional), Sissy, Anal sex, Group sex, and oral sex. If this kind of content isn’t allowed in your country or you find it offensive, please, stop right here. The game is still in EA, some features may change.

- Keep in mind that this is an early version and it will improve/change over the next version.
- The game will always be for free. Patreons have early access (one month earlier than the free version). They'll pick the next updates

- If you load an old save game, it's possible you may have some problems with the code.
- See changelog for updates.

This game will always be free, but if you can, please support me. Your support will allow me to create more content and updates.

About updates: Free update will happen by the end of the month with new content and images. Join my discord to meet other players, report bugs and to know about updates: https://discord.gg/YEwFQYD

You will start as a male character living with your sister or stepsister. During one evening you will meet a woman who becomes your girlfriend. The story goes on and you will notice something: it's not a usual relationship. You can count on your friend (cis-male, cis-female, or trans-female) to help you through your journey. Become a sex slave or a dominatrix. Maybe you will suit better as a husband? Or maybe as the perfect wife? How about becoming a prostitute? Choices matter, take different paths, use an assistant to help you through your goal, and during this journey, meet new characters with their own stories. Help them or make their life harder. Really, it's all up to you.

There's no walkthrough, but there's a help system for most parts and assistants to help you reach your goals.

- 112 new passages
- 114 new images
- After dealing with your former mistress, you can relax and travel with your new friend/lover. Take a 2-day train journey, meeting different people, until you arrive at a Mountain Resort. After a few days, enjoy an opera and face your destiny.

Patreon Gold Request:
- Sexy corset and Leggings added to Wild Snu Snu.

- External link for bug reporting form. To make your life easier and mine as well.

- Bathroom missing frame.
- Carlos profile showing after sissy school.
- Danna's message showing up while using time travel.
- DB LVL4 issue, showing before you could finish the main story events.
- Maid warning while you have a guest, but not a maid hired.
- Nails issue during Master/Mistress Online where you could get away without doing your nails.
- Notification about name changing.
- Save and Reload are back in the top menu (just in case).
- SOON image issue while having a guest.

- Hotfix: Fixed issue where the right menu disappears with the 'Quick Skills' activated.

New right side menu:
- 44 character's profile: Most of the game's main characters have a profile describing your interaction with them so far, making it easy to find out where your saved game left you.
- 58 titles and achievements: Mix titles and customize your character while you unlock them playing the story or maximizing skills.
- Schedule: You can check now what main events are coming in the next two days to figure out your choices better.
- Skills Quick access: You can still access your profile to view your full info, but you can also leave quick access open on the right bar to check your skills.
- Patreon Pack V4 support: Support to enable the latest Patreon Supporter Pack.

Patreon Gold request:
- A new Latex Boot is available at the Mall/Femme Desire.

Patreon Diamond request:
- Three new events variation while standing against the course's Bully and kicking him in the nuts.

- Downtown: You need to go downtown to change your name for 50$.
- Inventory: You can access it and use it any time.
- New trophies on the PC wall (replacing old plaques) and desk deco.

- Short green hair showing as pink.
- Endless loop while picking Stella's side against The Dean.
- Limited DB Tasks until you develop early GF/Mistress story to avoid breaking other parts.
- Mrs Dee dialogue when you haven't talked about certain subjects with her.
- Tattoo's tokens are now working properly.
- You can apply hair again at the Salloon after you complete the first part of the GF/Mistress story.
- The Bazaar UI is fixed. More clothes can be sold.

- 127 new passages
- 99 new images
- Danna plays her part during the Cis-male and Cis-female BF. Every meeting/date once you've dumped your mistress will offer an option to be with her. Unlike other cheating options, meeting Danna won't screw your relationship with your lover, but there are consequences. Tonya is there too, helping Danna to make MC's life harder.
- New option during the honeymoon: At a certain point, Danna will make a proposal that will allow you to go to the endgame, working for Tiffany at NewSiSco.

- Patreon Gold Request:
A new dress is available at the Mall/Femme Desire.

- The chastity device won't be deleted if you change your penis to a vagina. For those with this issue, you can buy a new one for 5$ at the Wild Snu Snu.
- The Direktor DB task: Anal skill(25) will work properly.
- Small typo.

- Hotfix: Adv. Skill decrease removed. Notes: Sometimes the developer makes mistakes regarding the concept of fun. Sorry!

- 161 new passages
- 230 new images

Downtown Update:
- Goddess' Temple: Praise the Goddess and become her servant. Do rituals, help with the sermons, gather ingredients, and learn more about this unusual cult. Get initiated by a former boss. Increase your faith and grow in their ranks. Deal with the unholy ones and see where it takes you.

- Upper Floor: A new floor is available above the Arcade (available after you complete the Secretary job). Get trained by a professional Domme and do impossible things with rough clients.

- XXX Theater: New cabins with new strippers. Unlock familiar faces once you've completed their roles in the story. New options: Angelique, Stepsister pornstar, Sheyla from the Gym, Stella from the Course, and Tonya from your Trans BF weekend. Angelique will attend a few sessions during a movie, maybe you could join her?

- Whores: Are you done with Charlotte? How about two new whores to explore your experience? Meet Bianka and Elysa. Are you worthy of them? Please them all to have a group time with the three.

- Cursed Old movie: There's an old room at the XXX Theater which nobody dares to enter. They say it's haunted and a cursed movie will melt your brain. Watch the movie, get cursed and learn the story behind this object.

- Clinic: Talk to Doctor Page: Exchange points for better ones.
- You can exchange your Evil points (25) for one Dominance point.
- You can exchange your Good points (25) for one Submissive point.
- You can exchange your Humiliation points (10) for 9 Good points.

- Clinical Trials: Butt, Chest, and Cunt can be changed back again once you reach maximum points. You won't get your catalyst back.

- Locked dick image while unlocked when caught by the maid.
- Two missing images for Patreon content dresses.
- A bunch of reported typos.
- Adv. Skills to profile and skill decay.

- 257 new passages
- 168 new images

- IT sector: From time to time, NewSiSco will have some issues IT related. It's your job as the boss' assistant to go there and get things done. Meet It Girl, a nice and fun lady, but a bit lonely too. Is it a good idea to spend time with her?

- IT girl: Experience different interactions and events as your friendship develops during weekend meetings.

- NewSiSco Volunteer's work: As the new company's policy is to help society, you can join a few volunteers' work to give it back. Of course, if you're too serious (meaning, you have most of your uniform) you won't have too much fun. Or, you can just skip it... List of jobs:

Volunteer: Sex Workers
Volunteer: Sperm Bank
Volunteer: Single Cocks
Volunteer: Senior Pornstars
Volunteer: Dog Lover
Volunteer: Sissy School
Volunteer: Political Scandal
Volunteer: Erectile Dysfunction
Volunteer: Cleaning The Woods
Volunteer: Homeless Shelter

- New SiSco Bully (still working on it): If people find you too serious, you will get in trouble, (meaning, you have most of your uniform), get ready to deal with different bullies as they show up at weekend events. Get IT's help to deal with them and bring their names to HR

- NewSiSco instructions: HR made available a few instructions explaining a few things about the company. They might come in handy.

- NewSiSco Sport's weekend: The company has a football team that sucks... They need people to improve their morale and help them after the match. Are you one of them? After a while, the league will end, giving the spot to something else.

- NewSiSco Ultimate Fucking: Get in a ring with special gear and fight different opponents to bring glory to your office! Or just be a major failure. Can you win 5 consecutive fights? Or can you lose 5?

- Images for genitals punishment
- Icon for female security


- 341 new passages
- 196 new images
- End-game: New 'SiS' Co. - Start as an assistant working for Tiffany or your Mistress/GF (based on previous choices). Monday to Friday.
- Security: Each day passes by a security fellow who can be a guy, a woman, or a robot. Interactions change according to your outfit.
- Boss' needs: What does your boss want today? Do it right and get a treat, do it wrong and get punished!
- 20 daily tasks, 11 rewards, 20 punishments (10 regular, 10 fetish based)
- New 'SiS' Lab: Each week has a new subject to create in this lab. Do it right to get your boss' approval and have some fun testing the subject. A strange woman hangs in there giving you weird advice.
- 15 different subjects to be created.
- New 'SiS' Lab end-game: Once you deal with the subjects you'll have access to advanced research, unlocking advanced skills to be tested in the future.
- 8 new advanced skills and 10 random events.
- HR: Get your payment or your outfit back. Change security or have some small talk with this nice lady.
- 24 random hallway events (10 regular, 14 fetish, and outfit based)

- Updated avatars: Barry, Carlos, Danna, Dean, Female Dom, Ella, GF/Mistress, Goth Girl, Hank, Janitor, Layla, Mark, Sandra, Sister/Stepsister, Tiffany.
- New SiS cuckpath with good endings leads now to the end-game as well. Other paths will show a warning.

- Option to enable Patreon V3 items.

- Issue where you could talk to Gabby, Libby, or Victoria at the Closet, even when they were gone.

- Issue when leaving the Dark Alley
- Issue (setting 'A2')

- 161 new images
- 262 new passages
- New job: Secretary - Work as a secretary in a shared office (A Doctor and a Lawyer). Learn about your bosses' secrets, deal with clients and the delivery guy. Five possible endings for this job.
- New place: Downtown - Spend your time doing naughty things, meeting new people, and having a new job.
- XXX Theater: Have sexual encounters during a session, test your skills and experience in an advanced Gloryhole, or use one of the wank cabins to watch a live model.
- Old Arcade: Play against three high-score players betting other things than money or try your skills in the Dark Sex Arcade.
- Dark Alley: It's fast and easy to get to Downtown, but it takes one hour to leave. There's a shortcut to leave Downtown: The Dark Alley, aka Hooker's Alley. Don't be a threat to them and everything will be fine. Fuck whores or fight them
- Charlotte the hooker: Downtown offers new experiences, try your luck with an experienced hooker, but first, you will have to prove yourself to her 'assistant'.

- Tiffany Bimbo's path triggers old events when using time travel.

- Event at gym's female bathroom will recur less often.
- Menu order outside the house (alphabetical).
- Spa option shows under bathroom (Gym).


- 166 new passages
- 113 new images
- 5 new DB tasks for Human Dog
- 5 new BD tasks for Tattoo artist
- New job: Sex Ed. Teacher - Requires real sexual experience. Teach new poses and share your knowledge with your class. Gain more students and start a practical class. After a few more students, start your course: Sissy, Sex Slave, Whore, Camgirl or Pornstar.

- 'IF' issue
- Options missing for Tattoo Artist.
- You can't get expelled from the course anymore.
- Mrs. Dee talking about your shaved body before it would happen.

- 185 new passages
- 105 new images

- New place (Mall): Tattoo Studio: Buy new looks for your character. Don't worry, you can pay a lot of money to remove them if you ever regret it.
76 new tattoos: Leg, Arms, Chest, Hips, Belly, Shoulders, and Face. More to come...

- New advanced job: Tattoo Artist: Work in a tattoo studio as an apprentice. It's hard work, and you'll have to prove yourself before learning anything. The payment is quite interesting. Will you start tattooing people?

- New advanced job: Human Dog: Wear an outfit, do dog things, get into contests, become the kennel's alpha or bitch. Get into interesting situations. Will you be a good or bad dog?

- Paper doll/Avatar slightly increased.


- 136 new passages.
- 112 new images.
- Go out for five days in a Cruise with your girlfriend/mistress. Are you going to behave or be a bad girl?
- Three different endings based on your actions.
- Mornings with your GF/Mistress. Free afternoon. Dinner time and maybe some hot time (based on your afternoon choices).
- This path continues the GF: Romantic/Bimbo Path and as a possible outcome for failing during the Dominatrix Path.

- A few typos.
- Once you've fucked John (the Gardner) the note will disappear.
- Stepsister's message noise when there isn't one.


- 206 new passages.
- 21 new videos.
- Daily DB tasks to increase your DB points and sexual skills.
- Daily tasks during the night can have some fun and unexpected events.
- Buy access and make your posts. It will cost a few bucks.
- DB FAQ updated.

- Thumbnails added to each object in the game.
- Option to enable Patreon V2 items.

- An issue related to hips's size not showing right at the stores.
- Items showing the wrong size at some stores.
- New message: Unknown (x) -> New message: Unknown (Read) (To avoid any confusion).
- Edited a few images for thumbnail reasons. There may be a few issues with the avatar (especially with bra).
- 'IF' issue during drug dealer and Andrew's story.
- Once you kick Andrew out of the house, he'll stay out (for the day).
- An issue where you'd keep meeting your mistress after 'Sissy School' and always coming back to 'The Closet'.

- 166 new passages
- 135 new images
- It's time to face your former mistress. You will have a friend's help to deal with her, but it will be enough? Will you break her, or will she break you?
- Use your sex slave to help you and deal with its rebellion. Can you tame it again?
- Will you become a mistress or a sex slave?


- 104 new passages.
- 78 new images.
- 7 new items (Bra, Thong, Skirt, PJ, Stockings, Corset, and Boots) gifts from Tiffany.
- Three weeks (in-game) of fun with Tiffany, Mark, and Hank. It seems Tiffany is a bit tired of dealing with men's shit and wants to take control of the company. Are you helping her? Or will stay with Daddy Hank? Or maybe you can just be a proud whore...

- Div issues over the bimbo path.
- GF: Romantic path renamed to GF: Bimbo Path
- Missing icon for GF
- Missing images for Tiffany and Mark
- Icon showing after using catalyst
- Andrew won't show up again if you call the cops (you will have to call them again to make it work if you've done it before).
- An issue that would increase the number of cunts fucked while talking to the Gardner.
- A few typos.


- 218 new images.
- 152 new passages.
- 1 new video.

7 new cursed objects:
- Clinic: Hand trophy - Work as a nurse and find this weird trophy in a room. Does it fit a cock on it? (Requires nurse job and a dick).
- Course: Chair with plug- This item wasn't supposed to be at the course. It was a mistake. (Note: This event is a tribute to PE) (Requires anal skill).
- Dare Board: Old Hypnosissy - An anonymous user found the first hypnosissy ever made. Who dares to watch it? (Requires DB lvl 4)
- Gym: Dildo Bike - A gym bike was taken to a private room. Someone did some modifications to it. (Requires anal skill)
- Maid: Old chastity device - Rumors say that Mrs. Stranger has an old chastity device in her home. It used to be hers. But, it's just a rumor... (Requires being locked)
- Mall: Dildo on the wall - Someone used superglue on a dildo and it's stuck into the bathroom's wall. Who would dare to use it? (Requires anal skill)
- Park: Ancient Statue - People are talking about a strange sexy statue in the woods. How did it get there? (Requires eating the glowing mushroom and enabling mystical beings)

Some objects require skills and stats to interact with them. The curse can be a blessing or a punishment, depending on your point of view. Most of those objects require sissy stats or higher to interact with.

- New options in config: Enable Patreon content.

- Fixed: Sister/Stepsister won't charge anymore during weekends if you clean the house.
- Fixed: Maid's price.

146 new passages:
- Meet Gabby, Libby, and Vic. Three friends looking to meet new friends to have some casual fun at 'The Closet'. Warning: They're jealous and won't like getting dumped one for another. Meet them every week!
- Meet 'The Closet' DJ. She is hard to please, and trying to get into her panties will be a hard challenge with some weird tests. Is it worth it?
- Meet Sadie. To please the DJ you will have to talk to the Dealer and buy something from her. Right after that, meet Sadie. A cute, fun, and open-minded character.
- Cursed Doll. The DJ has a weird fuck doll in her dressing room. There's only one rule while using it: Don't cum inside.

121 new images:
- Images for all new passages: DJ, Three 'Amigas', Sadie, and Cursed Doll.

New features:
- Cursed items: Once you complete a certain requirement, you will start having cursed dreams with hot stories and consequences to your gameplay. Pick it wisely...
Note: Only one is available (Cursed Doll) more in the future.
- Enable and Disable: Now available for Cursed Items, Mystical Beings, and Diapers content. You can turn them on/off at any time. It will add or remove features from the game, just as Piss, Cum, Cuck, and BDSM.
- 'The Closet' updated with new characters and old avatars.

- A few typos.
- Changed therapist starting the conversation. You won't be accused of stealing anything.
- Issue where people gym wouldn't show up on Monday if you failed on GF's panties task.


- 139 new images for Maid/Andrew/Myth
- Avatar for Andrew, Mrs. Dee, Isabella, Mrs Stranger's Maid and John Myth.

Request (Diamond):
- Prostate exam, enema and diapers test invitation added to the clinic.

- Issue with Assistant changing to Sissy after dumping the Mistress.
- Issue with Dealer's task.

- First few weeks with GF will endup on Sunday 21h00 for coding reasons.
- Removed notes about missed messages from GF and BF.
- Dealer's task will change if you meet her at the motel.


228 new passages:
- Three different kinds of maids to clean your house.
Mrs. Dee: Mature woman who will soon retire (only available early game).
- Isabella: She wants to make a bet and you will want to lose. She will play hard, mix your things, and make your life harder. But, you'll get a nice outfit if you play things well.
- Mrs. Stranger's Maid: If you can't keep with the other two, you can pay more to have them clean your place.
- Andrew, your perv neighbor. He'll get inside your house from time to time. Is he a perv or is he just someone misunderstood? Two paths are available.
- John, the Gardner. Why does he look so familiar? Learn his story and get a different ending based on the path you took with your sister/stepsister. Pornstar or Lawyer?

- Having a guest won't hire a maid anymore, but they'll pay for her.
- You can ask your sister/stepsister to hire or fire a maid.
- Maid will ruin your PJs instead of your sister/stepsister.
- You can't hide a maid if you're a maid.
- You can masturbate in different places: The Kitchen, Living room, and Laundry. But, why?

Known issues:
- Dominant assistant changing to sissy while dumping the GF.
- The dealer's henchman message leads to an empty screen (there's a button to continue until it's fixed).


- 90 new images for Hooker Path.
- 3 new vids.
- Murphy, Lolla, Candy and Olivia's avatar.

- Gold: New PJ: Pink Nuisette

- Added BJ skills while working for Sheyla.
- Code issue while doing yoga with Tiffany.
- Issue getting back to the gym after talking to Sheyla at the closet.
- Murphy issue after failing at your honeymoon.
- Removed chest requirement for hooker assistant, although you can still do it if you want it.
- Submissive SM Slave Bitch outfit.
- Unwearable GF Pink Heels and Missing GF White Long Socks issues.


0.10.5 - Hooker update

Hooker update
- 245 new passages.
- Meet new 'friends': Olivia, Lolla and Candy. Learn their stories, help them, or make their life harder.
- Olivia: A sissy saving money for breast implants.
- Candy: A fancy whore looking for a sugar daddy.
- Lolla: She's nice to you and has a plan. Is it worth it?
- Daily clients with different interests and requests. Don't try to take it all or you can get punished.
- Pay your pimp on Sunday or get punished.
- Unhappy with your pimp? Help a 'friend' to take control.
- Prostitute yourself for a few bucks in public bathrooms if you have enough humiliation points. It's not worthy it, but who knows?

- When using 'Travel' your character will start with 10 'New SiS' to use at the clinic.

Known issues:
- SM Submissive outift
- Returning to the gym after talking to Sheyla
- Unwearable GF Pink Heels and Missing GF White Long Socks issues


0.10.4 - Fix your ****, Jammye!


- Gold: New gym outfit - Pink Booty Shorts.
- Diamond: Spa at the gym. Masseur with happy ending and possible changes to your dick or prostate. 5 new images.


- Dick won't show if you're wearing a specific outfit during the story.

- Added: Grazie, Riley and Ellena requirements to do tasks.
- Catalyst Task UI fixed.
- Doctor Paige options triggering without completing them (BJ, HJ, Anal)
- Changed: Ellena's ritual won't give you a cunt anymore. Instead, you get a tiny dick. The final ritual still gives you a massive cock.

- Bathroom menu fixed.
- Janitor Bathroom reacts according to your interaction with him at the course.

Dare Board:
- Dicasso: Task fixed with reward.
- UI/Layout issues

- The way she approaches you changed.
- The way she deals with your sexual activies changed.
- The dealer wants her money and tasks done.
- Second task allows to use dominance over the clerk
- Janitor's Task
- UI fixed, skills balanced.
- Fixed: Dealer's sister lore.
- Fixed: Final task's lore.
- Changed: Dealer will refuse money and ask for tasks.

Dom Online (Dominatrix):
- Added Reminds
- Added Slave Meter: Are you doing a good job?
- Fixed UI, removed divs.
- Fixed issue where you'd meet your slave countless times on the same day.
- Fixed issue that would allow to trigger weekend events one after the other.
- Updated a few conversations.

Dom Online (Master/Mistress):
- Dress task changed to Makeup task
- Ending the training plot twist
- Gym task (removed weekend restriction)
- Last task (removed day resctriction)
- Movie marathon (removed weekend restriction)
- Shoes task changed to Makeup/Lingerie
- Remind/Warning added
- Slave: 1st task changed
- UI issues
- Virtual sex can be done any time (removed weekend restriction)
- You have the key back after completing the whole training.

- UI fixed
- Dick requirement to fuck stepsister.
- Warning added if you try to meet Carlos without shaving.
- Warning added if you try to find a guy for your GF without shaving.
- Doctor: Lore changed and GF reasons to meet him too.
- Changed: Mind to Evil -> Req to lie to your mistress.
- Easier to help Tiff.
- Fixed Tiffany avatar.
- Changed skills required for a few tasks.
- Dominance is no longer required to give the good drug to your mistress.
- Easier to beat Mark with more skill options.
- Less dominance required to pick Tiffany over GF.
- Options for women council are simpler to figure out the result.
- You can cum/edge during the training week, you get punished if you don't show horny.
- After weekend with Carlos, GF will take the key back.

- Barry:
- - You have now the option to wait for your relationship with Destiny increases before going ahead with his task.
- Sheyla:
- - Fixed booze price.
- - Fixed dominance and mind to avoid becoming her bitch.
- - Removed early ending with her.
- - Removed skill req to suck bartender.
- Fixed: You can't fuck someone's lip without a dick.

Hooker Path:
- Added Remind to clients.
- Huge dick as reward if you have enough dominance.
- New outfit as reward for completing the course.
- Punishment for meeting Layla and clients unshaved.
- UI Fixed.
- Warning if you aren't wearing makeup for graduation.

- Design: - Boss Avatar Fixed, Missing Icons added, Videos Added, DIVs removed.
- Maid: - UI Fixed, Basement (Evil req changed to Dominance req), Sex Maid (Fri, Sat, Sun after 19h00), Maid (Mon-Fri till 18h00), Videos Added, DIVs removed, Images Added.
- Makeup: - Removed home restriction, Removed Course Bathroom restriction, UI Fixed.
- Nurse: UI Fixed, Videos added to Sex Doll Job, Third Promotion changed (Can hold it until your get breasts 5)
- Personal: - UI Fixed. Videos Added.

- Depraved Politician: Dominance will help punish him greatly.
- Depraved Politician: Fixed issue if you did more than two bad things to him.
- Evil Socialite: Dominance is now an option on the second and third interaction.
- Evil Socialite: Added Pussy Fuck skills if you manage to bang her.

- Ordered by importance and colors.
- Time and description in front of the task.
- Fixed hair grown notice.
- Sleeping button changed.
- Added warning when using cheating options.

- Meditating UI issue.
- Popsickle message brings back to the Park.

- Fixed skill increased UI.
- Fixed options based on skills.

Sissy School:
- Added Hints for the right answers.
- At the end of the week see your points and future options.
- Easier to be the best student. Easier to be the worst.
- Option to rebel against the school.
- Points earned by studying increased.
- Punishment for being a snitch.
- Sissy School Uniform
- Try to fuck a teacher.
- UI fixed.

- Changing Sissygasm req to Analsex when getting fucked.
- Sissygasm: Help to reach orgasm.
- Anal: Help to get bigger cocks.
- Practicing sissygasm at home increases anal skill until 10.

- Missing icons for options (1st night w/ Stepsister)
- Stepsister's events repeating during the day.
- Skills req balanced.
- UI fixed.
- You can go out with her even if you stay as a sissy/guy.
- Extreme makeover for a night if you are a sissy.
- Fixed nurse outfit.
- Good/Evil Sister UI fixed.
- Good sister description fixed.
- Advice changed if your stepsister is already a pornstar.
- Lore added if you use the option to change the sister into stepsister.

- Checked and fixed req for hips.

- Added next part of romantic path with GF
- Outfit and body development added for every part.
- New warnings based on your pick.
- Fixed issue with Stepsister/Sister night event.
- Wife Path Week 18 fixed.
- Slave/Dominatrix fixed.

- Guest room spy div issue.
- Options boxes changed (better contrast)
- Reward boxes changed (better design)
- Text boxes changed (better contrast)

- Added missing outfits.
- Fixed a few outfits not matching with the avatar's body.
- Better division.
- Bra(cotton) available to workout.
- Removed Naked/Lingerie/Dressed button from Wardrobe.
- Sad face replaced by useful info.
- You can see where else you can wear a specific outfit and set it.
- You can set sexy clothes as casual.

Wife training:
- Fixed UI issues.

Wife and Partner:
- Added weekly points visible.
- Added other parts of the house.
- Added remind/warnings.
- Added room layout for each partner.
- Added different bathroom layout.
- UI fixed.

Known issues:
- After body changes, the game doesn't detect the outfit not working until you use the wardrobe.
- Some clothings (chest lvl 2, mostly) won't fit the avatar properly based on the chest size.


- 99 new images: GF and Tiffany.

- Diamond: You can talk to Doctor Paige about your Diaper's fetish and get a visit to an unorthodox nurse.
- Gold: New sexy dress.

- A few typos.
- Issue related to girly and slave outfit (remind).

- 148 new passages.
- Your GF/Mistress will continue your training with sexual and job skills. It's not for free, of course. Once trained, she will ask for your help.
- On the other hand, Tiffany will offer her friendship and show you a fun path.
- New Path: Bimbofication. Stick with Tiffany to have some fun.
- Choose a path between Tiffany becoming a Bimbo or your mistress becoming her right hand.

Fixed: Chastity missing issue while using the travel option.

- 15 new images: House rooms and request.
- 20 new vids: House guests (anal, hj, bj, titjob, pegging, oral, and others).
- Three buttons next to the avatar: Clothes, Lingerie and Naked (similar to the wardrobe).

Patreon Request (Diamond):
- Course Bully: You have the option to tell him you can't pay (if you're wearing panties or diapers). It will increase your humiliation and decrease your dominance.
- Diapers: If you have developed a habit to pee in your bed, you will be able to buy adult diapers at the Pharmacy and wear them (inventory) to go to the Course for a new humiliation event with the Bully.

- Icon: Therapist, RPG, and Mad-lad icon.

- Empty option while choosing not to interact with your guest.
- Rilley (Gooner) eternal loop issue while trying to prove yourself.
- Getting stuck in the bathroom.


- 311 new passages.
- New places: Sister/Stepsister's room, Guest Room (after an event), Living Room, Kitchen, Laundry, Garden.
- Sister/Stepsister's room: All events related moved to this window.
- Guest Room: After a certain point, you can rent a room to avoid doing the cleaning tasks.
- Guest Room: 25 pre-made characters to rent the room. Interact with them, get inside the room, learn their secrets, and screw their meetings. After those 25, you'll get random guests.
- Bathroom: You will share it with Guests. Peek, talk or wait to use it. A new place to clean.
- Living Room: Clean it, Relax, or interact with Guests.
- Kitchen: Clean it, Cook, or interact with Guests.
- Laundry: Do the laundry or interact with Guests.
- Garden: Clean it, cut the grass, or interact with Guests.
- New tasks to clean the house.
- Hide or Show notification button: Clear view for your room.
- Help system: Bathroom, Computer, Garden, Kitchen, Laundry, Living Room and Sister/Stepsister Room.

- Sister/Stepsister's task time: 10-19 to 8-18.
- Small images for: Barry, Bully, Dean, Destiny, Gothic girl, Janitor, Sheyla, Sister/Stepsister.

- Clean the house (4h).
- Bathroom menu.
- Money punishment if you fail to do your Sister/Stepsister's task.

- Red Loose Dress image.

Note: This version got bigger than it should. Since no critical bugs were reported during this time (after 0.9.10) I focused only on the new system. Bugs related to DIV or anything that doesn't interrupt the gameplay were left for future updates.

- 123 new images: Clinic and DB Task.
- New background with characters: Mrs. Stranger's house, Park, Clinic, Support Groups and The Closet.
- Avatar: Doctor Paige, Ellena, Grazie and Riley.

- A few typos.
- Clinic's button (Ask Doctor -> Ask)
- Blue Lace Short Dress avatar.
- Syringe ICON.
- Avatar issue during day with GF and Carlos.


- 212 new passages:
- Doctor Paige: Talk to her about your changes, experiences, and daily things to get homework and feedback about your actions (over 40 topics).
- Sex Meeting Support: After a few sessions with Doctor Paige, she will ask you to join a sex group support. Meet other people trying to embrace their sexuality.
- Grazie: A virgin who is saving herself for marriage. Will she?
- Ellena: A sexy woman with a strange religion. Is it a cult?
- Riley: A Gooner girl who gave up on cumming. Is this right?

- Diamond Request: (Lvl 3 DB Task) Someone is offering a few bucks if you try new diapers at the Bar.

- Clinical Trials: Drain your prostate and lower your sissygasm level.

- Clinical trials' new UI with an explanation.

- Fixed: Issue with dick counter at the clinic.
- Fixed: After clinical trials, you can see the changes in your body.
- Fixed: Issue with salon job (0.9.8). The menu will work properly from now on.


- 127 new images: Dollhouse and requests.
- 16 new passages: Patreon Requests.
- Diamond request: Libido Research is now replayable when you complete the DB task (requires Piss mode: ON).
- Diamond request: Gym's female bathroom has a similar encounter as the male's bathroom.
- Gold request: Stepsister random event where she will kick you in the nuts (if you have one and your BDSM mode is on).

- Added: Option to ignore the Pink-haired sissy.
- Changed: You can save your dick (at the clinic) if you shrink it too much, but you can't turn a cunt into a dick.
- Fixed: Sissy assistant while stop asking: "Why aren't we locked?" if you shrink your dick too much.
- Fixed: Skill increase when you fuck Sheyla
- Fixed: Black and Red Silk Body avatar issue
- Fixed: Gym's guy talking about the size of your dick.
- Fixed: First Friday with stepsister panties color.
- Fixed: Dupe Latex Bunny Suit.
- Fixed: DIV issue (RPG, Beauty Salon)
- Fixed: GF issue when she asks for big and small butt/breast.
- Fixed: GF issue when wearing the proper outfit.
- Fixed: Typos (Gym, Park, Stepsister, GF, Stepsister, Closet, RPG).
- Removed: Weekend punishment if you don't meet the GF.


After Bobby's wedding, you receive a strange message from your friend. You begin to search for her, talk to old characters and find out about this new place at 'The Closet's VIP'.

- The Dollhouse: A new place (rogue-lite style) to test your skills and complete Kyle's part in your friend's story. It can be replayed countless times with different variations.
- 230 new passages.
- 4 floors with 6 random rooms in each one.
- 20 random events room.
- 10 resting rooms with different events.
- 5 random sex events for each floor (20 total).
- 1 boss per floor.

- A few typos.


- 106 new images for Dominatrix path and DB Task.
- Assistant and Help for Mistress/GF romantic path and Dominatrix path.

- Issue with DB task related to pornstar.
- Issue with variable for DB task.
- The slave's assistant can use Travel to skip to Dominance Online.
- The dominatrix assistant will no longer show the option to become a slave - when skipping to Dominance Online.
- UI for Dominatrix path fixed.

132 new passages
- Dominatrix Path: After training your slave using "Dominance Online," you will access its rewards while meeting another Dominatrix friend.
- Meet your slave at the Park and use her to please your needs and other people.
- You will get an invitation from another Dominatrix to join them at a party and have fun while the story develops. 03 weeks in-game with different choices to use your slave and interact with other characters.
- DB Task(lvl2): Libido Research (Diamond Request): A doctor is running libido research at the clinic, and she is looking for subjects with a penis. As you'd expect, it's a little unorthodox, and weird thing can happen.


- 105 new images for Mistress/GF romantic path

- Missing story for white lingerie during Mistress/GF path
- Issue with Avatar's Lingerie Bachelor's Party


126 new passages:
- GF/Mistress Romance. The new path is for those who want to stay with her but don't want the cuck path. She will keep asking you for more things to prove your love. Change a few things and do others.
- Do as she says and be rewarded with cute things and products.
- Fail and be punished.

Three new events as the story develops:
- Movies with your mistress: An interactive movie where you pick the fate of the protagonist. Or you can suck a dick.
- Porn Movie Session: A director will produce a new porn movie at the Wild Snu Snu. You can go with your mistress.
- School Graduation: Those who played the Sissy School path are familiar with this one, but your character didn't attend to it.

- Fixed: Wax won't disappear after using it.
- Fixed: Best friend message showing up after Travel option.
- Fixed: Hair dye issue when using Travel option.
- Fixed: Layla Avatar.
- Fixed: Issue with Avatar for Trans characters.

- Known issues: The TRAVEL option is still in development and may show some instability and bugs. Please, report it if you find one.


- 74 new images: Random events (stepsister)(57) and Lone football player (17).

- Issue related to group sex skill for some parts of the game.
- Issue related to time 11:00.
- Globalblowjob passage fixed.
- The empty screen on Friday Night during the Pride Parade event.


- 117 new passages
- 21 new random events (Stepsister): New events won't repeat until they are all played.
- Request (Diamond): A lone football player needs help in the Course's Bathroom. Talk to him to start a small event lasting a few weeks.


A new help system and more save points
- Noticed the (?) button at the top of the menu next to the save point? Check it when it shows up to get advice about what to do on a specific path if you are feeling stuck.

Profile assistant
- Would you like to have guided gameplay to help you reach your aims? Pick between six different profiles: Husband, Wife, Sex Slave, Dominatrix, Hooker, or Freewill. Each one with a different guide, except for Freewill. This one will keep the old experience where you do whatever pleases you.

Travel point
- You can start a new character from a specific point of the main story. Use it to skip a few parts and continue from where it left off.

New Start UI
- The old one was a little too... Ugly? Old? I don't know, anyway, I thought it deserved a change.


New images:
- 124 for Bobby's wedding.

TransFriend's story: Bobby's Wedding
- 180 new passages
- Your friend's cousin is getting married, and you got an invitation to the party. A familiar character comes back.
- Help Bobby or help Dina and deal with the consequences.
- Different paths to follow with different results.

- Set your outfit for: Course, Clinic, Mall, Park, The Closet

- Wizard's Park task.
- DIV issues.
- Typos.


New images:
- 135 for the RPG event.
- 20 for the Course random events

Removed hips and butt req:

Casual Clothes
White Loose Shirt(S)
Black Anime Shirt(S)
Black Anime Shirt(M)
Black Loose Shirt(M)
Anime Grey Shirt(L)
Purple Loose Shirt(L)
Red Loose Dress (S)
White Loose Dress (M)
Black Loose Dress(L)

Sexy Clothes
Pink Loose Dress(S)
Orange Loose Dress(M)
Red Loose Dress(L)
White Loose Dress(XL)


New side quest: RPG crew (Park)
- 199 new passages
- They are looking for a new thief to join them, but this RPG seems a little unorthodox.
- Men aren't allowed, for some reason, to play the story to learn it.
- Find a new realm and a massive plot twist.
- New ways to get rewards to improve your body during the story.
- Explore the woods, and eat mushrooms to increase your perspective.
- Talk to the weird guy with a foil hat and learn more about mushrooms.

New Course events (diamond request + extra)
- 27 new passages
- If your character is mindless and horny while attending classes, there's a chance you'll see a random event.

- A few typos.

New images:
- 75 new images: Pornstar Studio
- 6 new images: Stepsister random event

New content:
- Requested: After you caught the stepsister enough times (9) she will say: "And why didn't you join me? You wasted a good chance to have a little fun together." You will have a chance of being invited for a walk with her, and a new event will happen.

Course UI Improved:
- Classroom menu with all options available (less scrolling)
- Characters will show on the display when they are available

- Issue with clothes after leaving the sissy school and hitting 'The Closet' with your mistress.


- 101 new passages
- Pornstar Career: Start low with a crappy agent and bad gigs until you become a director.
- Crappy Agent: He will find you crappy gigs with a friend. Start in amateur porn.
- Wilma: A good agent will find you after you grow famous, and get more followers.
- Become a director: After a while, you'll get a chance to create your movies. - Cast people to work on it.

- Cuck issue during costume party with friend.
- Issue with white shirt.
- Issue with Red and White Sandra's dress.
- DIV issue.
- How to be the perfect sex slave: +5 good and +1 submission.
- Horny issue with wife's night.
- Blowjob skill for: First step: Getting inside.
- Dick still locked without chastity: (6) to (5).

New images:
- 105 new images: Stepsister good end-game: Party time!

- Image for Danna date if you have a cunt.
- Option to fuck Danna if you have a cock.
- DB reward for penis enlargement.
- Removed images with penis for MC with vagina.
- Beach day issue repeating.
- Horny event for stepsister.
- Config issue.
- Course DB Task if you got kicked out.
- Text issue for stepsister's party.


- 251 new passages
- Stepsister good end-game: Party time!
- Her tasks will be replaced by two demands: invite people to a party on Friday and find entertainment for the party.
- Choose between different groups and three different entertainments to compose the whole party.
- Each combination will lead to different results.
- Random events, and different tasks for each different group.


New content:
- 73 new outfits for unusual and different sizes (casual and sexy only).
- 48 short-videos replacing old gifs.

- UI: Cleaner and improved on most of the story.
- Porn UI: Thums and description of the videos. You call filter by niche.
- NPC avatar: Old ones changed, new added: Carlos, Hank, Mark and Tiffany.
If you're playing with the sister, you can change the option for stepsister, but it can't be reversed after done.

- A few issues related to UI and div.
- A few misplaced options over the story.
- Issue withe Master/Mistress online.


New images:
- 94 new images for Trans friend story.
- 12 new imagfes for DB task.

- DB Task: A guy is looking for a different footjob. You will need help. (Stepsister or Trans friend required).
- Outfit: Goth Student outfit.

- Issue during Male BF story.


- 122 new passages
- Trans friend story goes on.
- After Danna, your friend needs a break, a long weekend at the beach.
- Meet new weird and fun characters
- Choose your schedule during those days.
- Long chapter. Make sure to save it before starting it.


- 150 new images for the Cam model and Stripper.

- The player can choose if the footwear will appear under or over the outfit.
- The garter belt will appear over the body and corset.
- A few clothes issues.


165 new passages

"- New Stats: Flexibility - use it to show your stripper skills, run from weird situations, and access new options. Train it at the Park, morning or evening.

Cam Model:
- 10 streamers to watch and some scammers.
- Watch other streamers, and interact with them. After getting some fame you will have the chance to act with them if you have what it takes.
- Ask the Stepsister (Pornstar) for help to get more viewers, or be friends with a famous one for a private show.
- Random requests: You viewers will asks you for different things, and some will offer to buy your underwear.

- Use your skills to gain more tips, and win the crowd.
- Random events during and after your show will pop up from time to time.

New DB Task (Patreon Request):
- A weird guy is looking for sissies. Go to the Park and find someone you know to help you with him. (Only works if you're playing with the Trans Best Friend).

- Clothing Sizes added to avatar and Wardrobe.
- Clothing Sizes changed to S, M, L and XL.
- Wardrobe will show what doesn't fit.
- Dummy mode look less weird and more creepy.

- The kissing contest will happen on Tuesday and Thursday. (Note added)
- Wardrobe will tell you what's wrong (if you can't leave).
- Bra issue.
- A few avatar images with issues.
- Tip issue working at the gym.
- Option to go home working at the gym.
- Trans BF won't offer her panties if you're wearing one.
- Horny issue for DB lipstick task
- You won't get fuck experience if you're locked during Anal Queen DB Task
- Small HTML problems
- A few typos.

New images:
- 119 new images for (Layla/Murphy).
- 13 New outfits.

184 new passages (Layla/Murphy)
- The Perverted Therapist is looking for new subjects for her unorthodox research. Are you going to help or screw her?
- The Vengeful Wife found out her husband is cheating on her with someone unusual, and she wants to pay him in the same coin. Are you going to help her? Or help him?
- The Police Officer is looking for someone tough to help him with a gang. You'll have to pass the test first and hope to not get yourself involved in something weird.

- Dealer's task for blonde hair.
- Wild Snu Snu Gloryhole avatar issue.
- Sissy School's outfit.
- Cum Sommelier Dare Board issue.
- Haircolor and Nails for Wife Path.
- Perv repeated story for Wife Path.
- Breakfast hints for Wife Path.
- Danny's reaction point for Wife Path.
- Missing image for Trans BF/Danna story.
- A.I. open door issue after DB.
- Remind note for Pornstar DB.
- Issue with Hank's message.
- A Few typos.


New images:
- 152 new images for the course.

- Config menu: You can find it inside "computer". It will allow you to change your previous taste choices such as Cum, Pissing, and Cuckold.

- You can take hairdressers/makeup classes from the start. No need to wait anymore.

- Issue with Wild Snu Snu Furniture.
- Issue with missing Bra Lace Set.
- Issue related to invisible fishnet.
- Issue with blue set garter belt.
- Issue while buying garter belt at wild snu snu.
- Issue related to avatar's footwear. (note: some footwear items will appear underneath long clothes. I'm still looking for a way to fix it)
- Latex outfit image missing.

180 new passages
- New characters (Course)
- The dean: a dominant and evil woman who hates her job.
- The gothic girl: cute and nice with a secret.
- The bully: Annoying little prick, everyone hates him.
- The janitor: Someone who can help you with issues.
- Two sides to pick with different results.


New images
- 105 new images for A.I. story.

- A few typos.

New Content
- A.I. story ends: You can learn about Mrs. Stranger's past if you follow the right path, or open a possibility for a new bad ending.
- 124 new passages.
- 13 passages re-done for Mrs. Stranger's past.

- Body hair will appear properly behind.
- Typos for clothes.
- Stepsister will ask for tampons and MC will have an idea.


New images:
- 82 new images for Trans BF date

- Removed: Top bar from Profile due UI issue.
- Fixed: Issue related to hair color and DB tasks.
- Fixed: Dinner with Danna's Bimbo.
- Fixed: Issue related to bedroom's floor.
- Fixed: Chastity system: Your penis will be release after shrinking (6) and you won't be able to lock it.
- Fixed: Wardrobe issue not allowing MC to wear sexy panties for butt size 3.
- Fixed: "White Slutty Top and Tiny Skirt" body issue.
- Fixed: "Crop top and Micro skirt" body issue.
- Fixed: A.I. issue which it would never die.

New UI
- Changed: Stores UI
- Changed: Save game allowed only before story events.
- Changed: New Avatar with new features.
- Changed: Makeup has more options.
- Changed: Stores and Bathroom reorganized.
- Changed: Hairstyle has more options.
- Changed: Razor costs 10$ with 3 uses. Wax lasts forever but requires skill.
- Added: Park Bazaar: Sell clothes which won't fit you anymore.
- Removed: Contact Lens.

New Content
- BF Trans and Danna. Which side are you taking?
- 96 new passages.


- 107 new images: Trans Best Friend.
- Danna avatar added.

133 new passages
- Trans Best Friend: She's dating someone who's a little dominating with some weird secrets. Who's side are you going to take?
- Help your friend to be happy or help her to change for someone.

- 6 new images for meditating at the Park
- You may have some weird thoughts while meditating especially if you're horny.
Thoughts may change according to player's stats (male, sissy, trans, and female)

- Dealer's menu will appear properly.
- Sister will give different speech if you get your panties somewhere else.
- Porn center payment will pay properly.
- Sissy school grades will answer according to your performance.

- 87 new images: The Bugged A.I., Sister/Stepsister's task.
- A few old gifs were replaced by new jpgs.


The Bugged A.I.
- Develop your A.I. make it good or evil.
- Create a beautiful or twisted relationship.
- Increase its independence.
- 132 new passages.
- After 14 days (in the game). You'll be invited to test it.

Pornstar Career
- Pussy fucked added.

- Changing clothes as going straight to Maid job.
- GF/Mistress will punish you if show up not aroused during training week.
- Sheyla: Added option to avoid early ending.


- 143 new images: Life as a wife, The Wedding, and Honeymoon.
- Fixed: Bug related to Dom Online.

- 151 new passages.
- 386 passages reviewed.

The Perfect Wife:
- New task: Laundry and ironing - sometimes the washing machine can break, sometimes you can burn your partner's favorite shirt...
- New events for life as a wife.
- New events for life as a bride.
- New events for the wedding and honeymoon while playing as the perfect wife.
- Some events may change what can happen at the bachelor's party and wedding.
- Honeymoon as the perfect wife: Did you pick the right partner? Are you sure?

Romance and marriage with BF (male and female)
- Almost every passage from the day at the spa until the last day of the honeymoon was updated.
- Demand list removed: You'll keep getting feedbacks after each date until you reach the point of decision.

- Profile: Cleaner UI with more useful information.
- Cheats: Fixed skills.

- 90 new images for DB tasks.
- 01 new casual/sexy outift: Crop top and Micro skirt.

Live as a wife: 127 new passages:
- 5 options of partners are available;
- Cook, buy groceries, clean the house, take care of yourself, everything matters;
- Performance evaluation on weekends with Mrs. Sandra;
- 4 events: Meeting the family, friends, traveling, and meeting the boss;
- Fail and choose a new path to start.

- Word "Closet" changed to "Wardrobe" to avoid mistakes with "The Closet" nightclub.
- House menu reorganized.
- Cleaner avatar and bigger avatar;
- Icons were removed and replaced with popup menus (no longer reloads the page).

- DB Task videos: Each task will show the right video sent.
- Mrs, Stranger will pay your money if she's happy with your work;
- Minor typo errors.


- 176 new images: Dealer's story.

- 134 new passages.
- 19 new tasks: 2 Level2, 4 level3 and 13 level4.
- Themes: Sissy (3), Cum fetish (3), BDSM (3), Cuck (3), Pornstar (3) and Gangbang (4).
- New rewards at DB: Temporary body modification for breasts, butt and dick.
- A bad mistress is looking for a slave to run a few tests. Possible good reward for it.
- Task: Are you a stud? Do you want to fuck me? Send pics!!!! - Has changed. Good luck!

- You can buy the catalyst at the clinic, but you should be able to get everything playing the story. Spoiler alert: It's expensive.

- Grammar and typos.
- Bug: Related to picking GF/mistress after the Sissy School.
- Latex Boots:Red and Leather Boots: Black will show properly.


- 86 new images: Stepsister Good Ending

- Grammar and Typos along the story.
- Missing passage for Design Job.
- Pornstar carrer will allow interaction with Stepsister pornstar while choosing her fate.
- Wild Snu Snu will apperar properly from now on.

Update: Jobs - 116 new passages

Changes: Camera model
- Can become an easy way to make money if you do it right.
- MC will think about the opportunity after being humiliated at regular jobs.
- Increasing followers may lead to an opportunity at Porn, but will get you fired from regular jobs.
- Your viewers can be real assholes and increase your humiliation.

Changes: Stripper
- Easy way to make money on weekends if you do it right.
- Going prepared will increase your earnings.
- Putting on a good show will allow you to increase the number of followers - and access to opportunities at the VIP.
- Doing a bad show will increase your humiliation.

Changes: Pornstar
- A new studio is about to open at the Mall, get ready for it.
- Get enough followers (camera or stripping) to become famous and get an opportunity in the porn industry.
- If you don't have enough fame, you can work at the backstages with manual and oral skills.

Changes: Hairstylist
- Opportunities will be available according to your skills.
- Your boss is a nice woman which will allow you to work more if you don't fail.
- This job won't lead to a sex job anymore but will allow increasing humiliation.
- Money will increase with better skills.
- Being a good worker will allow access to her VIP clients.

Changes: Personal Trainer
- Opportunities will be available according to your skills.
- Your boss is a nymphomaniac MILF addicted to receiving oral sex.
- This job won't lead to a sex job anymore but will allow increasing humiliation.
- Money will increase with better skills and body.
- Going to work horny may open an opportunity at the Spa.
- Be careful while working too much at the Spa.

Changes: Web design
- Opportunities will be available according to your skills.
- Your boss is a pig, and he has a thing for sissies.
- This job won't lead to a sex job anymore but will allow increasing humiliation.
- Money won't increase with better skills, but you'll spend fewer hours doing it.
- Random tasks available from time to time.
- If you quit this job and try to return, you'll have to prove yourself.

New Skill: Humiliation
- Humiliation: Increasing it will allow the player to do things that the character wouldn't consider doing before, such as sex-related jobs.
You'll be able to increase your humiliation with regular jobs, such as Web designer, Personal Trainer, Hairstylist, Housekeeper and failing during sex-jobs.
- All other jobs will increase humiliation if MC tries to do it while horny.
- Nurse job requires 20 humiliation points to accept it.

Changes: Gameplay
- Shower and sleep removes makeup.
- Sex shop available earlier for toys only.
- Femme Desire available for sissies.
- Followers added to profile.
- Icons for DB updated.

- Fixed: Options while talking to Trans friend about chest or butt.
- Fixed: Issue with Sissy School path while staying with GF.


- 99 new images for Best friend Chat, Events, Lingerie party and Bachelor Party.

- Removed old useless codes for background.
- Fixed broken images along the story.
- Removed side stories for future rework.


Stepsister Good Ending update:
- 112 new passages.
- 13 new tasks with different choices.
- 5 friday nights with different options.
- Change: Easier to get a good ending. Either gather evidence or use your skills to reach it.

- Fixed: Photographer DB task won't take you to the gym.
- Fixed: Interaction with girl at the Closet won't take you to the gym.
- Fixed: Punishment of the first task for Dominance Online removed.
- Fixed: A few typos and names.


- 87 new images for the GF/Mistress's story.

- A chat between GF and MC after the Sissy School.


- Fixed: Broken code for the BF and GF story.
- Fixed: Dialogue with the GF about panties.
- A few typos.

- Fixed a bug which BF date would appear too early.
- A few typos.

Best Friend (BF) update:
- 63 new passages and over 100 updated.
- New dialogue for each gender with different things to do or talk about during Thursday.
- Male: He's narcissistic and will support the MC during the body transition.
- Female: She's futile with a shopping addiction. She will complain if the MC changes too much.
- Trans (MtF): Supportive friend which will help you with anything the MC asks for. The Girlfriend/Mistress (GF) won't feel threatened by her.
- The story was updated for the new BF options.

- You won't be able to play the Dominance Online or the cuck story for the mistress and keep a relationship with the BF (male/female) anymore. If you choose to end the relationship you'll be introduced to those options. The option for Trans BF will allow you to interact with her while playing those other parts. The main reason to change it was to make more variety available and allow different styles of playing with each option for the BF.

- Best friend (BF): If you miss the message on Thursday you will have another change on Friday.
- Girlfriend/Mistress (GF): If you miss her message on Wednesday you can talk to her on Thursday.
- Clinic: Trials available on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
- You can't dump the GF/Mistress for Murphy after the Closet anymore, until later in the story.
- If you don't meet Tiffany, you'll have a third option while picking between GF and Hank.

- Grammar and typos. Thank you for reporting.


- 95 new images for the wife training.

- Fixed: Added warning (if you missed anything) for the first three weeks of training with the GF before meeting her.
- Fixed: Changing jobs won't make you start all over again if you regret.

- Working for the dealer: Make extra money selling her stuff at the Park and The Closet. Be careful not to mess up!
- Final task: The dealer is looking for a blonde big chested to become her father's sugar baby. Of course, you'll be working for her.
- 157 new passages with different possibilities.

- Option to arrest the dealer will show after 30 days.
- Dealer store will open everyday 18 - 20.

- Bug which wouldn't allow to conclude the dealer's story.
- Bug which allowed the player to use a slave without one (Evil Socialite).
- Notification while doing "The Evil Nurse" DB Task and "Rich Guy".
- Image missing for Stepsister's story.

- 95 new images for the step sister's story.

- Fixed: Event with the stepsister while unlocked.
- Fixed: Bug after the Mall fire related to panties.

- I'm aware of the BF's Date bug after the sissy school or trying to come back with the GF. It can't be fixed now without losing your savegame and I know how it sucks. I've placed a warning when you see this bug. It will be fixed on 0.7.0 when you'll have a good reason to start playing from the beginning.


- Mistress Sandra: Wife training. Can you handle her training and become the perfect student?
- 167 new passages.
- 30 quiz for wife training
- 15 tasks wife training
- 10 trainings on weekend
- 3 trials: Housewife, Party wife and Slut wife.
- 5 new dresses, 5 new shoes and 2 new lingerie: prizes for the trials.

New Skills:
- Pussy Eater: You can train it while watching porn until 20.
- Pussy Fucker.

- New skills and jobs added to the left bar.

- 95 new images for the GF story. From Bodybuilder contest to Tiffany's mansion.

- A passage at Tiffany's without any possibility of answer.
- A passage where the GF would talk about your cage even if you weren't wearing it.
- Stepsister (house events): You can't masturbate unless you're unlocked.
- A few typos.


- 107 new passages:
- 14 new tasks for stepsister/sister (bad ending).
- 14 new events for friday night (stepsister bad ending only).

- Fixed: Bug related to the sister/stepsister's Friday night.
- Fixed: Bug related to genitals (yes, again).
- Fixed: Can't play all night long anymore (computer).
- Fixed: Bug during the Reporter DB.


22 new DB tasks:
- Based on jobs with different choices (106 new passages).
- 81 new images for those 22 tasks.
- Xmas task with new outfit.

- Fixed: A few typos.
- Fixed: You won't be taken to the sex shop while searching for furniture.
- Fixed: You can't get a DB Task without a mobile.
- Fixed: Bug at Pretty Lady if you gain pink panties at the Sissy School.
- Fixed: Reset button is now under the avatar to avoid misclick.
- Fixed: Bug related to genitals.


123 new images:
- New images for The Gym (All three characters).
- Fixed: An issue which the game would recognize or ignore MC wearing panties.
- Fixed: Removed a few words considered offensive. Please, let me know if you find more.
- Fixed: Meditating will charge one hour only instead of two.
- Fixed: Added icon next to avatar with explanation about other icons.
- Fixed: Blank page when trying to talk to the Bodybuilder with Body under 24.
- Fixed: Missing Image for "The Closet".
- Changed: Icons for the closet and the bedroom: "v" for selected and "." for unselected.

- 172 new passages reaching an end to this path of GF's story and 'New SiS'war.
- Different endings and options are based on your choices and the character's build.
- Meet the women council. Is your fate in their hands? Or are theirs in yours?
- Meet Tiffany in her mansion with her past.
- Make a choice and live with it.

- Work: Housekeeper - This option will lead you directly to Mrs Stranger's house instead of the Park.


142 new images:
- New images added to GF story. It goes from the first weekend with Hank to Gf's birthday party.

- Across the story, a few conditions changed. Some still ask for good/evil while others ask for submission/dominance.

- Fixed: A bug where the red medium buttplug wouldn't show in your inventory.
- Fixed: Image missing when sleeping.


New Avatar UI:
- Background removed, skills and stats added.
- Cleaner UI with more information, click on your name to check your profile.

New Room UI:
- Buy, change, and win objects to customize your bedroom.
- Items: Chair (10), Desk (9), nightstand (9), bed (10), painting (11), decoration (9), carpet (9), curtain (9), wall paint (9), and floor tile (9).
New Store available at the Mall and a new section available at Wild Snu SNu to buy furniture.

New Computer UI:
- You'll be able to see most of the items you buy in the game in there: Mobile, dildos, toys, rewards, and decoration items that you can win along with the story.
- Study, Porn, Games, Find a job, and Dare Board moved to My Computer. It allows a cleaner UI and easy to find what do you have to do while leaving the main screen for messages, social, and actions.

New Bathroom UI:
- Looks cleaner than before and shows items you acquire during the gameplay.

Domination/Submission system:
- During the GF story, the MC will be able to develop dominance or submission. This new feature will allow you to make new choices and give the story more variety.
- 14 new passages to develop dominance or submission.
- 28 new passages with options along with the story (more in the future)
- Changes: Some parts changed. Submission/Dominance will play what Good/Evil used to do for a few options such as the possibility of breaking up with the GF and becoming an online mistress.


New images (138) for the Sister/Stepsister's story
- 30 images: End a marriage or Pay a debt.
- 35 images: Ruin a birthday or gift a present.
- 27 images: Trouble at the Clinic or at the Motel
- 28 images: Choose her fate.
- 18 images: Events inside the house.

- Fixed: A few typos along the story
- Fixed: A bug which allowed the player to complete the sister's story in one Friday.
- Fixed: BF's date empty window won't show up again after becoming Mrs. Layla's student.


152 new passages:
- Three new characters to interact with. Each one shows at a different time. Develop a friendship, learn their secrets, have fun with them, betray your friend, or get used by them... It's your choice.
- Favorite Bully: You can develop a friendship with him if you're strong enough to help him with his exercises. This could lead to something more than friendship, or maybe betrayal.
- Shy girl: She doesn't talk too much and avoids eye contact. Maybe there's something you share in common which could start a conversation and a friendship. Can you learn her secrets?
- Hot chick: She's hot, but won't talk to anyone. She ignores your presence and doesn't seem to be a nice person. Maybe you can meet her somewhere?
All character's paths are linked with different results. It's up to you how you'll deal with them.
- Gym events: You won't be punished anymore when you try to workout horny. Your skill will increase, but it comes with a price.

Changes at the gym:
- Workout: increases horny by 1 (even if you're mindless horny) or by 2 if you have more than 40 points on Personal Trainer.
- Bathroom: Events will trigger easily on male's bathroom after Sissy stats. Femboy is the only stats which will allow you to keep using both bathrooms.
- New UI with characters on it when they're working out.

Changes while studying:
- Horny: Your skill will increase, but if you study while under "mindless" effect, you'll spend 2 hours instead of 1.

- A few typos along the story.


63 new images:
- Sissy School: Training with Layla
- Sissy School: Weekend
- Back to your former mistress

52 new passages:
- New events during the week: if you're playing with the stepsister there's a chance of getting her doing something in the afternoon. This can lead to a conversation that can lead to new options.
- Conversation with Sister(Good/Evil) and Stepsister: After certain events she will comment about what happened.

- Instant Dick: This item was removed from the game for now. It will be changed to something useful in the future.

- Fixed: When you come back with the GF the story will play properly.
- Fixed: You can be a whore or get back with the GF. Not both.

Stepsister's story:
- Four more weeks of fun with the sister/stepsister with different paths to follow. The blackmailer continues to threaten her, and you have her fate in your hands. (135 new pages).
- Each week will have two different paths to pick. You may found items that can be useful to save your sister/stepsister.
- Your choices will choose her destiny.
- Week one: End a marriage or Pay a debt.
- Week two: Ruin a birthday or gift a present.
- Week three: Trouble at the Clinic or at the Motel
- Week four: Choose her fate.

Stepsister's story:
- Added 88 new images.
- Fixed: Black screen if you miss chat with GF during training week.
- Item: Nurse outfit when you complete an event.

Wild Snu Snu different payment:
- Added: 05 images for the gloryhole 01 for the punishment.
- Changed: Punishment: Time 16h00 to 14h00.
- Changed: Punishment: Blowjob skill 5 to 4
- Changed: Punishment: Group skill 0 to 2
- Added: Reminder on Friday if you didn't do it.
- Added: BJ during the week will increase skill by 1.

- Fixed: Job UI for Hairstylist, Housekeeper, Personal Trainer and Nurse.
- Fixed: Last payment while working as Nurse.
- Fixed: Closet bug related to Graduation Dress.


- New mistress: Mrs. Layla at Sissy School. If you have good grades you'll be able to choose between GF, Mrs. Layla, or go free. (more options will be available in future updates).
- Train to become a whore and have Mrs. Layla as your Pimp.
- A new client every day while you're training: random events, each time something new in a different place.
- Events on the weekends: If you have lower skills, your training will last longer than it would for someone skilled.
- New Path: Get back to your former mistress (cuckmode only).
- New cheat: sleep early - Useful to speed the week, but you may lose A LOT of events if you go crazy on it.

- Grammar and suggestions.
- DB: Masturbate in public: also works if you don't have a dick or locked.
- 0.5.11b: Fixed a small problem related to porn menu.

- 112 new images: Murphy: All clients.
- New DB Task BDSM (request): Dog_Lover123 wants to take you for a walk again.
- New item (request): Bunny Suit can be found at Wild Snu Snu in Leather section.

- Dom Online: Changed names to tasks.
- Sissy school: Option will be available even if you're playing with cuckmode on.
- Pharmacy: Available right from the begin making it possible to buy a mobile in early game, prices have raised.


- Dealer: After you turn her to the cops a strange message will appear and new situations will be available. Note: Her tasks will ask for certain skills that you won't have during the early game. You should wait until your character is more developed to try her quests.
- 130 new passages were added.
- 8 tasks to increase your reputation with her or help you to pay your debt.
- 7 situations if you choose not to pay her.
- Her store will be fully available on Mondays if you reach enough respect.

- Cheat for reseting DB days wasn't showing when cheating was enable.

- 111 new images: Most of them for the BF story while dating.
- Changed BF story: Outfit and stats will help you with your date or cheating.
- New DB Task BDSM (request): Dog_Lover123 is looking for someone to take her dog for a walk. Why is it listed on level 4?

- Background image for avatar has changed.
- Profile buttom moved to sidebar under the avatar.
- Waist and hips changed.
- Name change: If you regret about your changes and want a new name, you can pay for it. Check your inventory.


- After a successful (or dreadful) wedding party, you're going with your husband/wife to your honeymoon. Is it going to be wonderful or terrible? Your choice.
- 133 new passages with different choices.
- Honeymoon with BF male or female (different options for each).
- Are you a cheating bastard or a comprehensive partner?
- Definitive ending for BF story or pick a different line to continue your own story.


- 116 new images
- 62 for Dominance Online while playing as dominatrix.
- 54 for GF story while picking her date.

- Small errors related to CSS and HTML code.
- Course won't show twice on the first day.
- Smoking in the Bathroom. Chances changed from 25% to 50% of meeting the Janitor.


- Sister's story continues after her famous party. Someone decided it was fun to take a few photos and blackmail her. She asks for your help to find out who's behind it. 4 weeks of content (gameplay) with different options to go with: help her or not. New options are available if you're playing with the stepsister.
- 100 new passages leading to different choices.
- New DB Task: The Evil Nurse
- New DB Task: The Rich Man (unlocks if you find this character and help him during the sister/stepsister's story).
- New DB Task: The Slave Girl (unlocks if you find this character and help her during the sister/stepsister's story).
- Refuse to help her and get crappy nights.

- 113 new images for Dominance Online while playing as slave. Images for both Master and Mistress are now available.
- UI for GF story while picking her date was fixed.

- A bug related to a dare board reward.
- UI for the GF story while picking her date was fixed.



Main Content
- GF story continues along with one possible early endings based on your choices, leading to a final choice for the definitive ending (to be added). 4 weeks of content (gameplay) with different options to go with, behave, misbehave, be nice or not. Play the way you want to.
- 120 passages total.
- New path added to avoid a relationship with Hank during the beach weekend.

- Fixed an issue during the training week with the GF.



- 88 new images were added to her part of the story.

Dominance Online:
- Entire UI for the Master/Mistress online fixed and ready for future images.

New item (request):
- Light Blue Heels added to the Mall (casual).
- Light Blue Shorts added to the Mall (casual).

- Fixed an issue which you wouldn't get paid after a promotion working at the Gym.



New mode added:
- Stepsister: for those who want a little more spice added to the story. You never met her until you were sent to live with her when your mother married her father. You're not blood related or grew together. She's a stranger which you're about to know. You need to know to thinks about her: She drinks a lot and loves parties, the rest is up to you.
- This mode will change the main events of the story and new Friday night system based on your actions with the stepsister during the story.
- New sister/stepsister's tasks: 10 new were added. They will show randomly after developing your body.

Bugs fixes:
- Gloryhole was moved back to the Sexshop, somehow it was available at the Femme Desire.
- Working at the Salon: Fixed, you won't work infinitely and new UI was set for it.
- Fixed an issue when if you have a small butt and a big chest (or the reverse) your status would drop back to sissy. You need to have both small to return.
- A few images and settings during the sister's events were missing.



- My closet: Reorganized and easier to set each set.
- Stores: The entire mall changed. UI too.
- Cloth n' Clothes: socks, gym, sneakers, shoes, underwear, clothes.
- Hey Pretty Lady: Same as above.
- Wild Snu Snu: Lingerie, sex toys, and leather clothes.
- Sneeze n Cold: Contact Lens, Nail Polish, Hair Dye, Shaving products, Electronics. NOTE: Mobile is now available at the Pharmacy, if you want early access to the Dare Board, you can choose to start with mobile.
- Dye Another Day Salon: Hair, Makeup, Shaving, Wax and Nails.
- Hair: One hairstyle replaced, two new added.
- Clothes: A lot of changes related to visuals. Names changed making it easier to find it in your closet.
- UI: Money, Date and Time are now available all the time at the sidebar.



Date with BF
- Skills and text changed in a few parts.
- Images for every scene.
- New look for male and female friend
- New event at the local course's bathroom if you complete the date with the Janitor.
- New event at the gym's male bathroom if you complete the date with your favorite bully.
- 118 new images.
- Rework for the witch and bunny costume.



Dreams updated:
- 56 new images.
- 56 erotic dreams edited and changed.
- Change: Sleeping while mindless horny will lower your mind by 1, but you can try to regain it during the dream or choose to improve something else.
- The morning screen updated.

Kissing contest updated:
- 17 new images.
- Evil/Good status updated. You won't get punished (greatly) for joining this contest anymore.

Creating sissy videos:
- UI updated. Gifs added.

Weekends during GF's training.
- If you skip her early training, you'll get a random event on Sunday.
- Rework:  New UI, new rewards and new events.
- 9 new images.



Main Content
- GF story continues along with her partner with two possible early endings based on your choices. 5 weeks of content (gameplay) with different options to go with.
- A few familiar characters return to help you with your transformation or resistance. You should talk to them if you want to avoid an early ending.

- Sissy requirement removed from Dildobaggins DB task.
- Stats can be decreased to sissy, except if you turn into a female.
- Cheat can be enabled anytime in the game.
- Doctor won't be removed from the GF story after a certain event anymore.



- The Closet: The "famous" nightclub is now available with access to the VIP. New images (22).
- The Closet with GF: New images (47) and another chance to dump her to become a whore.
- The Clinic: 9 New dreams and images (14) added.

New Place: The Closet. It's now open and working from Friday to Saturday after 18h00.

- Murphy: Tired of playing the good girl? Become a whore. (Available if dumping the girlfriend after meeting Murphy at "The Closet". If dumped at the Wedding. If completing the "Dominance Online" training).
- The VIP: If you're hot and you want to improve some skills while making more money, that's your place. You can also bring your slave if you own one.
- The Dealer: She's now available at the Park, Clinic and "The Closet". Each place selling a different product. She won't show up more than once a day.

- Poppers: Increase horny instantly (The Closet)
- Acid candy: Increases mind and decreased body (The Closet)
- Crazy Energy bar: Increases body and decreases mind (The Closet)
- New SiS: You know this one. (The Closet)
- Have enough "New SiS"? Won't use it? You can sell. (The Clinic)
- Random skill books (The Park)

New Items:
- Slutty Fishnet 25$ (Sexshop);
- Kinky Latex Catsuit 105$ (Sexshop);
- Impossible High Heels 105$ (Sexshop);

- All GIF files were updated to small file sizes.



New content - Murphy "The Pimp"
- Murphy appears after one of those situations: Failed wedding, Completing Dominance Online as a slave or dominatrix.
- 04 new clients with different endings based on your choice for each one.
- The Depraved Politician: A guy with a fetish for painted nails. He's evil, corrupted and wants to use you to achieve his goals. Are you going to help him or screw him?
- The Evil Socialite: She likes to dominate, are you a dominating person? Can you be more evil than her? She has a thing for fit bodies and big dicks. If you have a slave, she'll love to meet her.
- The Perverted Businessman: This guy loves exhibitionism and he loves to humiliate people, especially sissies. Are you going to be one of his victims or punish him?
- The Degenerated CEO: a Rich guy with terrible plans. His assistant tries to help him but an Asian hooker called "Ming Ling" doesn't see to help her. Are you going to help the assistant or "Ming Ling"?

- Fixed a bug related to the pornstar job.
- Most of .gif files were updated to small file sizes.


Dare Board Level 4
- Added images (32), fixed layout and rewards.
- New task (Diamond request): A mistress is looking for someone to help with her slave.

Night with sister:
- Added images (26), fixed layout and rewards.
- Options will change according to MC stats.
- Change: Option will show a little earlier: 19h to 18h.

Sister's task:
- Added images (05), fixed layout and rewards.

Cheating with Carlos:
- Added images (13), fixed layout and rewards.

- Fixed a bug: Wax and razor are working properly.
- Fixed a bug: Evil sister won't repeat the same thing twice.
- Fixed a bug: BF (male) wedding list demmands is now working properly.
- Fixed a bug: DB task "I need a blonde actress for an horror movie".
- Changes: Cheat mode to DB, you can rest the counter to zero.
- Changes: Mobile prices: Cheap 65 to 40; Robot 120 to 90; iMobile 225 - 150.
- Changes: DB requirements are based on skills and features making it easier to accept.
- Changes: Amount of horny level needed to donate sperm at clinic 10 to 6.
- Changes: Link colors for options changed.
- Changes: Evil sister to Good sister will take a little longer than before.
- Changes: Added 03 images to DB Task "Photos at the Local Course".



New content:
- Getting married: After completing BF's list you'll have three weeks for the wedding.
- Different options and choices based on BF sex, Evil/Good system and Sister's system.
- New clothes to use on specific events (no need to buy it).
- Lingerie party: Ask your sister to throw a lingerie party for you or for BF (female) and see what goes on.
- Bachelor's party: You can have fun with your sister's friend if you have enough dominance and an average dick. Or maybe you'd like to try the "Cinderella Pack" at the hotel. Pick your path.
- Wedding day: Ask your sister to help you pick an outfit and follow or not her advice. At the ceremony, you can say yes or no... Just like BF. Are you married? Go have fun at a weird party. Got dumped? Girl's night at "The Closet".
- You'll see a warning to go back and save your game when the main content is over.

- Course duration 4h to 3h.
- The Sex shop is now working properly if you dump the GF and become a dominatrix.
- Cheat added for body changes in a specific part of the story.
- Add tips at the start of the game about how to develop MC for a specific relationship with the BF.



UI, Balance and Images:
- 88 new images add.
- Sissy school: the entire part of the story have images (62 images).
- Dare Board: Fixing the UI and Rewards. From level 1 to 3, most of the tasks received balance and information about it. 26 new images. Level 4 still needs balance and new images.
- Kiss a guy: If you can't find the right one, just go for the hobo, but it has a cost.
- Masturbate at the course: New options based on skills.
- Sexy pics at the mall: RNG removed. Choices are based on skills.
- Jerk a guy at the mall: Rework. It's easier to do.
- Fixed a few bugs related to images.


New content:
Be the dominatrix
- If you choose to dump the GF you'll be directed to an online system which allows you to choose to become a slave with a new Master/Mistress, OR, if you have enough dominance (evil 15) and the MC is a female or MtF trans, you can become a Mistress with a slave to train.
- Three different slaves to pick, each one with a different desire and a different ending, IF you're a good mistress. Otherwise, you'll get dumped.
- 8 weeks of training and fun with your slave.
- New mistress outfit: 3 dresses and 2 boots.

- Task with the rich guy at "The Closet" pays 100$ if done right.
- Male's bathroom at the Gym working properly.


New content:
- Sissy school: Disable "Cuckold Content" to access it and don't dump her after she says you cheated. Instead of being directed to an online master/mistress the stoy will continue with your mistress in some kind of sissy school during 4 weeks with A LOT of rewards.

- Fixed: You can watch porn only until 23h.



Jobs promotion:
- Promotions: 20/40/60/80 job skill (except for makeup, first promotion happens when Sissy status is reached).

- Personal to Stripper: After becoming a pole dance instructor and developing your skills, you'll have an opportunity to work as a stripper. It's a night job with different events at the VIP.
- Designer to Cam model: You helped develop a webcam platform, you met some of the models and now you're one of them. Your viewers may ask for different items and clothings.
- Hair Stylist to Pornstar: You've been helping to fix hair and makeup, but now, a director wants you to work for him. You'll have an agent with a new opportunity from Monday to Friday.

- Stripper: 2 hours a day. You can work every day. Pays less than Personal, but working at the VIP may add a lot. Sex skills are useful.
- Cam model: 2 hours a day. You can work every day. Pays less than Designer, but viewers can add an extra tip. Sex skills and toys are useful.
- Pornstar: 2 hours a day. Monday - Friday. Pays less than hairstylist, but you can keep working this job too. Sex skills and body features are useful. Note: You won't be able to play on ALL movies. Some may require a full girl while others require dick girl.

- Gym: New UI and a new job. Before receiving an invitation, you'll be able to work as a pole dance instructor.
- Designer: Each promotion will trigger the possibility to develop certain sexual skills until you become a Cam model.
- Hairstylist: Requirements to promotion changed to easier features.

- New gifs to each job related to sex: Sex doll, Sex Maid, Stripper, Cam Model and Pornstar.



MC Avatar update:
- Back view: You can go to the bathroom and check how your hips, butt, and nails are developing with the treatment.
- Horny level: changed 3 to 10 peppers.

Bathroom UI:
- UI updated with more info about the products you own.
- You can do your nails if you have skills.
- Hair dye won't be removed after using it, but it costs more.

Inventory UI:
- Special items used to show in the main screen at your room, now you can check each one and what it does in "My Inventory".

Porn UI:
- Choose your favorite porn and watch it while jerking off or playing with your ass.
- New options for porn view.
- Handjob, Blowjob and Sissygasm increase with items.

New items:
- New items in the sex shop for different skills.
- Nail polish at the pharmacy, you can do your nails in the Bathroom.
- Powerdildo (DB reward) was removed from the game.
- Buying a popsicle at the Park: It can be used to increase blowjob skill while watching porn or lower you horny level if you eat it from your inventory.
- Buttplug added: When your sissygasm increases, you'll feel more aroused, sleeping with a buttplug won't let your horny level increase more than it should.

- Eating candy will lower your horny level by a lot, but you'll lose body.
- Using poppers will increase your horny level by a lot, but you'll lose mind.
- Dreams: You won't be able to have an orgasm while sleeping anymore. There are other ways to avoid going to bed mindless even while locked.
- Studying general topics increases mind by 2. If you're horny it will increase by 1.
- Workout at the gym increase body by 2. If you're horny it will increase by 1.
- DB is now available from the first moment if you're playing with the Cuck Mode off.

Playing games:
- Play a game to lower your horny level and play a game to increase it.
- Play FAP Roulette to increase the MC horny level, while you can play it as a mini-game in real life if you want to.
- Play it for 1, 2 or 3 hours.

- Sister may give useful tips every morning (evil or good).
- New dialogue changes to daily jobs: Nurse and Housekeeper.
 - Fixed a bug where the Sex Shop doesn't show after choosing a relationship with the BF.


New content: Romance with BF

- UI fixing and balancing the BF part of the story (no images yet).
- New option: Romance with the BF a new path to the main story.
- New clothes and places for each date with different options and results for each one.
- New oportunity to dump the GF.
- If you decide to dump the BF after dumping the GF you'll be directed to the Mistress/Master story.

- Fixed a locked change of stats.
- Fixed Doctor conversation during sex and breast change.
- Sex change can be trigged using catalyst (from Mistress/Master) or with boy friend permition.
- Fixed missing passage while working as Sex Doll.
- Fixed a bug during the photo session which shows no option.
- Fixed a bug in the DB related to dominance.
- Tasks from the DB which demands "New SiS" now will use your share from the Clinic.
- Reward at DB Forum: "New SiS" adds three bottles to the Clinic.


Total Games: 2,269
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,552
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,072,363

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