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Game Information
Release Date
Last Update
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes

Version: 0.3.8

Version: 0.3.7

Version: 0.3.6

Version: 0.3.5-full

Version: 0.3.5

Version: 0.3.4

Version: 0.3.3

Succubus Dream

Every night a Succubus appears before you. She gives you the option to trade cum for a bodily transformation. How will you collect enough cum to get the body you want?


See changelogs for updates.







You need an attractiveness rating of at least 0 before people start noticing you.


Julia: Get your grades up and spend time with her

The Landlord: Get hot and don't make rent

Your Father: Get hot and sit on his lap

Mother's boyfriend: Get hot and fall asleep at night

The cosplay club: Get hot and cosplay

Gym buddy: Squat

Rich Fatass: Visit the stalls

Jared: Get hot, become a slut and keep sucking him off


Versioning Scheme A.B.C

A: When this isn't 0, its no longer beta

B: New quest line was added| New game mechanics|Big content additions

C: Minor game mechanics|continuity fixes|styling|bugfixes|minor additions

0.3.8 (July/29/2020)

I actually have no idea what I've changed.

- I made it easier to grind  for cum

- Added some events throughout

Looking for someone to take over.

0.3.7 (December/12/2019)

- New Love Interest Violet

- Cosplay questline reworked

- Added new images all over the place

0.3.6 (Augest/22/2019)

- Going to the beach

0.3.5-archived (May/13/2019)

- zipped version with all the images

- Bonus 4 images

0.3.5 (Apr/28/2019)

- added new events to the father questline

- added sex counters

- bugfix in living room

0.3.4 (Apr/21/2019)

- added a bunch of new scenes with mother's boyfriend in the living room

- added event with mother's bf when going to sleep

- added events with peeking on father in the shower

- Julia reacts to successive tries to make her cum

0.3.3 (Apr/07/2019)

- added a new event with mother in the washroom

- added a few events after the relationship is maxed with Jamal

- added a few events for  playing video games with your father

- minor changes

0.3.2 (Mar/24/2019)

- a progression tracking system

- fixed shopping 

- tweaked a bunch of scenes so its easier to access all the content

0.3.1 (Mar/19/2019)

- foobar bugfix

0.3.0 (Mar/18/2019)

added a bunch of scenes continuing the Julia quest line

- added a few more scenes to the Jared bully quest line

0.2.1 (Mar/11/2019)

- added maid events

- added more bully events

0.2.0-full (Feb/19/2019)

- zipped version with all the images

0.0.5 - 0.2.0 (Feb/19/2019)

Add healslut events at your father's place

- Add sleepover at father's house

Add good? ending in the nightmare

- Added Julia quest line

- Added being the landlord's maid questline

- Added shopping

- Added Shower events


Review by tnbBoss

Version reviewed: 0.3.8 on 09/19/2023

Until the picture/video situation is resolves this game isn't worth much don't play it until it's fixed in changelogs.

"You can put your own" isn't a solution, unless that is expressed as the game mission, even then a default option should always be there

Review by ADIDAS

Version reviewed: 0.3.8 on 11/13/2022



You can customize the html file with Notepad++ and replace the location of the picture/vidoe paths to a personally selected file.

Review by furamingo

Version reviewed: 0.3.8 on 11/13/2022

great game, sadly most of the videos and images are dead now and the only downloadable version that has them is outdated :(

Review by rubberdicks

Version reviewed: 0.3.8 on 10/25/2022

This game is fantastic, like some other have said, one of the better games to play one-handed. Sad that it seems to be dead.

Review by Kolka

Version reviewed: 0.3.8 on 12/21/2021

Still one of the best fap games, and completely left-handed for the people of culture!

Shame the game is in light mode, it'd be great if dark mode were available.

Total Games: 2,269
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,557
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,072,949

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