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Game Information
Release Date
Last Update
0.0.512 (public) / 0.0.603/.700 (patron-only)
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes
TF Themes

Version: 0.0.512 (public) / 0.0.603/.700 (patron-only)

Version: 0.0.500 (public) / 0.0.512/.603 (patron-only)

Version: 0.0.420 (public) / 0.0.500/.512 (patron-only)

Version: 0.0.410 (public) / 0.0.420/.500 (patron-only)

Version: 0.0.402 (public) / 0.0.410/.420 (patron-only)

Unnatural Selection

Title Art



“Unnatural Selection” is a text-dominant HTML (Twine) game that supplements the Crown of Roses novels by presenting a different story-line that focuses specifically on one of the supporting- / side-characters from the novel[s].  Story continuity is maintained between all the Crown of Roses works.  You are welcome to enjoy this game as a stand-alone experience, but if you are someone receptive to reading, or especially if you are actively seeking a fantasy-fiction world that does not shy away from mature/sexual/fetishistic elements and descriptions, then I strongly encourage you to read the current novel, Crown of Roses: Lost & Found, prior to playing the game.  You are welcome to follow both products as they are developed, and I assure you that the Crown of Roses world will be complex, intriguing, and entertaining; it will continually grow in depth and scope to accommodate everyone’s invested imaginations.


“Unnatural Selection” revolves around Michael (Michelle) Warren.  The game is in the very beginning stages of development, so you should not expect much “playability” at this point. Right now, the game’s cosmetics (appearance and style) are low priority in development, so players should also not expect refined visual appeal.   Plus, it currently contains very little images.  As the game progresses in development, more artwork (and other media) will be added (including adult imagery), and the cosmetics will be improved.  Until then, feel free to experience what is available.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Playstyle:  The game’s introduction is text-heavy and will “play” primarily like mature (adult) fiction, consisting mostly of reading (descriptive and elaborate, more in accordance with novel-style creative writing).  However, every action in the introduction section will affect the character’s pathing (minor changes between predetermined critical life-events), starting attributes, and later play.


Eventually, each chapter will contain both a reading section (a choose-your-own-adventure style of interactive fiction) and a gaming section (with goal-oriented character-building, objectives, obstacles, and challenges).  Player actions and decisions will seamlessly affect both the reading and gaming sections of the game; the only real distinctions will be the purpose of those parts and, most significantly, the writing style.  The gaming sections will be less verbose and more streamlined than the reading sections, so for those who are not fans of novel-style reading, you should not worry that every part of “Unnatural Selection” will be as text-heavy as the introduction.  Nevertheless, if you have a strong aversion to reading, you will likely not enjoy the current version[s] and may not appreciate the final product; after all, this is a text-based game (just being honest – don’t want to mislead anyone into spending their time on something that’s clearly not their style).  My hope is everyone who invests their time into the Crown of Roses world, whether game or novel, is happily rewarded.


Format:  Adult Interactive Fiction / Game (HTML Text-based, eventually with some supplemental visual/audio media, built using Twine 2.x and Sugarcube 2.x)


Content Warnings:  Graphic (and brutal) violence and sexual encounters (and violent sexual encounters) ; Unorthodox sexual encounters (may include but not limited to: homosexuality, trans-sexuality, non-consexuality, inhuman/alien intercourse, unwanted physical transformations).


A note regarding the “TF” aspects of this game: The story will exhibit Michael’s transformation into Michelle.  However, I must ask the strong TF-fetish fans to please be patient, for the TF-interactive features of the game will be subtle and slow-manifesting until the catastrophic event that finally forces an abrupt change (which will occur in chapter two of this game but is also briefly described in the Lost & Found novel).


Accessing the material:  You can always access the latest public versions of my novel (Lost & Found) and game[s] (currently only “Unnatural Selection) for free through my patreon page (link on the left).  I also offer two different versions of earlier access with additional material for my patrons, for those of you who wish to support the arts or those who do not want to wait for public access, the details of which can also be found on my patreon page (link on the left).  Mirrored links to mega.nz and google-drive are also provided (on the left side) for the public version. 



Michael Warren is a high-school athlete at a private, elite high school in Augusta, Georgia, USA.  He is a pro-active, popular person who knows what he wants and pursues it.  For the most part, he wants prestige, power, and pussy, and, although he espouses high ethics, he has begun using more and more unscrupulous methods to achieve those goals.  He is also active politically and religiously, which complicates (and sometimes contradicts) his desires, which, like many Americans, forces him to adopt different personas for different environments.  The young man tries to tediously balance his public activities, private life, and secret desires to achieve the highest status and most power possible.   Unfortunately, unbeknownst to him, fate has already set him on a collision course with an unnatural environmental hazard that will humble and forever change the rising star of the Augusta Academy of Excellence.





-Implemented some new, better CSS for new content. Older content will be updated later (in Ch. 1)
-Wrote and implemented scheduled events for the first 3 weeks of summer break (In Ch. 1 game section)
-Added the first two Lady Lovesore’s Acclimation masturbation scenes. (In Ch. 1 game section)
-Created and implemented images to complement the new scenes.

-Edited some Intro scenes to unlock internship options in Ch. 1 (In Intro)

-Bus (75% Complete)
-Adam (95% Complete)
-Laura (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)
-Gloria (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)

-Summer Love, Ch 1 “Prologue” (90% Complete)
-Game: Ch. 1 Code/Foundation (65% Complete)
-Game: Girl Dating/Sex Scenes (0% Complete)
-Game: Scheduled Events (20% Complete)
-Game: Triggered Events (5% Complete)
-Game: Random Events (0% Complete)
-Fallen Star, Ch 1 “Epilogue” (25% Complete)

-This update has new playable content which extends into week 3 of summer break. It has only the main, most complex events for these weeks, plus some interactions with Lady Lovesore. You can now choose your internship, but several of them are locked and must be unlocked through interactions with appropriate characters (example: gloria simpson for gloria simpson).
-Lost & Found, the first book in the Crown of Roses series (on which the Unnatural Selection game is based) has been finished and published. Be sure to check it out at my patreon or on Amazon. Of course, support and positive reviews/ratings would be greatly appreciated :)
-The next game update will be another C&C update, which should finish most of Ch. 1’s coding/mechanics, laying the foundation for even more content thereafter and a final push toward transitioning into beta.
-The scheduled/main scenes in Ch. 1’s gaming section are long. don’t be worried. As promised, the gaming section will be less verbose than the intro. However, a lot of the shorter material is waiting for the last of the coding to be finished to be implemented, for it requires cyclical/random/conditional mechanics to write/read correctly.







-Implemented profile pictures for Elise Blake.
-Designed and implemented the Sleep system, which will adjust Exhaustion/Stress/Humiliation/Arousal each time the char sleeps/naps (Transparent, working but not active on any pages yet)
-Designed and implemented the ArousaloverTime system, which will re-adjust Arousal to hourly/daily baselines after ejaculation and increment accordingly within a day – partners with the Sleep system (Transparent, working but not active on any pages yet)
-Created a dynamic function/method for Luck, which adds a chance factor to each check/contest (Transparent)
-Created a dynamic function/method for Effort, which adds a co-efficient factor to each check/contest at a cost to exhaustion/stress/humiliation/arousal (Transparent)
-Created and implemented a contest window (interface) for combat/sex gaming scenes. (Partially working, a demonstration is available in the first three weeks of Ch 1’s gaming section)
-Streamlined the character javascript and State objects to better operate with universal functions/methods/systems. (Transparent)
-Created a crap-ton of methods/functions for simple skill checks (Pretty much transparent and plugs into other methods/systems)
-Created and implemented a Contest Check system for rapport checks, which handle most social interactions. It is dynamic based on the characters’ talents and skills, and incorporates individual reputations into the check (does not include organizational bonuses yet). (Transparent, BUT you can see a bare-bones debugging demo of this working in the 1-3 week of CH 1’s gaming section. It is NOT balanced yet.)
-Created and implemented Avatar-Pics for Michael, Elise, and Vivianne, which will appear in Contest windows and later communications between characters. (Visible in Ch. 1’s gaming demonstrations)
-Created and implemented a recurring system operation to ensure characters’ fluctuating talent-pools do not drop below zero. (Transparent)
-Designed, tested, debugged, and implemented multiple methods for revealing, hiding, toggling, appending, updating, and erasing passage and element content. A system for locking/unlocking game navigation during critical events (contests, bad-endings, so on) is half-implemented and still being developed. (Transparent)

-Updated a crap-ton of passages to work with the new changes/systems/methods/objects. (Throughout the game).
-Updated some reputations and NPC talents to what they should be, though a third refinement process will likely occur during later balancing. (Throughout the game)
-Filled out base templates for all NPC profiles, which links to their appropriate data—objects. Updated some with some new information. Many still reflect default information. (in Profiles)
-Like I said above, a crap-ton of little fixes/corrections/adjustments to coincide with the new systemic changes. Too many and too trivial to enumerate.

-Bus (75% Complete)
-Adam (95% Complete)
-Laura (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)
-Gloria (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)

-Summer Love, Ch 1 “Prologue” (90% Complete)
-Game: Ch. 1 General Code/Foundation (60% Complete)
-Game: Girl Dating/Sex Scenes (0% Complete)
-Game: Events/Scenes (5% Complete)
-Fallen Star, Ch 1 “Epilogue” (25% Complete)

-This update has NO new “playable content.” I’m sorry. This update has a LOT of hours squeezed in between sleep and work (a lot of sacrificed sleep), but it’s all behind the scenes. This is a C&C update, and a lot of new code/script was created/refined, which will allow me to update the game sections’ content now. A LOT was done this update, but the work is transparent to the player, unfortunately. HOWEVER, if you want something new to see for now, feel free to check out the preview of the combat/sex contest window in the middle of CH 1. It’s not much, but it’s something new. It is just for display purposes at the moment and only barely operational.
-Next update will be a content update with new content for Chapter 1’s gaming section, which will progress the playable story deeper into the different gaming events.




-Developed and implemented Ms. Barnes’ Bus scenes (in Intro)
-Developed and implemented majority of unfinished Summer Love scenes (in Ch1, a few minor conditions to be tweaked later based on Intro actions)
-Outlined the scheduled events during summer break and implemented placeholders in the looping cycle, in preparation for later content development (in Ch1 game)
-Implemented chapter one objectives (in Profiles and at start of Ch1 game)

-Fixed game-flow to what it should have been – the correct gaming loop cycle is now in effect (in Ch1 game)
-Fixed several typos
-Set more stat-adjustments to previously-implemented story-decisions

-Bus (75% Complete)
-Adam (95% Complete)
-Laura (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)
-Gloria (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)

-Summer Love, Ch 1 “Prologue” (90% Complete)
-Game: Ch. 1 General Code/Foundation (20% Complete)
-Game: Girl Dating/Sex Scenes (0% Complete)
-Game: Events/Scenes (5% Complete)
-Fallen Star, Ch 1 “Epilogue” (25% Complete)

-This content update added a little more to the missing Intro scenes and finished the Ch1 prologue scenes, Summer Love (for the most part). A technical hiccu prevented me from developing more content for the actual gaming section, but the next content update (the update after next) will focus on Ch1 gaming actions/events/scenes, which should provide some actual “playability.”
-The next update will be a C&C update, which will focus on implementing the remaining systems needed to sufficiently operate and interact with the Ch1 game. This will finally open the door for the playable “gaming” content to start being implemented, which are shorter scenes/events/details and less novelesque material. This will also mark the beginning of mid-alpha development. Yay!





-Implemented barebones system for game section’s progression (in Ch 1)
-Selected and designed game’s theme song.  Cut it into appropriate segments for each chapter, edited it, and implemented it (General UI, in Main Menu, changes each chapter)
-Created an Info icon and implemented info pop-ups (tooltips) to the new gaming section, which will be be more useful in later tutorials (in Ch 1. Gaming)
-Implemented some new CSS to allow media to be enlarged when you hover your mouse over it (In Entire Game)
-Added an area to acknowledge memorialized patrons and to give credit to media contributors (in Uncle Bounce biography page, Side-menu)

-Fixed a minor error regarding time limits (in Bus Scenes, Intro)
-Edited main menu to play music based on new chapter (in Main Menu)
-Fixed a typo error that showed some “span” coding (In Adam Scenes, Intro)
-Fixed a type error that show a wild “em” (in Ch. 1, Prologue)
-Went back and slightly reduced default sizes of embedded media, the now-enlargeable media, so there is less clutter during reading (in Entire Game)
-Beware: Edited the bad ends to be a little more bad but still not perfect (back button removed on a bad end, currently only in Adam Scenes, Intro)
-Minor changes to Main Menu (in Main Menu)

-Bus (60% Complete)
-Adam (95% Complete)
-Laura (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)
-Gloria (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)

-Summer Love, Ch 1 “Prologue” (15% Complete)
-Game: Ch. 1 General Code/Foundation (20% Complete)
-Game: Girl Dating/Sex Scenes (0% Complete)
-Game: Events/Scenes (5% Complete)
-Fallen Star, Ch 1 “Epilogue” (25% Complete)

-This is a C&C update, so no new content in this update.  However, the play-through may look a little different because of some cosmetic changes, and you can now get a slight impression for how the Ch. 1 gaming section will handle.
-The next update will provide more content in Intro’s Bus scenes and probably some summarized events in Ch. 1’s gaming section





-Several new Events (Hannah, Jessica, Ashley, in Bus Scenes)
-Added Michael’s father (Benjamin) and mother (Sabrina) as characters with profiles (almost forgot them!, in Profiles)
-Added widget to check for new NPC encounters, which will construct reputation values later (Transparent)
-Added the beginning of the Ch 1 Epilogue (Fallen Star), which curently acts as a mild teaser and gives an idea of how the game of ch 1 will develop/end (End of Chapter 1, click through all the empty under-construction pages to view)

-Edited the Bus scene to be more efficient, better coded, and compatible with the new secrets/objectives tracking system, still needs some polishing (in Intro)
-Activated/Updated some reputation and stat changes (in Intro, mostly Bus scenes, still a few more needing updated)
-Intro pages now updated for the new reputation system.  Your choices should now reflect reputation changes.  (In Intro)
-Extended the Intro’s duration by 1 hour.  This is still being tested and won’t be set for certain until game rolls into beta development (in Intro)

-Bus (60% Complete)
-Adam (95% Complete)
-Laura (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)
-Gloria (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)

-Summer Love, Ch 1 “Prologue” (15% Complete)
-Game: Ch. 1 Code/Foundation (1% Complete)
-Game: Dating/Sex Scenes (0% Complete)
-Game: Special Events/Scenes (0% Complete)
-Fallen Star, Ch 1 “Epilogue” (25% Complete)

-Next update will be a C&C (cosmetics and code) update and will roll the game to 0.0.5xx.
-I am aware that many of the NPC profiles (which you can reach through Michael’s Social profile AFTER you’ve met them in game) are generic/not updated.  They will be updated eventually.
-The Intro’s Tutorial page should make a showing in version 0.0.7xx, which will explain how character stats and reps work.  Try to be patient until then!  :D
-Many of the Bus events display odd debugging/development numbers.  I’m aware.  Don’t worry about them.  They’ll be removed before long.





-Outlined Ch 1’s details, in preparation for development (Transparent)
-Laid out placeholder-pages for Ch 1’s base game-flow from beginning to end, no content yet (Ch 1)
-Implemented a dynamic chapter objectives tracking system, to display progress toward each chapter’s goals (in Profile-Summary, active but triggers throughout Intro still need updating/activated)
-Developed methods for calculating Recent Activities but not yet implemented (Transparent, In Profile – Sexual)
-Outlined and partially developed several functions/methods for upcoming coding (Transparent)

-Removed “jobs” section from Social Profile, replaced it with Discoveries  (in Profile-Social, currently static and unfilled)
-Activated variables in Expertise/Knowledges sections  (In Profiles-Physical and Mental)
-Updated Intro pages for chapter quest-tracking objectives, should be fully functional, but still need to update for earlier faction-system changes (Intro)

-Bus (40% Complete)
-Adam (90% Complete)
-Laura (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)
-Gloria (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)

-Summer Love, Ch 1 “Prologue” (15% Complete)
-Game: Ch. 1 Code/Foundation (1% Complete)
-Game: Dating/Sex Scenes (0% Complete)
-Game: Special Events/Scenes (0% Complete)
-Fallen Star, Ch 1 “Epilogue” (0% Complete)

-A lot of this update’s work is transparent and/or behind the scenes (in development files and not quite ready to be added to the game yet).  I was hoping to have more finished before starting Ch. 1’s content, but (insert usual excuses about limited time and complications).  
-Next update will have some new visible content.




-Finished coding and implemented Relationships (faction) core system, not yet utilized in decisions (but affected by them) (Systemic and in Profiles)
-Finished coding and implemented age calculation method, which will automatically calculate ages of characters based on the game’s current date (Systemic and in Profiles)
-Split and migrated static NPC variables to be stored outside game’s current state, so as game expands the player saves will be smaller and cloning more efficient (Transparent, Systemic)
-Profile pages and base object-/data-mapping defined for all planned (named) game NPCs, except for maybe a couple who might be added in chapter 4 (Transparent)
-New vid-clips for anal sex and titjob with Vivianne (in Adam scenes)

-Fixed Michael’s starting stats to what they should have been (in Profiles and Systemic)
-Fixed starting time/date to what it should have been (Systemic – I was off count by a year, which was throwing everyone’s ages off. Yikes!)
-Fixed errors in Sexual Experience (History) details and added additional tracking metrics for sexual activities (in Profile-Sex and NPC Profiles)
-Edited Social Profile page to reflect new Relationships system.  It is now dynamic and expands as new NPCs/Factions are encountered (in Profiles)
-Made slight cosmetic change to how links display.  Should be easier to read now and make dialogue choices more distinct (Systemic)
-Converted more gifs into webms (for efficiency) and softened more pics/vids with a faded frame/edges.  A couple more left to do (in Intro)

-Bus (40% Complete)
-Adam (90% Complete)
-Laura (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)
-Gloria (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)

-Summer Love (15% Complete)

-Next update will be another C&C (cosmetics and code) update and will implement more foundational coding and prepare for starting into Chapter 1
-No new content this update except for two new video clips. 





-Finished all of the “join” events in Adam Scenes (in Intro)

-Fixed a Vivianne event (in Bus scenes in Intro) to correspond with the new events in Adam scenes
-Some coding adjustments in preparation for the next update (transparent)

-Bus (40% Complete)
-Adam (90% Complete)
-Laura (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)
-Gloria (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)

-Summer Love (15% Complete)

-Next update will be a C&C (cosmetics and code) update and will roll the game to 0.0.4xx.
-I didn’t get all the pictures up for the Adam Scenes (in Intro) in this update, but they should all be included in the next update.



v 0.0.331


-Finished all of the "watch" event in Adam Scenes (in Intro)

-Fixed the odds of failing the Goal-wnning Shot event to what it should have been, now less likely (in Intro)
-Edited existing events to accomodate the new "failed" option for the Goal-winning Shot event  (In Intro)

-Bus (40% Complete)
-Adam (65% Complete)
-Laura (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)
-Gloria (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)

-Summer Love (15% Complete)

-There will be one more content update before the  next C&C (Code and Cosmetics) update, switching to 0.0.400.  Unfortunately the sexual participation event in the Adam scenes was not finished in time for this update (it will be for the next update).



v 0.0.320      (HAPPY HOLIDAYS!)


-Developed half of Adam's "watch" scenes, including most media (in Intro)
-Designed , developed, and implemented first Game Over animation (in Adam scenes in Intro)
-Fixed two errors with impelemented widgets that were causing all sorts of nuisance (transparent)
-Added a new outcome to the "Game Winning Shot" scene.  If you go for the shot yourself, there is a chance you'll fail and miss.  (glory is golden but risky)


-Bus (35% Complete)
-Adam (35% Complete)
-Laura (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)
-Gloria (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)

-Summer Love (15% Complete)

-Next upate will be another content update, a good sized one that should complete the majority of Adam's Scenes (both the watching and participating) and add a few more interactions to the Bus Scenes. After that, there will likely be a C&C (coding and cosmetics) update that pushes the game to v0.0.4XXs.  The goal is to be primarily finished with the Intro section and focusing primarily on Chapter 1 once in v0.0.5XXs. 



v 0.0.311

-Finished Rachel's random interactions for the Bus scenes (in Intro)

-Added factions to Michael's social page w/ working variables (no pages linked for them yet, in Profiles)
-Corrected some formatting and grammatical errors (In Bus scenes)

-Bus (35% Complete)
-Adam (15% Complete)
-Laura (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)
-Gloria (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)

-Summer Love (15% Complete)

-Many of the Bus scenes in intro are still unfinished and contain unpolished formatting.
-My apologies about the slow/minimal progress for this update.  My schedule is gradually returning to normal, now.



v 0.0.300


-Added three new Introduction title images (in Intro)
-Created and implemented new profile photos for Laura, Gloria, Vivianne, and Jane (in Profiles)
-Created and implemented new minor ui images to improve general cosmetics
-Created and implemented a few story-complementing images/movies (in Intros)
-Added summary for Chapter 1 (in Main Menu)

-Corrected image coding in previous images to align with  new codes (in Intro, Transparent)
-Changed Intro1 to accomodate random chapter pics (in Intro)
-Converted several PNGs to JPGs to conserve memory
-Removed Financial Details profile page and summary section (in Profiles - all finance will be folded into one Resources page)
-Changed inventory link/page to Resources
-Replaced all variable placeholders for current NPCs with active variables (in Profiles)
-Exterminated all (hopefully) the bugs in Laura Scenes (in Profiles)
-Edited Menu/UI window to condense contents once game begins ( UI )

-Bus (30% Complete)
-Adam (15% Complete)
-Laura (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)
-Gloria (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)

-Summer Love (15% Complete)

-More content will be coming next update.




v 0.0.240


-Linked the Introduction to Chapter 1 (and activated chapter 1)!
-Designed and implemented the first two pages of Summer Love, the introductory scene (in Ch-1)
-Added pictures to Summer Love pages (in Ch-1)
-Added profile pictures for Michael (in Profiles)
-Designed and implemented  media widgets in prep. for later code implementation (Transparent)

-Edited Main Menu page to provide a link only to the current chapter (Main Menu)
-Adjusted Michael Profile layout to include personal details and prepare for code implementation (in Profiles)
-Corrected a dialogue option that wasn't working in Laura scenes (in Intro)

-Bus (30% Complete)
-Adam (15% Complete)
-Laura (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)
-Gloria (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)

-Summer Love (15% Complete)

- I am aware of the remaining dialogue errors/typos in Laura scenes - should be fixed soon
-The next update will be primarily a C&C (cosmetics and code) upgrade, which will update the game to version .300
-I will eventually separate the files for updated Package Bundles to save people's bandwidth but not yet. When the package gets closer to 100 MB, I'll split them.



v 0.0.230


-Expanded and finished Adam scenes' starting dialogue options (in Intro)
- Finished the incomplete dialogue branches in Laura's scenes (in Intro)

-Fixed Adam scenes' start to accommodate a random hiding spot (in Intro)
-Edited sexual profile to correct its abilities (in Profiles)
-Minor edits to Intro5 (Michael gives thanks) to correct continuity errors (in Intro)
-Made several minor code and definitions alterations to prep for next code update (Transparent)

-Bus (30% Complete)
-Adam (15% Complete)
-Laura (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)
-Gloria (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)

-I know a lot of the dialogue options/scenes do not currently affect your character's stats.  They will when the foundational coding is implemented.

-v0.0.300 is now live for patrons and introduces a few 2d graphics and brief animated images/webm videos.  More will come as content updates.


v 0.0.220


-Finished dialogue options for Tim chance encounter (in Intro - bus scenes)
-Finished designing Adam's scenes (transparent, in Intro)
-Continued to design mechanics/code foundation (mostly transparent, most to be implemented later)

-Detailed the physical descriptions of some NPCs (in  NPC profiles)
-Created temporary links to some NPC profiles (in Michael's Social Profile, will be replaced later with scripts)
-Reworked lead-in to Adam's scenes, in prep for scene development (in Intro)

-Bus (30% Complete)
-Adam (5% Complete)
-Laura (70% Complete)
-Gloria (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)

-Not much playable material in this update.  Try to be patient.  A lot of transparent work was being done to prepare for future development.  The next several updates should offfer more playable material.  Plus, a code/script  and another cosmetic update is scheduled to happen within the next few releases.


v 0.0.211 

- Developed some additonal return-questions for Laura's section (in Intro)
-Finished the incomplete dialogue branches in Gloria scenes (in Intro)
-Started to design and implement foundational gaming mechanics and code (important for future efficiency and effectiveness, but offers no present playable material - please be patient)

-Condensed Gloria scene passages to one less page jump (in Intro)
-Increased Laura's response frequency (in Intro)

-Bus (25% Complete)
-Adam (1% Complete)
-Laura (70% Complete)
-Gloria (90%, awaiting game foundational coding to finish)


- - - - - - - - -


v 0.0.200 

- Designed general layout of Michael's remaining character profiles
- Designed general layout of NPC character profiles
-Developed more options for school-bus fraternizing in Intro section
-Developed some return-questions for Laura's section in Intro
- Added introductory tutorial link and landing page to game's story menu (empty)
-Set default link colors to improve asethetics
-Set default font for game to improve aesthetics

-Tweaked color scheme of pages to increase aesthetics
-Cleaned up UI Bar

Bus (25% Complete) ; Adam (1% Complete) ; Laura (65% Complete) ; Gloria (85% Complete)



-First Cosmetics Update, albeit a minor one!




Review by Dranylis

Version reviewed: 0.0.512 (public) / 0.0.603/.700 (patron-only) on 03/25/2022

Definitely a greast start. please don't abandon this game!!!

Review by exprmntle

Version reviewed: 0.0.500 (public) / 0.0.512/.603 (patron-only) on 08/27/2019

I did a quick run through .500 and the patron only 603.  In both cases, the game still suffers from a lack of content and no real game element to speak of.  The images are sparse and the sex is still pretty pedestrian.

HOWEVER...  This thing has buckets of potential.  I see where the creator is going with this and it looks awe-inspiring.  There is room for many, many fetishes and sexual exploration.  There is (or rather will be when it ceases to be a placeholder) a clever weekly management system that allows the player to see the good stuff that happens each week without the boring grind that hinders many other games.  And, there's a complex and interesting high-school social scene to survive.  

Hopefully, Uncle Bounce will keep releasing updates!

Review by sissymaid_louise

Version reviewed: 0.0.410 (public) / 0.0.420/.500 (patron-only) on 04/30/2019

There has been alot of updates and if those updates actually had content in it this maybe one of the best games out there but at the moment there is hardly any content and I appreciate the hard work going into the game but doing all the prettyness and making the game look good is good if you got content to work with and keep people interest. 


So atm I say out of 10 I say 7 out 10. 

Review by mattpantyhose

Version reviewed: 0.0.311 (public) / 0.0.320/.330 (patron-only) on 12/02/2018

The game is still in a relatively early stage of development, but evne now looks really promising. The writing is really good and choices are plenty, although some of them still lead to dead ends. Currently there's still more promise than content, but I hope the author continues to develop the project and we get to see Michael's future.

Review by roy12

Version reviewed: 0.0.230 (public) / 0.0.240/.300 (patron-only) on 08/09/2018

How do i advance the story with Laura Simpson? No matter how many choice i pick, its still the same. I got her secret from her mother that Laura is romantic so i approach with some of likely romantic choice but nothing happen.

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