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RPG Maker VX Ace
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Version: 1.0

Riley's Magic Swap 1.0

Riley's Magic Swap is a gender swap rpg with 3d Custom Girl sex scenes.
You have one year to turn back into a man and save the kingdom. Or not.... :P
Up to you.

Game will include:
Consensual Sex
Gender Swap "Male to Female"
Slavery "Done to you!"

Water Sports

DO NOT USE OLD SAVES! Use level skip instead.

You can email me at jessmarco50@yahoo.com
Combat engine created by Yanfly
P.S. This game used to have another name. I changed it because it was dumb.

Riley\'s Magic Swap is a gender swap rpg with 3d Custom Girl sex scenes.

You have one year to turn back into a man and save the kingdom. Or not.... :P 

Up to you.

1.0 Patch *DON'T USE OLD SAVES!!!!!*
-Final Mission Done!!!!
*You start it in the Mansion.
*Two Endings!
*Bad ending with MANY H scenes.
*True ending that will lead right into part two.
*Final mission is repeatable.
*Two hidden characters to have fun with. (Could cause game breaking!)
*After you beat the true end you will be able to choose what end you want on your next go.
-Hidden world boss added.
-Mini rewards for blue flame added!
-Game over H scene if Jess can't stop Simon.

Review by Volendi

Version reviewed: 0.0.11 on 01/02/2019

Came back to this after idk which single digit version...  I THINK it was to Lilac City, but not much was there.  Much progress has been made, and every bit of it is enjoyable!  LOVE the *spoiler spoiler* with Riley and the fairies!  (can't say WHAT it is, bc spoilers after all...  =^_^=  ) 

Seriously, with each update, this game becomes more and more enjoyable!  What started as little more than a forest romp that ended at the first city has grown into a rather enjoyable story, with several game mechanics that, if they aren't unique, haven't been seen often! 

If there are bugs, couldn't find them, and when you get to the end of content in a certain quest/story line, the relevant character will say something like "not done yet."  Really REALLY helps, right there...  no wandering around going "did I reach the end of content yet?" 

One thing that was actually REMOVED was a clown that insta-killed you if you chose... poorly... in your convo.  Part of me misses that, but could make you cry if you didn't save for a bit...  REMEMBER:  Clowns in fiction are usually going to BE EVIL!!!  You can thank the Joker and Pennyworth for that prolly...  most of me is glad it's been de-murderoused.  Maybe he can be reworked into an optional boss somehow...?  I could see an adventure guild quest:  A wild Clown has appeared!  Stop him, before he destroys Got-- err... Lilac City!  =^_^=

Amazing game, even unfinished.  Worth the time to play, altho time will be minimized if you SAVE OFTEN, in MULTIPLE SAVE FILES!!!  CANNOT stress this enough, since some fights are pretty much guaranteed death at least the first time around, until you can know what you're up against.

Character art in convos and cutscenes has improved, I think, feels more polished, maybe cleaner edges.  Might just be fuzzy memory, but they feel improved to me.

Looking forward, as always, to what's going to happen next!

Oh, and did I mention that the fairy storyline with *cough* spoilerspoilerspoiler *cough* was probably my (current) fave, and rlly RLLY awesome?  bc they are!

Orc camp might be a close second.


Review by thumper

Version reviewed: 0.0.9 on 11/28/2018

I love the game and look forward to future updates.  There are a lot of quests with fun play throughs and bad endings.  The only thing I would wish to see would be long term consequences for actions.  Maybe the maid scenes leading towards a more subservient path, or the gloryhole action leading towards a more slutty path.  But great game overall.

Review by caf3in3

Version reviewed: 0.0.7 on 09/30/2018

cute game. and fun . there is enough to do even at this early stage .

Review by otherwise-six

Version reviewed: 0.0.4 on 06/17/2018

In it's current state this game is a lot of fun!

-The combat is balanced and doesn't overly hinder the progression of the story like in so many other RPGMaker games on the website.
-The 3DCustomgirl models used in scenes look great.
-The story thus far has been intriguing and the main tf has it's purpose within the world.
-A lot of fun options (and even some hidden routes!)

-The writing is a little barebones at the moment. Not really a huge issue considering it's an early release and I personally don't like my games too bogged down with dialogue regardless.
-Soooooome of the paths may take a bit of suspension of disbelief to get into (like maybe a certain hidden one, but I still really enjoyed it!)

I'm really looking forward to more! This is a great start! :D

Review by FrozenWave

Version reviewed: 0.0.3 on 06/14/2018

It's a pretty good start, but I've noticed some problems in the difficulty balancing as well. I was nowhere near prepared for the Zombie fight after you find the Journal/Notes. The art style is great in my opinion. Too few games use this type of character models. Brings up good memories of a long-dead game Despair Labyrinth.

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