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Adult Themes


Version: 0.5.7




Fetish Hotel


Fetish Hotel is inspired by a lot of games from this site, such as "Trapquest", "Spa Recreation", "Motel S", "Bimbo House", "Seal of the Succubi" and more.

The game has a strong focus on latex and bondage themes with quite a bit of non-con. Furthermore, you'll find MTF transformations, Shemale content and various other kinks and fetishes.

As a non-native speaker, please excuse any mistakes or strange sentences! Have fun!


What's new?


A bug in the HotelNet output was caused by the CSS, rendering the page inaccessible to mouse input. Version is a hotfix that addresses this issue. This version doesn't introduce any new content.


As always, we thank you all for playing and for the feedback!

A million trillion thanks to the wonderful sweet MissDomme who created all the drawn art you see in the game :) Check out her art: https://www.deviantart.com/missdomme!

What seemed to be an ordinary trip soon turned out to be something way more exciting... and rubbery. As you navigate the halls and groups of this curious hotel, you try to unravel the mystery of this enchanted place.

Male start

You: As a 27-year old man stuck in an unfulfilling and dull career, you often find yourself contemplating about adventurous alternatives and fantasies which make you yearn for a change in the real life. The fact that you haven't had a relationship or a sexual encounter of any kind for years, fuels your despair even more. If only something would happen!

Emily: Emily is your colleague and good friend. She is quite aware of her good looks as she radiates confidence and wraps men around her little finger with little effort. You have known her since your first day on the job, though you secretly wish your platonic relationship would develop into something bigger. But despite your attempts, you always ended up getting friendzoned. Hopefully, this trip will be an opportunity for you to change things for the better.

Adam: Adam is your colleague and friend but he is also the complete opposite of you. As a charismatic extrovert, he is the centre of every event and can be frequently seen with women you consider to be way out of your league. Though the impression he leaves is not the only thing you envy about him. His extremely good looks and piercing gaze always provoked a strong sense of jealousy, even though you consider him to be a good friend and helpful colleague. One of his favourite past times is teasing you but you don't take his words too seriously as you know he means it in an innocent way. Atleast you hope so…

Female start

You: As a shy and prude 22-year-old law student, you often find yourself wondering whether there is more to life than studying and spending your free time behind a book. You yearn for some change in the dull routine, dearly hoping that one day you will break out of your shell and finally have some fun.

Emma: Emma has been in college for years, working not-so diligently to achieve a degree in dancing. When asked what semester she’s in, she will shrug her bare, soft shoulders and giggle. Her giggle is loud, never restrained by insecurities and at times even contagious. Sometimes, one can hear her laugh from the other side of the dorms. She is incredibly chatty and she always smells of vanilla and hair spray.

You will find many more characters in the halls of The Hotel...


Please beware that in the following lines you'll encounter massive spoilers.

There are events that are more story relevant than others. As there is for now not that one big story path, the main story paths are leading to the different groups. With each update I will update this walkthrough so you can see where new content is hidden. Have fun!

Version 0.5.6


-Since the test day will be the end of this "chapter" it will be implemented in the future. Till then the SP won't be that big of a deal beside events where you can earn and lose them. For that reason it is not necessary to gain all required SPs.

Group M

-Find Moira cleaning rooms for the first time. Talk to her.

-Get a mail from Jaime and meet him afterwards.

-Find Moira again and ask her about the choker.

-Agree to get a choker on your own.

-Agree to all and get the maid uniform.

-After 2 days you will get a mail from Moira. Read it.

-You now have the option to meet Moira for cleaning practice. Put on your uniform and go in the morning (first thing after waking up) to her.

-Continue that routine for some days.

-On one day you'll be tested by Mistress Sinclaire.

-Manage to keep the satisfaction of the guest above 30%.

-Mistress Sinclaire will invite you to the group.

-Moira will lead you to your new room.

-You're now officially a member of Group M.

Group L
-To join Group L you must be part of one of the other groups first. In version 0.5.6 only Group M is supported for that.

-You can start the quest chain before joining another group but at one point you have to be a member to continue.

-Find the mysterious blonde woman 3 times. You receive a red ball.

-Find a girl that's wandering around the hotel alone. (There are currently 3 girls that can be met)

-Examine the ball in your inventory. You get the option to throw it. Do that.

-Enjoy the trip meeting Natasha.

-Natasha gives you a doll. At this point you can only proceed the quest by joining another group. (In version 0.5.6 only Group M will work)

-Group M: You have to use the doll on one of the other maids. Moira will give you a tip on whome to use. Sori is your target. You will find her mostly in the evenings in the Group Foyer.

-Group M: Watch Sori getting kidnapped. Go to Moira for help.

-You will automatically meet Natasha in the night and begin your entry ritual for Group L.

-During the ritual "Fight" the urge to give in.

-You're now officially a member of Group L.

-Natasha will send a mail to you after a few days. Go meet with her in the evenings in the Group Foyer.

-She will lead you to a place from where you can proceed to meet the mistress. You'll need help to do that though.

-After a few days you'll meet Floyd and Venus. Visit them several times via the Group Foyer until they assure you their aid.

-You can now go and try to meet the mistress...

Group S

-Find your friend Adam in his predicament.

-Some time later you'll get an e-mail from Mistress Santini. Read it.

-Some time later you'll be escorted to her by the guards.

-Agree to all what she says and be invited to Group S.

-The guards will guide you to your new room.

-Bailey will greet you and give you the pill. Take it.

-You're now officially a member of Group S.


Group D

-Find the gagged girl in her room.

-Decide to hide under the bed.

-After she's been taken away you can search her room.

-Check the wardrobe if you want some clothing. Check the HotelNet screen to receive a code.

-Find the door with the keypad.

-Type in the code you found in the girls room. (You don't have to remember it it will be displayed ;))

-Be guided to Mistress Carter.

-You now have to convince her. If you don't fulfil the requirements yet, you can come back later again.

-One option is that you took the folder you found in the office. (Better wear your skimask while doing that otherwise there might come a bad surprise sooner or later ;))

-The other options is that Bianca will support you if your bond with her is deep enough.

-For now this is very the Group D story line ends.


The rest of the events has no big story impact yet. Some are just for gaining/losing SP others are for some flavor. Some events are story relevant but just as a teaser of what might come so I haven't listed them in the walkthrough yet.

Version 05.7.3

A bug in the HotelNet output was caused by the CSS, rendering the page inaccessible to mouse input. Version is a hotfix that addresses this issue. This version doesn't introduce any new content.


This hotfix addresses the black screen bug that appeared when exploring the hotel and got a lot worse with This should make the game now stable again.


This is a hotfix addressing the new (and old) bugs from 0.5.7. This is a html-file only. If you already have downloaded 0.5.7 you can just overwrite the old file with the new one.

******* FIXED *********

- Fixed a bigger bug that caused events, dreams, etc. to disappear and creating black screens.
--> If you encounter black screens, please click on the "Debug" link on the left side. In the upper half is a property called "CurrentPassage". Please contact me and tell me what it says. Thanks! :)
- Winning 'Bondage Dice' rewards you now with SP. (It's a harsh game, but not harsh.)
- After finishing 'A Sight Of Pink', the event will no longer trigger anew, causing a black screen when leaving the room.
- Fixed two of the mingle events inside the Golden Lounge, which caused you to get stuck.
- You can no longer trigger the Group S event multiple times by rereading Mistress Santinis mail.
- If you chose the female intro, Mistress Santini won't ask you to join multiple times anymore.
- Removed some debug information inside Bondage Dice. (Why was it still there lel)
- Fixed a missing portrait image when picking the pink drink in the female intro.


2022.09.13: 0.5.7

Note: None of the main Group story lines will be updated in this version. Old saves will probably not work.

******* ADDED *********

- A quest log. You can now explore quests that guide you through different parts of the content. For now there are only two quests to find. But if this works like intended, we will implement quite a bit more.
- The maids in the hotel have a new field of work. Inspired by the site "bondage-club.com" the maids of the hotel will now travel the halls and rescue guests from bondage predicaments and traps. If you join the maids yourself, you will be able to take over this work too! This contains several new events.
- 10 new dream scenes if you selected the female intro.
- You can now decide to take a shower each morning automatically after meeting the gasmask guard. (This can be toggled in the settings)
- Moira got her own avatar for dialogues.
- New icons for the sidebar: inventory, settings, etc.
- 10 Mingle events in the Golden Lounge.
- The Casino inside of the Golden Lounge has opened! Check out the brand new gambling game 'Bondage Dice' and play against five opponents after the introduction.
- If you have Gianna in Group M, she may talk to you in the evening. This is a teaser of a deeper relationship tree that is about to come.

- Patreon version only: You can now unlock the Golden Lounge immediately via the Patreon Lounge.

******* CHANGED *********

- You can now directly join Group M or Group L if you like to get quicker to new content. This function was patreon-only content until now. You find it in the HotelNET in your room.

******* FIXED *********

-A massive bug that caused events to disappear when playing for a long time.
-With it was no longer possible to see the tasks you could do in Group M. This now works again.
-A bug which caused the links in the sidebar to disappear when you enter the Golden Lounge.
-If visited Mistress Santini as maid and with the female intro, her character description wouldn't trigger. It does now.
-As member of Group L it was still possible to join Group S. Until the rework of Group S this isn't any longer possible.
-Fixed several occasions of missing avatars in dialouge boxes.
-The black catsuit of Group L will now be correctly shown in the fashion event.



There is no new content in this update.
Only bugfixes and mechanics.

Added: Since you are able to join Group S but reach the end of content then, you can now travel back in time from Group S, keep on your adventure without restarting the game.
Added: A hint on how and where to use the doll from Natasha.
Added: A button to use the red ball on a random girl to make the decision more visible.
Changed: Some UI changes.
Changed: Shortened the shower scenes. The bad end with the "shower doll" is not escapable anymore but will only occur once. Reworked the shower in the background so it'll be easier for us to add more interesting things there in the future. ;)
Changed: Changed more webms to mp4s.
Fixed: Sometimes Moira wasn't in her room after Soris scene. She will now be there if you go directly to her.
Fixed: A black screen that could be encountered when going showering.
Fixed: Several occasions where the first name wasn't showed properly.
Fixed: Several filenames for case-sensitive systems.
Fixed: Several missing pics and videos.
Fixed: A bug that you could meet Jaime on the floor besides his mail, causing to actually meet him twice.
Fixed: Jaime will no longer run away, when you wear the collar of Group S. (For now.)
Fixed: A bug where you could meet the mysterious woman more than once.
Fixed: When started as female you still got occasionally the male dialog. (Note: Group S might still have bugs like that. Group S will be reworked in the future.)


Added: An alternative intro! Check it out. :) (The first intro will be fleshed out like the new one in future updates!)
Added: Continued Group L path.
Added: Lots of amazing new art from MissDomme (https://twitter.com/missdommeart), most prominent the rework of the 3 protagonist avatars.
Added: Several new events and stuff to find.
Added: Characters-Page. Here you can keep track of all the characters you met.
Added: Settings-Page. Here you can find some options like switiching between photo and drawn avatars. While progressing in the game more features will be here available.
Added: A setting which if activated will let you put on automatically the lounge dress and heels when visiting the lounge.
Added: Meeting Bianca is now part of the guided events so you will have a much higher chance of meeting her.
Added: You can change the avatars during the game via the settings link.
Added: (Patreon version only) You can now also directly skip forward to joining Group L.
Changed: Changed the RNG mechanic of the game. With that repeating events should be now way rarer.
Changed: To give a little push into the "main" story for now, you'll meet Moira on day 4 the first time 100%, if you hadn't meet her till then. Also you'll be able to go to her directly in the morning of each day.
Changed: Jaime will now send you mail to meet him instead of just bumping into him randomly.
Changed: When you got a new mail you see now a mail icon in your room. This should make it more visible.
Changed: We started to convert the webm-files to mp4-files for better compatibility. This will be an ongoing change since there are so many files. So from update to update more files will be converted.
Fixed: Photo avatars appear now again if you don't skip the intro.
Fixed: At the current end of Lila's questline won't appear a black screen anymore.
Fixed: The difficulty setting has now an actual impact on the mini games again.
Fixed: Some of the hypno gifs you can see after losing the quiz haven't been shown. This should now be fixed.
Fixed: Some dead links and pics.


Please note, that saves of older versions won't be compatible for big parts of the new update.

Added: A bit new content if you joined the maid group. :)
Added: The ass expansion works now similiar like the breasts: several times and not only once.
Added: Drawn avatars for the combination of latex masks and gags.
Changed: Changed the storyline around Lila a bit. For now you won't be able to miss her and thus the lounge anymore.
Fixed: You can now remove the stockings and gloves you receive from Natasha.
Fixed: You won't be denied entry in the lounge even though you waer the dress anymore.
Fixed: Reading Moiras mail again after joining Group M won't trigger the "learning" quest again.
Fixed: Some stuff here some stuff there...

2020/09/20: Hotfix

Added: You can now reconsider your decision giving the doll to someone.
Changed: Skipping the intro brings you now directly into the room.
Fixed: You should be now able again to wear clothes after joining Group L.
Fixed: Sori can no longer be encountered in the M-Foyer after your trickery...
Fixed: Checked for some missing images on case-sensitive systems. There are probably more. Please write me any occurrences you find. :)

Review by theshadow99

Version reviewed: on 08/22/2024

I'll start with the good: I really enjoyed this and I want more. While I'm not big on a lot of the fetishes curently here, I found a lot of interesting bits of story to tease me in such good ways. I even played through both male and female starts to see how they differed. The male path is much 'quicker' to leave the prologue and the physical transformation is basically overnight, but starting as male does have hints all through the game in the dialogue. The female start has a much longer prologue leading up to where the two stories link up. Even in the female start their is a transformation into a 'prettier' version.


The bad: First it's been a year as of when I write this with no update to the game (I really want to see more of this, so an update would be great!). Also since several groups (specific fetishes) are just barely placeholders, with only two in a plyable state. Sex-wise their is a lot of lesbian and blow job scenes, but not much sex (vaginal/anal) at all currently. It's clear some of the content is to kind of 'corrupt' you into being a good slut, so I'd actually expect some more sex as part of it. I'd really like a better build-up to the types of events you get, like a weighted random seed for some events to appear earlier than others.


The Neutral: Events are near random. There doesn't seem to be a specific order, but you cannot force a change of event order as they seem to be in a queue). So most of the time you just 'explore the mansion' and even if you go back in the same playthrough to an earlier point the same events will show in the same order (but different playthroughs have a different order). Your 'Corruption' isn't a value your shown, your just told when it changes. Also an early scene makes you 'sluttier' and some events make you 'submissive', but these also are never shown to you except that they changed and with the 'slut' and 'submission' values only a couple events even seem to touch them. The only variable your shown is arousal.

Review by SaveThePlanet

Version reviewed: on 07/02/2023

Downloaded the public version. Started the game and can't get any further because the screen is dead when I have to choose between casual and classy clothes for the dinner. This is very early the game, even in the introduction.  Tried all other options before ending here and always the game dies here. Is this where the development is now ( ???)? Then please remove it and come back when you actually made something that lasts longer than 30 seconds.

If it is a bug, please fix it. And if it's me. then apologies, but I really can't figure out what I did wrong ...

When I skip the intro (an option that is provided) the gqame actually starts, but at a point that I dpon't what to do; suggesting the game development is much further than the freezing screen reported above ...

For now: unplayable.

Review by Pyrrhos

Version reviewed: on 09/23/2022

The creator's philosophy seems to be to do things right the first time and to do them well. 

In this game you won't find placeholders or "to be implemented" messages. 
The main paths through the game aren't finished, of course, but each individual event along the way feels complete and polished. 

A very enjoyable game that I'm returning to each update. 


Review by jubba2001

Version reviewed: on 09/22/2022


Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')

Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'pop')

Review by RMK99

Version reviewed: on 11/26/2021

If you like drone transformation or fetish this story is for you. One of my favorite game.

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