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Adult Themes

Version: 0.3.b

So, what's next!?
by Nullus

Stuck in an awkward "new" body you seek a way to change yourself back...and the only way is to earn the money to afford it! So, the main question is... HOW LOW CAN YOU GO!?

 (Just because being "high" will get you nowhere :B)

The game is in further development state and polishing out the mechanics.

Also, note, that the storyline is in development too. As the mechanics i set up help me to use templates...they also limit my storybilding, as i have to keep the stats in check too. Honestly, CYOS are more simpler, mechanics-wise. 


  • improve inventory system (for clothes, items etc)
  • add more images/gif images (from the almighty internet of course...for now)
  • add more jobs, available for the player
  • add more places to visit

Planned kinks:

  • Bimbofication/slutification
  • Sissification/Tomgirl
  • Inflation
  • Cumcraze
  • Mental changes/Corruption
  • Bestiality(not sure yet...maybe!?)

As of now the game consists of:

  • Image_pack v0.3.b
  • v0.3.b html file

Place the files like this for the game to work:

>Game folder

  • html file
  • images folder

Need specific details about the version changes - check changelog.

May be some buggs somewhere out there. Also may be spelling mistakes (just because i'm not a native speaker and this writing thing is a little new to me) :B

The whole thing is written on Twive/Sugarcube. The images are downloaded from the net and if there any copyright issues - write it down in the review section(for now) so that I can delete those images that are protected by copyright.

P.S: the "Test stuff" is just a debugging passage, so you can ignore it...or not, up to you. I'll try to add more content regularly, though I do this whole thing in my free time from university assignments. D:

P.P.S: There is discution thread for Q&A.

You get home one night with a severe headache and trying to relieve your pain...you got yourself in a bigger problem for yourself :p
Your shrunked demasculated self will try to find the money by any means necessary to get your old self...or spend the money to corrupt yourself further :D

Grab every oportunity(if you dare) to get better tips (in further releases of the game)

  • After the intro you can ask the sister about the job yourself(if your having problems finding her before the next week, try to search her in the house, lol)...or wait for a humiliating experience when you wait it out ;D
  • You can buy pills, food and use them
  • There are some actions that can add to your feminity without needing to buy the pills, so be on a lookout
  • Well...thats all for now (sorry D:)



  • changed the "appearance" tab and added some pictures.
  • added one more random encounter with the sister (only one for now)
  • added random encounters for the beach and park (will add more later)
  • now the clean and stress stat actually influence your job :B
  • added more food options...sort of. And now different type of foods relieve different amount of stress too.
  • added conditions for sending the player home if the hour is late into the night.
  • added the option to masturbate...if that helps you somehow
53692 Characters
6927 Words
62 Passages
100 Links
0 Broken Links

This story was last changed at Sunday, May 27, 2018 12:38 AM.

P.S. I may have missed some bugs, so tell me about them in the disscution thread if you find any, thanks.


  • rebalanced the price values of foods (tho I will add more of them, even some with specific results)
  • added the missing way to clean yourself - shower (it will restore your cleanliness)
  • added stress loss by sleeping

v 0.3

  • Implemented the inventory system for food and pills (not a big variety right now, lol)
  • Added starting clothing set (static for now)
  • The stat system is workable
  • One job added to the game
  • Filled up all the passages (but not all have something to do in them xD)
  • Fixed some typos and corrected stat changes in intro section

P.S. The cost vs efficiency of items right now will make you flabergasted (sorry), as I still try to balance off this stuff.

42444 Characters
5585 Words
52 Passages
84 Links
0 Broken Links

This story was last changed at Thursday, May 24, 2018 7:17 PM.

v 0.2 (Intro)

  • Added inventory system(you can test it in the "Inventory" tab, but still only a demo right now)
  • Filled in most of the passages with description, images (yay, images)
  • Corrected some spelling mistakes in the intro passages(though, maybe I missed a few)
  • Changed the "apearance" description to better describe your current look
  • There is an easter egg out there somewhere, try fo find it if you want :D
26483 Characters
3813 Words
41 Passages
42 Links
0 Broken Links

This story was last changed at Sunday, May 13, 2018 1:40 PM.

v 0.1 (Intro)

  • Fleshed out the intro story for the beggining of the game
  • Programmed the cash/time/energy system for further use
  • You can choose your own name...or pick a random one
  • Created the initial skelleton of passages for further expansion

Review by kris.harley

Version reviewed: 0.2 (Intro) on 05/21/2018

you should add a masculinity/femininity meter

Review by darknessunited

Version reviewed: 0.1 (Intro) on 05/11/2018

intro is interesting. looking for more to the story.

Review by Nullus

Version reviewed: 0.1 (Intro) on 05/11/2018

The link is now workable. Though, for me at least. 

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