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Version: v1.4

Trapped in Orchard University

You are an adult of untold age. You have made some mistakes in your life. Your computer turns on as an ad starts to play. This ad might be the solution to your problems. A good 4 years of University, something that you have never tried; a good trip to the past. If only things could be that easy...

 Decided to put an X scene(s) (after some time investigating the diference bewtween X and XXX, I will stick with X). I would like to add that by no means am I condoning the action, but you'll see if you get there

Well, the game is finished!! YAY! "Why is it on beta you say?" That's because, even though I am 90% sure its bug free,but  I am negative enough to assume otherwise. If you find any bugs, please let me know.Also,  Anything you would fix, please let me know as well; suggestions, comments, ANYTHING, please let me know. 

Planned features:

V2: (Hopefully coming 2019...?)[or maybe the end of this summer...?)
Pass the whole game into U̶n̶i̶t̶y̶ RPG maker MV
Make and implement images 
https://icarue.deviantart.com/ (is this good enough?)
Make a portrait that shows your character
?? Sound, music, etc?? what do you think?


Newest Update:


-Spelling mistakes

- made the body transformations less tedious to get 

          Thanks to vortex456 for both things above 


- Hopefully the combat is unbroken... I don't get the bugs (I test/play on a mac and crome)


- I think I solved the issue where if you talk to the hacker, know her name, and then battle her your hp is reset. Also The security guards should pose a greater challenge now (life != 0) (thanks wolf314)

- Implemented a map that marks your location around school (as suggested by Axillia). Images are online, so the weight of the game should be the same as before




There are two paths: the hacker's and the dean's

To join the hacker you find the hacker after the second day of classes (the hacker has tfs no sex scenes)

To join the dean you need to talk to him in the assembly before going to your dorm (the dean's path has more tfs and sex scenes), then you need to find the hacker and either defeat her or "join (lie)" to her. 

The instructions should be clear enough after that, otherwise I will update the walkthrough

V 0.1: Starting game version

V 0.11:

- Corrected some spelling mistakes (all that where given)

- Open the first branch: joining with the dean to deal with the hacker. ("but I wanted to stop the dean..." that will come latter)

V 0.2

-Implemented the "day" loop (where you go to class, the do stuff)

-Added the combat loop to the story (after you encounter the hacker, you have to find her)

- Right now there are two paths Dean and Hacker. The dean's skeleton is mostly done, but I plan to spice it up. The hacker path is barely there. 

- Implemented the begining of the mind changes

- Introduced 1 new character (cannot interact with them at the moment)



-Did some polishing in the intro section (the playable part)

- Implemented a gameover condition (You lose when you have lost max 9 times, min of 5 (or less))

    - Losing battles increses you femininity or submission attributes, when this reach 5 you lose

    - Losing battles is not the only way of increasing your fem or sub atributes, so take that into acocunt

    - You can now "see" the mind changes in the  "view self" part

- Implement and finished chapter 2 (assignment 1) [making the previuos part chapter 1, i guess]

- There are 3 paths available: defeating the hacker (finished; 3 random endings),  join the hacker, or fake join the hacker.



- Finished the story, both sides.

- Debug the game fully (I hope, prove me otherwise)

- Left the transformations in the initial state (have to let something for the DLC (free dlc))

- A total of 5 actual endings, 2-4 "spices" on other endings (e.g. X.1) and some bad ends. 

- 24500 words and 190 passages for you to explore!! (or so Twine tells me) 



-Spelling mistakes

- made the body transformations less tedious to get 

          Thanks to vortex456 for both things above 


- Hopefully the combat is unbroken... I don't get the bugs (I test/play on a mac and crome)


- I think I solved the issue where if you talk to the hacker, know her name, and then battle her your hp is reset. Also The security guards should pose a greater challenge now (life != 0) (thanks wolf314)

- Implemented a map that marks your location around school (as suggested by Axillia)



Review by Nyoom

Version reviewed: v1.4 on 11/02/2018

How do i get the body transformations? I dont want to spend a ton of time doing one thing to have it end up a completely different TF. Help?


Review by TG_Slave

Version reviewed: 0.11 on 05/12/2018

I like the way this has started. I'm looking forward to future updates, so keep up the good work!

Review by pingguo

Version reviewed: 0.11 on 05/11/2018


A few typos were fixed.


Okay thanks blobbob for the spoilers. Now that I get a better understanding bout the game background, the game itself seems to make more sense. Don't get me wrong. The grammar looks fine except a few typos. If anything goes wrong, it would be the writting. It is... how should I put it... uncommon to describe certain things as the way it is now. For example, I find using the word "horizontal" to describe a lay down suit seems a little bit odd. It is probably a straight translation from the mother tongue of the author and it is not that hard to figure out the meaning. You would just need a little more time and some imagination to do it.

*********** the rest of the review ***********

This is a short game at this time of development. The current end of development is at the end of the introduction, so there is no much to see by far. The background starts you in a virtual world, so it could be an entry to the latest contest.

The game uses the plain sugarcube interface with back button enabled, which you will need after the "view self" button appears as there is no return link provided.

Review by blobbob

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 05/10/2018

*** SPOILER ***

You VOLUNTARY join a VR university to get a better education (supposedly for 4 years). A hacker changes the settings of the VR university and you can't logout anymore and now can't participate in your normal classes but have to go to other very misogynistic classes.


A few questions:

  1. Why is the player character not "joining the revolution" (as in just doing nothing or not going to the new classes) and is participating and even defending this weird charade of a university?
  2. How is the player character supposed to stay alive in the REAL world if he can't logout to drink/eat etc.?


Review by Orphoenix

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 05/09/2018

The game is very nicely done. (although short) I am working on a spelling correction document. I will added it in the discussion area for this game. Other than spelling and grammar, both of which are correctable, this is a very well thought out story so far. Very interested to see where it goes

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