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Version: Beta

Due Process
by kivik


Due Process is a management themed mind control game where you have a limited amount of time to break down a subject's resistance and turn them into your slave.

You're responsible of managing the schedule of your subject(s), trying to coerce them into doing tasks that ultimately grinds down their resistance until you can program them into your slave.


- rewrote some existing scenes
- introducing new subject Anna
- some new branching and new consequences from existing branches
Gameplay Mechanics
- play dress up with your slaves
- have sex with your slaves
- note: this can be locked out based on your choices in the game
- new tasks for subjects
- subject will choose their own makeup if you task them with specific outfit; subjects will choose their outfit if you task them with specific makeup
- note: their choices will be based on their current stats
- keywords mechanics
- note: very limited used currently
Under the hood
- replaced all portraits and task images with layered images, significantly reducing file size
- note: due to a small Ren'py bug, standing portrait images still uses old composite image until next patch, but has no impact on game
- keyword descriptions can now have different stages
- geeky note: keyword descriptions will store the indices and use a lookup table to spell out the text. This means all the lookup text can be changed in the future without original text left in save files.
- streamlined conversation code and UX
- both the HUD and the conversation screens preemptively checks whether there are available dialogues before enabling option
- this means if no normal conversation is available but unlocked dialogues are available, you can click on chat
- this also means after opening up chat screen, it will only display NPCs with available dialogues (including unlocked ones) will be listed as options, preventing possible scenario of going through each NPC to see who has available dialogue - which was what the original code would have done
- player can exit chat by choosing cancel
- tasks can contain specific outfit or available outfits
- if subject is wearing something different, either the specific outfit or first available outfit is chosen
- meals now carry a cost internally // need to add mechanics to take cost from facility
- initial code for finance management
- dynamic character portrait placement in rooms
- dynamic event trigger schedule
- since Karen's training has no end date, Anna's 30 day schedule is generated by code instead of hard coded like all previous triggers
Bug Fixes
- fixed bug where conversations will end immediately after each topic, now will only end when you cancel or you've exhausted conversation topics with them
- various bug fixes from 0.3.0 to 0.3.1

Review by MuffinTopQueen3

Version reviewed: Beta on 05/21/2022

Interesting basis for a possibly fun game.  Looking forward to seeing where it goes.

Review by Noknet

Version reviewed: Beta 0.2.2 on 07/16/2018

A boring clickfest.  It's such a grind to lower resistance that I got bored and quit before there were any meaningful changes.

Review by Volendi

Version reviewed: Beta 0.2.2 on 06/15/2018

What is there is good!  Would love to see what else you're planning!  Great so far, even without what has been stated to be planned.

Review by looksty9

Version reviewed: Beta 0.2.2 on 06/15/2018

Still very early stage with low amount of content, on the other side the graphics are good. Great potential, I would like for an exapansion of the submissive route, where you try to resist, right now it goes stright to a bad end. Also, no body transformation, why?

Review by anyoldguy

Version reviewed: Beta 1.2 on 05/01/2018

Simple and a bit grindy at the moment. It would benefit from there being a wider variety of tasks but there is a lot of potential. The hour by hour time management could do with a rework to fit with the 3 orders & 3 meals per day to  reduce unneeded clicks.


Defintely one to keep an eye on as it could really get good.

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Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
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