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Version: 0.36

Version: 0.34

Take Over


After the People's Revolution, freedom is extinguished and rebellion is crushed without mercy. The government has decided every detail of the lives of its' citizens- including you. After a promising career was cut short by making the wrong enemy, you were left with no choice but to return to your home town and take whatever employment you could find.

You would have been a top-flight researcher with everything you ever wanted, and now you are stuck cleaning floors in a government laboratory. That would have been the end of your story too, except for a chance discovery and the possibility of turning things around once and for all.

You can't take chances in this cruel world, but if you're smart you can take over...

Features mind control and body modification. Future updates will include bimbofication, and other kind of transformations 

Walkthrough MEGA

Hello! Here is the newest release of Take over, version 0.30! We are finishing the Salija's storyline and will begin the last arc of the main story, which is about finally taking over the city and getting rid of both the army and Folk inc. 

This final arc may take a few months to be done, but once its over is not done for Take over: We will keep adding significant side content to the game (transformations, reports, events, etc.), and we may rewrite and reedit some old scenes to make the story more exciting, and occasionally cutting some stuff to make it briefer. 

Without further ado, let's detail what we have this month:

  • 3 story scenes, finishing the corruption of the Salija and her people at the TV station.
  • New training for Nela, this month is the seductress version. Just a couple more to go!
  • 3 New events at the farm, including a variant with public use with Petra.
  • 2 new report scenes for Katy and Celia. If you assign them to work as entertainers/dancers, you'll get to ask them how it goes. It has 3 variants, depending on freedom (freedom < 30/60/+60) 
  • Fixed a few bugs, including wrong texts and missing images, but there are still a few left. 

And that's it for this month; we're going to resume working on the story hard next month since pretty much very zone has events now, although we're going to keep expanding this little by little.  If you people have a commentary, a bug report, or suggestions, please leave a comment here or join our discord channel; I am quite active and try to answer all the doubts or suggestions you people have! 

Review by Tafuri

Version reviewed: 0.21 on 02/27/2020

There is a lot of promise in this one, but it needs some trimming.

Take Over has you playing a man who developes a mind control drug and uses it to corrupt the will of the women in his life.  Also he may use it to overthrow a totalitarian regime.  I'm actually getting into this story on the overall.  There's a bit of drama in it and at least one plot twist I didn't expect.  The characters are decently attractive, but I wouldn't say they're all conventionally attractive.  The stark tone and dismal colors of Take Over's aesthetics lends a unique atmosphere to the porn.  It makes for encounters which are sexual, but in a way that feels less erotic and more ruthless.  The main character is coming from a place of anger and hurt by the government.  He is, however, doing the same they are: dominating and marginalizing.  Just on a smaller scale and more completely.  Far from a bad thing, it gives Take Over a unique dystopian feel where there are no heroes, just competing villains.

Um...there is a problem, though.  It takes forever to get this train moving.  Like so many VNs today, Take Over is broken into time segments and certain actiosn can't be taken at all times.  In an attempt to offer a more immersive feel, the player will be responsible for producing the serum vials needed to corrupt the NPCs.  This itself has to be balanced against the need to produce research for new technologies, earn money to buy supplies to avoid suspicion.  What we end up with is an attempt to balance the earning of multiple currencies so you can continue to buy developments in the story.  Those developments unlock the sex.  And it becomes one hell of a grind trying to get all of it together.  In the early game this isn't bad.  But as more 'targets' are added to the roster and your capacity to earn only slightly increases, more and more time is spent on the grind.  And the weird thing is that as the game opens up, the grind feels less necessary and less justified by the story.  There are so many things to do and so many actions to balance that there's no need to slow the player down, anymore. 

I would really like to see Take Over with some streamlining.  As it stands the diminishing returns push the gameplay from exciting to a slog.  But there's something worth playing here, and I hope to see more.

Review by bobkelpie7

Version reviewed: 0.20 on 01/25/2020

Nice character / strory development and a surprisingly deep game once you progress. There is a lot more here than just a porn game.

A hidden gem with already a ton of content. Highly reccomend.

Review by stacielynn

Version reviewed: 0.5 on 09/12/2018

This game has impressed me enough to leave a review. Reading through the other reviews left so far, it seems there has been mixed reception to the author's efforts. While this is not my typical go-to game style, I'm very glad I took the time to give it a perusal.


Admittedly this game, as with many unfinished products, has a few gramatical and image errors. They did not really make the game difficult to follow, but do show a lack of polish typical for developinbg games that may be a little off putting for those expecting a more finished style of release. The few typographical errors did not hinder game play for me in any way, so are easily accepted as part of the work in progress. The images did detract a bit more from my enjoyment however, as you have to grind for a while to enable transformative physical content, and then a lot of the action scenes do not reflect the altered bodies of the female cast members. I'm sure that will be fixed down the road, but for now it did frustrate me to go through allt he effort to get there and not have consistent rewards.


The art style was very well done for this type of content, and there was a clear progression in the images as corruption levels increased. The variety of body types was another great thing in favor of this game's style, as many games present one basic body model with out much variety. I loved the height, weight, color, speech, and attitude differences in the female cast. It was also notable that even though an "ideal" body type was imposed upon many of the female cast, it did not erase their individuality, and was handled very nicely.


The complex set of variables such as corruption, attention, covering up, infiltration, and others is a wonderful mechanic for the player looking for a more maleable and immersive game style, where actual strategy makes a difference. There is a bit of railroading of choices at this stage in game development, but again that is totally acceptable for a game at this stage of development I believe.


I am looking forward to future genetic and mental modifications, with a more customizable body selection. It would also be interesting to see the genetecist follow through on her desire to apply the gene therapy to herself, and possibly come up with genetic alterations for the protagonist as well. Possible we will see things like the park and the coffee shop being available for visitation even prior to the scripted events that require the PC to be there, just as recreation or personal voyeure training? Who knows.


All things considered, I recommend this game for it's fine foundation, and I am eagerly looking forward to future updates. The author and team have done an impressive job so far, and I thank them for their time and efforts. If you haven't tried it yet, please do so. It might seem a bit slow to start, but I think it pays off at a good pace.



Review by addition

Version reviewed: 0.4.5 on 08/11/2018

Incredibly impressive work.  Mechanically, there are interesting risk/reward mechanics and different avenues for success.  The number and variety of models impresses me, given the game has only been out for a short period of time.  The transformations, while limited to the cognitive, are very hot.  And as soon as it felt like I was reaching the end of the currently available content, the game threw new and interesting scenarios my way.  The text could ese some minor copyediting but I never found myself struggling to follow the plot.  I cannot recommend this game enough, especially for those who prefer male Doms subverting and controlling female subs.

Review by Sirius

Version reviewed: 0.4.5 alpha on 07/20/2018

Very promising! I would like for there to be more choices about exactly how to change/corrupt people; I get the impression that that's coming. In particular, I hope the implication that the "ideal body" is a placeholder for more specific transformations is correct, as I'm not sure I regard it as quite ideal. But an interesting setting, some interesting characters, and I'm very much looking forward to seeing it when there are more fetish options and more body changing options!

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