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Version: 0.4.0b

Version: 0.3.1

Version: 0.3.0

Rags to Riches

In Rags to Riches, you follow the life of a human in the fantasy medieval town of Ighena. As a human, you are largely hated by the population (comprised of various anthro animals), but you've found a solution: transformation. With the help of an alchemist, you can transform into various species and climb the social ladder. All you need is the 'essence' of the species you desire...

The focus of this game is on furry TF and M/M sex, but I am also including other kinds of transformations and relationships. Just bear in mind that the amount of content for these will be smaller in comparison.

Current scene of interest counter: 28 M/M - 9 M/F - 2 F/F - 4 Other - 8 Furry TF
Fetishes included
watersports, gender TF, submission by PC, crossdressing, foot stuff, hypnosis, incest

Most fetish content is signposted and can be avoided. 

I will post updates weekly to my blog on how development is going, but the download link here will still stay up to date.

Walkthrough is available on my blog, here.

Version 0.4.0b

  • Bug fixes.

Version 0.4.0

Castle Heist!

  • Seduce your way into the castle! Talk to Elias and he'll come up with his plan to get you inside. Introduced as Elias's brother, you can seduce the captain of the guard and get permanent access to his quarters, and the rest of the castle. This is currently the only way to get permanent access to the castle, but I hope to rectify that in the coming weeks.
  • Smuggle your way into the castle! Talk to Silas and he'll come up with his plan to get you inside. He's come up with a new transformation spell that will turn you into a feral version of your current form. Smuggled in as a horse, no-one will be any the wiser once you're inside. Just wait in the stables for a little bit until the transformation wears off and you're good to go. I should emphasise that there is no lewdness associated with the animal TF.
  • Corrupt your way into the castle! Corrupt Ricard and he'll come up with his plan to get you inside. In the disguise of a prisoner, your corrupted guard will walk you right through the gates! There's a little opportunity for some lewd action with the wolf once you're inside too... For now, there is no corruption material once you're inside the castle, but I hope to change this in version 0.4.1.

New characters!

  • Captain Kruiss (Dragon) - I planned to add him a long time ago, but now he's finally here! Kruiss is a black dragon, the captain of the guard. You can meet him through Elias's heist plan.
  • Aihla (Dragon) - The captain's wife. You can find her sleeping with the servants in the castle. It's a happy marriage. Not much lewd content with her just yet, sorry! Expect it next time.
  • Hura (Eagle) - Hura is an exiled priest who will be drinking away his sorrows in the castle's Mess Hall. Go and comfort him!
  • Kyrin (Horse) - Kyrin is Yulius's kitchen assistant, and may now be encountered in a random event when navigating around Ighena after you meet her in Yulius's Kitchen. The shy horse has an unexpected side to her...
  • Dungeon Master (Bear) - Get caught trespassing in the castle and you'll get thrown in with this musky ursine. This content was a commission from a patron; you can commission your own character through my patreon.

And more!

  • Transform into an Eagle or a Dragon! Collect the essence from the relevant species to unlock, then talk to Rache.
  • Aihla's servants. For 6 gold, you can spend the night with one of Aihla's servants. I hope to add more in the future, but right now this includes Yuki, a sheep boy, and Phie, a ferret girl.
  • Aihla's clients. Aihla also offers to let you sell yourself to her clients for money. You'll be paid more depending on your species. Certain species may even get tips from certain clients. For now, there is only one client, but there will certainly be more to come!
  • Random town events. While you're navigating around town, you have a small chance of running into one of these! More will unlock based on the characters you've met. Only a few to see for now, but I'll gradually add more of these.
  • Hyena revenge. The hyena in the alleys can now get a taste of his own medicine! He'll be very intimidated if you run into him in the form of a dragon, and then you'll have the opportunity to turn the tables on him. Includes an optional watersports ending, only if you have the setting turned on from drinking in the bar previously.
  • Bug fixes! Thanks to everyone that helped find them! Please let me know if you find any more.

Version 0.3.1

  • Progress on Elias and Amelie's stories. See the brother and sister reunited under one roof. Try to stop them tearing each other apart. Make sure you support Emery when given the choice to get this route. Includes a new lewd scene for Elias, plus incestual scenes between Elias and Emery, as well as Amelie and Emery. In the future, I'll be looking into allowing the player to be included in these scenes too.
  • Corrupt Ricard and Elias. Once you've been corrupted, you can share your gift with these two characters! For Elias's route, you must have already met Emery, and did not support him when given the choice. Ricard has a slightly different scene depending on if you come to him as a mouse or as something else.
  • New lewd scenes for Jonah and the cult. All require the player to be corrupted - keep playing and transforming and the cult storyline will eventually open up. Jonah's new scene has been written by a guest writer, Kanja. Take a look at his stuff here!
  • A few fixes and changes. It will be easier to find Madame Coeur's address and to find Azi's office empty now.

Version 0.3.0

  • Demonic Cult - Plot to take down the demonic cult terrorising the town! Or, you could join the cult, make a pact with a demon and maybe get a shot at breaking inside the castle. Nothing can go wrong there, right? Keep transforming and playing the game and this storyline will eventually open up to you.
  • Azi, your mayor - New character Azi, a fox as voted for, is available in his office in the town hall. He is a big player in the cult storyline, so unless you're talking to him about that he's probably too busy to see you.
  • More lewd scenes with Paune, Jonah and Rache. Rache's new scenes become available when the player is corrupted by the demonic cult. Jonah's scene is a part of the evil end of the cult storyline. Paune is just a bit of a slut and has no conditions for her new scene.
  • Some typos and inconsistencies fixed. A common error I'm finding is that I sometimes forget to describe players with a shark transformation as having two cocks instead of one. Please message me if you see anything like that, or other typos, ideally with the section and your current species quoted. It may seem small but it's really important to me that everything is right, so please please don't be afraid to contact me!
  • Touched up a few other scenes.

Older changelogs on my blog.

Review by DaniRamone33

Version reviewed: 0.3.1 on 06/07/2018

Hands down one of the best pieces of interactive erotic fiction I've played. Progress can frequently be made in multiple ways, both rewarding player exploration and encouraging players to pursue leads that are most interesting to them. The writing is much better than I am given to expect from most erotic TF games, and includes character arcs and well-paced organic worldbuilding. Very excited to see this progress!

Review by SilverS

Version reviewed: 0.1.0 on 04/02/2018

Another great M/M game from LapisLutrine (though this one does feature M/F options too). The writing, as last time, is very well done, descriptive, and a joy to read. The plot setup is good and having the transformations be focused on different anthropomorphic species is suprisingly rare on this site, i'm not entirely sure why. The story thus far is basic, but with room to grow. I'm interested in see where you take it. 

Review by Sieggy

Version reviewed: 0.1.0 on 04/01/2018

I'm happy there more guys out there writing gay stories, your last game was pretty decent and this one is shaping up to be something great as well. I'm looking forward to when it's finished!

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Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
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