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Game Information
Release Date
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Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes

by TangoTF

Transfigure: verb - transform into something more beautiful or elevated.

Transfigure: is an adult interactive fiction (text based) browser game focusing on the male to female transformation of its main character, Taylor Roux (among other topics). The story caters to a variety of subjects and tastes. The entire game is nearly 700,000 words long and has over a hundred envisioned endings with about forty currently in game. Routes range from romantic and frisky, to displays of downright hedonistic debauchery and submission. Some content and themes include FF, MF, involuntary M2F transformation, voluntary decisions, blackmail, corruption, best friends, maid and nurse fetish, impersonation, impregnation, a variety of standard erotic fair (hj, bj, sex etc) etc

The main plot focuses on Taylor's quest to find out the mystery behind his transformation and a way to return to his original body. How seriously he takes the mission is up to you. There is a lot going on in the background and so it will take multiple play throughs to unravel the main story and meet all of the characters. Each of the in game romances are unique and have wildly different themes and relationship dynamics and motivators plus they each will have several different ends. The various story lines involve everything from strange experiments and mad science gone awry to interplay between the many distinct characters and factions, escalating all the way to elaborate global conspiracies and powerful competing interests, including other topics that never make their way into a normal porn game. (This is not a normal porn game.) There is heart touching romance all the way to rape. There are spy missions and will be assassinations and explosions. Some people will die and unusual circumstances will be experienced... all while Taylor is trapped in an unfamiliar body that seems to inexplicably fan arousal in those around him. This is a story about choices and their consequences, transformation, and transfiguration. Will Taylor make it out alive and with his mind intact?

Some upfront warnings: This is an adult game. There is humiliation, disturbing content, and drug use in some routes. Taylor Roux also has a notorious potty mouth, so if that bothers you, steer clear.

Transfigure (public) now has nearly 700,000 words! (of which 82% are rumored to be "fuck"). The various stories combined together are about 1500+ pages (2600 passages) long or roughly double the length of several large novels.


Alt Funding page (if so inclined): https://subscribestar.adult/tango

image host  image host 

NSFW images:









Transfigure .60 9500 words


Taylor becomes popular with the athletic guys on campus. Louise performs a rock show. Taylor tries to solve his predicament alone.


-continued the alternate path where you refuse Damien at the start of his section ([[Refuse and tell him to suck his own dick!]])( 3k+ words)

 -added the F-F concert scenes and aftermath with Louise (late Mitch route) ( ~3k words)

 -Continued the group activities side branch with Robbie and Evan. (give Robbie your number) ( words)

 -Some minor portions of the group activities area have been rewritten and the continuity errors fixed so everything merges properly. The group BJ paths have been reconnected. New media added.

 -added the option to give Robbie a fake number (group activities) (~2500 words)

 -Added end #21 on Mitch’s route. (750 words)

 -Ending tracker recall updated

 -The option to recommend Samantha to take your place watching Craig has been cut.

 -Lots of minor edits and typo fixes.

 -added the short option to surrender on the Taylor vs Taylor combat section (150 words)


Transfigure .59 17k + words


Taylor follows the teachings of the wise and oh-so-pervy Zen Master Peeshi and reaches the pinnacle of personal mastery. The cosplay antics story arc continues. YP Taylor holds out for rescue. Craig discovers Taylor’s secret.

-added end #75 on Damien’s route, yellow potion, bunker area, by choosing the correct answer to the computer password question. (2600 words)

-added Zen Master content, including end # 51  and end # 52 (~9k words) (main path)

-continued the busty cosplay story area found on the yellow potion route. (includes end # 65  2300 words)

-added more Craig content on the [[Try to convince Craig that he is mistaken]] “I like you too” line with 3450 words

-dozens of minor rewrites and polish edits.

-fixed some images not displaying on non windows systems.

-cut the option to try and lie to Peeshi during the initial encounter




Thanks again for all the likes, comments, messages, reviews, and patreon support - all of this feedback has and will continue to improve Transfigure. If you are interested in the project, feel free to contribute. Even a simple vote, a like, an idea, or comment goes a long way. Thank you for the interest and please enjoy the latest update! And stay tuned for the next episode - more startling revelations and mad science resulting in sexy antics? Oh my goodness!

The main plot focuses on Taylor's quest to find out what the heck happened to him while finding a way to return to his original body. How seriously he takes the mission is up to you. There is a lot going on in the background and so it will probably take multiple play throughs to unravel the main story and meet all of the characters. Each of the in game romances are unique and have wildly different themes and relationship dynamics and motivators and they each will have several different ends. The various story lines involve everything from strange experiments and mad science gone awry to interplay between the various distinct characters all the way to elaborate global conspiracies and powerful competing national and corporate interests along with other topics that never make their way into a normal porn game. (This is not a normal porn game.) There is heart touching romance all the way to rape. There are spy missions and will be assassinations and explosions. Some people will die and unusual circumstances will be experienced... all while Taylor is trapped in an unfamiliar body that seems to inexplicably fan arousal in those around him. This is a story about choices and their consequences, transformation, and transfiguration. Will Taylor make it out alive and with his mind intact?


You are Taylor Roux (pronounced \"R-oo\"), an average introverted and slightly nerdy university student.  Taylor is short, slight of build, and unremarkable in most respects except for his well known potty mouth.  The kind of guy that gets lost in a crowd and is forgotten not long after introductions.

Evan has been one of your friends for as long as you can remember. He is tall and skinny, with a mop of dark hair that he usually keeps short.  He is also more than a bit of a perv.   While not much of an athlete, he usually spends his time watching and playing sports as well as sport themed videogames.

Drew is an overweight nerd who spends most of his time indoors, at his computer.  He usually wears glasses and unfashionable clothes and has curly brown hair that has never seen a comb. He is quite intelligent and a good guy though, albeit more than a bit eccentric. You have been friends for ages and get along well for the most part, except when Drew gets in one of his “weird” moods.

Julie - is your older sister, she is kind of haughty despite being a huge slut.  She is very attractive with big brown eyes and long, straight chestnut hair.  She has an ample chest and curvy ass, as you are frequently reminded by your friends.  She is a lot like you complection and feature wise, just female.

Ryan - is your sister’s current long term boyfriend, a businessman from the city.  Tall, dark and handsome with an intense gaze and a ready smile.

Mitch - is a bully from school that you have scuffled with previously.  A gym rat who deals drugs and goes out of his way to pick on anyone he feels is weak.

Mr. Deter - is a creepy teacher from school that teaches psychology and also works in the university’s bio research labs.  He has expertise in multiple disciplines and isn’t afraid to brag about it.  He has a huge belly and a thick, stalinesque handlebar moustache.

Sam - is short for Samantha.  She is bright eyed and perky, a very beautiful redhead woman.  She seems intelligent and a lot more reserved than most of your friends.  You have had a crush on her for a few years but never had the courage to act.  She is good friends with Rhea and Jimmy.

Rhea, pronounced “Ray”, is a beautiful buxom blonde who loves male attention.  She is really outgoing and sexually aggressive.  You get the impression more than a few dicks have penetrated her over the years.  Her constant sexual jokes and conversation topics usually make you very uncomfortable.

Jimmy - is a tall lanky guy with a scraggly beard and a penchant for heavy drinking and sniffing out fun parties.

Damien - An old acquaintance that always made you a bit uneasy.  He is funny and well liked but turns into a huge asshole with no self control with even a sip of alcohol.  You recall your sister and several of her friends complaining about him and the sexual advances he often made during any number of his near constant benders.  Despite this, he is undeniably a brilliant young scientist...perhaps precisely the person to help you research your predicament.

Tim - Evan's charming and very well hung roomie.  

Dr. Fantasia Bloom -the strong-willed and very curvy Dr. Fantasia Bloom is a female foil to Mr. Deter's insanity.  Dr. Bloom is a woman who exudes an air of authority.  She is a woman of means, intelligence, and power.  She is the daughter of a shipping magnate.  Dr. Bloom was afforded every advantage and, unlike most in her position, she squandered very little if any of her potential and used her advantages to accelerate her growth and sharpen an already sharp razor-wit into a force to be reckoned with.  According to her wiki entry, Dr. Bloom now heads one of the leading nanotechnology development firms, amongst a giant consortium of other interests that spans the globe.  But Fantasia's firm has a troubling reputation.  There are also rumours of strange experiments.  Observers note that Dr. Bloom’s most outspoken colleagues often have a habit of disappearing shortly after crossing the Doctor.  Fantasia is busty, mature, and utterly fearless while being absolutely peerless in her numerous fields of expertise.

Louise - is a dominant lesbian woman who is fond of punk rock and rebellious philosophies.  Louise is very sexually aggressive and masculine while Rhea is definitely more on the feminine side of this spectrum. Louise hates authority figures and is eager to rebel against the status quo. Louise probably would have been happy to have been born a man, but her lack of a dick has never stopped her from getting her share of pussy.  Louise takes what she wants and she doesn't take shit from anyone, especially a man.  Louise is also fiercely protective of those she cares about.

Sophie Bell - A beautiful, empathetic young woman with a kind heart who has been broken by life's circumstances.  Sophie is a pretty blonde, a slender wisp of a woman.  Sophie has been traumatized by several recent events in her life.  Maybe if Taylor exercises some patience and kindness, perhaps one day Sophie's brilliant smile will return to shine again.

Sandra Bell -Sophie's mother and a good friend of the Roux family.  She is a mature, busty woman who firmly fits into the MILF category.  Sandra never minces words and always says what is on her mind.

Craig Bell - The Bell's adopted son, born with severe mental and physical handicaps.  Craig is usually fairly placid but it is clear Craig's mind works in a different manner than most.  Taylor has a weird feeling about this guy...

Lucas Ferret - is an executive of a company with a very suspicious name.  Ferret (pronounced “Fair-Eh”) is Mr. Deter's former partner.  Lucas is a man defined by his ambition and lustful greed.  Lucas is an older "gentleman" who is always well dressed.  He is known to be ruthless and cunning in the business world and is probably someone who should not be taken lightly.

Margaret Roux - Your adoring and overly sensitive mother.  Being around her is suffocating but you love your mother dearly.  You just don't want to live with or near her.  Marg recently went through a mid-life crisis as you went off to univeristy across the country.  She has embraced her newfound passion of real estate and now spends her time trying to sell homes to rich people.  In this manner, your mother went from one extreme of the spectrum to the other, from a house wife to a budding business woman.  She now works an absurd amount and has become uncharacteristically distant as of late.

Teddy Roux - Your father. Mr. Roux works as a minor executive in a large research company. You think your dad did a pretty good job raising you and your sister.  He was usually honest and blunt and was a good listener whenever you needed to vent or a shoulder to lean your head on.  His advice has also saved you and gotten you into trouble more times than you can count. Your dad has been a bit moody and quiet the past few years and you have been worried about him.  You suspect he and your mom might be having some troubles, possibly due to your father's traveling schedule and frequent absences.  You aren't worried about them getting divorced though because you know that Teddy can be quite charismatic when he wants to be and you are certain he can re-charm your mom once she finishes building her real estate empire.


More characters added, check the game and character menu.

Current rough (incomplete) overview:

Right now content is focused around Mitch, Ryan, Drew, and Evan with minor content for Julie, Rhea etc.  Evan and Drew are easy, just hang around them and make naughty choices.  In order to go down the most complete route with by far the most content, you must piss Mitch off and create a situation to get blackmailed by him (go home early for a chance meeting). Deter is found by searching the school alone.  Ryan's route is started by finding a way to get him alone and away from your sister. Julie is discovered by creating a misunderstanding. Sam and Rhea are attained by resisting hetero m/f advances from your friends.

The first day has multiple cosmetic paths that mainly exist for introductory purposes.

At the end of the first day Taylor becomes ill.  If you go to the campus medical center, you will start Damien's route.  Themes: not completely consensual, aphrodisiac, lust, manipulation.  Further (planned) themes: Age reduction, corruption etc.

The main path follows Taylor home.  If you go to the hospital after the transformation that leads to Asylum end #1.  Themes: Psychology, mind control, hospital, unethical, bad end, bad luck.

If you continue on, the first huge split occurs at "Think things over."  If you head home early, you get a chance meeting with Mitch.  If you make a deal > Mitch Romance route (not much content, just a single "date") and if you are rude to him, you get an offer for a party night, which leads to Taylor getting blackmailed if he gets shitfaced.  This starts the main Mitch (blackmail, hedonism, corruption, drug use, non-con) path.  If you chose to not get drunk or be nice, the story returns to the "main" branch.

This is also where the split to Julie's route occurs - something that confuses many since it is "hidden."  By going home earlier Taylor alters the timeline and meets July under a slightly different frame of mind.  If you correct Julie > Main route, if you don't know, this is where the sister "misunderstanding" and offshoots appear.  Themes like: unaware, lesbian, incest, etc.

The main path continues and after school you get another large diverging branch.  Evan = Evan, Drew = Drew, Both friends = both.  And they go down their paths until out of content.  The 4th option is more complicated.  It leads to a campus search/ home option and a currently empty path.  If you stay on Campus, this leads to Deter's route/ Lucas Ferret corp spy and offshoots.  (Mind control, non con, espionage...) Going home leads to Ryan (physical attraction, love, youthful lens, taboo, cheating etc).

If you go home alone after the concert without Drew that leads to a rape/pregnancy end.

Another thing that is often asked is how do you get to Rhea/Sam.  You must go down Evan's path and then early on dispute his reasoning, this leads to a new party scenario where you can romance Rhea (and Sam eventually, but it is bare bones atm)

Beyond this, there are a few offshoots and choices, some cosmetic, some not.

The last thing that is confusing in my mind is how people discover the spy missions.  This is found on Drew's route by Taylor making compromises that pushes him towards femininity, leading to an amazing discovery... and the potential to impress a mysterious spy agency.  There will lots of paths eventually and it will generally be critical if Taylor has/has not learned about his powers and how to control them.  Whether you use a disguise or not determines if the Agency notices your talents.

Tim is accessed via Mitch's route (basement)

Craig is found by respecting Drew's privacy.


Patron .75 Walkthrough


End 1 Happiness (Evan Moore) Themes: Romance, Best Friends, consensual, corruption, mf, pervert, outdoors/ exhibitionism, blowjob, anal toys...

Fight back

Go with Evan

Go home and weather the storm

Go to a soccer game with Evan

Show him your chest.

Ask Evan for help

Go watch a movie with Evan

Agree with him

Play truth or dare or (Play strip poker for group scene)

Use the home kit

Let Evan have his way

Go to see Evan's father

Agree to go to the cabin

Go hiking with Evan or do fishing for alternative scenes

Let Evan take the lead for +3

Kiss Evan


Get out of the car

Agree with Evan

I guess...

Wear the buttplug to the party

Call for help (or try and break free alone for pirate rape)

Agree to be Evan's girlfriend… temporarily.

Have anal sex with Evan

End 2 Married Life (Drew Drachmann) Themes: Romance, Best Friends, Consensual, cum fetish, mf, big breasts, maid, nurse

Fight back

Go with Drew

Go home and weather the storm

Go to school like usual

Go play videogames with Drew

Ask Drew for help

Use Drew's computer

Tease Drew

Go play AA

Go stay at Drew's

Suggest something a little harder

Tease Drew again

A brilliant idea comes into your head

Save 1 Drew

See what Drew is up to and call it a night.

Use a transformative disguise

Shopping choices are cosmetic

Save 5 Bloom

Let Drew take the lead

Watch the cumshot video

Because I gave you the tech

Agree to go on a date

Go to the haunted hospital

Try the large door on the left

Put some effort into it

"It tastes so good…"

End 3 New Conventions (both friends) Romance, competition, mfm, double penetration

Fight back

Hang around school

Continue studying

Go home and weather the storm

Head home

Politely let him down

Correct her

Ask your friends to work together

End 4 Born this way. (Ryan) Romance, love at first sight, cheating, taboo, magnetic attraction

Fight back

Hang around school

Continue studying

Go home and weather the storm

Head home

Politely let him down

Correct her

Search by yourself

Go home and search the internet

Go take a peek

Talk about class

Strip down

Sit in front of Ryan

Go upstairs with Ryan

(shopping choices are cosmetic)

Save 2 (Ryan)

Brush off her concerns

"I have feelings for you too."

End 5 Teacher’s pet. (Mr. Deter) Themes: mind control, non consensual, powerful man, mad science, training, submissive, slut, mistress

Fight back

Hang around school

Follow the blonde

Head home

Politely let him down

Correct her

Search by yourself

Search for leads on campus

Explain you are in fact Taylor Roux

Let Deter experiment on you

Get Mr. D's info

Agree to help Mr. Deter.

Try a direct approach

End 6 Hedonist (Mitch) Themes: Hedonism, bully, blackmail, drugs, manipulation, corruption, dominant man, multiple partners.

Fight back

Hang around school

Follow Mitch

Leave the money

Go home and weather the storm

Head home

Save: 3 Mitch

No f***ing way!

Party until your worries disappear

Suck his dick

Take the pills

Save 4 Tim Choose Go downstairs for Tim or Go to Evan's room for Evan

Sleep on the couch

Try the cocaine

Shopping is cosmetic/influences later scenes.

Do the drugs

Ask Julie for some money

For Tim: choose impressive

For Evan choose Go get another condom

End 7 Unconventional / Misunderstanding (Julie) A lesbian incest route. You become your sister’s toy. Themes: Lesbian, incest, dom, dress-up, unknowing/misunderstanding.

Load 3 or

Fight back

Hang around school

Follow Mitch

Leave the money

Go home and weather the storm

Head home

Politely let him down

Follow along

Consult the internet

Choose "I am your brother!" to start the informed branch or "Your tongue is amazing." to continue the misunderstanding.

End 8 Sharing is Caring - You enter into a relationship with Julie and Ryan. Themes: fmf, mf, orgy, corruption, taboo, love

Load 3 or

Fight back

Hang around school

Continue studying

Go home and weather the storm

Head home

Politely let him down

Correct her

Search by yourself

Go home and search the internet

Go take a peek

Talk about class

Strip down

Sit in front of Ryan

Go upstairs with Ryan

(shopping choices are cosmetic)

Try and tell Julie the truth

End 9 Death/ real dead ends. You can be hit by a bus and eaten by a bear! D:

End 10 Science! Real Roux. (alt 5 + mix) Piece together clues and research, discover the truth behind the Transfigure program and why you were selected. Then, with all facts at your disposal, you decide your fate.

End 11 Damien's Little Girl (Damien) Your efforts to change back fail, instead forcing you to live a new life with an old friend. Non con, daddy/little girl, rape, debt,

Hang around school

Continue studying

Go to the campus medical center

Agree to suck Damien's dick

Submit to the green warmth

Drink Damien's concoction

"I need you to help me!"

"Fine, Daddy…"

End 12 Dominant =alt 6- Taylor snaps completely and becomes a Fem Dom, spending her days punishing inferior, pathetic males.

End 13/14 Samantha - end your life with your old love interest as a male or female (lesbian end)

Ignore him

Hang around school

Follow the blonde

Go to school like usual

Go play soccer with Evan

Refuse and leave

Correct her

Ask Evan for help

Go watch a movie with Evan

Dispute his reasoning

Strip Poker



End 15 Bully love (Mitch) - a turbulent, love/hate relationship develops. Taylor see’s Mitch’s good side and learns some surprising information. Taylor gets stuck in a shitty, semi- abusive relationship.

Fight back

Hang around school

Follow Mitch

Leave the money

Go home and weather the storm

Head home

We might be able to make a deal

End 16: The Nuthouse. Themes: Mind control, forced, bad end, corruption, manipulation, hospitalization, humiliation, insanity

Fight back

Go home and fap

Go to the f***ing hospital!

End 17. Stockholm Syndrome. Themes: Kidnapping, rape, brainwashing, pregnancy, nonconsensual, bad end, psychological.

Fight back

Go with Drew

Go home and weather the storm

Use Drew's computer

Tease Drew

Go play AA

Imagine yourself as a woman

Walk home alone

Rhea Bae (Rhea) Themes: Lesbian, blonde, lust, prostitution, promiscuity

Ignore him

Hang around school

Follow the blonde

Go to school like usual

Go play soccer with Evan

Refuse and leave

Correct her

Ask Evan for help

Go watch a movie with Evan

Dispute his reasoning

Spin the bottle

(Craig) Non consensual, baby-sitting, tutoring, blackmail, lost bet/game, implied inexperience

Fight back

Go with Drew

Go home and weather the storm

Go to school like usual

Go play videogames with Drew

Ask Drew for help

Respect his privacy

Decide to help Sandra out

Event: Video game match - 3 characters with unique battle scenes, each has a possible victory and defeat.

(Lose to Craig)

"Okay, but just for a second."

Show him

Give in

Zen Master Peeshi - con/non con, spiritual, shyster, pervert, forced to endure

Load 1

Search the internet for ways to improve your mental stamina

Sign up as a woman

Tell Peeshi some of the truth

Agree to do the ritual

Demand he prove he is trustworthy

Suck Peeshi's dick

Swallow and complete the ritual ("Ew! Spit this gross shit out!" for bonus scene to go to Pinnacle end.)

Zen Master Peeshi End Pinnacle of Pleasure

Load 1

Search the internet for ways to improve your mental stamina

Sign up as a woman

Try and lie your way out

Dr. Bloom Themes: Lesbian, mentor, mad science, dominant woman

Load 5

Personally negotiate (dead end for now, meant to increase relationship with Bloom) So pick:

Let Drew take the lead

Accept Bloom's offer

Tay vs Tay Taylor Roux

Fight back

Hang around school

Continue studying

Cut through the park

Take a picture or request assistance

Agency Spy Missions

Load 1

See what Drew is up to

Forego transformation

Dash into the bathroom

Go to the shady meeting

Agree to join the mysterious "Agency"

For BJ Cho, Ariana, Lizzy, and Taylor QS:

Choose the pop-star investigation

Taylor Quicksilver

Get the chip

For infiltration ends:

Pick the corporate infiltration mission

For Emily Watson, Maggie Roberts, Natalie Prynn

Choose the celeb bodyguard option

Natalie Prynn

Agree to get the split chip

Keep walking

Go to the film set Or Go to the photo shoot

Put on the outfit

"That would be great!"

Go to the photo shoot

Dismiss your escorts

Choose a revealing outfit

Play to the camera


Transfigure .60 9500 words


Taylor becomes popular with the athletic guys on campus. Louise performs a rock show. Taylor tries to solve his predicament alone.




-continued the alternate path where you refuse Damien at the start of his section ([[Refuse and tell him to suck his own dick!]])( 3k+ words)


 -added the F-F concert scenes and aftermath with Louise (late Mitch route) ( ~3k words)


 -Continued the group activities side branch with Robbie and Evan. (give Robbie your number) ( words)


 -Some minor portions of the group activities area have been rewritten and the continuity errors fixed so everything merges properly. The group BJ paths have been reconnected. New media added.


 -added the option to give Robbie a fake number (group activities) (~2500 words)


 -Added end #21 on Mitch’s route. (750 words)


 -Ending tracker recall updated


 -The option to recommend Samantha to take your place watching Craig has been cut.


 -Lots of minor edits and typo fixes.


 -added the short option to surrender on the Taylor vs Taylor combat section (150 words)



Transfigure .59 17k + words

Taylor follows the teachings of the wise and oh-so-pervy Zen Master Peeshi and reaches the pinnacle of personal mastery. The cosplay antics story arc continues. YP Taylor holds out for rescue. Craig discovers Taylor’s secret.

-added end #75 on Damien’s route, yellow potion, bunker area, by choosing the correct answer to the computer password question. (2600 words)

-added Zen Master content, including end # 51  and end # 52 (~9k words) (main path)

-continued the busty cosplay story area found on the yellow potion route. (includes end # 65  2300 words)

-added more Craig content on the [[Try to convince Craig that he is mistaken]] “I like you too” line with 3450 words

-dozens of minor rewrites and polish edits.

-fixed some images not displaying on non windows systems.

-cut the option to try and lie to Peeshi during the initial encounter


Transfigure .58 (9350 words)


The trio experiments with the Transfigure app. Cabin fun. Craig captures Taylor.


-added more “Two Friends” content. “Bring up the Transfigure App” 2200 words + More cabin bonding (end of primary 2f cabin route, 3700 words + a 700 word sun bathing scene at the cabin if you decline sex the night before )


-hundreds of polish edits, typo, grammar and phrasing edits mostly in the early game.


-closed the yellow potion choice “try a sip” path with a brief 250 word one off.


-added more content under the “I do NOT love you, Craig” branch including end # 61. (2500 words)



Transfigure .57 10k words

Taylor gets bullied by Mitch. Sam and Taylor bond.

-added a new quickjump for the new Mitch content.

-continued Mitch’s resistance route with the option to say no to drugs. (“Just take the ointment”) (7k words)

-added a new surprise character and sex scene on a branch during the above route.

-added a teaser scene on Natalie’s spy route plus a transition scene. (~1k words)

-admitting your feelings to Sam will now direct you to the main romantic route that includes new content. Several passages have been rewritten ( ~2k words)


Transfigure .56  - 7500 words




Hospital antics and more Drew endings.


 -added the option to calmly enter the emergency department in the early game, including ends #76 and #77. (2500 words)


 -formatted the passages in the hospital section plus minor edits and pics


 -added ends 46, 54, and 55 at the end of Drew’s main path. (5k words)


 -added the cosplay section to the quickjump


 -various misc minor edits and fixes


Transfigure .55 ~15k words


Evan and Taylor’s story receives two new conclusions.


-added two ends on Evan’s area including true end #8 on Evan’s route as well as a less happy alternative #22. These are found late on Evan’s route with “You’re not so bad yourself” and “I’d prefer less kissing”  ( 15k words)

 -updated the readme file with new instructions to get Transfigure to run on a new Android device.



Transfigure .54 13.6k words

Taylor is forced to come to terms with uncomfortable truths regarding Ryan and the foundation of their emerging relationship.  Bimbo Taylor gets put to work.

-added functionality to name your own save game files or use the default passage title

-added a toggle to the settings menu that allows users to switch the game’s default color scheme between night and day (light background / dark text vs dark background and light text)

-upgraded the game’s sound system to better support future background music as well as including a volume slider to control background music (potentially useful on the Transfigure Alternative story areas)

-updated the game’s story format to the latest Sugarcube version to support more advanced code (such as these new upgrades) (thanks HiEv!!)

-misc pic and video fixes on Mitch’s path (centering etc)

-continued Ryan’s primary route with new branches focused on moral dilemmas (brush off her concerns / “Two long days pass before you see Ryan again”) plus lingerie and naughty gifts! (10300 words) Thanks to Director Maiden and the Transfigure Corps for sponsoring this route!

-added end #80 on Ryan’s path

-added a quickjump for Ryan’s route

-overhauled the early portions of Ryan’s story with new centered media and loads of new edits (around 1k words of content) plus reformatted a lot of the text to match other story areas and read easier

-updated the middle node section to modern format (new media, centered pictures etc)

-fixed another branch bug that allowed users to leap to paths they weren’t on during subsequent playthroughs

-added fresh content to the Bimbo area (Trans Corp area / late Deter route ) ( 3300 words) plus end #74

-removed several watermarks and edited a small number of images to better fit various scenes

-updated the game’s main page to reset saved clothing variables so it is possible to correctly choose and track different outfits that will setup for unique flavor scenes and prevent bugs stemming from players choosing different routes / clothing on subsequent playthroughs


Transfigure .53 ~20k words


Tim and his cousins meet up with our intrepid protagonist. Taylor fails to escape from a mysterious organization. Yellow Potion Taylor makes some tough decisions.


-continued the choice “scream for help and make a big scene” on the spy area found on Drew’s path including end # 43 ( 5400 words) + closed part of the loop allowing a connection to other routes


-added more Tim content (found late on Mitch’s primary route) plus an offshoot area with his cousin Leon including ending #58 (about 10,000 words)


-added end #9 and #60 at the end of the Yellow Potion section in Damien’s area (4200 words)


-enlarged and centered some media on Drew’s path


-fixed a major bug at the story's middle node that allowed players to access routes they shouldn’t be able to on subsequent playthroughs.


-numerous small edits and typo fixes


Transfigure .52


 Julie and Taylor nurture a budding romance. Taylor negotiates with Mitch for valuable information. Taylor and Teddy find comfort in each other’s company. Threesome at the Clarks!




Transfigure .52 Beta 17,000 words




-added more content for Julie’s section. (truth / love variation) ( 4500 words)


 -continued the Mitch route by turning him down after the coffee date (3100 words)


 -added solo and threesome scenes in the Yellow Potion / Clark area. (4500 words)


 -continued Teddy’s brothel story, adding ends #32 and #33 ( 5000 words)


 -added in some side content on the Teddy brothel bypass path: “This is too embarrassing!” -linked a new scene during the Teddy massage when staying silent (Thanks Jkip for the reminder!) Plus one short scene for the answer “Ask him about his family” line


 -edited and added several small bits to the spy setup area leading to Natalie’s section in order to prepare for upcoming content.


 -reduced Teddy’s age slightly when referenced.


 -fixed and marked several minor dead ends.


 -added a list of the current in game endings to the main page within a spoiler button


 -muted several videos that had sound playing by default. (to enable sound on eligible videos right click and unmute)


 -added a recall button to some of the endings (all 100 will be added eventually)




-fixed some bugs with the quickjump and double portraits.


Transfigure .51 Beta 23,700+ words

Training continues under the Zen Master’s guidance and Taylor engages in a salacious ritual. Little Taylor gets roped into a relationship with an older couple. The Cabin adventure continues. Taylor seeks out Sophie for the sake of the Bell family.

-added more content on Zen Master Peeshi’s area. (7200 words)

-added a new path in the “Yellow Potion” section. (8500 words, special thanks to Director Maiden for sponsoring this route!) Found off “Sorry, but I really need to be getting home…” branch in the yellow potion cosplay area.

-added more content to the “Two Friends” cabin area to make up for the awkward end last time. (~3k words)

-added more content to Craig’s section and introduced the new character Sophie Bell. Content is found with “Give Craig an earful instead” option after the clothing theft incident. ( 5000 words, additional content sponsored by Director Maiden!)

-fixed display errors on the credits page (Thanks Valrin72!)

-minor phrasing and typo fixes on several paths.

-scattered media edits and adjustments, mainly on Craig’s starting area.

Transfigure .5 Beta 12400 words


Taylor and his two best friends take a break from recent events by continuing their yearly tradition of spending the long weekend at Evan’s cabin. Zen Master Peeshi trains Taylor in the art of erotic self discipline. Taylor and Samantha struggle to fend off the machinations of Lucas Ferret.


-continued the “two friends” route with the alternate cabin adventure (where the trio go together). (~5k words)

 -continued the ZMP route (branch found on Drew’s route, complete the ritual, QJ available) (1800 words) Note: this update isn’t finished and will continue next time.

 -added a quickjump for one of the main decision trees at school in the early game

 -edited Deter’s route and Peeshi’s, fixed and added more media

 -continued the T Corp Resistance route with Samantha, Victoria, and Lucas. 5500~ words (Thanks to Director Jstar6264 for sponsoring this route addition!) To arrive on this route, answer Lucas’ riddle incorrectly and then refuse to cooperate.

 -Fxed a minor narrative inconsistency on Ryan’s route (Thanks T7792!)

 -added a bypass on the T Corp / Deter area so players can skip the protestor scene if desired.

 -many minor edits courtesy of Poopoopuh and Tango (mostly spelling, grammar, and word choice)




Transfigure .99A 25k words


Yellow potion Taylor explores the world with a new body that seems to attract attention before going to a cosplay convention.


-continued alt yellow potion adventure with a cute cosplay section (Thanks Director Rin for sponsoring this route!) 25,000 words (“Are you sure the cops will believe you?” “No way, that sounds way too shady!”)

-added ends 66 and 67 on above route

-extended the ending list capacity from 50 to 100 (Mwaha ahaha…)


Transfigure .98 Alpha 12500+ words

Taylor Roux2 accidentally starts a shitstorm.
-Taylor demonstrates the extent of her powers. (Taylor vs Taylor main branch, imposter variation + “rational” + “Tell her she will have to find her own place” + added ends #44 and #47
-Continued Evan’s “Date Day”


Full change log archive in game.

Review by user210

Version reviewed: 0.60 on 11/02/2023

This game is more like a linear porn story, not a game. Here we have a gender bender story which has only a few stories or ending properly completed, you can get ending from 15 minutes to beyond hours but a lot of options are not availaible making a story forced overall, it is a linear direction to a very large degree with a few changes which will push you into different ending and you have just to click and see how story plays out. A nice way to play, no sissy or such thing, just straight up gender bender and a horny guy who got the body of a girl and unleashed his horniness, I mean he lost his virginity to a dildo so I can't call him as a demure woman, MC is a woman with a horny man's mind and its fun overall. And this game is a story about a how she handle the things now.

My favourite ending can be obtained in 2-5 minutes where you go to hospital and get money for your forced transformation, you get a million and company cover all the expenses to cover up all this and you get to spend your life enjoying. That's a really good ending in my view.

Review by DuaNDerant

Version reviewed: 0.59 on 05/07/2023

I must agree with the review by Jsmithman01. The game has many excellent paths and ideas as well as an overall enjoyable and immersive execution, but the part with Jews and the "feminist" protest is the weirdest jump the shark moment in probably any game on here. It's laughably cringe.

Review by TotallySane

Version reviewed: 0.59 on 04/29/2023

Ya know CYOA games on this site? Most are horribly incomplete and full of dead ends. This game has dead ends too, but the amount of content in each branch until you get to one is staggering.

This is by far the largest game of this type on this site that I know.

I'm really not a fan of the CYOA genre, because most of the examples here are mediocre at best, but this game is one of my all time favorites on this site, irrespective of genre, because it's so well made, has a huge amount of content and the writing is engaging.


Review by DisThePlay

Version reviewed: 0.57 on 11/03/2022

One of the best MtF Transformation games.
A well written story with multiple paths that can give many different experiences. HTML being the easiest engine to use makes it fast to open for a quick "game session" and you can play multiple paths at once. Also the images and videos are good.

Review by renenarciso

Version reviewed: 0.56 on 09/27/2022

EDIT: Got to say, the game keeps getting more amazing with each update.

I've started a dedicated playthrough, trying to get through all the myriad paths, and I'm once again impressed at the diversity of scenarios, characters, and situations. I've just found the interracial storyline with Tim, and it's extremely hot. I just love how the game appeals to a lot of fetishes, but all of them inside the confines of the main character becoming a woman.


This game is still one of my all-time favorites here.

If I had to describe what is most awesome about Transfigure, it is the combination of plenty of sexual content with deep psychological exploration of the main character. You get lots of sex scenes, and almost every single one of them has also descriptions of the protagonist's state-of-mind after going thru the sexual escapades that drown her more and more into her new role.

It is amazingly immersive by really putting you inside Taylor's head all the way!

Total Games: 2,269
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,552
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,072,375

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