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Game Information
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Adult Themes


Unyielding is transformation based RPG game.  I want it to feel like a tabletop RPG, with a living and interesting world.  Choices should always matter.

The project will be updating every other Wednesday.


OH WHAT UP UNYIELDING IS ON STEEEEEEAAAAM! Please, if you've enjoyed the game, please add it to your wish list.

Change list:

Added missing art to the endings.







Catelly was a man, until he was cursed by a wizard trying to obtain immortality.  Catelly happened to be a hardened mercenary before the curse, and refuses to lose to it.

Romance Blackfire 1: Pay with sex
Romance Danica: Complete the raid without killing anyone.  Don't collect the teal orbs during the 1st and 2nd raid fights.
Romance Blackfire 2: Have either paid with money or sex before the raid.  Agree to study with him.  Pay with sex again.
Romance Lizette: Just do her mission
Romance Duad: Just do his mission
Added Retirement Party
Added Leave for Sandy
Added some of the missing black haircuts for Catelly.

Added Exercise Fhan

Added Danica reacting to Cowtelly

Fixed combat upscaling issues

Fixed combat softlocks

Fixed weirdness with examining enemies in combat


Important engine changes

Improved Downturn experience

Huge android improvements

Added Recruit Fhan (4 possible routes)

Added Recruit Brandy

Added Recruit ???? (See below to avoid spoilers)

Added Danica reacting to the drill cut

Added Meet Concordia

Added Concoridia's art

Added another set of advancement icons

Added 3 new reactions



Added Water Lizette (complete downturn and have be in holstaur form)

Added Ginny tidbits

Fixed some character advancement bugs

Broke combat saves :(

Added Ginny’s  portrait
Added Drinks with Blackfire (complete his quest line and return from Downturn)
Added hotkeys to combat
First round of ability improvements



Added Return From Downturn

Added Make Art

Added Revisit The Past

Arted items (and reenabled them)

Added abilities*

Changed victory and defeat screens

Added Giants (Find Brandy and finish downturn)
Added a drawn image in the Downturn rest scene Mack and Danica
Redid the Downturn farm 1 fight to fit on the screen
Change Combat art portraits
Changed the logo and patreon
Changed some Kate/Latte lore



Added items to combat (Javelin, Sling, Crossbow, Medkit, Healing Salve, Pole, Lasso, Bomb, Hunting Horn, Battle Horn, Horn of Distraction, and Berserk Wine)
Added "Milk" (Catelly must be a holstaur before finishing Downturn)
Added "Destroy Commerce" (Complete downturn aviary)
Added a drawn image to Fhan's Dance
Big engine changes

Added Pie (Downturn celebration, help the family trying to get home)

Added The Fence (Downturn celebration, have Mack unlocked)(Check both routes)

Added UI tick effect

Added arrow projectiles

Added new a battle start, win, and lose effect.

Added a drawn image in Twins

Added debug add content

Combat UI finalization

Comat UI animation

Sound balancing pass

Library UI

Added Return Silver (Downturn Celebration: return the silver in farm scene)

Added Twins (Downturn Celebration: Have Brandy unlocked)

Added Catelly’s Pixie hair cut.

Added a drawn image in Mack and Catelly rest scene

*Fixed the gray blob in combat

Added a drawn image in The Interview

Added grid combat to the intro fight

Added grid combat to Misty Cove

Added grid combat to Cult Raid

Big engine changes


Added a drawn image in Headout.
Added a drawn image in The Auction.
Finished the adventure screen rework.
Added story  to: Downturn Shrine, Downturn Aviary, Downturn Heart, Downturn Bandits
Added Return to Downturn
Added the ability to leave Downturn
Added the ability to reset Downturn
Added auto saving
Added two mystery transformations to Lena
Reworked The Showdown fight
Added Kate's song
Added Lazy Days song


Added another route to Spy With Lizette (The long awaited transformation)
Added the story to Downturn River
Reworked Fray in combat
Buffed Fhan in combat
Buffed Danica in combat
Many quality of life improvements in combat
Started the adventure UI rework
Added two drawn images in the Downturn rest event for Mack and Fhan
Added a drawn image to pay with sex (for blackfire)
Added a drawn image to study with with blackfire
Added 2 long haircuts for Danica.
Added the library (it's on the main menu)


Added Check Up On Lizette
Added Spy With Lizette (2 bad ends)
Added a drawn picture to the Brandy and Danica rest scene
Added the messy bun hair style for Catelly
Fixed a bunch of face and hair bugs
Redid the Heart of the Woods Downturn fight
Fixed many bugs in Downturn
Changed the portrait for Kate, Nel, Daud, and Lena
Added a long hair Danica version in the appearance setter
Added the holstaur TF for Catelly in the appearance setter
Sad theme scattered throughout the game
New save and load UI
New choice UI
New appearance setter UI
Drawn image in Take a Bath (win route)
Drawn image in Lucy and Gwyn 2
Added The Redemption (Gwyn and Lucy line)
Added Go Fishing (Daud line, you must have completed misty cove)
Added a BrandyXMack rest event (you must have recruited Brandy before getting Mack)

Fixed the supply bug
Added 7 new scene Downturn rest scenes (Make sure to have brandy and mack before resting!)
Added a drawn image to Take a Bath (losing branch)
Added transformation options to the causal portraits
Added Training (from more training)
Added The Necklace, The Threat, and The Trip To Sena (from Gwyn and Lucy)
Added the story to Downturn Forest
Added the story to Downturn Farm 3
Added a new drawn image to the Carnival
Redid the landing screen
Added a song to the landing screen
Redid the save/load slot system to tell the player more
Added a hint page to the menu
Changed Unyeidling’s icon
Fixed SO many bugs
Added a drawn image to Carnival 1
Added Gwyn and Lucy 1 and 2(It's available after Meet Latte)
Added Report to Kate (win the fight with the Fleshcrafter, but with Blackfire having been defeated)
Added The Reward (contains a "bad end")(From beating the Fleshcrafter with Blackfire still up)
Added Downturn Bandit battle
The gallery now works based on your profile, not your save.  Seeing a picture once unlocks it forever
Redid the tin mines battle
Redid the mist monster battle
Combat can now be turned on or off anytime
A ton of editing and bug fixes.
The downturn adventure got its art
Added the last drawn sex scene to Blackfire's first sex scene
Added a new display system for the drawn sex scenes
Added Return (Found at the end of the Blackfire quest line)
Added Realize
Added Seek Help
Added Meet up
Added Downturn Apothecary
Added Downturn Glade
Added a 2 new rest scenes that have no requirements
Added the deer transformation options to the appearance setter
Finished the missing spell on Fray
Finished Fhan and her spells
Rebalanced sparks.  Catelly is now death, ender of worlds.
Added Brandy
Added Brandy's intro fight
Added tooltips to the character grid UI to explain when they refresh
Added a tooltip to the rest options
If Brandy is unlocked, click on her name on the adventure screen and then someone else to swap her into the combat party

Added Cheer Up Lizette
Added Downturn Farm 1
Added Downturn Lake
Rewrote the sex scene in Meet Blackfire
Added 2 drawn images in Meet Blackfire
Added  a drawn image to Debate Lizette
Redid Fhan's portrait

Added a drawn scene in Head Out
The Fleshcrafter got her portrait
Catelly has facial expressions in a few scenes
Better android support (Still very bare bones.  More to come)
The Setback (next part of the Head Out line)


Added The Midnight Carnival (Husky Catelly is found there)
Added Wolf Hunt (new combat system and the continuation of the Head Out line)
Added A few places that use the above backgrounds


Added a larger bust option for Maid-atelly
Added husk-atelly
Added a step between mega boobed catelly and the larger one
Added Casual Danica
Added a larger bust option for Danica
Added Willem's portrait
Added a picture in the second Daud scene
Added More training (CatellyXWillem...kinda)
Lots of progress on the combat rework


Added maid outfit, findable in Kidnapped or the appearance selector
Added Art to the “bad end” of Perjury
Added The Reward, which is accessed by completing Purjury’s quest correctly
Added Fox Catelly and Fox Danica to the appearance selector
Redid the appearance selector
Added better handling of aspect ratios
Finished Catelly’s combat rework abilities


Added Kidnapped (Lots of things)
Added Take a bath (CatellyXDaud)


Added Perjury (CatellyXDanica + bad end)

Added a drawn sex picture in Struggle with Blackfire
Added Ash (main storyline)
Added Lena (LenaXOle)

Added Debate Lizette
Added Lena and Ole's portrait

Added the drawn first CatellyXLizette image
Added Casual Catelly
Added Willem's introduction
Added Visit, which is next main storyline scene
Added Go shopping, which is CatellyXDanicaXStranger scene
Added a bunch of tidbits throughout the game

The saving bug should be fixed
Started the change to the new UI
Added the gallery

Lackadaisical Days 2-4
Head out
Mary's portrait

Return to Sena (Main plot)
Home (Main plot)
Lackadaisical Days 1 (side story)
New information in Meet Latte
Daud's portrait

Return to Sena (Main plot)
Home (Main plot)
Lackadaisical Days 1 (side story)
New information in Meet Latte
Daud's portrait

Added drawn scene in Study with Blackfire
Added Educate Lizette (CatellyXLizette, futa)

Added a drawn scene in The Vial
Added Educate Lizette
Fixed up the mist boss again
Orbs weren't clipping correctly so they popped funny.

Added Lizette's portrait
Fixed the saving bug

Added Meet Latte
Added a drawn image in "More Drinks With Danica"
Added a simple explanation for the combat minigame

Added Meet Stone
Added The Boat Ride

Added The Vial part 2

Fixed the issue where various parts of Catelly (and another unreleased character) were fading very poorly.
Fixed where outlines weren't fading with the speaker
Fixed More Drinks with Danica so it didn't add a copy of The Vial to town every time someone spoke.
Made it more clear in The Vial that the cat transform isn't permanent.
Catelly's outline was super broken once you got the larger breasts transformation.
Fixed the portraits so the bottom of their legs don't clip into nothing.
Fixed resolution support? Can it ever really be fixed? I'm sure someone has a resolution on some monitor form 1999 that I didn't think about.
You can no longer save in a scene. Town only. You can load anywhere still though.


Saving bug fixes.
Added the visulization for Catelly's larger lips (Have sex with blackfire the first time)

Review by Froehike

Version reviewed: 1.0.3 on 12/20/2024

I loved this visual novel.  I liked and empathized with the characters and found touching, unsettling, and heart-wrenching moments, especially toward the end.  There didn't seem to be a whole lot of different paths, but it was long and deep enough to quite enjoy one read through.

The combat I was less impressed by, especially at first.  I got used to it and it was okay, but if you're not really into turn-based RPG fights on small grids, you're probably not missing much turning off the combat.

There are sex scenes with a painted-style CG to go with the text.  The character portraits you can see right on this page.  The backgrounds and event CGs are of similar style and quality, just less flat.  No animation, but the writing is decent enough to make up for it.  They're not overly long or detailed, nor frequent, so this is very much a slow burn, not a quick fap.

The game starts almost immediately after the M2F transformation, so you don't get to see that happen, but there are a few rare chances to get smaller adjustments for yourself or your friends later.  And if you stick with the character's original goal of reverting to male, you do get a bit of story about that.  The main character doesn't even remember much about their male life, so the whole M2F aspect of the game doesn't really affect the story much.  You're basically just playing a new girl struggling with new feelings and urges, most of which are caused by a high level curse.

There are catgirls, wolfgirls, cowgirls, and bunny girls, but they're not transformations.  They're born that way.  There's even lore about their biology and society, if you're interested in that.  It's all rather well written and built out.

If you're looking for a nice, long fantasy visual novel with a fair amount of sex balanced with good character development and world building and you like a coherent, if not extensive, magic system with occasional minor transformations, I would strongly recommend this game.

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: 1.0.3 on 08/20/2023

v1.0.3 (PC):

I am very impressed by this visual novel. I found the artwork to be fantastic and enjoyable, the story to be overall very coherent and the interactivity from the game events entertaining and at times challenging.

The main character is someone you can empathize with, but their motivations are very erratic. One moment they're seeking independence from their "lot in life" off the encounter that started the entire story, but from the decisions you make it can be very easy to have them flipped mentally to be a bimbo hussy with the effect lurking in every future encounter you come across. While it does create some mood whiplash at times, by large it's acceptable under the story: they're suffering from the effects of wild magic after all and it's still active.

The NPCs and supporting characters you run across all to this final version have personality and developed back stories. Their motivations are all different and their effects on the main character do link in to the transformations on offer with this game. Your choices do matter and if you are careless you can find yourself at a Bad End (and you'll typically be warned right when you're on the edge of one) or causing discord within your social circle. I did find it a little strange how rape-happy two of the supporting characters are, but again I can give it a pass from not looking at it from the perspective of the story world: they're a lot more liberal than I expected.

The interactivity within the game can be limited or left at full, depending on your preference. Combat is optional if you so choose but turning it off can affect events. There are items you can buy from a shop to help you in combat and all of the NPCs and your avatar can be levelled up with additional skills to use in the combat encounters. Active CYOA is in play in the game, much in the way that choice selection occurs in any visual novel, but there are consequences to your actions (transformations chiefly) and do risk leading to Bad Ends. Fortunately if you hit a bad end without saving, the game will take you back a step so you can see the other paths.

The artwork is top notch. While there is still bug fixing involving character transitions going on (only an orange outline instead of the character at one beach scene) and some of the artwork I was being shown did not exactly match the current state of my character, for the most part it was correct. I was quite amused to find that certain transformations do affect the story world past your avatar to maintain the "reality" being set around the wild magic at play (later main story event): it was a really nice touch. The backgrounds though frequently get same-same in both the visual novel sections and the combat sections, but it's not enough to be anything other than a passing observation nuisance.

Minor bugs are currently in the game the further you go. Got to see a strange exploding fireball graphic at one point that kept going throughout an entire fight and at a later fight against two special enemies with 2x2 grid hitboxes, the game didn't let my avatar or some combat actions that should have been working trigger. I was able to cope with it and I am sure you can too.

TL;DR this is a great visual novel/interactive CYOA game to go through at least once with good transformations and the artwork makes it all worth it. Consider buying it on Steam to reward the game developers.


Review by Jarnhjarta

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on 11/15/2022

This is a very charming story, very lacking in polish. But polish is one of the least important things to my enjoyment of a story, so...

Review by RedDotGecko

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on 11/09/2022

First of all, this is my third ever review and like the other two it's only because this is a true Gem! the writing ist just phenomenal and i really wasn't playing it for the sex scenes, like i usually do. So if your just searching for a quick Fap like i usually do still check by! because you might end up enyoing this quite a lot like me!

Review by Kolka

Version reviewed: 0.4.7 on 05/11/2022

I liked this game, though I didn't fancy the combat so I had that turned off, since I was playing more for the story and the X scenes.

So, story, well, it's there. The primary motivation is to get your male body back, but it seems that the continued acts of debauchery that leave the MC cock-dumb have no significant transformative effects on Cat's personality. I think the only meaningful asides I've seen is the Duad romancing, where the MC remarks that their tastes perhaps are changing or that they might be falling for someone. Anyway, I think that the story is there, the cow storyline or Holstaur as they are called in-game is pretty funny, you should consider trying that branch. So, I kinda dig it. The few sex scenes in between are a nifty bonus. It's not particularly tittilating due to the limited artwork, but the textual descriptions are rather verbose, so it can still get you in the mood.

Alrighty you wankers, go play this game. If you do like RPG/teambuilding elements, leave the combat on. I'm just someone with too little time and too many games to play, so to optimize my experience, I left combat off for less grinding, but I'm sure it's fun, involved, and interesting.

Oh, before I forget, I do love the ability to change the appearance, but it doesn't seem to be reflected in the various X scenes, pls fix.

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Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
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