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RPG Maker VX Ace
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Adult Themes

Version: 1.3.9d

SlaveGirls Rising

The story begins:

Alanna, a SlaveGirl on the island Slavery Nation of Tagero, awakens to find herself in the Gauntlet, a lethal run through a, well, gauntlet, of monsters, by a group of naked SlaveGirls. Usually no one survives the horrors of the Gauntlet Run, and an audience of cruel male masters watch through a viewing crystal as one by one, or in groups, the women fall in various unpleasant ways.

Somehow Alanna survives, barely to be sure, but to all the spectators' utter disbelief. Her master, Marick, collects her, an even heals her wounds, but asks her why she couldn't just die like she was supposed to. Later back at his home, Alanna witnesses an odd exchange, via a red communication crystal, between Marick and a mysterious woman. The woman orders him to murder Alanna immediately, but Alanna knocks Marick out and escapes into the night...


Featured in the game so far:

Like in Helpless Heroine, the game begins with combat and vore; as it progresses, more SlaveGirl and Damsel-in-Peril themes come into play. This installment now includes the first transformation themes (petrification), with many more to come. This game is still in its infancy and I hope to work on it constantly to keep it progressing.

EDIT: by this latest release, 1.2.8, The game is about 25 hours long, and that's for myself, as the game's creator. There are less vore scenes by this point, but there are a lot of transformations and a good amount of smut. The transformations are still mostly inanimate, with a smattering of "live" TFs and a few gorier Game Over scenes. Planned for next release: slimegirl (active TF), sexdoll (inanimate), stone/sandstone (inanimate, willingly).


EDIT: Screenshots removed due to being NSFW.  -KavenBach



Alanna: A mysterious SlaveGirl who can actually defend herself, even against monsters. When her Master, Marick, sends her into a Gauntlet Run to die, she survives, to everyone's surprise. Alanna's mere presence seems to inspire other otherwise defenseless SlaveGirls to fight for their lives, and for their freedom...

Tutteerielle: Tuttee for short, this mysterious girl seems to pop up pretty much everywhere Alanna goes. She dispenses advice, usually very cryptic, often seemingly useless, and usually disappears right away after.

Becca, Millie, and Teefa: Three SlaveGirls that fight alongside Alanna in the Gauntlet. Not nearly as powerful as she is, they die at the hands (and other part) of a Minotaur. However Alanna soon finds that they are alive again, despite that the Gauntlet Run had a "no revival" policy that night...

Marick: Alanna's master, just another male in Tagero... or so it at first seems. After a Communication-Crystal conversation with the mysterious (clothed!) woman Vendell, Marick is reveaaled to have many secrets... and is ordered to murder Alanna immediately to conceal said secrets.

Vendell: A mysterious woman Master Marick speaks to via a Communication Crystal. Appears to be clothed, and appears to be Marick's superior, working for some foreign power...

Auctioneer Fade: The man running and commentating the Gauntlet Run. Appears to have at least a bit of a head on his shoulders and is cooperating with Tageran Intelligence to track down Alanna.

Loezen: This seedy, and at times cowardly, man is the head of the Slavery Guild of Tagero. Is in pursuit of Alanna for reasons of his own.

Altorios: Head of Tageran Intelligence. Is in pursuit of Alanna based on her mysterious origins. Does not immediately realize that Marick knows a lot more about her than he lets on.

Camdon: Owner and administrator of the Sudvess Arena. He is a very hands-on (and cock-in) owner of many SlaveGirls ranging from Arena fodder to seasoned Gladiatrixes.

Berkins: Camdon's trusted second-in-command.

Beatrice: The top Gladiaatrix of Camdon's Sudvess Arena. All the other SlaveGirls fear her combat skills.

Roggar: The former co-owner of Sudvess Arena, betrayed, dismembered, and left for dead, dumped in the pits only to be saved by some of the very women he had thrown down there previously himself...

Donall: The chubby, spiteful, abusive owner of the Desert Oasis Inn. Snuffs out the lives of his SlaveGirls often, usually at a whim or based on himself making stupid mistakes. Many lone male travelers have disappeared in the desert; it is always assumed the monsters got them, but what no one knows is that some of those travelers have reached the Desert Inn alive, only to disappear while staying there... while Donall mysteriously "finds a lost SlaveGirl in the desert..."

Tripp: Donall's young male employee. Knows about his employer's habits, and knows that previous employees have "disappeared into the desert." And yet, he stays, for reasons of his own...

Vindy: a SlaveGirl in the port town of Port Sudvara who tries to solve a mystery involving stolen supplies. Instead thrown away as a "lazy slave who didn't do her work" when she tries to tell what she saw.

Zeena: the shockingly powerful woman protecting a village full of free women deep inside a forest. Hates Alanna practically at first sight, but why...?


SlaveGirls Rising




This walk-through is intended to give you hints for tricks to use during game play, while limiting the number of spoilers and not giving exact instructions (generally). Please bear this in mind and take the time to enjoy the game instead of just blindly obeying the instructions in this document.




Alanna first awakens in the Gauntlet, a deadly run through a lethal monster-filled maze by SlaveGirls. Just from the initial conversation with fellow SlaveGirl victims-to-be, you know that it is unlikely that any of these women will survive... and you see that Alanna intends to try anyway.

Be sure to speak to the transparent girl, Tutteerielle, or Tuttee for short. She will give you a few hints about game play overall but especially as it applies during the Gauntlet.

In short:


-Press the Shift button to switch from walking to running. There are some areas where you will not be able to do this, but for the most part it makes it easier to wander around exploring or to avoid wandering monsters.

-A monster that is “occupied” --- that is, who has grappled, penetrated, or devoured a girl --- will usually have lower defense and offense, making it easier for allies of said girl to damage it. Bear in mind, however, that some monsters will “Guard” once they've grabbed a girl (particularly in HardMode), so though their basic defense will be lower, they will still halve all damage they take. Remember, also, that the girl herself will have reduced physical attack power. However, Alanna will quickly find that her Magical power is actually augmented when she is penetrated or swallowed alive; this, according to other girls, is not normal. With this in mind, the rule of thumb is for Alanna to use physical attacks when free, and to use magical attacks when penetrated or swallowed. This tends to be most of the time, so it's generally a good idea to equip Alanna to maximize her Magic-Attack stat. If you're going for a challenge, always gear her for physical combat.

-Do not forget to equip gear you pick up. Even ridiculous-seeming gear, like silk, will increase your stats. Generally you will have “tougher” gear that can boost your attack power and defense, or “flimsier” gear that will boost your magic power instead. Be aware, however, that while the sexier gear will tend to boost your magic powers more, it will also increase your SEXY stat, which during Chapter 1 will cause severely detrimental in-battle orgasms that can literally render Alanna completely helpless.

-You begin the game with a “HardMode Switch” in your key items. HardMode is essentially a Director's Cut of the game, more dangerous overall and in many cases adding mechanics to fights, particularly boss fights. If you want to experience the game in a way that is far closer to KavenBach's true vision for it, a version in which the characters are usually in far more realistically desperate a situation for the reality of the story, then playing in HardMode is the way to go.


The Gauntlet Run (Prologue)


You will need to open the treasure chest before you can finally begin the Gauntlet Run. Once you do, you will first face a series of rooms with set battles. Between each room, you will get a chance to save your game and to equip any gear you've picked up. As a general rule, gear up Alanna with the best weapon you find. Once she hits level 2, she will learn “Double Strike;” this is a much better option to using the basic “Fight” option.

During the run, watch the four girls for any that is getting weak, and use the Minimal Healing Potions you found in the first room if necessary, because you won't be able to revive any of them that dies for a few rooms.

When you get to the fourth room, after fighting small rats, large rats, and the plant, make sure to take a drink from the Healing Spring (you can't move on until you do, anyway). This will completely heal up all four of the girls, including reviving any that you may have had die. By this point, Alanna should be level three; you can now use “Bravery” to substantially increase her attack power in battle, to the point that she will still be doing good damage to enemies even if she is swallowed or penetrated.

By the fifth room, you will get to control in what order you fight enemies, or to avoid some entirely. As the experience you gain during the Gauntlet will eventually all be erased anyway, you can avoid some fights without having any permanent detriment; however be aware that the lower your level, the tougher some of the later Gauntlet fights may be. They should still be easy enough, but regardless, it's something to be aware of.

By level 4, Alanna will learn “Encouragement.” You can use this skill before battle to boost all the girls' attack power by 20%, which isn't negligible. By level 4 the other girls also learn “Strong Hit,” which is a good improvement over their regular attacks, even if it misses more often. Between those two skills, none of the fights in the next few rooms should be difficult; you will one-shot the smallest rats, Alanna will often one-shot the bigger rats with “Double Strike” (a critical hit helping), and even the plants should be quick to kill.

You will first encounter a male monster in one of these rooms; a Ratite. Alanna will experience her first in-battle sexual assault; as mentioned before, if a male monster is “busy” with one of the women, the other women will have an easier time hurting him. Ultimately, trying to use a “RapeBuster” skill to escape the Ratites in the Gauntlet is mostly a waste of a turn, as the girls can still generally do decent damage even while being assaulted and the damage they take from the assault is often negligible. Bear this in mind for future battles.

In the room where you first encounter a horde of Ratites, you will need to look inside the caves for the keys you need. Bear in mind, however, that if you use the first key you get to access the far right area, you will lose the chance at the treasure chests in the top middle of the room, which give you a decent weapon and a set of Rope Anklets which are harder to come by.

Once you encounter the spiders, try to use Alanna's magic sparingly. Only she can remove the poison those little critters inflict; leaving it untreated will gradually lower the poisoned woman's HP. Also, don't waste your time trying to figure out getting a woman out of the spiders' webs if she gets caught; you can't do it yourself, and it will happen automatically at the end of battle.

At the end of the room where the spiders are, you will face a few sets of Ratites, the last of which will include the much more powerful Red Ratite. He has the ability to increase the attack power of the other Ratites with him; to reduce the damage the girls take overall, try to kill off the lesser Ratites first. Bear in mind also that they are all vulnerable to whips; having Alanna use “Whip Frenzy” while equipped with the rope, particularly once the Red Ratite is alone, can yield tremendous amounts of damage... if she's lucky.

After the fight, you will get a whip (better than the rope); right after that, you will pick up a sword. It's up to you which you choose to equip Alanna with; the sword is stronger and can yield good damage with “Triple Strike,” but the whip can potentially yield more damage to a single target with “Whip Frenzy.” Potentially. Either way, make sure Alanna has the best gear and is at full HP; your next fight will not include the other women.

Against the boss of the Gauntlet, “Whip Frenzy” seems to be the best option to use, if possible. “Triple Strike” can do the trick also, though it's a little more dicey to rely on. Either way, don't waste time trying to RapeBust or heal HP; Alanna should have enough HP to survive his penetration for a while, but once at a certain point her HP won't save her, as the Minotaur will administer an instant death. Just do as much damage as you can, as quickly as you can.


After the Gauntlet, Alanna goes back “home” with her Master. When you are given an opportunity to save your game, do so. A crucial decision is coming up; if Alanna chooses the wrong option, you'll get a Game Over.

After escaping the house, go ahead and explore the stormy night area. When you're ready to move on, speak to the only person you see around; after that, head to the south gate and check the gate on its right side. After speaking to the locked-out slaver, head down into the well to your East; check out the knocked-over statue to open the escape passage. Alanna is stark naked and unarmed, but you might want to use “Encouragement” before checking out that downed statue...

The fights in the well passage shouldn't be hard, particularly after you start getting some gear. You've faced all these enemies before, and even alone Alanna should make short work of the enemies.

Make sure to save after you see the Healing Spring in the second section; against the boss, your game can end abruptly regardless of how much HP you have left. As Tuttee will warn you, there is a treasure chest in this section you don't want to miss; to survive the boss, you'll want the pile of HealStones you find! To get them, you have to jump over a section of water.

Once you face the boss, be ready to use a HealStone from time to time. If Alanna is almost fully turned to stone, don't wait to use one, or that will be the end of her! Bear in mind, also, that the boss can send Alanna into a trance, and that could mean a turn or two of her not reacting when you need her to! Also, he is more likely to add to the petrifying curse once his HP has been reduced by half.



Chapter One


You will have to fight within moments of starting Chapter 1; however, don't try too hard, as it isn't a fight you can win. Just take the punishment and let Alanna's HP run out.

In the arena training area, first head East. Once there, speak to all the women around; some of them will provide a tiny bit of experience, allowing Alanna to be level 2 before even getting into a fight. Then, make sure to do all the fights you can; if you win them all, you'll reach level 4 just before having to fight the boss of the area. Speaking of which, don't speak to Camdon, the arena owner standing in the lower right section of the first training area, until you're ready to face the boss; and that shouldn't be until you've hit level 3. If you try below level 3, you will not survive the fight...

Also, try being a little insistent with the trainers even if they seem to have given you all the fights they can. You never know what kind of bonus you could get...

By level 3, you will learn some spells; your first offensive ones. You'll need at least one of them if you hope to survive the boss fight Camdon throws you into: another Medusan. This time, however, you have no way to heal Alanna if she's turning to stone; therefore, you have to kill him as quickly as possible! Your “Ice Finger” spell is your greatest ally in that fight. In fact, two or three uses of it should do the trick.


In the next area, you will start training against stronger foes and groups, and even against monsters. Unfortunately, as of now and for a while after this point, Alanna is going to have a severe problem: she will often hit orgasms in the middle of combat, resulting in a lost turn, possibly at fatal moments as well. Therefore, things to remember:


-Alanna's arousal will continue to increase in battle; no matter what, she will hit orgasms from time to time. Her arousal will then drop for a while and will resume building gradually to the next orgasm.

-AntiSex, once she learns it, will greatly reduce her arousal, but will only slow down the orgasms, not completely deny them. If you use AntiSex in one fight, don't be at all surprised if Alanna hits an orgasm on the very first turn of her next fight.

-The sexier Alanna is, the more quickly she will hit orgasms in combat. Therefore, you want to keep her “SEXY” stat as low as possible. Be aware that if her SEXY stat is too high, Alanna will literally hit an orgasm every single turn and will be completely useless in combat! Therefore, until she breaks free of this effect, you may have to sacrifice actual attack or magic attack power for a lower SEXY stat. At times the best option may just be to leave her armed but otherwise wearing absolutely nothing!

-Alanna now has the ability (added after initial release) to push through the overwhelming intense sensations of a “CombatGasm” about half the time. You therefore have a chance to survive even if her SEXY stat is very high, but keeping that low will still allow you more manageable, smoother-running battles.


Make sure to fight every girl you see; they will all fight you at least once, and every bit of experience will help. If you fight every girl, monster, and group of both, and have won every single fight since starting training, Alanna will hit Level 7 just before finishing this area. Of course losing may be more fun, and usually doesn't give a Game Over, but once you lose a fight, you cannot re-play it so the potential experience is lost.

Once you're ready, speak to the gray-haired man in the lower center of the room, Berkins. You will get to fight Beatrice. She is very tough, capable of dealing you a lot of damage; don't be surprised to lose, but don't be worried, either: it won't give you a Game Over. On the other hand, if you do manage to beat her, you'll get some good gear to use in the next section.

Start by using “Encouragement” before the fight; use “Bravery” on the first turn. This will substantially increase your defense, which really matters against her. Having good defense from equipment could help, but remember: too much sexy gear will leave Alanna unable to really fight back as the orgasms hit.

Do as much damage as you can to Beatrice quickly. Like Alanna, she can hit spontaneous orgasms in battle, which can increase your odds against her, but first you have to lower her HP below 50%. If you've hit level 7, you can use Heal2, which may save you from her highly damaging attacks as well. Either way, it's no catastrophe if you lose.


First Arena Event


Before the event, if by some chance you still haven't gotten a weapon from your training opponents, make sure to grab one from the boxes in the upper left of the training room.

For the event, you will have your former ally Millie helping you in combat, and you will also have allied CombatSlaves performing random actions in some of the fights. Don't get cocky, though; you'll be trying to beat the clock at all times, as well. If time runs out, Beatrice will get ahead and the fighting will get harder.

On the other hand, like your very first fight against Beatrice, if you lose the arena battle you won't get a Game Over. Getting the gear from getting to the end first is just a bonus. If Alanna has reached level 8, you can use the “Wind Gust” spell; it does good damage to her and may knock her off her feet. This could greatly increase your odds of survival!


Second Arena Event


Regardless of whether you win the first event or not, Alanna ends up in a dire situation. With her head in a guillotine, she is slated to be executed.

However, if you “try something else” when given the option, you will be able to equip a weapon. Equip gear, and especially a weapon, as best you can, because the higher Alanna's attack power, the greater her odds of escaping the guillotine before her head comes off. However, don't leave her “SEXY” stat too high, or she won't be able to fight when the time comes!

I have personally found using the “Pink Stone” you got from Tuttee, combined with the “Razor Halberd” and the “Iron Collar” you got from the chests in the first arena event, provides good defense, good physical and magical attack power, and still leaves Alanna free to act relatively freely with few turns wasted on orgasms.

When comes time to fight the boss, the Medusan Twins, again, make sure Alanna's SEXY stat isn't too high. If it's too high, she may not be able to act very often, or at all, if she gets double-penetrated! As with other Medusans, Ice skills are the best option. If you've balanced out your physical and magical attack stats, going with “Frost Strike” when she is free, then switching to “Ice Finger” when she is grabbed, should yield the best results; if double-penetrated, Alanna's magic is quite augmented. Either way, if Alanna has turned completely stone grey, you need to either (successfully) RapeBust her off at least one of the medusans, or use a HealStone. Otherwise the next turn is her last!


Arena Catacombs


Most of the monsters you face down here are the same ones as from the Arena. However, be aware every time you have to jump over a stretch of water that a Water Snapper may lunge upward and swallow Alanna whole; she will begin the battle already inside it. Bear that in mind if she was close to an orgasm at the end of her last fight, or if her HP is already low! However, don't be afraid of leaving her inside one a little longer, either, as they are an excellent source of MP if you use “Mana Drain.”

By level 11 you will learn the level-2 attack skills. If well equipped for physical attacks, you should be regularly killing off foes in two turns using their weakness element. By level 12 you learn the equivalent level-2 magic spells, which will give you a powerful punch even if swallowed or restrained and penetrated.

You will find clay pots here and there with Healing Water inside; use them to restore her HP and MP. You will also find little clumps of mushrooms around; pick all of these up, as they are a very useful means of restoring MP.

Also, bear in mind that if you leave an area, when you come back all the monsters will have respawned. This means you could potentially earn unlimited experience... just bear in mind that this is not recommended while the game is in development, as level-gained skills may still change, among other things.

In the third area after the room you landed, you will see something shiny; it's the key you need to move on. However, before that, you will fight your first Red Water Snapper, so make sure to save your game first. Alanna will learn the skill “AntiSex.” This skill can be used to substantially lower her arousal and allow you to act a lot more freely in battle. The game will also sometimes prompt you if you want to use it in certain dire battles. User beware, however: if you end one battle under the “AntiSex” effect, expect to hit an orgasm at the very start of the next battle...!


Arena Catacombs Sanctuary


Once you reach this place, you'll need to go into the room to the upper left. After speaking to Roggar there, you will be able to enter the guarded cave opening in the north of the main section. After traveling through the escape passage being dug, you will then have to fight your way through caves full of monsters. While the story states that Alanna is to kill all the monsters, you don't necessarily have to; just get through if you so choose. Before you go too far, though, make sure you've bought all the curative items you'll need from the woman in the lower left section of the Sanctuary, because you will end up trapped in a very dangerous area eventually!


Sudvess Arena Depths


True to the storyline, monsters will not regenerate in this section if you leave an area. Which is good, because said monsters are a little tougher here, and have a few new tricks.

The Water Medusas can both stun Alanna and petrify her with their gaze. Once affected, Alanna will turn to stone mid-battle, her image displaying on the battle screen to show to what extent she has changed. Don't let her go too far before using a HealStone! Likewise, the Pit Spiders and Pit Webbers will wrap her up as she fights, progressively reducing her ability to do physical damage. Don't wait too long to use a Rescue Blade.

The Red Slimes, now morphing into female forms, can be broken free of using RapeBuster skills, but that is not always reliable, so don't wait too long. If completely engulfed, Alanna's next turn in battle will be her last!

When you are forced into a fight against four Pit Worms, to reduce your HP damage focus on killing one at a time first. Use “Blazing Strike” until swallowed, then “Fireball” on the one holding Alanna once she's been swallowed. If nothing else, once her swallower is killed she will avoid at least 50 HP damage per turn and likely more as they can squeeze her to do more damage. But don't hesitate to use your stronger healing potions or “Heal2” to keep her HP up!


Once you find a twinkling spot in the water that draws Alanna's attention, that's how you know a boss fight is coming up (shortly after she spots a small waterfall). Touch the sparkling water to restore HP and MP, then be sure to save the game. You're about to get trapped in a section of tougher monsters, with no way back until you clear it; if you need to, return through the areas you've cleared to purchase any items you need!

When you face the first boss, you need to first be aware that her petrifying powers are twice as powerful as normal. You could find yourself having to counter the effects every second turn. Don't hold off on countering Alanna's petrification until she's almost finished, because it can progress passed the point of no return very quickly! It's very easy to have her go all orgasmic at a crucial moment, as well; AntiSex could serve you well. At this point, since physical damage is less of an issue, it may be time to leave her completely without any armor, just the best weapon you have and, if you have it, the Pink Stone to boost her magic.

For the second boss fight, you now have an ally; but, you have an added problem, too. The HealStones and “Healage” spell can no longer counter petrification. You must instead rely on Alanna's new skill, “Lesser De-Curse Wave.” You get a chance to re-equip before this fight, and to save your game; it's strongly advised that you do so.


Sudvess Arena Dark Pit


The corrupted medusakin you faced in the Healing Spring room are only part of the corrupted hazards you'll have to face in here. While you have Beatrice as an ally now, the fights can still turn very fatal (or worse) very fast. Always try to keep your HP up and always remember to use “Lesser De-Curse Wave” or De-Curse Crystals before it gets too late. Also, you can return to the Healing Spring as often as you need to, and the monsters won't re-spawn; if one or the other girl is petrified, the Healing Spring will heal that.

When you reach a small room with a Healing Spring, after Alanna and Beatrice talk for a while, be sure to pick all the Green Mushrooms in the room, and then try roasting them at the campfire. The Flecked Green Mushrooms will lose their negative status effects, and the regular Green Mushrooms will increase in potency.

After the Healing Spring, be aware that some of the Undead Slavers will start calling Undead SlaveGirls into battle to assist them. This means you could very quickly get overwhelmed if you aren't careful! Fortunately, by level 17 Alanna has learned “Holy Light,” which will do decent damage to all the undead in a group. Otherwise, Fire attacks are the best option for both girls.

Also, if leveling up is starting to pose more of a problem for spontaneous orgasms --- as each girl's “Sexy” stat rises with her levels --- pay attention to what some of the gear you can pick up does. Some of it will give good boosts to your stats, but will actually lower your “Sexy” stat.

And, on the lowest level, you'll find an optional section full of undead. If you're brave enough to face them, you'll find a powerful weapon to use against any others like them. Just equip it and use “Triple Strike” and even the tough undead will often drop in two or three turns!

Finally, you will reach the big baddie of this area. Expect a tough fight; hit as fast and hard as you can with holy attacks. If Beatrice recovers from her stunned condition during the first half of the fight (casyting CounterStun on her beforehand will negate it entirely!), if you equipped her with the holy weapon you found, “Triple Strike” can do some really good damage, particularly if she has used “Bravery.”

For the second half of the fight, Alanna is alone. Again, Holy, Holy, Holy attacks! Under the effects of “Focus” and equipped with magic-enhancing gear, using “Holy Hand” can do upwards of 5,000 damage each time. However, don't let her HP drop, as the boss strikes multiple times per turn and can do a lot of damage! Once it grabs her, she only has ten turns to live, though she can “Break Free” and will slowly recover those turns. However, it will likely just re-grab her... damaging it as quickly as possible is usually the best bet.


Sudvess Desert


You won't be in the desert for long, in theory, though as long as you stay close to the western mountains you can fight monsters for a while if you like. To recover, just go back to the Sanctuary to drink from a pot or spring of Healing Water; each time you leave the escape passage into the surface, the monsters will re-spawn. Just be aware that there are some powerful monsters that may spawn that you may not be able to defeat yet!

Once you're ready, head East. As soon as you get to a certain point, the next portion of Alanna's adventure will begin...


Sudvess Desert Inn


It's definitely a good idea to save your game before heading east, and you'll be given the option just before beginning the dangerous next area, where there is no combat but lots of opportunities for your decisions to end Alanna's life quickly. On the other hand, as you progress passed certain parts of the story in the area, you get to save again from time to time. Either way, there are several ways Alanna can survive; how she does, though, will determine if you get to pick up any items or gear. You could escape with nothing; you could escape with some good gear to equip later.

Regardless, once Alanna escapes, you'll find that her magic is locked out. For the next few areas you'll need to rely on her physical combat skills only; fortunately, the monsters she'll face are not as powerful as those before.


Port Sudvara


You'll need to walk around, trying to find a way to remove the magic-blocking collar Alanna is wearing. As you talk to different people, other people will have more relevant things to say. However, be aware that there are a couple of people in the town you do not want to be too insistent with... or talk to at all...

To progress, start in the item shop. From there, you'll have access to the dockhouse; someone in there can point you to your next destination, at the pub. From there, check out the barns, but first, make sure Alanna is at full strength, as she's going to endanger herself to save someone again...!


Port Sudvara Caves


The monsters here are not very strong, so even without Alanna's magic she should make short work of most of them. Keeping Vindy alive is irrelevant (as of release 1.1.8, at least), so it's up to you if you want to use items on her or not. If nothing else, her being alive provides the monsters with more than one target. If Alanna runs out of HP, it's Game Over, regardless of Vindy being alive or not. Once you get to the bottom of the well, click on the sparkly water nearby to escape the caves. There is no boss fight.


Port Sudvara (After the caves)


Once Alanna gets back to the surface with Vindy, a man named Fyro asks her to come see him at the inn. After buying any items you may need, if any, go see him; his is the room in the upper left of the inn, and the door is unlocked now. He admits to knowing who she is, but makes a deal with her to rescue women from Tagero. Once the deal is agreed to, Alanna can head into the forest to the East of town, Jovan Forest.


Jovan Forest


Make sure to save your game before even walking into the trees on the world map; Alanna will have a risky fight right at the entrance. The Tree Demon is physically pretty powerful, but is very vulnerable to Fire attacks; Blazing Strike will do a lot of damage to him. Just be sure to keep track of Alanna's arousal level, and use a De-Curse Crystal before her transformation into a tree has progressed too much. The more she changes, the less damage she will be able to do, and since she still has no magic, she has to rely on physical attacks!

To proceed passed the first spot (where you can speak to Tuttee), examine the woman-shaped tree on the right, but be ready for another fight. The Wood Nymphs also try to turn Alanna into a Tree, but it may be a slower process that for a Tree Demon; however the Nymphs turn themselves into trees once Alanna is starting to transform. As trees, they take much less damage, and they will heal HP in HardMode. Do what damage you can while not affected, then use a De-Curse Crystal as soon as Alanna has gotten past the first couple steps of transformation. The Nymphs will change back and it is essentially a free turn for Alanna to act.

For the Snakes, the Reptile Tamer whip will slaughter them if you got it. Otherwise, as usual, ice attacks; they are not very strong, very similar to the WaterSnakes under Port Sudvara.

Also, keep Alanna's HP up. Like in the pits beneath the arena, there are som murderous vines here and there that will grab her and do a lot of crushing damage, waiting near treasure chests...!

And, like before, be sure to collect all the green mushrooms you see growing about. Unlike the Flecked ones you found in the Dark Pit, these have no adverse effects when you use them, and you'll have another opportunity to roast them soon, making them more potent.

And one last thing... if by some chance you pick up “The Chopper,” equip that, and Triple Strike will slaughter pretty much everything in the forest, with the exception of the snakes, which are weaker anyway.

Once you find the pond with the sparkling healing point, be sure to save your game. A tough couple of battles are coming up!

For the three Nymphs, focus on one at a time. Blazing Strike does excellent damage and you should be able to take one out with three hits. However, as soon as Alanna is affected by their Rooting Wave, us a De-Curse Crystal. Otherwise they will turn into trees and simply wait out Alanna's transformation, taking less damage to begin with and even less as she further changes. To improve your odds for the next fight, which is tougher, don't be afraid to get the last Nymph quite weak (4,000 damage or so) and wait out Alanna's latest CombatGasm so she will have longer to act unimpeded against the next group. Healing her HP in battle wouldn't be a bad idea, either.

The three CombatSlaves will likely be much tougher to defeat. Bravery will increase Alanna's damage and defense; Focus will reduce the damage from the Mage's spells. Using “Stomp” will not only inflict damage to them, but has the added benefit of knocking them down also. Ideally, you probably want to put down the mage first, both because she does reliable magic damage and has less HP overall. Just remember that the other two girls will use stronger attacks as their HP get low, also!


The Forest Village


You are given a chance to save your game when Alanna wakes up; do so. Following that, you cannot save your game until the free women decide Alanna's fate. If Alanna does a terrible job of convincing the women to spare her, well, precisely, they won't spare her. However if she does a decent job, you will get to move on safely. If she does a fantastic job, they'll actually give her a special weapon: “The Chopper.” You may have been lucky enough to find one already, but if not, this is your chance to earn one. If you earn it through good behavior, the fights to defend the village will be short and one-sided to Alanna's benefit!

If you are not careful, however, Alanna can get an instant Game Over or two just while wandering the village, also. Don't speak to the Tree Demon guard or the north-most Nymph more than once, and don't kill the nymph, either!

Talk to all the women around. Every one you speak to will increase how much the women like you. Speak to the sword CombatSlave near the holding pen you start in (not the shield-carrying one, the other one), then talk to her again; let her beat Alanna up for one more point in Alanna's favor. Successfully beating her up instead will lower Alanna's reputation quite a bit.

Do not enter the north-west-most tent a second time; waking the girl in there up will lower your reputation. Two tents to the right, Alanna finds two girls having fun; going in a second time will lower Alanna's reputation. However, going in a third time and choosing to “Apologize” will instead boost her reputation much more!

Talking to the blonde blocking the right-most path a second time will make her attack you; beat her up for a reputation increase.

Talking to the Mage guarding the upper area twice will also make her attack; in her case, beat her up for a good reputation boost. Essentially, only the SwordSlave should be allowed to beat Alanna up.

Once you're done influencing the village as much as you can, Go back to the holding pen and speak to the guard with the shield to be let back in. Once back inside, talk to her again and say no to wandering, and then say yest to just waiting for nightfall.


Evening Bonfire and aftermath


Depending on how Alanna did, the women will either agree with Zeena's choice to exterminate Alanna, or they will disagree with her and set Alanna free. If you're looking for bad ends, there are technically two available here, depending on if Alanna just did badly... or horribly.

Following a surprise attack, you have to guard the survivors from Tree Demons and Nymphs. Remember, if you did well enough, you will receive “The Chopper,” and will be able to absolutely slaughter these enemies even though it's a retreating battle.

After the fighting is done, the survivors are trapped in a small area. You can go around talking to everyone, but once you're ready to continue, talk to the mage to proceed. Remember that you can Save here now before talking to her.


The Ruined Temple


You can use the Healing Spring here to restore your health at any time. You can save your game, too; do so before speaking to the lone girl here, Tuttee. She will trigger a change from the temple being safe to being dangerous.

The undead here are not as powerful as the ones Alanna faced previously, and you'll face them one at a time, but they still have some substantial endurance and damage abilities. Again, don't hesitate to re-heal continuously at the spring. For obvious reasons, the male undead are much more dangerous; bear that in mind, particularly if you're playing the game with HardMode turned on!

If you found the holy weapons previously, equip one and fight these horny corpses with Triple Strike.

Once you've cleared the undead, the temple will undergo a change. To proceed with the story, speak with the lone male standing near the spring. After Alanna finally gets Donall's Collar removed, return to the teleporter room (upper left) to continue.


Forest Village Return


Equip The Chopper if you earned it, but even without it the fights should be a breeze; your wooden enemies have been weakened somewhat, and Alanna can once again use all her magic. Slaughter the invaders, then after appearing in the freed village once more, climb the rope ladder near the holding pen from before and enter the tent at the very south of the village, up on the cliff. “Red” will explain quite a few things...

After the lengthy bit of exposition, you can return to the temple if you like; you'll be able to buy some supplies in the southwest corner now, and if you enter either of the passages on the east side, you can read some books with general knowledge of Tagero.


Return to Port Sudvara


Go back to Port Sudvara and speak to Fyro in the upper-left room at the inn. He will share information suggesting that Beatrice was seen at the desert inn; Alanna will run off to find her. As soon as you try to enter the desert, you will be “jumped” to the inn.


Desert inn (abandoned)


In the inn, go into the back rooms, then check out the left-hand room. Hiding in the cupboard you'll find none other than Garron, now the SlaveGirl Garrah, who will direct you to chase Beatrice into the desert, heading north-northeast. Do so, and enter the

gate you see in those mountains. Be sure to save your game before going all the way inside, though!


SandStone Prison


Before starting this dungeon, you'll see a teleporter just outside; you can use it to go back to the Ancient Temple to resupply before starting. Though their effect is limited, you can certainly purchase some Minor LightningStones in the shops there that you can use on the Medusans here.

Though the goal is to sneak through the prison, you can certainly just slaughter your way through it as well. You will, however, not get nearly as good gear from doing so. If you manage to sneak through the entire prison without being spotted in the sneak-around sections even a single time, you will be able to find a key to the storage room in one of the treasure chests, and in that Storage Room you'll find some very good gear as well as learn a useful spell you will otherwise never learn.

To begin, jump into the pit between the two locked gates.


In the first room, Alanna gets covered in mud; a Medusan comes in and thinks she's already a statue. Alanna can pretend to be a statue, but while Alanna can successfully trick him into wandering off still thinking she's just a statue, there is ultimately nothing to gain from pretending all the way to the end. For survival, it's best just to try to fight as soon as possible, even though she'll start the fight penetrated in some form or another.

Things to remember in here:


-As mentioned, if you sneak around and never get spotted while moving, you will eventually find a key in a treasure chest and gain access to the Storage Room, where you will find good gear and learn a good spell. Once you get the key, don't enter the Warden's office until you've entered the storage room!

-If Alanna chooses to “fight” when a SandStone Medusan is about to, or has started, fucking her as a statue, it does not count as having been spotted. However choose wisely about that, as while that Medusan in particular will be dealt with, that will break her stealth if another Medusan happens to be within spotting distance of her!

-Pay attention to Alanna's face in the upper right-hand corner. The more desperate she looks, the closer she'll be to fully petrifying. In some situations she will start fights penetrated or take random transforming gazes from Medusae; since she looks like stone anyway because of the mud, don't hesitate to remove the curse with SandStone Scrolls, De-Curse, or Lesser De-Curse Wave.

-Alanna will be moving slowly because of the mud, but she'll get even slower as she nears full petrification. Again, don't hesitate to remove the effect... unless you're enjoying things being that desperate for her, of course.

-If you really want to earn the good gear, don't be afraid to save often and reload if you happen to get spotted walking around. Remember, just one time spotted will nullify your odds of getting into the Storage Room.

-When you do have to fight, CounterStun is your friend. You can keep this active at all times, but remember that it can fade out of battle, and the message pop-up about it could leave Alanna exposed if the timing is bad.

-The Medusakin, particularly the females, are a good source of MP if you need it. You shouldn't need to use MP-restoring items at all.

-Don't hesitate to search through the lockers.

-For story purposes, be aware that you can read the books left open here and there.

-Don't waste too much time when Alanna jumps into the mud to find the Warden's Key. The longer she stands in the mud as it sucks her down, the harder it becomes for her to get back out.

-When Alanna is unable to move near the fireplace in the Warden's office, do NOT try to resist the Medusan assistant, and let him cum at his own pace. Once you fight him, again, CounterStun is your friend, and use Lesser De-Curse Wave often, as he has a lot more transforming power than any of the others you've fought in here. If you got through the entire prison “undetected,” wearing the TrueSilver SlaveGear and equipping the Moon Wand can have Alanna absolutely slaughter him with Double Thunderbolt.

-The Warden can do a lot of damage and has no particular weaknesses, but she still shouldn't be too hard to defeat. If necessary, use Alanna as a healer exclusively and let Beatrice wear her down.

-Once out of the prison and stuck in the chimney, have Alanna “Suck on Him Hard” on the Medusan at the surface, or it'll be an instant Game Over.


Slavers in Port Sudvara


Once back in the Temple, leave via the left-most teleporter, then try to leave the village by speaking to the nymph at the entrance to the forest path. She will offer to escort you through, but Alanna will instead find two more female refugees.

Since Alanna and Beatrice's situation in regards to automatically obeying men's orders is uncertain, you take control of a new girl, Tripp. Tripp is unable to fight at all, but her job is to get some slavers into the secluded spot under the docks.

There are actually no particular dangers for Tripp to worry about; you can have her wander the town with impunity, and see how she reacts to some of the things she sees and hears. Once you're ready to continue the story, have her go into the inn.

After the events with Fyro play out, just have Tripp leave the inn to continue the storytelling. Then, once all the subsequent events play out, be ready for a big fight!

The CombatSlaves should be an easy victory; take out the mage first, then focus down the rest one at a time with Zeena's Quadra Strike.

For Berkins, A Focused Alanna will do better damage (if geared right) with her Holy Beam Spell (if she's high enough level) than Zeena will. Zeena will actually have a better chance of doing higher damage with Quadra Strike, particularly if she's “Brave,” than her Holy attacks; Quadra Strike has good odds of critical hits. Still, don't hesitate to use Alanna's healing spells!


Sudvess Arena revisit


The CombatSlave enemies you face in the caves should be little trouble for the powerful group of Alanna, Beatrice, and Zeena. If nothing else, a combination of each girl's most powerful earth attack --- Stomp, Slam, and Tremor --- should knock down most if not all CombatSlaves every turn. On the other hand, be aware that the magic-users are the ones that, if they survive the first round and don't get knocked down, will likely deal a lot of damage with their spells; don't get cocky and let the girls get too low on HP.

Note that these CombatSlave units are worth good experience and it may be worth hunting down stray ones for that reason; also, there's a healing spot in the lower left of the first larger area you enter. Don't hesitate to come back and heal up, as Alanna will do well to be at full HP and MP against Camdon up ahead... when you see the downed girl with the light blue hair, the last fight will trigger, and you'll move on into the Camdon fight. So before entering that room is a good time to save the game and go back for a full HP/MP restoration.

Camdon can be quite a tough fight, but ultimately it doesn't matter if you win or lose; this is a rare case where losing to him won't incur a Game Over. You'll miss out on an item, that's all.

He has no particular weakness, and he will drain Alanna's HP and MP quickly if he manages to penetrate her. This is one rare case where it will likely be worthwhile to use the RapeBuster skill. By this point in my playthrough, Alanna has the fourth type of RapeBuster, which by now has decent chances of success. Still, do not be surprised if you end up using a lot of curative items if you insist on winning the fight.


Sudvess Arena


Once you head through the areas with the captured SlaveGirls, don't go into the usual escape passage; head back to the Healing Spring. There you'll find Beatrice waiting; speak to her to continue.

Upstairs, you'll have one extremely easy fight, then a boss battle with the “Arena Blacksmith.” She does extremely high damage, but if you have it, “Goddess' Blessing” (earned by successfully sneaking through the SandStone Prison) will lessen the damage by adding “Brave” and “focused” to all party members. Don't hesitate to have Alanna relegated exclusively to the role of healer for the party, while Beatrice and Zeena can use “Whip Frenzy” to quickly wear her down.

After that, almost all the fights in the arena will be easy ones; the same SlaveGirls that once challenged Alanna when she first arrived here are now basically instant kills. Only the former Gauntlet Girls she arrived with have some extra toughness... but facing off against Alanna, Beatrice, and Zeena, they aren't likely to cause you any trouble, even if you're playing through the game in HardMode!

Make your way to the loge, then head to the right, and to the lower-right corner of those rooms there. Once that area has been cleared, you can head back to the loge and down into the deeper sections of the arena that Alanna once wandered. Head straight down the center path in the three-stairs room, then head left; in the long corridor with the “elevator” rooms, head to the end of that corridor and head up the stairs on the left.

After putting down a few more of the slightly-tougher Gauntlet Girls, head south out of the office, then right across the lobby and up through the door with the stone plate reading “Pens and Loading Dock.”

Head straight up, then turn right and head through the door there. By doing so you will end this particular portion of the Arena revisit, and trigger then next, far more dangerous part...


Sudvess Arena Invaded


The “Infected” monsters of the Arena are quite powerful, particularly compared to the SlaveGirls you were just slaughtering, but normally Zeena using “Quadra Strike” should make relatively quick work of them, just based on the potential critical hits. Still, like with most Medusakin, using “CounterStun” will increase your odds of surviving battles that could turn quickly from routine to lethal... particularly in HardMode. Alanna's “Lesser AntiCurse” could be a life-saver, as well, though it's her “Lesser De-Curse Wave” that may make the biggest difference with the medusae duos. As for the Infected Ratites, Lesser AntiCurse isn't effective, so your goal is to kill that Ratite as quickly as possible!

To get through this area, you need to go back the way you came to the office, flick a lever on the wall, then come right back to the cells and head left instead of right. From there, head all the way to the left that you can, then leave by one of the south entrances (where monsters used to come out to fight Alanna). You'll be in the area with the elevators again; head to the now-open door on the left side.

Now, while you can rush to that area, you need to kill a minimum number of monsters to close that door and complete this area. On the other hand, if you are more thorough and slaughter all, or just most, of the infected monsters, closing the door will give you an equippable item.


Desert Crossing Escort Quest


The women decide they have to hurry as many combat-useless girls across the desert toward Port Sudvara and Zeena's Forest Village. Alanna will be fighting alone, so be sure to either stock up on MP-recovering items or keep using her “Mana Drain” ability. As usual against various Medusakin, “CounterStun” is a spell you want to keep active at all times to guard against the repeated use of their stunning gaze.

Before the escort quest begins, Alanna needs to find some more combat-capable allies somewhere inside the fortress. After visiting the gate the first time, head all the way back to the Slavers' Quarters, where you fought some of Alanna's former allies from the Gauntlet; Alanna can recruit them to help her. Once you've done so, return to the gate and be ready for the escort.

Be aware that the escort quest is buggy; you have multiple opportunities to save, but until you clear all ten areas, you're best to save on a different slot each time you have a chance to save at all. Once you've cleared all ten areas, then you can save a few slots back if you're trying to keep your save list clean. Ideally you'll want to have a save at the very beginning and after completing the escort. Be aware that the more of your ten girls that survive, the better your prize at the end. Also, of course, don't let all of them get wiped out...

Run back and forth during the escort, engaging every monster you see. Click on petrified girls to heal them (if Alanna has MP left) and let them resume their crossing. Keep your MP up in one way or the other, and keep CounterStun active. You can also equip an anti-reptile weapon and it will be highly effective with Triple Strike with all but the Gold Slimes. Otherwise, Lightning spells are the way to go with literally every enemy you can face here.


Port Sudvara Liberation


When Alanna walks into town she'll get into a fight. It'll be an easy one, but just to make sure, don't finish the tenth leg of the desert escort barely standing.

After the short fight and the events that take place, Alanna has to figure out where the escaped man has gone. You now have unrestricted access to all of the town, so you can wander around and make as many purchases as you need. There are no longer any instant Game Overs in town.

Once you are ready to continue the storyline, simply enter the barn near the northeast corner of town, and talk to the girl watching the “micro-cows.” You will then cause the next big event to start... one you will almost certainly want to keep a separate Save File for...


The Battle of Arkheva


The most important thing to remember during the battle is not to let the male units attack any of yours from behind. Avoiding back attacks from the defending female units is important too, but a single back attack by the slavers or Cult of the Master members will see any of your units slaughtered.

Second, hit the enemy units from behind or the flanks as often as possible, while maintaining your positions so as not to get the same in return. Hitting a male unit in the back will be devastating to them, while front or flank attacks will only do half damage instead.

Don't hesitate to back into the desert if you have to, to avoid an oncoming attacker. If you watch the enemy units closely and keep your units scattered somewhat from north to south, you'll see which of your units each of theirs is focused on. They may change targets, but the odds are slim, so you can usually have one of your non- targeted units hit the enemy from behind or from the flanks. Just remember that as an enemy unit moves, if it's going after one of your units but ends its movement within range of a different one, it will still attack!

If you want to control the enemy advance, head straight north with your units at the beginning. You will substantially slow them and at least one of the male units will move to meet you but be blocked from inside the walls.


After the Battle of Arkheva


You can wander around a bit now, wherever you like from all the areas you've already visited. You have access to the Library Temple and its shops, as well as the shops on the west side of Arkheva itself now. However, you may find yourself very confused as to how to continue the story at this point.

In the Town Hall in Arkheva, you'll find Roggar and her bodyguards looking through paperwork, trying to figure out a course of action. You'll also find Tripp, the former-male from the Desert Oasis Inn. Talk to her first, then take a close look at the bookcase in the upper left of that same room.

After the following conversation, head out into the desert, but go straight to the Desert Oasis Inn. Inside, speak to Tripp again. Once you say yes, she'll escort you to the mine in the Southern Mountains, so if you need any gear, pick it up beforehand...!


Medusakin Village


Alanna is going to have a long adventure in this place. After some unfortunate setbacks, you will have to guide her through three sections of semi-hostile, semi-playful Medusakin in an effort to rescue the entire group of allies she came here with. Since she cannot fight, she will have to use a combination of evading Medusakin or negotiating with them, with most of the negotiating being in the form of surviving sexual encounters with them.

The most important thing to know is that you need to get the “Appreciation” gauge on the right side of the screen into the blue, and well into it in many cases, in order to successfully rescue Alanna's allies. Generally, cooperating with the Medusakin will increase their appreciation for her, while “teasing” or otherwise antagonizing them will decrease it. She can revert herself to fully fleshy at any time by visiting a Healing Spring, and sipping from the buckets here and there will have the same effect, though the buckets will become empty after she uses them once.


A few general tips:


-Save before starting the challenge, and then save often, using different save slots if necessary. There are instant Game Overs in every area, and if you wait too long before getting to a Healing Spring and have low Appreciation, Alanna may petrify mid-step and she'll be left like that. If you happen to save too close to that point you could be screwed.

-Don't hesitate to duck into a room if being chased. In most cases you can come right back out with no penalty and your pursuer will be farther away.

-Rescue all the girls you're given an option to. Each one you save will increase what loot you can find in the Treasure room in the third area. But be sure to collect that treasure before trying to leave that area, because you won't be able to come back!

-Always think twice about refusing if a Medusakin asks politely. You will lose Appreciation instead of gaining it, and may in fact lose the chance to gain Appreciation at all.

-Appreciation has a maximum of 50 Points (5 full blue bars) and a minimum of -50 points (5 full red bars). Getting a boost of Appreciation will be nullified if you are already at the maximum.

-Ultimately, Appreciation is quite easy to build up, and you can revisit earlier sections to do so if required. In HardMode, however, just be aware that Appreciation slowly degrades over time.


Specific hints:


SandStone Medusakin Section


-To get a head start on your Appreciation, agree to let Brutus have a freebie before starting the challenge. This will make Alanna 25% petrified but increase Appreciation by 5 points immediately. However don't say yes and then change your mind, because that will lower Appreciation even more! Don't worry about the petrification; there's a Healing Spring inside the first room if you head straight left from the start area that will heal Alanna up fully.

-At first, you begin with negative Appreciation. Don't allow Alanna to get petrified until you get it up well into the blue.

-Don't try to leave the village. It's an automatic Game Over, no matter how high her Appreciation is!

-Don't wait until Alanna is too close to petrifying to head for the Healing Spring in the first area. There's a SandStone Medusan that will chase her and take her, and if she's already slow she won't be able to outrun him or survive him.

-The SandStone Medusan near the exit will give Appreciation each time Alanna agrees to let him have her, but less every time. She can easily let him have her twice with no problem, but start with just once if you let Brutus have a turn already. Otherwise Alanna may get finished off on her way to the Healing Spring by the chasing Medusan.

-Talk to the Medusa sitting alone in a room to gain some Appreciation. This is where there is another Healing Spring you can use safely, also.

-Rescuing the petrified girl nearest to the Healing Spring requires Alanna to be fully flesh and to cooperate completely with the Medusan. But, if you look around inside his room nearby, there's a much easier way to rescue her... however, where's the fun in that!?

-When you talk to the Medusa with the petrified girl serving as a jewelry stand, take note of her expression. If she looks angry, she won't react favorably to Alanna asking for the girl.

-The Medusan running around assaulting Alanna over and over will eventually stop doing so, but despite taking her by force he is still “appreciating” the opportunity. If you stay near the Healing Spring that's free Appreciation for her. When he stops chasing her down, he will still grab her if she gets too close, but it will give very little Appreciation by then, so bear that in mind.

-In the room in the south-west corner, speak to the Medusan before looking at the statue. If he looks grumpy, your Appreciation will not be high enough for him to consider letting Alanna rescue the girl. However, if Alanna agrees to his terms but she's already close to petrifying, she'll get extra Appreciation out of it!

-The Medusa wandering just south of Durcie and Brutus' room will say interesting things the first time you talk to her, but every other time after that she'll add one point of petrification. Don't talk to her if Alanna is getting slow and has no Appreciation!

-The Medusa running around frantically will add 1 point of petrification each time she catches you, and if you're unlucky she'll “smoke bomb” herself to a random spot that happens to be right near you. Be aware of the risk when walking around while already heavily affected.

-Taking a soak in the Hot Spring a second time while looking human will allow you to “choose” for Alanna to fall asleep; doing so will give her a free 15 points of Appreciation. Don't do it again after that, however, if her Appreciation has dropped close to the negatives: you lose the ability to choose if she sleeps or not, and it gives you no extra Appreciation even if she does survive what happens!

When entering the Hot Spring from the left-hand door, don't accept the proposition from the Medusan in the water there without saving first. There's a high probability of a Game Over, and his is a win-or-lose deal. This is one case where Alanna already being less fleshy is actually a good thing...!

-There's a Medusan in the lower right of the area that is too shy to accept Alanna's help, but if she looks into the pot nearby he will take advantage of that. However, don't do that without saving first, because there's a strong chance of an immediate Game Over if she isn't fully fleshy!

-Inside the door near the shy Medusan, make sure to speak with the other Medusan there. He shares some information that Alanna can use later inside the Medusakin Village to earn a big burst of Appreciation.

To leave the SandStone Section, Alanna only needs to have rescued the Fountain Girl. However there are three other girls you can rescue for better rewards later.


Desert Medusakin Section


-In this area, if Alanna is at all affected by petrification, it will slowly increase over time. Always bear that in mind as she wanders around.

-The path leading off to the west (left) is an optional area. You can get more rewards for clearing it, but it is not required in any way to complete this section. It's also a somewhat darker-themed area in terms of content.

-The top-most room only contains three Medusae. Entering this room is useless, except for the one-time-use bucket of Healing Water.

-The medusan jerking off on the far upper right will immediately grab Alanna to relieve his needs without asking. Bear that in mind if she's near petrifying. He represents a one-time bonus of only 3 points of Appreciation.

-The Medusan inside the upper-right room is the one you need to please to get the petrified girl just outside. She's one of the two you need to leave the area. Make sure to ask specifically about her or it's just an Appreciation-affecting encounter. Only talk to him as fully healed if you decide to retrieve the girl, because he's a bit of a sneaky jerk about the “negotiating.”

-The middle room contains four Medusae and one of the girls Alanna has to rescue to move on from this area. They will ask Alanna several questions; Alanna's best hope of surviving their interrogation (and petrifying stares) is to answer as honestly and non-aggressively as possible.

-The Medusan in the lower-left room is very particular, and he's the one you can get a bonus from if you had Alanna experience trying to take off the Nipple-Ring in one of the SandStone Section rooms. If she tries to remove the nipple-ring for him willingly, you will get a large Appreciation boost of 20 points... on top of 5 points every time he ejaculates into her first! So, potentially up to 35 points. So, don't hesitate to come see him if you need some! However, don't refuse him, or you'll lose Appreciation and the chance to gain it in future! Also, if you just pretend to be helpless, don't suddenly try to pull free, or you'll get a large Appreciation penalty instead.

-The room with three Medusans (two of them looking passed out) is not necessary to proceed, but gives a good prize if you give them what they really want. If your Appreciation is high enough, you can refuse them and still come out of the encounter a winner... sort of...!

-The Medusan in the far-right room is very tricky. If you talk to him directly he'll use Alanna, then refuse to hand over his girl based on a technicality. If you inspect the girl and agree to his terms, Alanna faces a long “negotiation” for her. This is one case where being fully fleshy will make the encounter last longer and therefore be much more dangerous. Alanna has to find a balance between pleasing him and enjoying herself too much, or even with high Appreciation it can be a Game Over! Also, once you survive him and earn his statue, he will begin rushing around outside, always chasing Alanna down. He's probably a good one to leave to the end of the Desert Medusakin Section.


Desert “Sinister” Section


-Start by speaking with the lone Medusa near the entrance. Be as meek and submissive as possible with her questions to improve your odds in the rest of this section. Just be aware that doing so with low Appreciation may be fatal...!

-You can reset all the variables in this area by “talking” to the color-changing crystal all the way at the north of this section. Surviving here may be very difficult otherwise!

-With the Medusans that enjoy de-limbing, begin by choosing to cooperate. Then, keep helping them to take pleasure. If you choose to resist either time you're given the choice, you're likely to get a Game Over, even if it's entertaining on a different level. You can judge how well you're doing after agreeing or disagreeing the first time based on the Medusa's expression when she comes into the room; if she's amused, Alanna's doomed, but if she looks uncertain, Alanna still has a chance.

-If Alanna's Appreciation is too low when she survives the encounter with the de-limbing guys, asking for the captive Medusae to be released will be a Game Over. Otherwise, she loses a lot of Appreciation, but greatly increases her odds of surviving the next room to the north...!

-If Alanna doesn't ask to release the Medusae, don't re-enter the middle room. It's a Game Over.

-With the Medusans in the north room, at first, be playful; when it comes down to one-on-one encounters, try to react according to how each one seems to be acting. Doing so will maximize Alanna's Appreciation and the hidden stat in this area and greatly increase her chances of surviving this final encounter.

-To get different outcomes in that north room, play around with the color-changing crystal and different responses. There are four possible ways it can end, only one of which is not a Game Over. It will depend entirely on Appreciation and Alanna's cooperativeness in this entire section.

-Surviving all the events in this section will grant you a powerful item in the Treasure Room.


Water Medusakin Section


-Make sure to save before entering any of this section's flooded rooms... there are some automatic events in some of them that could end Alanna abruptly!

-Be careful (and probably Save) before you ever jump into the water. The Medusans swimming around will chase you, and if transformed fully it will take double the amount of Appreciation for them to locate Alanna's statue in the mud and rescue her!

-When you enter this section, a Water Medusan warns you that he will attack you at some point. When he does so, it will be an automatic Game Over if Alanna hasn't figured out the trick to scaring him off. He can assault her in three different locations; while she's showering in the waterfall south of the entrance, when she opens an empty treasure chest in one of the flooded rooms (2nd from right), or in the storeroom. If you want to be safer, go to the room in the lower-left of this section first.

-That room in the lower-left has a whole lot of Medusans who want to gang-bang Alanna. Despite the apparent suicidal aspect of it, allow them to do so for a huge Appreciation boost. Refuse, however, and her Appreciation will take a massive hit. You can do so up to three times, then you lose your chance to help them and get appreciation here. Otherwise, if you accept, you can get a large boost each time you come back.

-If you cooperate with the gang-bang in the lower-left room, return inside and speak with the Medusa at the top of the room to learn how to handle the surprise attack. If you never cooperate, look for the envelope that will appear in the main area to learn the trick instead.

-In the middle-bottom room, you'll find one of the girls you need to rescue. With the Medusan in here, you just need to survive what he does; however, his idea of “cuddling” involves penetration and adding a lot of petrifying power. Alanna will only win the girl back if she starts his challenge almost completely unaffected by any petrification!

-In the storeroom, if that's not the spot Alanna will get attacked, you'll find a Medusan willing to exchange a girl Alanna needs for a single fuck. The problem is that he requires a long time before ejaculating, so Alanna needs to speak to him only if she's fully fleshy!

-In one of the flooded waterfall rooms, you'll find Tripp, whom you have to rescue to continue. In this place the threat is multi-pronged. When the Medusans appear in the water, hold SHIFT to swim faster and get out of the water as quickly as possible to avoid instant petrification; then, once on land, cooperate fully with the three Medusans to survive the ordeal and rescue Tripp. Obviously, to survive three Medusans, Alanna has to start the room fully, or almost fully, non-infected. If she cooperates once on land, however, she will survive the event even if she fully petrifies, as long as her Appreciation level isn't abysmal!

-To survive Jumpy in the waterfall, simply have Alanna use his unintentional safeword before she fully petrifies. If she gets caught too close to full petrifying, he'll end her anyway and it's a Game Over.

-To survive Jumpy in the Storeroom, she must use the safeword immediately, before he ejaculates even once, and of course she has to survive his one ejaculation. If she does not, it's a Game Over.

-To survive Jumpy in the flooded room with the empty treasure chest, she must use the safeword immediately, before he ejaculates even once, and of course she has to survive his one ejaculation. If she does not, it's a Game Over.

-Make sure to visit the treasure room on the right side of this area before trying to leave, because you won't be able to come back!


Once you are ready to leave this section, talk to the Water Medusa in the lower right, near the treasure room. If you have met all the criteria, an event will trigger. Be sure to save beforehand, so you can try different equipment combinations in the fight coming up! ...Or, just to play around with the monster instead...

The Goldman is quite a threat (particularly if you're playing in HardMode). When he penetrates Alanna, she'll be zapped into paralysis for four turns. His transforming effect is slow, however, so she should be able to endure (Or would that be, enjoy...?) a good ten ejaculations before it's all over for her!

If you're opting for physical combat, equip her with the lightning spear (if you found it, of course) and use Triple Strike (which you really should have by now). Using “Bravery” will help, too, of course, though fighting while grappled/penetrated will of course greatly lower her attack power. Ideally, you want to equip her for magic attacks and use lightning spells to make very short work of him. But, really, where's the fun in that? Although, again, HardMode adds a few tricks to his repertoire...

Once Alanna turns golden, she's 25% transformed. Once her eyes go golden (though you can't see this from all angles, you will get a warning message), she's hit 90% transformed and she cannot physically move, though she can still cast spells or use items (Like a De-Curse Crystal).


Green (Regular) Medusakin Section


You won't have to do any Medusan-fucking here. Just wander around taking in the carnage dealt to these weakest Medusans by the Goldmen. Go into the last room in the southeast if you want a little lore; read the journal lying open.

Once you've located Beatrice and the Medusakin have become reluctant allies, you can purchase items, the most potent of which in the coming battles being the LightningStones. A well-timed LightningStone can finish off a Goldman with over 50% health if a fight with one has gone wrong!


South Tagero Island


You won't be able to go very far until you explore the abandoned hut in the jungle. Inside, there are a whole lot of old journals to read to find out what Alanna's job will be on the island; you do have the option to skip to one of the later ones, if you really want to. You will also find a “Golden Rod” here, which Alanna can use to “disguise” herself as a gold statue. However, there's a chance of a Game Over, so save first...!

To skip straight to using the Golden Rod, read the book just below the rod itself.

Alanna's odds of succumbing to the dangerous pleasure of the Golden Rod increases in direct relation to her SEXY stat...

Once Alanna has turned herself into a mobile golden statue, she can sneak into the “STIGSS” compound nearby: the South Tagero Island Gold Storage Site. Once inside, she can De-Curse herself at any time and just battle her way through the Goldmen guards if you like. However, be aware that there is at least one hidden event inside the STIGSS that will grant you a new skill, but that it's one you can only trigger by walking around as a golden statue.

Be aware, also, that having HardMode on in the STIGSS will affect both the battles with the Goldmen (and especially the final boss!) and the dangers Alanna must face as she moves through the place!


The S.T.I.G.S.S.


Alanna must look golden, by using the Golden Rod in the jungle hut, before she can get inside the STIGSS. Once she has gotten inside, she can leave by the main entrance at any time. Once she has gone in at least once, however, on any subsequent visit there is a chance that the four patrolling Goldmen outside will each fuck her in turn when she's expecting them to just walk by. You can very easily get a Game Over, then, if she walks in more than just slightly transformed...!

Inside, if Alanna is looking golden, she can stand on the black spots to pose as a statue, just as she did back in the SandStone Prison. Like back then, however, she may get randomly penetrated by wandering guards, and if she's not careful she could go from pretending to being a gold statue to actually being one! Also like in the SandStone Prison, however, most times she can choose to fight before being penetrated, and you will know she is close to being finished off because she will begin to slow down as she walks or runs. In the STIGSS, however, when she is 90% transformed she will stop being able to move. You'll then have to counter it in the menu, otherwise if she waits too long any Goldman wandering by at that point will finish her off!

There will also be energy waves from time to time, lowering her MP. Keep track of this, or you may run out of magic at a very inopportune time...

Be aware that unlike in the SandStone Prison, the treasure chests won't contain different items if she's sneaking around instead of fighting, and there's no special prize for sneaking your way through. However, there is a special skill Alanna can obtain in one of the basement levels, through an event that can only be triggered while golden...

The STIGSS has a strange set-up, requiring Alanna to find multiple keys. She will find the first one in a room on the main floor; from there, she will have to alternate going downstairs and upstairs, B1-F1-B2-F2-B3-F3, finding a key on each floor. This will force Alanna to navigate many corridors, either pretending to be a statue or fighting as she goes...!

While traveling between the floors, keep your eyes open for a small “shining” effect on a very small number of the countless golden statues. These will be important to gain access to the final boss of the STIGSS.

When you enter the archives on B2, save your game. Just in case, you know...

Once you gain access to the final room on the top floor, Save your game, as the fight with the boss can be quite difficult if you're not fighting overpowered. Particularly with HardMode on, in which case he's extremely brutal to defeat, a true illustration of how desperate Alanna's reality actually is! To make things easier, don't forget to max out her MP, cast CounterStun on her, use De-Curse to remove all her goldenizing effect and even Lesser AntiCurse. This will give her a better chance, particularly for the rough fight in HardMode! ...Also, you may find the new combat skill she learned in the STIGSS is not only less effective than against the Goldmen in here... but is actually rather more entertain--- er, more dangerous to use...!


The Defense of Arkheva


This is going to be a tough large-scale battle (particularly in HardMode). Make sure you take the opportunity to save after the conversation in Darcie and Brutus' room. If you're on HardMode you'll have the option to turn it off before the battle, as well.

The defenders are extremely outnumbered. When the fight begins, you have the option to send a single unit through the gate; ideally, you want to send through the mages, and have them strike the advancing enemy units from the flanks and behind. Be very careful because it's very easy to place your unit in such a way that the enemy units end their turn nearby and a single attack could wipe yours out. Have them target any male units first, based on how much damage they deal. The Leader unit, number five, will actually stand still for quite a while at first.

Use your other two ranged units (Slinger-girls and Healers) to hit the enemy over the gate; keep your CombatSlave unit right behind the gate for once the enemy breaches it. They will be completely focused on the gate until it breaks, but having the slightly-tougher CombatSlaves stand facing the back of it will improve your odds of lasting longer, particularly if you bring the healers behind them and keep healing them up. Ultimately, you want to buy your forces time for Alanna to show up.

If necessary, have the Slingers retreat out the south gate and around to the west of town. The dumb AI will cause the enemy units to get stuck in town, giving you time for Alanna to show up.

Alanna's unit is powerful, but will be absolutely curb-stomped (or would that be rump-humped?) by male units; hence why you want to take those out as quickly as possible. Save the “booby-traps” for them.

Avoid destroying units 1 and 2 for as long as you can. When they are wiped out, the units of mages that appear afterward have longer range and deal a lot more damage, and they are the secondary priority for using the booby-traps on. Units 3 and 4, however, can be prioritized for destruction, as they will be replaced by some of those dangerous male units you want to get rid of as soon as possible.

Once the gate is breached, the enemy units will start targeting your individual units. If you still have your outside unit alive, it is likely to get slaughtered quickly, so try to plan accordingly.


The Avatar, Darvaris


After the large battle, it's highly recommended to save your game, particularly considering how much dialogue then happens.

Once the talking and the pre-battle drama is done, you enter a fight with Darvaris, an Avatar of Brutalus, chief god of Tageran Slavery. The first battle is unwinnable (you don't actually fight it, just watch), but the second battle you can win... barely.

Every turn, he will take damage from the defenders of Arkheva, but it's negligible compared to what you can deal with your four party members. As his HP drops, he will occasionally drop comments; each time he does, he has dropped by 20% of his HP.

He is slightly vulnerable to Holy attacks, but unless he ignores Alanna for a while, she'll likely be your biggest source of damage dealt to him. However, every turn he is likely to “fuck-bliterate” one of your four women, and if all four are defeated, the battle is over... and not in a good way.

Realistically, unless you wiped out your LightningStones in the STIGSS, those are your best bet, since you're likely to have picked up a lot of them back there. Each one will average about 5,000 damage to him, and all four girls using one every turn should bring him down quickly. You can certainly wear him down with holy attacks such as Holy Beam, Divine Strike, and Heaven Strike, but the damage is not as quick generally and since the girls getting revived in battle is very hit-or-miss (it's random, as you can't restore the fallen yourself in this fight), putting him down ASAP is definitely what you want to do!


The Medusakin Crossing (still in development)


The Medusakin Crossing is what Alanna's desperate struggle to rescue her petrified allies not so long ago has turned into: a safe but sexy crossing of the Medusakin Village.

Well, mostly safe, at least.

As of writing this, it is still in gradual development, but you can cross from one end of this place to the other, trying to avoid being petrified by the wandering horny Medusakin... or actively seeking to have it happen. Various games and distractions have been set up for you to let Alanna entertain herself, or for her to get used for their entertainment instead. And if you're really not in the mood for it, you can even skip through, safely brought out to the other side.

Essentially, it's a compromise showing the new understanding the local Medusakin have with the free women of South Tagero. Lots of sexy fun, but only small odds of the women earning a permanent fate as statues.

This is also where you can find the Gallery, where you can see a few pieces of fan-art and/or silly in-game creations.

Still, it's not a bad idea to save from time to time, as there is at least one potential bad end in there at the moment, and more are planned for in the future...


STIFFF (South Tagero Island Free Females Fortress)


Like the Medusakin Crossing, this has become a safe(ish) haven for free women. Technically there's no lethal risks here anymore, but here and there you can still find horny Goldmen, most of whom won't take no for an answer if Alanna gets too close to them. Alanna can also play a horny game or two in here, including one that allows her to wager some GP.

In the basement you can see a few little flashes of in-game art and if you like you can have the Piano Gal play some of the game's music.

When you are ready to continue the game, go to the top floor and visit Honey, the redhead with the gauzy gown and two-colored eyes. Then visit the room across the floor to the east, then come back to get your marching orders. Following that, it will be time to head to the standing stones at the east-most edge of the south island; bring what you find there back to Honey, then once you're ready (and maybe after gambling a little more), head back to the Standing Stones to continue Alanna's adventure... be aware that she won't be coming back to the STIFFF or other female-controlled lands for quite some time, after this.


Chapter 3


South Tagero Island Undersea Passage


You'll have an introduction section, to explain how things will work down here a bit, before you start your challenge. To summarize, however, once turned into a SlimeGirl, you will have to avoid all sources of salt; bodies of salt water, salty puddles, and salty ejaculations! You will slow down as you dry up, so you'll need to hurry from area to area, absorbing the puddles of safe water and avoiding as many puddles of salty water as possible; you can usually jump into bubbling springs to recover your wetness, but those are few and far between. In fully slimy form, the wandering Ratites can't harm you, but as soon as you dry up enough to become solid, they will aggressively chase you down.


Beatrice's Slimy Solo


All the suggestions above apply. However, it is highly recommended to save at the beginning of each sub-area, and keep a separate save file to re-save often while making your way across these areas. While you have the option to re-start after Beatrice dries up, it will re-start her at the very beginning of her solo adventure.

While Beatrice failing ultimately changes nothing to the game's storyline, you do lose an opportunity to pick up a lot of items... and let's be honest, half the fun is trying to make your way through, and at least failing a little bit!

When rubbery enough that the Ratites come after you, hide behind dried-up girls to distract them if you need to, and be careful not to bump into the half-eaten dried-up girls or some of the wandering girls, as that will leave Beatrice vulnerable for a short time...!


The SlimeGirl Party


When negotiating the area with all three girls in SlimeGirl form, be well aware that they have extremely decreased HP, MP, and stats in that form. Though they will regenerate very quickly, they are absolute prey to all the pathetically weak beasts around here. If things are getting dicey, don't hesitate to use one of the ThunderStones of LightningStones you're probably still carrying from back in the STIGSS!

While underwater, you can avoid a lot of the slow-moving hazards, let alone the stationary ones. Just be aware that the other slimes wandering around will periodically head for you, and will knock you back and stun you if they run into you.

On land, many of the monsters have a pattern, so they can be avoided if that's what you want. However, be careful when near water, as in this place you can walk right off the edge and landing in the water will be a Game Over!

In the second area where you're on land, if you leave through the right-hand side, you'll find a long winding corridor with a bunch of empty treasure chests and unavoidable monsters. If you stick with it, however, there is a small prize for Alanna at the end of it...


The Delta


In this area, like in the area where Beatrice was trapped alone, you'll need to guide the girls through a series of underground passages while they are at risk of drying up. Ratites will be in pursuit as usual, and in sufficient numbers to quickly gang-bang the girls into sex dolls if they get caught even once.

There are many already-dry SlaveGirls around; you can pick them up as you make your way through the passages. The more of them you pick up, the better your reward will be when you finally come out of the last passage and find a treasure chest there. Don't try to just wander the entire passage each time looking for victims to pick up, though. It's very easy to do a section, then backtrack to the surface, take a recovery dip in the water there, and head back in to look for more.

After the Delta, make sure you heed the SlaveGirl's advice and head straight north. Or at least, save your game before trying to cross the salt flats anywhere else but by heading north...


The Salt Flats


This, like Beatrice's Slimy Solo, is an area you can fail and yet will not hinder the story's progress. However, if you make it through alive, you will find a treasure chest sitting by the pond with a good item inside. Make sure to pick it up before trying to jump into the water, though!

The Salt Flats are not easy to get through. If you try to go straight up, you will dry out. What you need to do is go up and left or up and right until you find a safe spring to re-hydrate inside. If you do, don't hesitate to save while in the water, so that if you don't find another quickly enough you can just try again while going in another direction!


Thapogg's Auction House


Stuck as a lifeless sex-doll, but one that can still, if barely, hop around, you must guide Alanna through Thapogg's storage area. This will be easier said than done, as there are guards wandering around who will put Alanna back in her starting spot each time they notice her out of place. Also, there are multiple dangers around that can end Alanna's bid for freedom instantly, and that's on top of her already limited time to escape before fully stiffening again.

Your goal is to get outside and to the pond. Events will then play out, and the girls will finally be back in a situation where they can try to determine their own fates.

While hip-hopping her way out of the storage area, Alanna should avoid sharp objects, golden objects, tangling ropes, and purple crystals...


Harbeez Plains


After the Auction House blows up, make sure to wander around checking things. While there's nothing particularly useful, you can pick up some random items to potentially sell later. Make sure, also, to equip the three girls before leaving the Auction House's crater! Following their time as SlimeGirls and subsequently as Sex-Dolls, the girls have been completely stripped. There are some lethal threats wandering the Harbeez Plains, and completely unarmed the girls may have a really rough time of it! Some of the monster groups out there are extremely lethal, most particularly the rarer spawns, and especially if playing in HardMode...!

This is a completely new area for you to explore, and right now you cannot go back to the lands you already know. Make sure to save your game after the Auction House, and be very careful not to wander into the enemy camp...

It is highly recommended that you keep an extra Save File at this point, as in the near future certain decisions you take can make some challenges either easier or harder!

You can certainly wander the Plains, but your first destination should be the town to the south-east of the Auction House ruins. This is where you will be able to continue the story; the town is called Ludenska. You can certainly visit the town of Estaraba in the north-east also, but will not be able to continue the story there yet. You will not be able to enter the Fortress in the east or cross the bridge there yet, you can't enter FemWood Forest in the north, and the Burasta (volcanic) Wastes are inaccessible due to a landslide. Don't worry, you'll visit all of these places... in time.




Ludenska will be the first town you encounter if you follow the east-bound road. When you step inside, you will immediately be informed about the “Menagerie” in the northeast section of town, and to avoid it. For now, you may as well do so, since you won't be able to get in.

Be aware, however, that decisions you take in Ludenska will have long-term effects later in the game, so when given a choice to make, consider your options carefully. There's no way to know exactly what may come from some of the choices...

To continue the story, speak with the dark-skinned girl standing on the southeast dock. After that, the girl standing in the doorway nearby will let you through.

Once you've had your lengthy conversation with Malessa inside that dock house, now it's time to visit the Menagerie. The CombatSlave Healer guarding the door will let you in as soon as you decide to free her mind; you have to go inside before you can start freeing the minds of other women in town. Inside, at first all you'll be able to do is read some information plates while making your way into the basement. Once you have located the owner and he's been dealt with, however, you'll have a key to all the cells; it'll be up to you to decide the fates of some of the creatures trapped inside them. As mentioned earlier, these decisions will affect future events in the game... it's up to you if Alanna should be merciful or ruthless...

The girls in the dockhouse tell you to free just the minds of the women you absolutely have to before moving on to Estaraba in the northeast, since you're trying to hurry. While you can certainly do that, you can also take your time freeing absolutely everyone. Which you decide to do will affect at least one challenge coming up soon, but it's up to you to decide what you want to do. Which do you prefer? Having Alanna take a lot of time freeing many women, giving the men in the Garrison nearby time to get wind of the “disturbance,” or moving on quickly, giving the men less time but potentially leaving traitors in both towns that could cause you trouble later? On the other hand, the more women you free here in Ludenska, the better the gift Malessa will give you after you've dealt with all the men, too...




After you've cleared Ludenska, when you enter this town to the northeast, a short conversation will occur between Alanna and Beatrice; after that, visit the inn and speak to the innkeeper to continue the story.

After the innkeeper is dealt with, you have the option to visit the Library Temple from the room at the far right inside the inn. Take the opportunity to stock up on Ice-based or Holy-based stones if you can afford them. This could be a lifesaver for some upcoming events... but, on the other hand, make sure to keep at least some GP (say, 10,000). You will have a rare opportunity to buy something soon...

Then, go out on the town, freeing the minds of the women in Estaraba like you did Ludenska. Also like in Ludenska, once you've dealt with all the men in town, the game will progress on its own. Once it does so, you'll be able to move on to the next area, and if you do you won't be able to come back to free more women, so if that's your goal, don't wipe out all the men yet until you're ready. You won't be able to get a bonus item here the same way for freeing all the women, so it's up to you if you want to take your time or follow the idea that the girls are in a rush to get to the Garrison. You don't actually have a time limit at all.

Once you deal with all the men, you will find a Lizardman inside the middle room of the inn. He will outline a plan for infiltrating the Garrison, since said Garrison is on high alert. You have another chance to save your game after hearing the plan; do so, then save again in another save and keep the first untouched. Decisions you made since leaving the blown-up Auction House could make this next challenge much more difficult, as could various other factors; you may want to try different things before starting the challenge, to see how things change during it. Having HardMode on or off, Alanna's status, and her decisions can all affect things... as can even the mood of the LizardMan Trader.


Garrison Infiltration


Once you begin, you can save between rooms, but keep your original pre-infiltration save slot untouched in case you find it too difficult to complete. Alanna will find herself being put into storage, and she just has to survive until she gets there. The problem is that many men will want to check out, and try out, the contents of the cart... namely, Alanna herself! Depending on how Alanna does, as of the trio of men in the common room her adventure may come to an end. Her decisions and efficacy in Ludenska and Estaraba will decide how many of the Cultists the one in charge of Alanna's delivery stops and talks to, and some will do more damage to Alanna's mental endurance than others. Alanna will also affect how much mental damage she takes by staying loose or going tight, but she won't always have the focus to stay loose... so there is still going to be some randomness to things, even if you stack the odds in her favor.

In HardMode, if you went and made everything as difficult for yourself as possible, Alanna won't make it past the common room; if you made everything as difficult as possible but took one good precaution, her chances of surviving are maybe fifty-fifty. If you're not playing in HardMode, if you made things as difficult as possible her odds are fifty-fifty, but if you put anything in her favor she should make it all the way to the end with no more than maybe a little scare. Since there is nothing to be gained except bragging rights for going through this part in HardMode, you can easily take off HardMode to survive this one challenge if you find you've stacked the odds against her too much...!

If you're finding Alanna just barely not making it, pay attention to the different Cultists and how they ejaculate. The ones that have longer ejaculations deal double the damage to her mind; if she clenches for them, that also doubles the damage. So saving from room to room after she successfully doesn't clench on the long-squirt guys could be the key to seeing all the conversations and still surviving to the end!

When you finally get to the end of the challenge and are left in storage (assuming she's endured it all, of course), be sure to save your game. There will be a series of tough battles coming up. If you were able to earn some back in the Medusakin Village treasure room, use some Sensual Bodypaint and Fierce Bodypaint on Alanna and Beatrice respectively. Beatrice can use Encouragement before the first fight, and make sure to fully equip the two girls, too. Having Beatrice use “Slam” will do good damage and knock down the SlaveGirls, and Alanna's “Shocking Dance,” if you earned it back in the STIGSS, can completely disable the entire group.

Nurmane can be a problem due to him causing a lot of damage, but especially because he uses Wind spells that can knock the girls down. You have no way to directly counter this, so you need to deal as much damage as possible, as quickly as possible, though Alanna may be relegated to casting “Group Heal 2” every turn while Beatrice hits him with Holy attacks or Quadra Strike. If he gets his cock into one of the girls, he'll likely do a lot of damage to her every turn, but if you can keep her alive at least it will be focused damage and he won't be knocking you down every turn with Wind spells!

As for the third fight, with the three Cultists, again, “Shocking Dance” and “Slam” are your best options to disable them and keep them from using their “Commanding Voice” in return. “Slam” should put them down pretty effectively after just a few turns, particularly if Beatrice used Fierce Bodypaint before the first fight here.

All three of these fights can be made much easier if you earned the Throbbing Pink Stone by crossing the Salt Flats alive and you equip Beatrice with it...


Viperia Isle


Alanna and Beatrice have now reached Viperia Isle, where the LizardMen are in control. You will first meet LizardMen in a Trading Post they've set up here; you will learn that you need to supply all the clans with whatever they need right now if you are to earn their help getting off this island.

You will immediately learn that the LizardMen tend to be very honorable, even if they are woman-consuming little brutes. As you walk around the Trading Post speaking to the LizardMen there, you will find out various things you have to, or at least can, do here, either to earn their respect or to at least be able to communicate with them.


-You can trade in any LizardMan equipment you find to one of the traders here for their currency, LizTokens. LizardMan equipment can be looted from any LizardMen you defeat in combat. There are ways to get much more intact equipment or better loot from the many LizardMen groups out there, as well as ways to increase your odds of survival against them.

-You will need to do at least some grinding here on Viperia Isle, fighting LizardMen for gear to trade. Until you have learned their language, the lessons for which you need to pay for in LizTokens, there's not much you can do on the island.

-There's an inn at the Trading Post, but you have to pay in LizTokens, and the innkeeper is something of a swindler. Paying the cheapest rate, in particular, is a risky thing to do!

-If you speak to one of the LizardMen standing around, Alanna and Beatrice will suddenly learn a new skill, though you won't be told they learned it. You'll just hear a sound effect, and you'll need to see what happens for yourself.

-You can buy a small selection of items here for LizTokens. Some are really overpriced, but since you have no shops available anywhere else on the island, you may be utterly screwed if you don't have a stockpile! However, here you can buy Greater elemental stones for the first time, for 2,500 GP a pop! Ice and Holy ones would be the recommended ones for the time being. Be aware that the LizardMan who will sell these to you will not purchase things from you, so you can't trade in old gear for GP to spend!

-From the same merchant, you can buy high-end equipment for, well, a high-end LizToken price. These items are pricey, but one of them, while not entirely required, opens up a whole new dimension of exploration and thrills in the LizardMan Clans when worn before entering! Another can tremendously alter how the Lizardmen react to the girl wearing it, and can also affect the final outcome of the Clan Gathering.

-And, also from that same merchant, you can purchase tribal supplies, the items the various clans will require to let you enter their village... well, as anything but dead meat, at least. These items can all be looted from the monsters and Lizardman hunting parties all over the island, also. Again, under the right circumstances, you have better chances at loot and increased chances at better loot, too.

-One Lizardman here will tell you what a clan wants if you pay him for the information. It never changes for each clan, so once you know it you don't need to pay for the information every time.

-You can use the campfire here to roast Green Mushrooms if you have any. Remember, though, you can only have a maximum of 99 of each type. There's no way to increase the odds of getting better results each time you roast one. It's entirely random.

-The trader at the south end of camp will buy “Girl in a Bag” off you. You don't have to do this if you don't want to.

-Collecting “Girls in Bags” requires you to have “Lizardman Slave Bags” in your inventory; you can buy these or loot them off of the slightly-rare Lizardman Slavers. If you have Slave Bags in your inventory, when the rare-appear groups of SlaveGirls show up on the main map, each girl you defeat in combat will end up in a bag after battle as long as you have bags to hold them.

-The Lizardman trying to sell you healing items is out of luck. You can use the teleporter in the southeast corner to go to the Library Temple and make purchases, though you can't get Greater Elemental Stones there. You can also use the Healing Spring, so the Lizardman innkeeper could be out of luck, also! Still, if you want to be entirely respectful of the Lizardmen and their customs, you'll use their amenities only...!

-It is recommended that you hang on to any LizardMen weapons you collect, at first, instead of trading them in. You'll need some to trade with the YellowClaw Clan...

-Every enemy on the island's overworld is a lizard-type. If you equip weapons appropriately, you can slaughter them all... if that's what you want to do...

-All the lesser Lizardmen are really weak. Again, a team of two fully-equipped girl will utterly decimate them, even if some of them can do good damage in return. But, again, is that what you want to do, here?

-When you get a “Bag of Liztokens,” you can save before opening it to maximize how many you get...

-You can visit the six clans in whatever order you like, gaining the trust of each clan's Lizardmen in whichever order you wish. While the game was optimized for you to progress in a clockwise manner, starting with the GreenTail Clan in the northeast section of the island, as long as you meet the initial entry requirements of each clan you can clear them in any order you like. The main differences are that after the west-most clan is cleared, you won't be able to visit any clans as a Lizard-Girl, and if you don't clear the FishGutter Clan and visit it as a Lizard-Girl, then the “dungeon” in the west-most clan will have increased difficulty in a couple of the battles.


GreenTail Clan


The entry fee for this clan is very cheap. Once inside, you will also get the Elder's blessing immediately, without any extra effort. A quick introduction to what you need to do on Viperia Isle.

The blacksmith in the upper left corner will exchange sex for weapons, which the YellowClaw Clan --- just south of there --- needs. And, if you've figured out how to turn into a Lizard-Girl, speaking to the Blacksmith after having let him fuck Alanna multiple times will result in a very dangerous situation... which will give her many weapons more, should she survive it!


YellowClaw Clan


Entry into this clan will depend on having what they require. They will not execute the girls on arrival if they don't have the goods, however showing up without the goods and without knowing their language would be... unwise...!

To get the Elder's blessing, you need to kill a dragon that has been terrorizing them. Perhaps no easy feat without gear equipped! However, should the dragon manage to force his huge member into one of the girls... well, this is a time for one girl to take one for the team...!

After freeing the village, be aware on return visits that the big Lizardman Brute can be... risky to interact with. As a human, it represents just a little tight squeezing, but depending on how Alanna treats him at different times during the Viperia Isle part of her adventures, he could be dangerously hostile... or dangerously friendly!


FishGutter Clan


This Clan will be a little different for winning them over. The goods requested, according to the so-called expert at the Trading Post, are actually not necessary to gain their favor. Those goods do, however, provide you with an opportunity to pick up some useful loot!

You have to fight your way through the village, and the enemies are none other than hordes of SlaveGirls sent to kill you. So in this case, feel free to gear up however you like, and “honorable combat” be damned! However, how “honorably” you're geared when stepping into the clan for the first time will affect the initial fight somewhat...

Don't be afraid to revisit this clan as a Lizard-Girl. There are risks, to be sure, but there is important lore to learn here. You'll learn the lore anyway, but knowing ahead of time will make some of the fights elsewhere on Viperia Isle a little easier...

Note, also, that if you re-enter this clan after clearing but equipped dishonorably, the guards will attack you and chase you out, resetting the initial event; if you know how to exploit this situation, this can be a treasure trove of one particular item...!


Gutripper Clan


For this clan, you absolutely need the items they requested to be let in. Once you deliver them, you will be instructed to distribute those items to all the sick Lizardmen. What this means is, you have a chance to walk around and talk to the locals... those that aren't too sick to talk with you, at least. You'll get a few hints from the guards and the human healer girls all around: you need to speak to a specific sick Lizardman, and it will trigger an event that earns you the respect of the clan.

Be careful, though: if you leave the clan without earning their respect after delivering the shipment, you'll need to bring a new shipment!

If you can become a Lizard-Girl, there are a good things to be found here, but be very careful! All over the village, Lizardmen will chase you down to fuck you, and it will be very easy for you to get cornered or surrounded, to be fucked over and over until Alanna's existence as a LizardGirl becomes a permanent one! If cornered, if you time it right after her abuser's last words, you may find a gap to stagger safely through even if surrounded... maybe...


TongueFlicker Clan


This is the “dungeon” of Viperia Isle. Upon entering, you are attacked by insane Lizardmen; you can equip whatever gear you like before the fight, barring one type that will still see you eliminated after the fight itself, and the Lizardmen won't care.

However, if you didn't bring any of the requested tribal items, Alanna and Beatrice will never leave the village, no matter how they're equipped. On the other hand, if you bring any of the tribal items they requested, Alanna will find herself enduring another Onahole challenge like back in Viperia Garrison! The less of the item you brought, the worse her odds of survival. If you brought everything requested, he Onahole experience will be a short one which she is likely to survive as long as you're not playing in HardMode. Unlike last time, what equipment Alanna is wearing will affect her odds of survival, but like last time, she can improve her odds of survival with the right trick...


TongueFlicker Dark Pit


In here, gear up however you like; the Lizardmen don't care what the girls are wearing, as they are now beyond having honor. But, they have very substantial weaknesses to two elements; if you equip the right type of weapons, using Quadra Strike or Group Strike 2 will absolutely slaughter all of them, even though they have double the HP of the above-ground Lizardmen types!

If you already visited the Gutripper Clan, the skill Alanna learned there may be absolutely game-changing for the first fight in the pit...

To proceed deeper into the pit, you must jump down the holes releasing the purple mist into the air.

Deeper inside the pit, the enemies there have only one of the two weaknesses the Lizardmen closer to the surface have, but their weakness is much worse for them. If by some chance you don't have any weapons of the right element, your fights will be extremely difficult! On the other hand, you will find an appropriate weapon if you inspect anything lying around that looks unusual...

Save often in the deeper section of the pit. The enemies there will do much less physical damage to the girls once they've grappled them, but until that point they can do a lot of damage, and you can see both girls hit zero HP very quickly! If you simply use healing effects on a girl at 0 HP, she will be able to resume fighting next turn.

The fights here are meant to be absolutely desperate for the two girls; if you don't have a proper weapon at all, you'll have to rely on direct attacks of the same element, and that's going to be a lot tougher. Just be sure to watch for the new consumable item, the SoulStone, you can find down here, and use it before it's too late! You can use one as soon as Soul-HP drops by 20 points, and it affects both girls; you have a limited number of them, so make them count.


Once you've cleared the pit, the Lizardmen of the TongueFlicker Clan will be friendly toward you, and even as a human you will have access to various crates of supplies all around the village, something you normally can only do as a Lizard-Girl.

This is a good thing, because once you clear the pit, you will lose the ability to become one for the rest of your time trapped on Viperia Isle! With that in mind, if you really want to experience the last (center) clan, the DarkFang Clan, as a Lizard-Girl before clearing the island, you can switch up the TongueFlicker and Darkfang Clans.


DarkFang Clan


If you arrive with all the items this clan requested, you will be allowed to attend the clan's evening bonfire. While there, you will be expected to fight several battles in honorable combat; this means “Stripped Naked” as your accessory and no other equipment (or the special alternative Accessory you can obtain).

You are given a chance to change gear between rounds of fights. Make sure you stay honorable even if you heal up... and make especially sure you don't go completely dishonorable, instead! There are a few different Game Overs you can get here...

Do take note, as well, that if you are still looking for Lizardman equipment to sell off for LizTokens, fighting these battles in such a way that your opponents all switch to honorable (naked) combat will net you quite a bit of stuff...!

The fights can turn very bad, very fast, particularly in HardMode, where the enemy challengers are always in groups of eight. The Clubbers and Slashers, in particular, can be a problem due to their ability to stun the girls; having CounterStun active will greatly diminish the effects of their direct attacks. Remember, also, that if you are having a difficult time, one well-place ColdStone will get most basic Lizardmen halfway to the point of defeat, allowing for the fights to be much easier to complete thereafter with regular skills; two ColdStones in the first turn will therefore just about obliterate every group of lesser Lizardmen before they even get to act, if that's the way you want to go...

Alternatively, if you can get at least two of the Lizardmen to switch to “honorable” combat and penetrate or devour both girls, then they will all stop using their special stunning or otherwise debilitating skills and their damage output becomes much more manageable...!


The Clan Gathering


Once Alanna and Beatrice have gotten the support of all six Clan Elders, after a few seconds on the main map you will be told that the Clan Gathering is about to commence. At this point, you can still wander the island if you like, and you can still gather up gear and LizTokens for trade. Once you are ready, however, you can head just west of the Trade Post, where there will now be a flag blowing above the sandy area there. As soon as you step inside, you will be able to enter the Clan Gathering, which is a lengthy event during which you can encounter various Game Overs.

Be aware that, if you approach the Gathering as a truly honorable supplicant, and act as respectful of the Elders and Shaman as possible (without surrendering your life or freedom), there is the potential for Alanna to receive a very good weapon... one which may make a world of difference in an upcoming battle Alanna will not be involved in...

Also, you will be given multiple chances to save. If you don't want to re-watch a lot of conversations or re-fight any battles, make sure you do so. It is recommended that you save on a separate save file, however, bot for if you wish to replay the gathering from a certain point, or if you feel you've left yourself in too bad a position after one fight, or missed the special item, or the special skill-up...

Be aware also that while you get to choose your settings for visible gore or not, disabling gore will actually remove a large portion of the mechanics in the battles that happen during the event...


Lizardman Champion


If you survive the Clan Gathering, even if you weren't perfect with your responses, it will come down to combat. The Shaman's champion is a huge Lizardman Brute that has several violent ways to end Alanna's life; in HardMode, Alanna can even pass out while being raped, which could result in a brutal death from being unable to react against his high damage output (or would that be “input...?”). CounterStun is therefore highly recommended early in the fight! You will hear a sound and a grunt from Alanna each time it keeps her conscious.

Against the LizardMan Champion, if you have gore turned off, there is one less battle mechanic for you to deal with If gore is turned on, the first time Alanna gets penetrated by him, there will be a multi-turn event triggered, and it will re-trigger accordingly every few turns if required.

If you picked up the right optional skill way back in the STIGSS, you need to get the timing right and survive the results, but if you do, the new leveled-up skill will make the fight suddenly a lot easier!


The LightLizard Shaman


If Alanna acquired the leveled-up skill against the Lizardman Champion, it will again greatly improve her odds of survival. It is not recommended that she try to duplicate the technique, however, unless you want to see a Game Over!

If Alanna is not devoured or penetrated, the Shaman can deal her a lot of damage with his abilities; he can stun her or render her submissive, leaving her helpless to resist some attacks that do a lot of quick damage (and can result in independent Game Overs)! On the other hand, he can do a lot of damage through fucking her, also, even if not as much as his Champion could... and even if “all” he does is swallow her alive, he may cause her to pass out time and again inside his stomach!

CounterStun won't be effective the same way for this fight, but in HardMode AntiSex will prevent the spontaneous distracting orgasms Alanna will experience when the Shaman is hammering in and out of her body!


Argost, Avatar of Brutalus – Ludenska


Right after the Clan Gathering, your perspective will jump to Ludenska, where Lepara and her three Oscurean allies are preparing to leave after delaying for some time more than planned. A sudden event will result in these four being thrust into a desperate, life-or-death battle that will decide the fate of the entire uprising.

Brutalus is an Avatar, and this time there are no female Avatars or inexplicably powerful non-Avatar women to stand up to him. However, he is tremendously injured, and it will take him time before he gets close enough to attack anyone.

Depending on Alanna's actions in the Menagerie, the fight can be a lot easier; in standard mode, you can kill him before he even reaches the girls to engage in direct combat.

Make sure to equip Lepara before the fight when you're given an opportunity to do so. Also, if you received a special weapon at the end of the Clan Gathering for being utterly perfect during it, Lepara can pull it out of Alanna's “Vag of Holding” from far away, and it will be the best weapon she could possibly equip!

Every turn, Lepara can tell the “lesser” women around her how to attack Argost. To know what to do, you need to pay attention to a short snippet of text that appears; each snippet represents a different attack he will evade or otherwise counter. The key is to do as much damage as possible to him while he is staggering forward, so he doesn't have a chance to get into direct combat; if he gets that close, he will potentially heal himself and start regenerating every turn, and then will be virtually impossible to defeat!

When he reaches land, you will be told how much HP he has left. From that point on, you can attack him directly; you will also have an extra option as to how the girls on land attack him.

Be aware that if you don't finish him off quickly, he will start wiping out Lepara's party members; not only does this increase his regeneration rate and decrease your damage output, but losing Lepara's soldiers will have a small effect on future events...




Alanna wakes up the next morning, having not only survived the Clan Gathering and the after-party, but having in fact worn out a lot of the Lizardmen attending it...!

Before you can leave, you must speak to the trader near the bottom of the screen. Once he gives you the “Safe” Lizard Pendant, you can leave the site by any of the green spots on the edges of the screen.

You can now return to any of the clan sites. If there are any of them you never visited as a Lizard-Girl, you can do so now to collect all the crates lying around. You will be much safer this way, but still, be careful; in some situations, the “Safe” Lizard Pendant will not prevent Alanna from getting impregnated!

While wandering the island, you will still be hunted by Lizardmen. They are more likely to spare you now than before if they defeat you, but it is by no means certain; also, if you attempt to enter a clan site geared dishonorably, it's going to be a Game Over, without the girls getting a chance to defend themselves..!

Once you are ready to proceed, visit the Trading Post and speak to Elder DarkFang (the Lizardman Elder with the red gem on his staff). Once that conversation is over, all you need to do is head north from the Trading Post and onto the bridge there!


The Battle of Viperia Bridge


The battles on the bridge will be a little different from usual. Unlike what happens normally, the enemies --- the men, at least --- will not simply disappear when defeated. Instead, your Lizardmen allies will remove them at the end of every turn if their HP has gotten low enough...!

Speaking of the Lizardmen allies, they will be assisting you in combat at all times. Some of their “help” may instead be a hindrance, but overall, they will actually be helpful; healing the two girls, reviving them if they get downed, dealing damage to the enemies, or adding status effects to them instead.

The fights against females will be identical to those you may have experienced on the island, with a group of weak lesser SlaveGirls led by a single stronger girl.

For the fights against males, be aware that if they aren't fucking the girls, they can actually do some pretty bad damage with their Double Strike ability. Starting each fight with Shocking Dance, if Alanna learned it of course, is recommended, as they seem to stun quite easily...!

If by some chance you need some items, you can speak to the Lizardman Trader on the south end of the bridge, as well.


Freed Viperia Garrison


Alanna now has free rein of the Garrison, which the women have taken control of. While it is mostly safe to explore, do be careful what you interact with, and how many times you do so. While you now have the opportunity to collect some rare items, be careful not to try to get too much of a good thing!

Once you are ready, head to the main gate, and speak to Beatrice. Be sure to save before, of course, because you're about to begin another large-scale battle!


The Battle of Ludenska


You don't have any walls to hide behind this time, and your forces are substantially outnumbered. Once again, the situation is not good for the free women. However, for this battle, the booby-traps will reset more quickly than they did previously, and if you survive long enough your situation will improve... in theory...!

Your best option is to have Alanna hit one of the male units as quickly as possible; this will cause the entire army to target her unit only. Then, keep her on the defensive, taking two steps away from the enemy and one step forward to engage them face-on, or running away and blocking the enemy units from getting to hers at all. The enemy units are a little smarter than before, though, and will try to go around other units that are in the way... you'll need to bear that in mind as you use your units to flank and back-attack theirs while they chase Alanna.

The redhead's unit will convert women to your side, those women joining the equivalent units you have. The more damage you do to those enemy female units, the more you'll swell your own numbers, so flanking and back attacks are the best option!

The good news is that the enemy has no backup units this time; what you see is what you've got to deal with. You, on the other hand, will start getting more units as the battle progresses; the longer you keep the enemy focused on Alanna's unit, the longer you'll have to flank or back-attack their units with your existing and then added units!


After the Battle – in Free Ludenska


Having defeated the male army again, you now end up with Beatrice out of action and Alanna angrily trying to find a way to heal her. Once you leave the dock house where Beatrice is being kept, speak to the Lizardman trader on the nearby dock. He tells you that Alanna should speak to the trader that helped her infiltrate Viperia Garrison as an Onahole, Sleethe, who has now set up shop inside the Garrison.

Alanna is traveling alone in the Harbeez Plains; be very careful or her adventure will end in a very lonely fashion!

At this point, you can visit Viperia Isle if you enter the Garrison, but head straight south from the main gate. Meet with Sleethe first, and he will request that you collect some items and entertain some of the Lizardman clans, in exchange for a cure for Beatrice. Then you can head to Viperia Isle and do as he requested...


Viperia Isle re-visit


Though the Lizardmen are allies now, Alanna is still very much in danger of being brutally exterminated at pretty much all times. While wandering the wilds, they will still take advantage of her if they defeat her, and may or may not finish her off; in the villages, if she enters geared dishonorably, they will eliminate her immediately.

The big difference now is that in every village Alanna can play games to entertain the Lizardmen, and those games always have a chance of being fatal for her. However, as Sleethe has demanded that she play some games in a set number of clans as part of his price for giving her the cure for Beatrice's condition, Alanna has no choice but to submit to at least a few of these dangerous games...!

Alanna must also enter the FishGutter Clan wearing the Safe Lizard Pendant, because that is the only clan with a game that she can play as a Lizard-Girl and it is during that game that she can collect one of the items Sleethe wants. She will have to enter one of the huts and can only do so as a Lizard-Girl. Be aware that playing the Lizard-Girl game does not count toward the games Sleethe wants Alanna to play; it's a separate thing.

The other item Sleethe needs is the Shaman's statue, which is still at the site of the Clan Gathering.


GreenTail game: Hang-Girl


This one is easy if you know your KavenBach lore, mostly about other games; otherwise once you figure out the answers to the limited number of questions, this is an easy game to win. Alanna just has to answer enough questions correctly before she hangs long enough to strangle into unconsciousness.


YellowClaw game: QuickSuck


This one is far more based on chance. While sinking into quicksand, Alanna must suck off a set number of Lizardmen. She has four techniques to choose from for each Lizardman, and only one technique will give him a quick ejaculation while one will make it very slow. If she guesses right, her odds of winning are great, but odds are that she won't guess right often enough to make things easy!


FishGutter game: Breathplay


If you have quick fingers and are meticulous, this one's not too difficult. Alanna must guess a number before she suffocates. Go by halves and she should have decent odds of winning, though some of the situations give her less time to make her guess...!

There are three versions of this same game, but they play out pretty much the same way in the end.


Gutripper game: Cum-less, Limb-less


This one can be difficult to win; it's very dependent on Alanna choosing the right reaction in the first place, and there's an element of randomness to it also. Alanna must cause a set number of huge Lizardman Brutes to ejaculate, while not reaching her own quota of orgasms first, and she has to survive their damaging effects on her body, all while having no limbs and no magic!


TongueFlicker game: Onahole Challenge


Like previously, Alanna gets turned into an Onahole and is used hard; her goal is to still be “alive” by the end of a set number of Lizardmen, even if they may cheat a little here and there...! She can stack the odds in her favor, or against herself, in the same way as she did the first time she entered this clan, by varying her equipment and using the right spell, or not, before speaking to the Junior Elder in charge of the game. This can be an almost certain win in all circumstances if you do it right. The odds of it being fatal are very low, also, though the worse Alanna does with the challenge, the greater the odds of things going bad for her...


DarkFang game: Spit-Roast


This one is also dependent on guessing the right reactions to different circumstances. Alanna must entertain the Lizardmen around the bonfire by first surviving being spitted alive, then surviving a set length of time being rotated over that same bonfire! Her overall survival odds are actually pretty good, The longer she survives before expiring, however, the bigger chances that she will become unrevivable, as she gets a little too cooked...!


Bonus FishGutter game: Scavenge-her


You must play this game to collect one of items Sleethe wants. As a Lizard-Girl, Alanna must wander their village, while every Lizardman in sight attempts to forcibly mate with her. While she is supposed to be safe, her Lizard Pendant is not fool-proof, and the more semen they get into her, the greater her odds of becoming a mindless impregnated Lizard-Girl permanently!

Depending on what Lizardmen you spoke to when you first liberated this village if you came back as a Lizard-Girl, there can be an extra danger during this game, but Alanna literally has to go looking for it... essentially, Alanna will either face danger by talking to that Lizardman as a Lizard-Girl right after freeing the village, or by doing something stupid during Scavenge-her.


Back to Viperia Garrison


After collecting the items Sleethe requires and playing the number of games he asked (three in regular mode, five in HardMode), go back to him in the Garrison and report. He will Give Alanna a list of items to pick up, and tell her she needs to go to the Burasta Wastes, all the way at the west edge of the Harbeez Plains. Alanna will therefore have to travel the whole way alone, so do be careful of all the monsters along the way!


Burasta Pass


As soon as Alanna enters, she gets trapped inside the pass by a landslide and her magic gets sealed; she also sprains her ankle, so cannot run. As soon as the talking is over, start moving, because the enemy is trying to crush her with boulders!

Keep a Save game just outside the Pass before starting, just in case; there have been reports of instant-death glitches after loading a mid-pass save. Otherwise, you get to save at the end of every section, and you then have to start moving immediately once you start the next section.

Try to stay as low in the pass as possible; if you follow the north wall, Alanna will end up doing a pancake impression. Or would that be, she will become a pancake, due to impression?


Burasta Wastes


While here, Alanna needs to collect all the supplies Sleethe requires to make the potion for Beatrice. To see the list, click on it in your Key Items.

As soon as you enter the wastes, you have two options as to what to do. You can go hunting harpies, climbing the mountains in the area to do so, or you can head into the cave at the north end of the wastes. Inside the cave you will have a single, tough battle, and if you survive it, an earthquake will open up access to the base of the volcano, too.

If you head straight at the nest you see in the mountain right near where you entered the wastes, you will find a single nest... what else you find there will depend on how you acted inside the Ludenska Menagerie.

Otherwise, there are three main Harpy nests where you can hunt the creatures, and three smaller ones where you'll find just a handful of them instead. You can get feathers directly from the harpies you kill, or can sometimes find some in their nests.

Be careful when fighting them; while they one of the few species in this game that are not trying to eat or somehow transform Alanna, they can deal quite a bit of damage and can knock her down with their wind-based attacks. On the other hand, they can dish it out, but can't particularly take it... they are rather vulnerable to wind spells themselves!

Under some circumstances, Alanna will find her restricted to hunting harpies only in the west-most mountain. This shouldn't be a particular problem in terms of getting the feathers she needs, however will block her from collecting a couple of pieces of gear in the other “main” nests. You can get around this restriction by visiting the other nests first of all the places in the wastes...

Ultimately, Alanna may not need to hunt harpies at all. She may encounter enough of them in the wastes, hunting her instead, that she may collect the feathers she needs naturally... though this is unlikely...


The Crystallisk


Hiding in the cave in the north mountains is a lone monster; the only other thing Alanna might want to collect here are a few piles of Burasta Ash, some hidden behind crystal statues or rock pillars.

The Crystallisk is a very powerful creature. Its basic attack will usually infect Alanna with a venom that causes a nearly-instantaneous transformation; she has exactly one turn to prevent her fate. However, it can also stun her with its gaze, so casting CounterStun before entering the last section of the cave is an extremely good idea!

It's venom that causes the transformation, so the Purify spell will remove it, and the Healage spell or a HealStone will stop it 80% of the time; however the Crystallisk is likely to just re-poison her immediately, and eventually she'll just run out of HP instead... which will give the same Game-Over result.

To stand up to the Crystallisk, Alanna should instead rely on a different spell that will block not the venom itself, but the transforming, cursing effect instead... though not even her strongest spells will keep her safe for long!


Burasta Volcano – ClayGirl Community


Once the Crystallisk is slain, Alanna can enter the volcano. Inside she will find a community of ClayGirls; females of various species that have been transformed into a state of slime-like clay, and who are trapped inside the volcano, enslaved by a powerful monster residing deep inside.

Alanna cannot get deeper inside the volcano as searing, red-hot stones block the way, and will burn her to death if she insists on trying to walk across them. However, if she enters a room in the upper right portion of the ClayGirl community, she will find a way to become a ClayGirl herself; ClayGirls, as they are partially earth themselves, can cross over that section of magma stone.

The problem, however, is that Alanna has to get to the magma stone as a ClayGirl... and as a ClayGirl, she is utterly defenseless against the StoneWaller monsters waiting everywhere to grab her. They will appear seemingly around every corner as she tries to make her way through the ClayGirl Community, but by following the right zig-zagging path through it, Alanna can avoid getting caught. She will need to start by heading downward instead of straight across the area toward the left, across the bottom of the area, and from there zig-zagging her way back up toward the lava flow.

When she gets close to the lava flow, Alanna can enter the room there and she will be able to save her game again. However, entering any other rooms is likely to reset her progress in evading the StoneWallers, and she'll have to re-do at least a section of her careful sneaking around...


The actual Volcano


Once she enters the volcano itself, Alanna has a short time before her mind succumbs to the powerful mind-control of the ClayLord. Make sure to enter the cave near the entrance to get Alanna turned back into her human self! This means she is no longer in danger from the mind-control powers, but as a human everything inside the volcano will be after her delightful body... for all kinds of reasons!

If turned back into a ClayGirl, don't panic. Alanna has time to reach another Healing Spring, and there are some spots she can only reach by being a ClayGirl. But, don't wait too long to get to that Spring, and remember that she can't jump over the lava geysers as a ClayGirl!

After Alanna has reached part-way back down into the volcano from the crater, the monsters will get even more aggressive. Whereas before Clay Brutes would drop Alanna after converting her into a ClayGirl and ignore her, now they will chase her down and violate her until her mind fades into subservience. Her mind will also fade more quickly while she's traveling as a ClayGirl, so bear that in mind as well.


The Volcano Core


As soon as you enter the core, Alanna will know she's in for a fight. Take the opportunity to re-equip her with some of the ice-type gear she may have picked up; it may make a big difference against the first boss. Be sure to save, too, of course!

The first boss, the Lava Golem, is very much a fire-based enemy, and fighting him should be relying on ice-based skills. However, damage reduction --- through both gear and magical means --- will probably be your main priority. He has the same weakness that the AshMasters have, and in the same circumstances.

Against the Clay Lord, Alanna's focus should be preventing his detrimental effects. During the short pause between fights, make sure to heal her up, and on the first turn, cast an Anti-Curse spell. If the Anti-Curse falls and he converts her into a ClayGirl, don't wait too long to use “Clear Mind” to shake off his mind-control effects!




Alanna will be brought safely back to the ClayGirl Community, and she will find that all the residents there have become much happier and non-hostile. She can now wander the area freely, and can be escorted back to the Volcano core at any time by the Lava Golem to speak with the Volcano Spirit back in control.

Alanna can now freely give herself to the StoneWallers to play with, and can willingly let a Clay Brute turn her into a Clay Girl! Be aware that you can also purchase Harpy Feathers from the item shop here now, so technically Alanna never had to kill a single Harpy in Wastes if that was what she wanted.


Turning in the Ingredients


As soon as you leave the volcano, the Volcano Spirit will clear the exit pass for you. If you've collected all the Ingredients you need, then by all means, head back to Viperia Garrison. As before, be very careful crossing the Harbeez Plains; the monsters there are still very much a hazard to Alanna while she's alone.

Return to the Garrison, and visit Sleethe in the main gathering hall again. He will tell Alanna she needs to wait a few days while he concocts the potions; during this time, she needs to find something to pass the time, though you can still sell him the excess ingredients from the volcano. While you can certainly visit Viperia Isle again, but that's not how to burn up those few days. Instead, have Alanna check out the east wing of the Garrison; walk over to get a real close look at the action...


The Farm


Through a rather confusing set of events, Alanna ends up turned into a milk-or-meat animal! It could be a very short experience, and one that doesn't end well for her; right from the start, she needs to obey orders properly, because even just getting jabbed too often with a cattle prod (the electric-shock one, not the turn-into-a-cowgirl one) will end up being fatal for her!

Once Alanna gets through the exit from the Garrison, she will be taken to the barn. Once there, she can have a drink from the water trough to recover, and for you to save your game.

Once time runs out, they will expect all the Cow-Girls to line up. You need to choose Alanna's position in line, and have a short time to decide it or it will be randomized. Just remember that being one of the first may make Alanna a “good girl,” and being one of the last will make her a “bad girl,” but you'll need to find just the right balance of obedience and reluctance to get Alanna out of the first section of the barn with both her mind and her meat intact...!

In the second section, Alanna must find the right combination of foods so that she produces enough milk, it's not tasting too disgusting, and it's not so delicious that they leash her into a milking stall forever. To test the quality and quantity of Alanna's milk, have her consult the apprentice milker in the upper left of the area. Once she gives the okay, Alanna will be safe to leave the area by “speaking” to the farmhand waiting in the middle of the area. Just bear in mind that the apprentice milker will squeeze out one single unit of milk, which can leave Alanna just that one unit too low to meet the demands...!


The Farm Pasture


Alanna has a set length of time to explore. You can save her game at every watering trough, and if you want to skip forward to the end of the day, speak to the cows waiting by the barn to do so. Just be aware that skipping to evening will prevent Alanna from collecting one weapon that she will be unable to find anywhere else in the game.

If you choose to have her wander around looking for that weapon (or just having fun with the peril), make sure to save often at those watering troughs, as every thing she sniffs at while grazing could end up being her last! She may find things behind trees, and have no idea what she's sniffing at before it's too late...!


Farm Invasion


Monsters have gotten into the pasture just as the cows are being sent in for the night. Alanna can follow the herd meekly, sealing her fate as a cow, or can try to escape the pasture somehow. Just be aware that many things will be hunting her, now, and that she will be staggering around at times, her bovine mind very skittish! You can find something to prevent that skittishness for a short time, however, if you want to risk looking around for it... though you may already know what has that effect from looking around earlier. However any that were “consumed” earlier during pasture time will still be gone for this more desperate time now when they would actually help...!

Once you get back to the Garrison, don't just blindly run through. Alanna has to find a way to get herself turned back into a human before time runs out, and trying to handle stairs in her four-legged state is not a good idea...


Healing Beatrice


Once Alanna is herself again, it turns out enough time has passed for Sleethe to have completed the potions Alanna needed. Head over to see him in the usual spot, and he will give Alanna not only the means to cure Beatrice, but also to infiltrate the enemy army and do massive damage.

Head back to Ludenska and go into the dockhouse, and “speak” to Beatrice to heal her. After that, it will be time to head out into the Harbeez Plains again, but this time, head straight for the gap in the line of enemy tents near Arkheva. Unlike every time previously, this time Alanna will not immediately get a Game Over... though there will certainly be many opportunities for that coming up...!


Army Infiltration


Alanna is invisible and incorporeal, but if she is hit by anything magical or otherwise strongly elemental, she will instantly be obliterated in one of many ways. As such, it is important not to pass too close to any mages or healers, who will be able to sense her and blast her, and to not let Alanna end up too close to open flames, strong magical winds, or unusual cold.

Alanna also has to be careful not to jab at the males with her TG Rod if a nearby mage or healer is looking right at her, although sometimes being on the opposite side of the victim from the mage or healer will cover the moment Alanna pulls out the Rod.

You can save the game after every section, and this is a good idea if only to avoid having to re-do the entire infiltration if Alanna fails in the last section. In that last section, Alanna will have to make some quick decisions, and with every decision, only one option will keep her alive!

When it comes time to set the supplies on fire, think twice about where Alanna should stand to do so. Give her some space to back away, and afterward be careful of running into any unfortunate souls who may have caught fire from the blast!

Regardless of anything you try, Alanna will have to retreat without having accomplished her final goal of wiping out all the men and their leader, Altorios. Following that, however, Alanna will find herself in the rare situation (for her, at least) of being unable to help as the rest of the women in the rebellion have to fight...!


The Battle for South Tagero


This is it; winning this battle will free all of South Tagero for the women, or put an end to the rebellion once and for all. It's going to be a very busy battle, but though it will begin by looking very dire for Alanna and Beatrice, you just need to survive long enough for things to start looking progressively more balanced... and then some...!

The biggest thing is to protect Beatrice's unit; if she gets wiped out, Alanna will be exterminated and the battle will be lost. Draw the enemy eastward, and you will thus avoid having to deal with the entire eight-unit force immediately; your allies will be coming from there to begin with, as well.

Once your fourth unit appears, carefully consider what enemy unit to have them attack, as they will replenish the women in your units by freeing them of the effects of the Obedience Potions. Beatrice's unit, of course, should be the priority to strengthen, but don't let the other units get wiped out, instead...!

It should be noted that Altorios is a much better general than any others you've faced; most enemy units will change targets a few times during the battle, and he will spread out their targets with the goal of wiping out your specialty units.

Once allies start appearing from Arkheva, it's very easy to forget about them if most of the action is happening in the east. If you want to draw the enemy that way, well, by all means...



For Version 1.3.9d:


-Fixed the friendly Red Harpy, Fleeka, popping over to an unreachable area in the lower right of her area, in the version where she has a human male mate with her.


-Changed the location of the dead LizardWoman in the demon pit beneath the TongueFlicker Lizardman Clan so that in regular mode, you can pick up the

“emergency” holy weapon sooner. In HardMode, she's still at the end of the area.


-Added a little bonus event in the TongueFlicker Clan in post-liberation South Tagero.

Alanna can earn herself a bonus item there now, one of two possible. She can only

do the event once, and which item she gets depends on how she acts throughout it.


-Several Lizardmen interactions have been added to the Medusakin Crossing after

the liberation of South Tagero.


-Added the ShySSMedusan event in the Medusakin Crossing.


-Added the Butt-preferring Desert Medusan as a Self-stun option in the Medusakin Crossing.


-Left at least some indicators about possible room uses in future in the Medusakin Crossing.


-Fixed the blacksmith in the STIFFF continuing her “clanging” sound when she was off screen after you talked to her at all.


-Fixed a couple more instances of Medusakin or Lizardmen appearing in random places before South Tagero has been Liberated.



Review by Ph1234

Version reviewed: 1.3.8c on 09/22/2024

First of all: incredibly fleshed out story, can't wait to see more. I didn't know I had a thing for some of the fetishes included here; well you never stop learning ;)

Story 9.5/10:
Best story I have played on here. Incredibly fleshed out characters for this type of game. Some nice humor, game mechanics which are included in the lore, great worldbuilding and quite a positive atmosphere, although being set in a brutal world.
All in all very well done!

Especially looking forward to more action in the medusa section (Expecting lots of kinky stuff from our hardcore medusa friends on the way out!).

Combat 5/10:
Reading the other reviews, some people seem to struggle with the combat parts. While I admit I too sometimes got annoyed by the sheer amount of them, you level quite fast and there always are some tricks or methods to trivialize most encounters or areas.


Graphics 3/10 (7/10 considering my preferences):
Not the main aspect of the game. BUT I like the idea of the artist using simple graphics to showcase a setting or animate an event. For me the story is far more important than graphics, but I can't get immersed in text only games - so I am quick to compromise on that aspect.

Tldr.: Great story, maybe a bit too much combat, simple graphics. In my opinion one of the gems on the site.

Review by reapercrew69

Version reviewed: 1.3.8c on 09/20/2024


As a few of the other reviews stated, there's way too many time consuming forced battles in this game for me to bother to try to follow any story that might be there.

I stopped a little after the MC had no option but to drink "potion(s)" making the MC not able to do any real damage what seemed to be about half the time in already long battles. 

There's also reviews of people enjoying the game/battles, so it's just boils down to personal style of game play you look for as to enjoying or not enjoying this game.



Review by Munchman

Version reviewed: 1.3.7a on 07/13/2024

One of my Fav games, Latest Update added so much good stuff...

So much I want to say but overall it's just a great game for a lot of different kinks.

Review by draggodragon

Version reviewed: 1.3.4 on 12/03/2023

Good story bad game.

Game's story and TF purposes are actually pretty intresting but this would be better off as a book than an actual game. So many forced battles that are just a slog to get through. Game badly needs a skip battle button/story mode so I can enjoy the story prestend withoth dealing with the frustrating grab mechanic and hundreds of forced battles.

Review by netuttki

Version reviewed: 1.2.6 on 06/24/2021

An interesting story buried under hours of clicking and clicking to get through the pointless battle scenes. 

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