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Flexible Survival
by Valente

Synopsis: An almost unstoppable wave of nanite infections has spread all over the city you are living in, with the infected shifting to new shapes and taking on characteristics of their changed forms. It is up to you to survive till the military finally moves in and rescues you. Or maybe you want to do more than just survive - you could revel in the new forms the nanites can shift you to, meet other survivors and help them, or enslave them, or do any number of things. Variety is the name of the game, and there is a whole lot to find, try out and enjoy in Flexible Survival...

Adult themes: Transformation, plus countless different interests and fetishes to find here or there - to name a few: submissive/dominant content, impregnation, mind control, bestiality, tentacles, prostitution, bondage (light and hard), vore, etc. (complete with the option to selectively disable what you don't want to see). There's something for everyone there.

NPC/Character Gender: Males, Females, Herms, Trans, Neuters - Any gender's welcome, you can become anything and have fun with everything.

Monsters/Infections: Currently 218 different shapes of creatures to meet/fight/fuck/transform into. Furries (anthro & feral), elves, demons, angels, robots, tentacle beasts, dragons, goo, centaurs, cavemen, ...

NPCs: 173 named characters you can meet in your travels, most of which can be fucked/saved/enslaved/... Many have their own quests and go through changes depending on player choices.

Development: Flexible Survival a cooperative group project, with many writers and coders who contribute, creating new content according to personal desires, or following patreon subscriber's or commissioner's wishes. One or more updates in a given month, with a post on the blog presenting everything that is new every month.

FS Blog:  http://blog.flexiblesurvival.com/

FS Discord Channel:  https://discord.gg/gZG2nw6

Patreon:  https://www.patreon.com/FS?ty=h

Set in a city besieged with the flexible infection, you will play the part of a man, or woman, who escaped into a bunker before it all went to hell. You have 30 days to survive, find survivors, fight monsters, try to avoid becoming a monster (maybe? Up to you). Get a score at the end depending on how well you did.

Hi everyone, this is Wahn again with the Flexible Survival News for December 2017.



For those who want to support further development of Flexible Survival, we do have a Patreon set up. Reward options include voting on polls for choosing content additions every week, as well as character artwork or even a private project each month.

In regards to the FS Patreon, I do want to thank everyone who contributes. Provided that the current contributions are kept up, we will now have fivepatreon polls for new content each month, with a sixth poll being a definite possiblity if a few more people join up.  




Brennan: The human survivor now wants to investigate Camp Bravo, which leads to a trip to the hospital in the aftermath.
Candy: Candy the candy striper raccoon has gotten a well-deserved expansion, improving his sex scenes and opening up a storyline about his past.
Content Flags: Ban and Ward Flags have been updated to run in a new menu, with additional flags being added. (It'll take a while till all our content makes use of these, so be patient about those)
Danny: The foto safari of the naughty mall rat now has another chapter, leading you and him to the zoo, to encounter the zebra stallion.
Editing and Improvements: The Naga, Alpha Husky, Arctic Fox, Greek Nymph, parts of the Shag Shack, and the Shrinking Shrooms scenes have been thoroughly edited, improving their quality for your enjoyment.
Family Fun: You can now pick up the trace of a young man called Wayne, his best friend Luther as well as Wayne's father and their relationships with one another in a new outside event. This includes to naughty videotapes, so be sure to grab the camera to watch them.
Feral Mutt: A new feral dog enemy has been added to the game. Fight, dominate or submit to these wild beasts inhabiting the junkyard.
Hanu: The zoo of the monkey has his content expanded, and tied in with Wukong of the Museum. If the two simians clash, a new creature will start to stroll the alleys of the zoo
Hospital Quest: Fixed a bug preventing progress in this quest line. It was caused by some background changes on how combat was handled.
Hunting: Some underlying errors in the code for hunting have been resolved, hopefully fixing any trouble people may have had with it.
Katya: A small but critical error in Katya's has been resolved, restoring her "domination" path to its intended length.
Krampus: The goat-demon Krampus has moved into a cave adjoining the Christmas Village. Those who deserve some punishment by the dominant anthro can go seek him out.
Malakhi: A young male zookeeper intern turned human-panther hybrid is now roaming the zoo, playing pranks, feeding the animals and hanging out with his anthro panther trainer. Happy hunting for the 5 events in series for him.
Nermine: The sexy times that you can have with Nermine as a jackalman have been polished up and put into an all new sex menu, to be expanded with more scenes in the coming weeks.
New Artwork: Brennan now has full body art, and Malakhi comes with two pictures right from the get-go. The Ebonflame Draken also got some new artwork.
New Artwork: The Tiger Shark Warrior and the Pirate Shark also have gotten full body art, drawn by Zealot.
Ogres: Three ogres now roam the junkyard, to be encountered by the player.
Player Name: You can now give your character a name. Either do this in the game start menu or use the command "rename " to change it from the default unnamed player to whatever you may desire. Bit by bit, we will update existing npcs in the coming weeks and months to make use of this for introductions and so on.
Pregnancy Blessing: Miyuki the ice fox (found in the forest) will now offer a quest to help her prepare blessings for expectant parents. These will greatly decrease the strain of birth, and give a little stamina boost on top of that.
Roman, Twin Rats: Typos fix. Bad ending for Roman's quest fixed
Shadow Beast: Player victory scenes have been added to the tentacled cats in the underground of the Trevor Labs. 
Video Camera & Tapes: There is now a functional video camera to be found in the city, and also a number of video tapes. These will allow the interesting scenes recorded on them to be re-played whenever you want.
Zebra: The Zebra now has an interest in submissive male players. He is now able to be dominated by players of any persuasion who best him in battle. New endings have been added for Zebra form players, also tied to the dominant/submissive traits.

Recruitment Drive

First of all - we do have a whole bunch of new writers, coders and editors - eager to craft new content for FS. My thanks to all of them and the awesome new content they have created.

Of course, this does not mean that the recruitment drive is over. 

If you do want to join up and contribute writing, editing, programming or artwork, please do visit the FS Discord here and contact me.

Themed Months


Besides various ongoing projects, small and large expansions of FS are being directed to one 'focus area' each month. This was the Smith Haven Mall for SeptemberCollege Campus in OctoberBeach in November, Zoo in December and January will be the Dry Plains Month. Expect more updates for that area as the month progresses.

Writer for Hire / Commissions


Thanks to our new and greatly increased number of writers, we are even more ready than before to fulfill any wishes for new content specific to your desires. If you are interested in commissioning us, please do contact me on the FS Discord - then we can find the right writer for your project. The going rate for hired writing is 15$/hour.


Here an example of some new FS game art, a picture of Brennan, drawn by the talented Sinealas. The new graphics windows allows us to show images like this with far more resolution in the game.



Furthermore, Watsup and Valsalia have graciously allowed us access to numerous pictures of their work, which we will integrate into FS bit by bit.

Review by Baylith

Version reviewed: 08202020 on 08/21/2020

The game itself is fine. Good details, would engine.

Only thing I don't like is how hard it is to find what you are looking for without cheats.

But what I really love about this game is the replayability, and the various way that you can still 'win'

Generally, getting fucked is a bad thing in the survival sim porn games.

Here, you can make it your path to victory.

Sub build, Dom build, combat build, they all work.

Getting turned into a freaky Chimera not your thing? You can set it to single species body with a free perk, or even play a game mode where you don't change your species at all.

This starts as a porn game, but when that gets boring, you have so much more to do.

Review by DarthSparda

Version reviewed: 11022018 on 12/01/2018

Amazing game! love alot of the writing for many of the scenes that the game has.  It's really hard to figure things out at first but once you understand it by tinkering here and there you can actually start playing the game.  Huge drawback is the creator focuses many of his or her efforts into the multiplayer version I've tried that version and have found it to be extremely lacking compared to its outstanding single player version.  Would highly recommend converting all the extra content that the multiplayer has into singleplayer that would draw in many more players in my opinion. 

12/1/2018 Updating my review as always I really enjoy the writing and the new content was well played great job!  Little to no bugs that I noticed from this version and the ones that I noticed have already been reported on the creators discord so that's some good backing you have there.  Reading the previous reviews on here I have no idea why they are complaining about the military aspect of the game I found noting offensive and I'm a veteran.  I can assure anyone that's here reading this that the military accusations are very far fetched and to ignore them please.  I would really hate to discourage the creator from no longer producing any more content as this is a great game that I enjoy playing.  I encourage others to please only write constructive reviews and remind them that this is free to play so if you have time to complain go play something else.  Maybe better yet please go through the hardships of creating something from nothing and make your own game if you have the brain cells to learn how to code.  To the creator keep up the great work and as always I look forward to your next update! ^^

Review by the Morrigan

Version reviewed: 11022018 on 11/12/2018

The "Play Now" button is NOT for linking to yet another discussion forum.


Review by Sandow

Version reviewed: 11022018 on 11/11/2018

The game is great and fun, one of the first games I played on this site.

To militarists against this game: Military exists to kill people. The US military exists to fight over oil and take taxpayers' money. So please shut up. Poor you, you get PTSD when killing people. Get over it. You could choose your job. How insecure are you if you can't take a joke? (If you would say anything about terrorists I could remind you that all major terrorist organizations were either financed by the US or were created in countries where the US and USSR fueled war conflicts)

Review by Volendi

Version reviewed: 08022018 on 11/10/2018

This game is a fun diversion, with a bit of replayability.  Never felt the need to post a review until now tho...  my granddad was a veteran of Korea, and my mom was an army brat.  This is a fictional world, and should be treated as such.  That someone would go so far as to make multiple accounts to bash this game several times is disgrsceful, and brings more disgrace to the military than a fictional game ever could.  Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, ofc, but to go so far as to print multiple bad reviews to spew venom is uncalled for.  This is a good game, for what it is, and enjoyable.  The plot and "reasons" for the TF's scare me, since I could see it or something like Andromeda Strain or Captain Trips from Stephen King's The Stand.  That being ssaid, some of it is HILARIOUS!  Oh, you're in a history exhibit when you're infected?  THOU SHALL BE NYMPH'ed   Tho some of the choices may not be to others' tastes, nobody should take this game too seriously, it feels a bit of a parody to stuff like Mad Max, or that Death Race movie (run over people for points!  Who thought of that? *shudders*).  At least it's not a city inexplicably in a desert, like Resident Evil: Extinction, and such.

Total Games: 2,269
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,552
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
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