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Night Games

Night Games

Night Games is designed as a hybrid between an RPG about a friendly arena style battlefucking competition and a dating sim where you build relationships with your opponents. Rather than random enemy encounters, all the opponents are distinct, persistent NPCs, with fleshed out personalities who use the same combat and experience systems as the player.

Combat skills are split between three basic attributes: Power, Cunning, and Seduction. You can build your character around your style of play. Do you want to incapacitate and pin your opponent before finishing her off? Maybe you prefer sneaky tricks and traps to outwit your opponent. Maybe you just want to be a pure sex machine. Later in the game, you have the opportunity to gain advanced attributes, opening up additional skill trees and unlocking new opponents.

The game loop is split into distinct day/night phases:

  • Each night the Player and NPCs roam the campus, engaging in sex fights when they meet. It is possible to set traps and lay ambushes for your opponents to give yourself the edge in combat. You and will gain money and experience for defeating your opponents and stealing their panties. However your opponents will be gaining money and experience for beating you and each other.
  • Each day, you will have some free time to prepare for your match. You can use the time to train or buy items and equipment for use in the match. Alternatively, you can spend some intimate time with your NPC opponents, which will grant access to unique gameplay perks if you build enough affection with them.

You don't really know why you're going to the Student Union in the middle of the night. You'd have to be insane to accept the invitation you received this afternoon. Seriously, someone is offering you money to sexfight a bunch girls? You're more likely to get mugged (though you're not carrying any money) or murdered if you show up. Best case scenerio, it's probably a prank for gullible freshmen. You have no good reason to believe the invitation is on the level, but here you are, walking into the empty Student Union.

Not quite empty, it turns out. The same woman who approached you this afternoon greets you and brings you to a room near the back of the building. Inside, you're surprised to find three quite attractive girls. After comparing notes, you confirm they're all freshmen like you and received the same invitation today. You're surprised, both that these girls would agree to such an invitation, and that you\'re the only guy here. For the first time, you start to believe that this might actually happen.

After a few minutes of awkward small talk (though none of these girls seem self-conscious about being here), the woman walks in again leading another girl. Embarrassingly you recognize the girl, named Cassie, who is a classmate of yours, and who you've become friends with over the past couple weeks. She blushes when she sees you and the two of you consciously avoid eye contact while the woman explains the rules of the competition.

There are a lot of specific points, but the rules basically boil down to this: competitors move around the empty areas of the campus and engage each other in sexfights. When one competitor orgasms, the other gets a point and can claim their clothes. Additional orgasms between those two players are not worth any points until the loser gets a replacement set of clothes at either the Student Union or the first floor of the dorm building. It seems to be customary, but not required, for the loser to get the winner off after a fight, when it doesn't count. After three hours, the match ends and each player is paid for each opponent they defeat, each set of clothes taken, and a bonus for whoever scores the most points.

After the explanation, she confirms with each participant whether they are still interested in participating. Everyone agrees. The first match starts at exactly 10:00.

Starting Participants:

The Player: A male college freshman who has just received an invite to a secret sex-fighting competition.


Cassie Brooke: A shy, somewhat geeky girl, who seems out of place in a sex-fight. However, what she lacks in sexual experience, she makes up for with enthusiasm. Her barely hidden crush on the player started before they joined the Games. She uses a balanced combat style.


Mara Cyr: A petite, brilliant troublemaker. Mara\'s genius gets her out of almost as much trouble as it gets her into. She spends most of her waking hours working on her engineering projects and uses sex-fighting to blow off steam. She uses a cunning focused combat style.


Angel Hart: A tall, busty blonde with a sexy body and a gorgeous face. She\'s a nymphomaniac with equal interest in men and women. She spends most of her free time with a group of her close friends who are almost as sexually open as she is. She uses a seduction focused combat style.


Jewel Silvers: A tomboy at heart with the looks of a supermodel. She has a passion for martial arts and doesn't hesitate to fight dirty. She tends to be sexually aggressive and dominant in bed, but she'll give herself to any guy who can best her in a fight. She uses a power focused combat style.

Unlockable Participants:


Reyka: A succubus summoned into the competition by a dark ritual. She hunts and fucks men for both sport and sustenance. Her combat style relies on her demonic power as a succubus.


Kat Hawk: A shy girl possessed by a horny cat spirit. Whenever she becomes aroused, she turns into a shameless and playful catgirl. Her combat style makes use of her animal instincts, making her stronger as she gets more horny.


Yui Ishida: The successor to an old ninja tradition. Despite being a virgin, she has extensive training in assassination and sexual arts. Her combat style is based on her ninjutsu skills.


Eve Ranger: A hermaphroditic nymphomaniac. She is way more interested in fucking her opponents than in actually winning. Her combat style uses her ability to share her fetishes with her opponent.


Samantha Daniels: A high class escort with a mastery of sexual techniques. She has a knockout body and knows how to show it off. Her combat style sticks to basic sexual techniques that become incredibly effective with repeat use.


Stamina: Represents your overall energy and tolerance for pain. Taking pain damage lowers your stamina and if it hits zero, you will be temporarily stunned. While recovering from being stunned, your stamina will refill rapidly. Stamina also slowly recovers over time.

Arousal: Represents your closeness to orgasm. Taking pleasure skills raises your arousal. If it hits maximum, you will climax and lose the fight. Arousal is decreased by pain and empties when orgasming.

Mojo: An abstract representation of your confidence and momentum. Many simple skills raise your mojo and it is used for powerful skills. Mojo decreases rapidly out of combat so you’ll start most fights with it empty.


Primary Attributes – Increasing these will unlock new skills

Power: Used for skills that cause pain and lower opponents’ stamina. Power also makes it easier to break out of holds. A character that focuses on Power will use direct attacks to weaken and immobilize their opponents, pleasuring them to orgasm when they’re helpless.

Seduction: Used for skills that pleasure your opponent and raise their arousal. Pleasure skills often hard to evade or counter. A character that focuses on Seduction will quickly tease and pleasure their opponent to orgasm, sometimes even before they’ve stripped them naked.

Cunning: Used for utility skills and creating traps and potions outside of combat. Cunning also provides bonuses to evading attacks and stripping opponents. A character that focuses on Cunning tries to always have the advantage on their opponent, often even before the fight begins.


Secondary Attributes

Speed: Speed provides bonuses to both accuracy and evasion as well as determining whose skill hits first.

Perception: Perception is both a strength and a weakness. High perception improves the odds of detecting nearby opponents and avoiding traps. It also provides information on your opponent’s current stamina and arousal. However, high Perception makes you more sensitive to many pleasure skills, so you will orgasm faster.

The Match Rules

  • Matches start at 10:00pm and end at 1:00am.
  • Participants start in locations scattered around the campus and hunt each other.
  • When two participants meet, a fight begins.
  • The first participant to bring the other to orgasm wins the fight, gets a point, and claims their opponent’s clothes.
  • If both participants orgasm simultaneously, they both get a point and claim each others’ clothes.
  • After a fight, the two participants may not fight each other again until the loser replaces their clothes in one of the resupply areas.
  • When the match ends, each participant is paid for each point they scored, for each pair of underwear they turn in, and a bonus for whoever got the most points.


  • Classes take up the morning and early afternoon, but you have seven hours each day to prepare for your next match.
  • Aesop, your information broker, will suggest ways to spend your free time. Most of these suggestions will not be free.
  • Dating:
    • Aesop will sell you information on how to meet your opponents during the day. They may not initially be interested in spending time with you, but they’ll become more attracted to you as you fight them each night.
    • Once the girl is interested in you, you’ll have a few options. Sparring gives you both the chance to increase Power. Playing games gives you both the chance to increase Cunning. Having sex gives you both the chance to increase Seduction. These options will also increase the girl’s affection toward you. When it gets high enough, you may learn some rare skills.

Monster Girl Hunter:

  • Added Lick Pussy Art for Yui
  • Added Blowjob Art for Samantha
  • Added Kick Art for Jewel
  • Added Dildo Art for Kat
  • Added Angel/Reyka Threesome scene by Anon64
  • Added Angel/Cassie Threesome scene by Lica
  • Added Angel Night off scene by Lica
  • Added Jewel Night Off scene by WT Cash
  • Added Kat sex scene by CK, gives new perk: Affectionate
  • Added Yui intercourse defeat scene by Rex
  • Added Mara draw scene by WT Cash
  • Added extended Mara faerie play scene by Banana at high Arcane levels
  • Added Magic training scene
  • Added Faerie Prince and Princess to replace normal summons at Arcane 24
  • Added Faerie Princess art
  • Added Shadow Fingers upgrade to Dark Tendrils at Dark 24
  • Added new skill Beastform at Animism 18
  • Added new Flask Potent Aphrodisiac
  • Added new Potion Furry Elixir, which gives Beastform
  • Furry Elixir only spawns if player has unlocked Kat
  • Added modified sprites for NPCs affected by Beastform
  • Beastform gives a temporary tail, making it possible for the player to use Tailjob or Tail Peg while it's active
  • Added new Consumable Power Band, which gives Prismatic Form
  • Added several new components used to craft toy upgrades
  • Added new daytime activity "Your Room"
  • Your Room contains an improved version of the Clothing Change menu
  • Added long term project: The Way of the Golden Cock
  • The Way of the Golden Cock can checked and advanced in Your Room
  • Advancing the Way of the Golden Cock gives some passive bonuses
  • Completing the Way of the Golden Cock lets player use the Golden Cock powerup in combat
  • Added The Gauntlet to Angel's daytime visits
  • The Gauntlet involves trying to endure the sex techniques of Angel and her friends
  • Completing all four phases of The Gauntlet requires at least 340 max Arousal
  • Completing The Gauntlet gives the Legendary T-Shirt, which provides serious bonuses
  • Added long term project/toy: Sexcalibur
  • Sexcalibur is a new sex toy that can be upgraded at your room
  • Components to upgrade Sexcalibur can be found in Item Caches
  • Different attachments for Sexcalibur can be crafted based on advanced Attributes
  • Arcane attachment: drains Mojo from opponents
  • Science attachment: dissolves clothing
  • Ki attachment: restores Stamina
  • Dark attachment: bonus pleasure if target is Horny
  • Fetish attachment: bonus pleasure based on user's arousal
  • Animism attachment: bonus pleasure if Feral or Beastform
  • Ninjutsu attachment: Sexcalibur can't miss
  • Added alternate text to a large number of skills
  • Insatiable handicap is no longer offered to players who already have Insatiable
  • Fixed an issue checking Fuck Target challenge
  • Raised reward for Kissing challenge
  • Raised reward for Clothed Win challenge
  • Added a Complete tag to challeges in inventory after fulfilling them
  • Fixed an issue with Yui's doubleteam vs Eve
  • Doubled Challenge envelope spawn rates
  • Removed Mojo bonus to Trip
  • Blindside now has more reasonable accuracy roll
  • Dark Talisman should be usable now (I implemented it over a year ago, but forgot to add it to the global skillpool. Sorry)
  • Treasure Seeker feat is significantly buffed
  • Enthralling Traps are now craftable by players with 9+ Dark
  • Players with 9+ Dark will gain Semen (required for Enthralling Traps) by successfully Masturbating during a match.
  • Added Semen to high level item caches
  • Overhauled Item Cache scaling. They are now on tiers based on Rank
  • Added tooltips to all status effects
  • Status effects can now apply temporary traits
  • Fixed an issue with Onahole damage calculation
  • Unupgraded Dildo and Onahole now have lower damage range and deal finishing pleasure
  • New Dildo upgrade: Dildo Luber, automatically applies lubricant
  • New Dildo upgrade: Slimy Dildo
  • New Onahole upgrade: Onahole Vibrator
  • New Onahole upgrade: Slimy Onahole
  • New Crop upgrade: Keen, doubles Treasure Hunter crit chance
  • New Crop upgraade: Shock Crop
  • New Tickler upgrade: Tickler Powder, chance to apply Horny on contact
  • New Tickler upgrade: Fluffy Tickler
  • Changed calculations for WinningRequirement comments
  • Fixed some issues with statuses not stacking properly
  • Barrier skill now creates a much more powerful shield that scales with Arcane
  • Fixed a crash with NPCs using Strapons on Hard mode
  • Changed the Hard mode AI to prioritize winning over weakening opponents
  • Fixed an issue with Masochism on Hard mode
  • Fixed an issue with the Drowsy status from Angel's victory scene having the wrong target
  • Fixed a crash with Pleasure Bomb
  • Hopefully fixed a crash of unidentified cause
  • Fixed a crash when male faerie defeats fetish goblin
  • NPCs can now have multiple comments per situation
  • Romantic trait now provides a 20% increase to Kiss damage instead of a flat value
  • Reduced XP gain for intervening on a fight
  • Buffed Samantha's Pro Handjob and Pro Fingering
  • When choosing Attributes on level-up or training, it will list upcoming unlockable skills
  • You can also check unlockable skills in your room.
  • Fixed Angel's Night Off not having a sleep button at the end
  • Changed Tailjob and Tail Peg to not require a tail to learn, making them more compatible with Beast Form
  • Reduced Command Panel size on low resolution displays to make buttons more accessible
  • Reduced Change Clothes GUI height so it doesn't crowd the command panel on small displays
  • Fixed check for Max Arousal for first Way of the Cock stage
  • Increased Max Arousal requirement for last Way of the Cock stage
  • Fixed an issue in Steal Clothes
  • Nerfed Angel's Untouchable grudge
  • Fixed the extra message in Finger

Bugfix 3:

  • Fixed an issue with Magic Training cost not checking for correct amount
  • Fixed a logic issue with Sexcalibur usability
  • Fixed Masturbation not giving Semen item
  • Fixed Bounty Hunter perk not being applied
  • Fixed an issue when Yui uses Smoke Grenade
  • Fixed status duration not updating when stacking
  • Fixed the check for defeating Maya in Golden Cock
  • Reyka now always drops her trophy, because she doesn’t own underwear
  • Increased the knockdown resist from Braced
  • Taunt does more temptation damage and is guaranteed to inflict Shamed if used from dominant position
  • There is now a combat speed penalty if in submissive position
  • Fixed an issue with Arcane clothing giving Seduction bonus
  • Fixed an issue with Streaker feat giving Ninjutsu bonus
  • Fixed Binding missing from upcoming skill list
  • Fixed completion checks for several challenges
  • Added missing descriptions for adaptive Strip Bottoms
  • Added Very Fast Learner to global feat pool. It was implemented but not added
  • Added missing text for Tail Peg
  • Fixed a logic issue with Tail Peg usability
  • Fixed Slap being labeled as Tiger Claw before the skill is unlocked
  • Fixed Exhibitionist not getting added at Fetish 3
  • Removed the Mojo building from Diversion


Premium Only:
  • Added Jewel Sex art
  • Added Kat Sparring art
  • Added Angel Sparring art
  • Added Cassie and Angel Threesome art

Review by Saprophyte

Version reviewed: on 08/22/2022

Pretty great game, all in all, one of my favourite on the site.

It starts strong, and there's a lot of content to explore. Mechanically, the fights that the protagonist has to engage in nightly are quite well done: there are multiple viable strategies based on different attributes and perks you can get for your protagonist, different skills synergize, there are all kinds of consumables and rule changes that can be offered to you at the start of the match, you have an equipment piece the development of which is a long-term multistage project (again dependent on your protagonist's skills). I wouldn't quite say that the night side of the game is "easy to learn difficult to master", but it does require you to update your strategies as your opponents don't just grow in power, but branch into different advanced skill lines as well. (Don't repeat my errors and sit on the money you win, you can learn a point in advanced skills at any time for money from the trainers, as many times per day as you want).

The day side of the game is also rather enjoyable as the protagonist gets to know his competition - friendly atmosphere is maintained throughout, and while I find the interactions to be described in a bit too wordy a manner, most girls are pleasant to interact with (Mara is particular gives off strong cute gremlin energy).

The art is very good, where present (except for a single image for missionary position that is for some reason pretty outrageous). Your competitors have chibi versions for when you interact during the day and dolls you see during the nightly fights, with the clothes they are wearing (which you, of course, can and should remove) visually represented. Furthermore, it's pretty neat that the advanced skill lines the girls take are also represented on their images, modifying their appearance and clothes set (which is I guess is as far as TFs go in this game).

There are but two downsides that I didn't quite enjoy. First, the development of the aforementioned multistage project you have largely depends on random drops you might find during the matches, and I haven't found a way to get the components needed otherwise for any amount of money. Get unlucky with the RNG, and it can stall for weeks. Second (and cruicial, let me underscore, crucial), one of the match modifiers is "beast mode" for your competitors that gives them hightened attributes and, as per the description, animal ears and tails. The assets for said ears and tails are in the jar, but they are not displayed on the dolls you see while in combat! Literally unplayable!

PS: it should be noted that the creator's site has a much newer version of the game here http://www.silverbardgames.com/night-games/, as well as a wiki that covers a lot of the non-obvious mechanics.

Review by rarkon

Version reviewed: on 06/08/2018

This game is amazing. Loved the combat engine, and the different item you can use. The artwork is very well done. Great game overall.

Review by rudeawaken

Version reviewed: on 05/25/2018

this is the original game, you need java to run it.

Review by maria94

Version reviewed: on 03/12/2018

please explain how to run it

Review by darkfurry4

Version reviewed: on 02/24/2018

The body shop is part of the modded version found on fenoxo's forums here: https://forum.fenoxo.com/threads/nightgames-mod-v2-5-1-2-updated-2-11-17.65/


However, there is still some minor tf involved ingame (growing wings, the animism path).

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