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Version: 0.06.44

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Version: 0.06.40

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Version: 0.06.38

Version: 0.06.37

Version: 0.06.36

Version: 0.06.35

Version: 0.06.34

Version: 0.06.33

Version: 0.06.32

Version: 0.06.31

Version: 0.06.30

Version: 0.06.29

Version: 0.06.28

Version: 0.06.27

Version: 0.06.26

Version: 0.06.25

Version: 0.06.24

Version: 0.06.23

Version: 0.06.22

Version: 0.06.21

Version: 0.06.20

Version: 0.06.19

Version: 0.06.18

Version: 0.06.17

Version: 0.06.16

Version: 0.06.15

Version: 0.06.14

Version: 0.06.13

Version: 0.06.12

Version: 0.06.11

Version: 0.06.10

Version: 0.06.09

Version: 0.06.08

Version: 0.06.07

Version: 0.06.06

Version: 0.06.05

Version: 0.06.04

Version: 0.06.03

Version: 0.06.02

Version: 0.06.01

Version: 0.06.00

Version: 0.05.10

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Version: 0.04.14

Version: 0.04.13

Version: 0.04.12

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Version: 0.04.09

Version: 0.04.08

Version: 0.04.07

Version: 0.04.06

Bikini Armour RPG
by Tinn

This is a tabletop RPG about heroines who wear bikini armour. ("Tabletop" means you use pencils and paper and dice to play, not a computer.) It's part JRPG parody, part anime-ish fanservice, and part actual playable role-playing game. Oh, and the setting features generally-friendly monster girls as well as more traditional hostile monsters, for those of you who like that sort of thing.

It features a few different forms of TF, three of which (breast expansion, a mental transformation that makes it harder to think, and becoming so adept that it's hard to believe you're really human) are built right into the core game mechanics and come up frequently during play. Transformations can be both voluntary and involuntary, and most permanent transformations have both pros and cons to keep them balanced.

You can find the game's table of contents here, and also in the first post of the forum thread here. The forum thread also contains a link to the game's changelog.

A link to the online version of the rules, as well as archived copies of the latest and older versions, can be found in the download links at the left. The archived versions don't include the table of contents, though, and may not include all the latest additions and fixes, so it's generally best to use the online version of the rules.

If that interests you (or if you just want to know more about the game), join the Bikini Armour RPG Discord server.

As a tabletop game, the details of the plot are left blank for the GM to sketch out. There's a Demon King who's using an army of demons to wage war against humanity, a party of player character heroines trying to defeat him, and a variety of dungeons and towns that they'll doubtlessly visit along the way. Beyond that, the story could go anywhere you can imagine.

More information about the setting can be found in the "Setting Assumptions" chapter, or scattered throughout the rules.

As in most tabletop role-playing games, players are free to design their own characters. That said, player characters in this game are universally attractive girls wearing bikini armour, so there's that.

Players can mix and match "Perks" drawn from several different fields of character expertiese in order to create their own custom classes, and can play both as humans and as cute monster girls.

For a semi-complete log of recent changes to the game, see the first post of this forum thread. For a more complete changelog, see this document.

Review by 4is111

Version reviewed: 0.06.38 on 10/07/2023

    Bikini Armour RPG is a traditional pen and paper roleplaying game with some very nontraditional superficial themes, bawdy humor, transformation magic, and sapphic romance, on top of some extremely traditional core concepts, descending into a dungeon to kill monsters and acquire treasure.  Like all tabletop RPGs, the experience will vary wildly from table to table, and the group of players matters significantly more than the ruleset.  If you have a group of friends that want to play a comedic game that parodies JRPG and sexual comedy tropes, you can make that happen without BARPG, and if you're sufficiently motivated to play a dead-serious gritty and edgy dungeon crawling game, you can use BARPG for that.  In that light, any review for an RPG will be less able to predict your experience than a review of a video game or written work would.  As a social exercise, your experience playing BARPG will be limited first and foremost by the people you play with.
    I've run two BARPG campaigns to completion, played in two campaigns to completion, and run five one-shot adventures.  I only first started reading BARPG out of morbid curiosity.  The idea of trying to capture something as messy and personal as erotic fiction in something as sterile, structured, and social as a tabletop game seemed foolhardy at best.  I expected to read the product of a manic amateur, driven by unbound enthusiasm without restraint or serious consideration for the strengths and weaknesses of the medium.  The heartbreaker is all too common a story among independent RPGs.  The game's core attribute system made me realize how mistaken this preconception was.  It is an incredibly simple and elegant game mechanic that captures the feeling of gradual, accumulating transformation yet requires absolutely minimal bookkeeping.  That was when I was forced to acknowledge that the creator, Tinn as he's known on the TFGS forum and GMJoe on Discord, is a seasoned game master and designer who wrote the rules not only with how they would read in mind but also how they would play.
    BARPG has a handful of simple mechanics at its core and many, many bespoke rules for specific interactions.  It's possible to enter the game as a player after reading only a few chapters of the rulebook, but the game supports a wide range of character concepts well and does an excellent job of mechanically acknowledging character-expression.  BARPG has no true "trap options" that new players might inadvertently fall into, although there are many synergies between perks, even across categories, so the game greatly rewards careful choices with character effectiveness.  Even so, it's not necessary to power game.  BARPG is very forgiving, so the worst that is likely to happen for a group of poorly optimized characters is that they will take longer to clear out a dungeon or be forced to flee from a challenging battle.  If the players within a group hone their characters to different degrees, that does not adversely affect the play experience as it would in other game systems because the strong color pie and high, but not insurmountable, cost of learning perks from multiple categories provide strong niche protection.
    Unlike in some other RPGs, characters in BARPG do not only achieve ever greater degrees of mastery within a narrow focus as they advance.  Instead, they gain proficiency, then mastery in specific areas and branch out, having reached the limit of mortal potential.  In this way, high level characters are functionally more competent than low level ones.  Character progression is real, not merely a numerical trick where a higher modifier negates a higher difficulty number resulting in unchanging game play.  In fact, BARPG dungeon-exploration is largely based on gating obstacles that characters gain greater and greater ability to overcome then trivialize as they advance.  Poison is a serious danger to low level parties, but by mid levels, most have a reliable way to cure it.  Breast expansion magic (this is a mature game after all) is debilitating until someone in the party learns a reduction spell at which point it becomes a temporary debuff, not a dive-ender.  And so on and so on.  In this way, characters meaningfully improve as they advance in levels.
    Combat provides players with a range of interesting tactical options, but those disinclined won't go wrong with simply attacking every round.  The game isn't deep enough to be satisfying on that merit for hardcore strategy gamers, but it isn't trying to be.  It's just complicated enough to stay interesting while played one-handed with a significant portion of your blood somewhere other than your brain and you're thinking up the next excuse for your character to take her top off.
    Unfortunately, BARPG is still incomplete and I can't recommend it wholeheartedly because of this flaw.  Every category of perks, despite having pages and pages of options, still has a lot of room for extension.  Right now, high level characters approach learning all the abilities in their area of specialization and as a result start to feel similar to each other.  There are still staple monster girls missing from the bestiary.  At the time of this writing, centaurides are the most obvious example, but they're held up by waiting for the rules for mounted combat which are also pending.  Most troublesome, the rules for random dungeon generation, the antagonist bestiaries, and the GM advice chapters are still very incomplete.  This almost makes the game unplayable for total greenhorns as written.  I have years of roleplaying experience, so I was able to fill in the missing sections well enough to run my games, but it took work.  Fortunately there are many, many roleplaying games freely available on the internet, so it's not hard aspiring game masters to find helpful resources elsewhere.
    Ultimately, I do recommend that anyone curious give BARPG a try.  The Discord server is active and filled with friendly people all too eager to help new players.  If you'd rather play with people you already know, that's good too.  It's even legitimate to experience this game by reading the rules, making some characters, and never actually playing it.  More people primarily engage with RPGs this way than are likely ever to admit it.  I like BARPG an awful lot, and while it will never be my main game, it's the first one I reach for when I need something rules-lite.

Review by icarue

Version reviewed: 0.06.18 on 07/29/2021

Full disclosure, the creator of the TTRPG ask me to write a review since this the last one was made years ago. Another thing, I ran a campaign from May 2020-February 2021, I didn't update the rules as they got updated... so this is a review of that content. 

The game is fun. Most of the mechanics are aimed for dungeon crawling, but my campain managed to not be focused on it so much. There were some combos that really broke the game, but we manage to find them and fix them (if you ever run a campaign, make bosses hit multiple times per turn, specially if you have a tank/Heroism character). 

The monster variety is fun, but make sure to check out the Discord and see the non-official content for specific monster/monster girls (like Dog girls, or penguin girls). Creating new monsters is also easy, as you can just grab a handful of skills and add them to a monster. 

Leveling up was a bit fast, but that might have been my fault...

The campaign ended swiftly, as the 5-6 Heroines went from human to monster girls to conquering the world!!


PS: I also ran a couple of one shots in a more futuristic setting. It ran ok. So Bikini armor has some flexibility on where they can be, setting wise. 

Review by DarknessGod

Version reviewed: 0.04.06 on 10/27/2018

I like the concept, and the rules make sense. My biggest issue is that instead of a zip file, or a single file containing the document, you have to download multiple files, making it time consuming just to look at an incomple trpg book So each time you have a release, zip it or combine it. you can keep the individual files for the game designers.

I do look forward to seeing your progress, Keep us informed!

Review by latdheretic

Version reviewed: 0.02.01 on 07/24/2017

I just finished reading the rules so far, and I must say it's a promising start, but I wouldn't call in currently playable. I can say it's something I'd have fun playing once it's in a more complete state.

I really like the part of all the stats having both good and bad aspects based on the scale of the outcome a bell curve (2d6).  Keeping them low makes it easier to perform cheks, but raising them is needed for some Tricks, gives more points to buy Tricks, and has other advantages.

I do have a few suggestions that I hope will help round out the game: 

With regard to Stats, currently there is no reason to pick a stat lower than 2, as you can't roll lower than a 2 on 2d6, this means that any stat from 0-2 will always default to the base difficulty rather than come into play, so you may as well get the Experience Points for them and always pick 2 or higher.  I'd like to see some cheap Tricks with requirements for stats in those ranges for each of the stats as a so as to not punish a player for picking a low Stat (and sticking with it) for Roleplaying purposes.

I know the Trick Section is not complete, but some some seduction Tricks related to distraction seem like a good fit, looking over the tricks, low distraction builds have a lot more going for them than high distraction.

     Low Bust: combat,  High Bust: beauty/seduction (with other advantages)
     Low Otherworldliness: Socially skilled character,   High Otherworldliness: Powerful Magic
     Low Distraction: Mentally Capable, Spellcasters,  High Distraction:  Hard to do stuff, but no clear advantages, one Trick I could find uses it: "Not It"

Lasty I'd reccomend tweeking the Bust scaling back a bit, while the top end values are fine, I'd like to see a bit more of the lower range of what you could possibly see on a real person. Obviously just a personal preference though.


Overall a great start, I'll be following the progress with interest.



Review by soulessbox

Version reviewed: 0.02.00 on 07/18/2017

Wow, this is an impressive piece of work. It seems like a lot of thought has gone into its production, personally I've never been one of tabletop gaming but I would be seriously interested in giving this a go once it's complete.


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