Project redesigned!
After long time of no updates I made decision to rework game completely from scratch. It was too painfull to make content with my old code, it was so unresponsive it would only cause me more and more problems in further development. Do not worry, original concept still stays the same, but graphics and whole UI as well as backend will be completely diferrent allow me to make game faster with less pain.
New features that are prepared for incoming release:
Hello anyone who is reading (Glad to have you here btw), today I started patreon page to support my first game. The Apocalypse is special game filled with fights, buildings new stuff and transformation. You start with you character in middle of city destroyed by war. What war you ask ? Well you probably did not as ask but I will still answer ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Game is mostly about robotic transformation, well if you want. Your choice, you can get to end of the game both ways (or are there 3 ways
). Game is very focused on survival, so you have to search for supplies to make weapons, fight with bandits (and other enemies) and sleep to "recharge" your energy. You can't just run all day around the city feeling awesome.
If you have problems reading some of my text then please don't kill me !! I am not native English speaker.
Thanks everyone for constructive reviews, they are very helpful. If you have some ideas about story, mechanics, characters or even weapons you would like to share please write them to me.
Engine is WPF, you just need Windows device to run it.
v0.5 Patron Update
cool idea cant wate to see how this pans out a note thow your game left some stuff in the backgrownd after you close the game might whant to look into it
With the addition of the new events and the ability to work for the slavers the game is really starting to open up! It would be fun to find more items in the wasteland and interact more with the base aspect of the game. Maybe specific armors that have transformations tied to them?
Speaking of the slave aspect, I really enjoyed it! I do have some reccomentadions to make it a bit easier starting out:
-Have the whoring yourself out bar move faster, or at least provide a way to upgrade the speed because my god is it slow early on.
-Is there a level 3 for the slave progression path yet? It asks for 30 corruption yet doesn't do anything once I have that.
-Let the player do more after defeating other scavengers. Maybe bring them back as slaves? Maybe take them as slaves for the player.
All in all, you have a great system that will make it easier and easier to add more content and I can't wait to see it!
Personally I see this project pretty hopeless on my perspective. Because...
1.Since the author isn't english native, there's going to be either huge sum of text flaws or only few texts...
2.It's already version 0.3...not version 0.03, and it's kind of shameful to call it as alpha/'s more like proof of concept at this stage. Hell, I can make this game within 5 minutes playable at table with few pictures and d10 dice. All interaction you can do is "fight/run/offer resource" if encountered by bandit and basically it doesn't matter whatever you choose.
3.No contents. Sexual/non-sexual or whatever really. Author is speaking of "survival","android TF" but I can tell there is clearly none of those yet. Neither of them turns me on though.
4.No artworks... this is actually big thing to me. Even if it's not decent, art works are far better then few pictures when it comes to reading texts. Usually those games with artworks have great consistency on description. But seeing that how this *game* handles appearance I sensed it's not going to work for me...
I didn't want to provoke anyone but this is really not a game at the moment.
Anyway here's my feedback...Things that must be done on next release are:
1.Introduction. Give me the very reason that I must salvage metals even when I can just sleep to day 1000000 without going outside.
2.MUCH MUCH more texts. describe how the player looks like, how enemys look like, how objects are made, etc etc. Currently all texts found in the game are less then 1kb if written in text file...this review might be longer then game texts. OR, do a lot of graphical works to help players understand what is going on...which is kind of hard thing to accomplish.
3.MUCH MUCH more contents. Currently the game has 3 choices... you "go out" of base to explore(which eventually leads to add or substract resource only for now) out side,"sleep","craft". if you aim to create survival focused game, you must at least limit the player camping in her basement for thousand year. Add resource like battery,food,water,etc,etc which can be found rarely only through specific events.
At present, this is similar to an idle clicker game, only without the idle part. There is no erotic content, no transformation content, and no real story. It's not a bad start to a game, but I'm not sure it belongs here yet.
Good simple concept for a game, and art is suitable.
Firstly a bug, it tells you you get metal after defeating a bandit, but the metal you have does not go up.
Secondly this game REALLY needs to have a "explore untill encounter" or simlar, else your clicking through 100 pop ups of "you found nothing, you found some metal ect". Alsou would be really nice if it auto-slept and you woke up in your base once your out of energy... after all there is no disadvantage and it saves time/mouse clicks, so will help pacing once exploration, story or combat is more fleshed out.