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RPG Maker VX Ace
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Adult Themes

Version: 0.3.2

Little Bitch Academia
by edna schafer

It's a pretty standard RPG, it does feature bad ends that contain transformation, but the gameplay doesn't focus on it. Just to be clear, since many people (including me sometimes) often look for a game that just throws sexy pics at their faces and that's it, this is NOT a game for those situations I'm afraid. It's slow paced, heavily focused on dialogues and on constucting a nice, vibrant world in which to play (I hope). The first part of the game will indeed revolve around a slow M2F transformation, but that might not appeal to everybody, because of the time it'll take for the character to change.

Latest version is chapter 3 BUGFIX3G (I made the golem chase less punishing). Sadly I could not add bad ends as the main artist is going through some rough times, I'll add some as soon as she's back on track (honey milf, maybe a dollification one, one for the sparring lesson...)

Saves from ch. 3 are ok, but saves from previous chapters are not compatible, but I included a savefile (Save15) for those who want to get to the new content right away.
For those wondering why I uploaded this as folder, well... a script made some files not included when encrypting in RPG Maker... so this was my least cumbersome option, sadly.
EDIT: I added a .zip download, should be much faster


KO-FI - I now have a Ko-Fi account, so... even if I still don't feel comfortable asking for money, some people told me they'd have wanted a way to support me. Well, here it is (tfgamessite labels it as a patreon link... but whatever)



Discord Server -> https://discord.gg/ySYqJqu

NOTE FOR RE-UPLOADERS: I know you exist, and I can't stop you, but please just link my file in whatever porn site you fancy, so I can have an idea of how many people actually download the game, don't re-upload on MEGA or whatever, ok?


Our protagonist is a rather depressed 22 years old guy, who dropped out of college and is now stuck in a shitty job.
That changes when he falls asleep in the bus on the way home, and wakes up in a strange forest...

I won't spoil anything more, since as I said the plot is a key feature of the game (even if right now there's not much to be amazed about, I think).

Will add them later. (past me was very optimistic)

I don't think there's a need for a real Walkthrough, since the game usually tells you where to go and what to do. Also I feel the battles are pretty easy right now, so I won't add one unless people ask for it, in which case I'll gladly comply, given the time.

Chapter 3 is out... finally.
If you want (mostly) bug-less experience, wait a bit for the BUGFIX version, once others have tested a bit.

Review by dandan1234

Version reviewed: 0.3.2 on 04/04/2024

Any chance this will get an update?

Review by 12ckox

Version reviewed: 0.3.2 on 10/09/2023

no guidance where to go, no options to change settings from the start, forces you to save in certain areas and game needs a walkthrough to actually play. constant enemy encounters and overall infuriating to play compared to games like Monline or even Magical Camp. Its dissapointing since the story looks good just not enjoyable to go through.

Review by cm1309

Version reviewed: 0.3.2 on 09/21/2023

This is the first game I have ever played on this site, and how I found it. I've largely created this account just to review this game, because I feel like it doesn't have enough glowing reviews compared to some other games.

In the world of lewd games, Little Bitch Academia is a masterpiece for me. It has the kind of gameplay, plot and art which I would expect from an actual game. I can count the number of lewd games which are actually good games on the fingers of one hand (Magical Camp is another, but it gets its due plaudits for that already). The vast, VAST majority of games with sexual content are underbaked in some aspect or another, and often in multiple areas. The only complaints I have about LBA is how it's unfinished (but there's a lot of hours of content there already and it's absolutely worth playing as it is) and maybe a couple of places where the MC's name is not properly written if you have changed it and uses the original placeholder one. Gameplay is actually good, compared to many poorly made RPGM games which I have played, and is a really strong suit. It's pretty challenging, but just hits the sweet spot where it's challenging enough to make you focus, but not enough to be unfair. Lots of fun minigames as well. The story is also amazingly written, along with perfectly measured humor, which makes you feel like you're inside a good anime plot... just one with lewd undertones. I say "lewd undertones" because LBA isn't a porn game. The only explicit content appears in the bad ends. However, that's a good thing, in my view. There's tons of other games which can provide you with quick sexual relief at the expense of the plot. LBA does the opposite. And it's not like there isn't plenty of hot moments in there which aren't explicit, either. If you're into really slow MtF transformation, where the character is actually forced to deal with the changes and we get to see a reaction where he adapts to them, then this is your game. Perfect example that you don't have to be explicitly sexual to create hot scenes.

Overall, compared to the standards of the industry, LBA is one of the outstanding games in its genre. It is a better JRPG than it is a porn game, and that is the whole charm of it. You play a well-written, balanced RPG, enjoy the plot and get engaged in the fates of the characters (another rarity amongst lewd games), laugh at some of the hilarious dialogue, have to focus to win fights, and in between, you are hit with occasional lewdness, and get to see the MC being forced to crossdress and his body very slowly changing. Since it is the first game I found on this site, I was hoping for similar experiences with other games, but it hasn't happened very often. In fact, I'd argue this is the best one I played on TFGames, and I have played a lot of them. It's a shame there hasn't been an update for a while, and how abruptly the current content stops, but there's still a load of it, and easily more than many completed games on this site. It's the kind of game that could easily be sold on Steam if complete and I'd buy it, because you don't lose much value in terms of gameplay if you take out the lewd parts (not that they're bad, hardly! just that they are not needed to enjoy the game, and I found myself rarely thinking about them at all).

Had to get this review out of my system at some point :) I just enjoyed the game that much.

Review by AMagicalCampFan2

Version reviewed: 0.3.2 on 06/07/2022

This is my Second Fav game on this site (The first also being made by the same group) The characters are loveable and Hilarious (aside from the ocasional Asshole) and the story is amazing, though liniar. All in all, a must play.

Though, if you want a quick porn game, look elsewhere. as while there are some pornagraphic elements (mostly during the Bad Ends) the game is mostly a safe for work comidy RPG.

Review by mirjirj

Version reviewed: 0.3.2 on 05/18/2022

This is not at all what I had expected, but what I found instead was incredibly entertaining! This is not a quick fap game. This a slow going, whacky, goofy, heart-rending, and heart-warming tale of adventure and crossdressing. Sex and transformation are only side characters in this funny and fresh RPG, but where else can such a story be posted, if not on this site? There is little to no sexual content (yet), instead using "mature" content to touch upon the sensitive emotional side of crossdressing and to make lewd jokes. And still I love it.

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Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
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