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Game Information
Release Date
Last Update
1.0.8 FREE Version!
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes

Version: 1.0.8 FREE Version!

Version: 1.0.5 Uninhibited Version! :O

Version: 1.0.1

Version: 1.0.0



Hi Everyone

I'm so very sorry but this, along with everything else I was working on is on hold indefinitely.

Eid :(


You're new in town and about to start your first year at college. You don't know anyone but are soon welcomed into a circle of friends...conditionally.


This game includes the following kinks:
Sissification, femdom, BDSM (not too heavy), humiliation, water sports, cum eating, chastity, hypnosis, drug use (including alcohol) and a whole bunch of other stuff. Some of it is avoidable, some not.


For the full version of Sleepovers 1.0.9 (all threads enabled), please visit my Patreon here -


Thank you all for your interest and support!


PS. Some of you seem to be having technical difficulty. If you have the latest version of Winrar, I don't know why that would be but greyelf wrote:

'Remember to update your installed archiving tool(s) of choice (eg. 7Zip, WinRar, etc...) because if the game creator is using an arctiving tool that supports a more recent version of the archiving method then any archive file they create can/will appear corrupted or empty to those using an older version of the same archiving method.'

Akkarin1 wrote:

'Winrar also gave me an error but 7zip (freeware) works without a problem.'

...and gd4523 wrote:

Using 7zip didn't work but got there with latest winrar.

...also... 'The archive extracted fine with Peazip.' apparently.

Trixpix wrote: 'For people having trouble extracting I use Extract Now for bulk extraction and 7-zip for everything else. Both extract the folder without issue.'

So any of the above might work fine for you! :)

PLEASE NOTE - if you're having technical issues as some have, update your software and if it still doesn't work, please let me know in the discussion thread rather than as a review.


Week 0 starts with an induction day at your new college and ends with more than you bargained for.

Week 1 (Your first week at college) - Find the new you!

There's a walkthrough available here -


that is current to version 1.0.6

This is Sleepovers 1.0.8 FREE Version

To get the latest version (1.0.9) with all threads visit here!


Thanks for your support! x



Update 07/01/18

Finally! :O

So first I ought to point out that this is the older premium version and might contain a few bugs and whatnot. The woods area at the moment is not so much a work-in-progress as a work-not-in-progress but I'll get to it and revisit all the free roaming aspect soon.


PS. Some of you seem to be having difficulty. If you have the latest version of Winrar, I don't know why that would be but Akkarin1 wrote:

'Winrar also gave me an error but 7zip (freeware) works without a problem.'

...and gd4523 wrote:

Using 7zip didn't work but got there with latest winrar.

...also... 'The archive extracted fine with Peazip.' apparently.

So any of the above might work fine for you! :)

PLEASE NOTE - if you're having technical issues as some have, update your software and if it still doesn't work, please let me know in the discussion thread rather than as a review.



Version 1.0.2 is available to my patrons and 1.0.3 is underway!

Review by KitanaJuliesse

Version reviewed: 1.0.8 FREE Version! on 05/14/2023

really would be nice to play more I do hope the creator will continue it soon

Review by EmbersPoe28

Version reviewed: 1.0.8 FREE Version! on 03/05/2021

I really enjoyed this game and i hope the creator updates it again


Review by AGoldenGirl

Version reviewed: 1.0.8 FREE Version! on 09/24/2019

This game is great. The story is compelling, driving and well written. The characters are well done and you feel immersed. My main complaint would be that the game feels very slow, however this could be seen as a good thing for those interested in it. The media used is also a great factor of this game. 8/10.

Review by ff87

Version reviewed: 1.0.8 FREE Version! on 07/12/2019

Good plot: the MC has a realistic motivation for change. Most obvious trics are avoided. The MC likes the action, so there is no need for force or magic.

A shame there is a hypnosis-scene and the "magical"(super-science) transformation into a woman. The story doen't need it. Seducing men while dressed up(trap) would be a better direction.

Nice game mechanics: until the story takes off and it runs on by itself like a book (A CYOA with a low density of choises).

Review by leonais600

Version reviewed: 1.0.8 FREE Version! on 02/27/2019

Well written. Nice presentation. If there's one thing I'd like to see changed it would be the differing ways you make choices. Choose is an an impotant part of choose your own adventure.

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