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Version: 0.2.1

Version: 0.2.0

The survivor
by Hazze

It is a CYOA story set in a post-apocalyptic Zombie Ruled universe, however in the first Act zombies are just meant as the theme. Their role is symbolic in this part. The project revolves around the human interaction and survival.

A boy is born with a lethal disease in his veins. However his great will to survive allows him to reach his 18th birthday. As a gift, he is being hibernated with a promise to be woken up, once the cure to 'the Phantom' is invented. However, when he wakes up after few years not everything is the way he could have predicted...

Review by renenarciso

Version reviewed: 0.2.1 on 04/04/2022

Sad that this has not been updated in 5 years. Great game inspired by The Walking Dead, that has everything that I like: it's dark and sexual, it has a quick and complete transformation (unlike the thousands of slow burn sissy games), and it puts you into a very submissive role. 

There is something unusual here though. Unlike most games that makes it so you instantly enjoy being used and abused by guys, this one is pretty realistic in showing the PC not enjoying in the least what is essentialy a lot of sex with questionable consent (and sometimes no consent at all). It makes for a REALLY DARK experience.

Review by GLfan

Version reviewed: 0.2.1 on 10/01/2021

The Survivor is a really interesting work. It is no where near completed, but what it does, it does imo really well. You are provided with choices which impact the story (your destiny) without knowing everything at the start. The way the game explains more of the rules or survival is really well implemented. No saves and not knowing the outcomes of decisions which will impact upon your survival make it far more enjoyable and "tense". The selection of photos and the characterization are well chosen and imaginative. Huge shame that this game will [probably] never be developped further, but it is really worth checking out, especially for other authors.

Review by FappaHolic

Version reviewed: 0.2.1 on 10/04/2018

Such good degrading story telling paired with an innocent to slutty image/gif set. 
It perfectly matches the character. Hopefully the author picks it up again and continues it.


Review by horus7325

Version reviewed: 0.2.1 on 05/10/2018

i liked the game a lot , the story as far goes is good. and if the author reads this i would like to ask him/ her to continue the story , saludos

megusto mucho el juego, la historia hasta donde avanza es buena. si el /la autor le esto me gustaria pedirle que continue con la historia , saludos

pd me  disculpo por mi gramatica en ingles no es muy biuena y use untraducor 

pb sorry for my english gramma is  not some good and used a traslator 

Review by Naga

Version reviewed: 0.2.1 on 08/31/2017

Very good game. But i cant save it.

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