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Version: 0.10.5

Giggle Night: Trixie's Trial

SBC Ch 9
Future versions will have different transformations!

Please invest in my Patreon to speed work along!


Overview On YouTube - https://youtu.be/4wdU-LW397w?si=CG6KbRlIM-kq8u4G

GAME MODE missions start at Chapter 6.  If you think my hard work is worth at least a dollar, please support me on Patreon!  You can also buy this on Steam or Itch.io!

My Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Anaximanes

My Steam Store - https://store.steampowered.com/curator/44251609-Anaxverse/


My Itch.io - https://the-anax.itch.io/

In this project, one plays as a nurse named Trixie Goodwin.  All of my interactive novels fall under the same story arc, this title, chronologically, is the 2nd title in the series.  Hope you enjoy this, and please "like" any of my projects you enjoy on here!


Fetishes in this title will/do include- Female Sub, Male Sub, Female Dom, F/F, M/F and M/F/F Sex Scenes, Rape/Non-Consensual, Mind Control, Corruption, Sex-Toy Play, Furry, Masturbation, Anal Sex (M/F), Occult and Ritualistic/Satanic Images, and images that some may find disturbing including blood or gore, and CLOWNS!  While I like to make people have an erotic experience, I also want that experience to be disturbing in a creepy way.  Avoid this project if any of these fetishes are too much for you to handle!

The Giggler has attacked New York City, and it happened just before Trixie's shift started at the hospital.  The patients are turning into crazed clowns, and you have been tasked with protecting a serum that could be the cure.  The Giggler himself hounds your every move in an attempt to take the serum for his own twisted ends.  Will Trixie manage to survive?  Play Giggle Night to find out!

Trixie Goodwin, The Giggler, Dagan Erebus, and many other characters from my intellectual properties!

Review by Chymiferous

Version reviewed: 0.7.3 on 02/18/2023

Simply Amazing! I love the design, the plot, the characters and the gameplay. The combat is simple yet direct and easy to undestand. The character models are so cool and well made. The more I play it, the more I love it.

Review by renenarciso

Version reviewed: 0.0.4 on 11/09/2021

Pretty good. Like all Anaximanes games, this has great production values, awesome graphics, immersive story, interesting world-building.

And how can you not love it, when you get to play as a blonde, buxom woman that is turned into a superheroine?

As of the last release, there are 4 chapters. It's more of a illustrated story than a game though, still pretty fun and hot, though the most fun so far is in the "bad endings" that you can access every chapter to see yourself transformed and corrupted in different ways.

Review by Tolkien46

Version reviewed: 0.0.3 on 08/05/2021

Not as Squicky as some of the other stuff but there are Squicky bits in it.

It's not bad, a case of navigating to avoid the bad ends.

Review by SansMotivation

Version reviewed: 0.0.3 on 08/03/2021

Rape, rape, corruption, rape, rape someone else...  That's about as far as I got.

Review by MugTreecko

Version reviewed: 0.0.1 on 05/02/2021

This gets a positive review for such a spectacular age gate alone.


The story itself is straightforward enough and it's not yet a game, but the foundations are there at least. One to come back to once it's had a few updates.

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