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RPG Maker VX Ace
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Version: 1.0

Succubus Tales - Chapter 1: Nicci's Revenge

You will play as Nicci, a powerful succubus, who, after being betrayed by her "boss", an even more powerful Demon Lord,
is forced to fight a group of exorcist.
After the battle she's about to die, and so her only way to survive is to transfer her soul inside one of the exorcst's body, a nun to be precise, and take control of it.
To make sure to not leave any trace behind, she have to leave her own village, and burn her house.
After a long travel she reach, exhausted, a remote village, where she plan to regain a portion of her lost energy due to the soul transfer and start her revenge!
To regain her lost energy she need to spread corruption and lust among villagers ( but of course, she's a succubus after all!)
And this is the "plot" of chapter one"!

You will play as Nicci, a powerful succubus, who, after being betrayed by her "boss", an even more powerful Demon Lord,
is forced to fight a group of exorcist.
After the battle she's about to die, and so her only way to survive is to transfer her soul inside one of the exorcst's body, a nun to be precise, and take control of it.
To make sure to not leave any trace behind, she have to leave her own village, and burn her house.
After a long travel she reach, exhausted, a remote village, where she plan to regain a portion of her lost energy due to the soul transfer and start her revenge!
To regain her lost energy she need to spread corruption and lust among villagers ( but of course, she's a succubus after all!)
And this is the "plot" of chapter one"!

Review by Volendi

Version reviewed: 1.0 on 12/11/2019

Ok, just found this game. I call it a game, but it's not really.  Been playing for a long time, and no combet. No levelling. Just run around, find where the next story trigger is, go to next story segment.  Actually, you know what?  It is a game... feels like I just described Myst... altho Myst DID have puzzles... but when you think about it, finding the next story spot with no hints could be considered a puzzle...


ANYWAYS! Not the point!  The artwork for the scenes is NOT placeholder assets, altho non-scene stuff is totally the same graphics as any other RPGMaker stuff.  IDK if that's an engine thing, but the scene artwork is VERY well done.  I mean, like comicbook/manga level or better!


Story has been interesting so far, altho there have been some nitpicky conversation issues (just grammar and spelling and stuff, which is very glass-housy for me, I know). 


Haven't regretted any of the time sunk into this, even tho I was expecting an actual game with at least token combat or RPG mechanics.


STILL!  It's RPGMaker, it's got killer artwork, and it's got an interesting story!  AND, even tho it's part 1, it's complete!  Play this!  =^_^=

Review by lord_rashiel

Version reviewed: 1.0 on 10/26/2018

"Succubus Tales - Chapter 1: Nicci's Revenge" is a short RPG Maker adventure game staring a succubus, who infiltrates a human settlement and endeavours to corrupt and turn all the inhabitants into succubi, while having a lot of lewd fun in the process. The game is quite short and suffers from from the same problem that haunted the first "Village of Nightmare" game, i.e. there is no indication where you have to go in order to encounter a plot event. Still, it's heartening to see a creator using their own art, instead of samey looking 3D renders prevalent on Patreon. So I really hope the developer doesn't burn out and drop the game before releaseing the second chapter.


Full review can be read here: https://beliar-cos.blogspot.com/2018/10/succubus-tales-chapter-1-niccis-revenge.html

Review by lustache69

Version reviewed: 0.8A on 03/19/2018

Although the art for this game is decent, the game's mechanics definitely make it less enjoyable. From the very beginning, you're basically put on a set of rails and sent forth to one setpiece after another. Which isn't necessarily bad, but the problem, to my mind, is that it's hard to see the shape of the rails, so to speak. When your character gets up for the day, it's hard to tell whether or not she'll end up doing anything, or if it's just going to be another day of wasting your time doing nothing. The characters don't seem to change, even when you've corrupted them, so whenever you go up to them, they'll act the same as they did before their corruption. The waitress game is comically easy and gets boring really fast. I was practically on autopilot from the first time. I am still interested in the continuation of the storyline, but I really, really hope that I won't have to run back through the whole game again just to continue it.

Review by fixsxd

Version reviewed: 0.6C on 08/20/2017


its nice to see an other vilage of nightmare clone(it is, you can not deny it)

the art is clear , the story is ok.

Sadly its still far from the original.

Anyway good work.


Review by Prince of Elsewhere

Version reviewed: 0.3 on 12/17/2016

The game is linear but enjoyable. There are no choice boxes throughout the game. I was glad the author aknowleges the linear nature of the game by not putting on the pretense of choice. All of the pictures are good, though there are a few rough looking ones in the intro. There are a few moments where the author avatar appears mid-cutscene which I feel unessesary. I found there to be an excessive amount of scripted events and feel that the game would be improved by such things as allowing me to walk out of a building myself instead of doing it for me. Despite the negatives my experience was overall positive and I look forward to updates to the game. I was sad that this chapter had to end and leave the story unfinished and on a cliff-hanger. Still it was a very surprising and funny cliff-hanger that left me more excited than frustrated.

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