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Version: 0.0.5a

Down and Out with Paris and Marion
by sesquip

Will never be finished.


Title Image

5, yes five, days of content.

Bug reports, critique, suggestions and help all very much welcomed in the forum topic. Or in the discord!

See the other plot/character/walkthrough/changelog tabs for more info.

Semi-important note:

It's impossible to get all the content on one playthrough. While it is a 'linear' narrative some choices can change content a fair amount; there are things hidden that you may have no idea are there. If you're stuck ask in the forum, I'm happy to give the details away.

You are a guy who has decided to skip town to reboot his life and make some changes, hopefully those changes are your choice, some might not be.

Will your whole being be radically altered?

Will you form new relationships in ways you never thought about?

Or will you manage to avoid it all?


You - You are everyman, whatever you want to be when reading it. As long as it's a slightly effeminate 20 something male.

Cheryl - Hot and friendly waitress that gives you a place to stay for your first night. You can then build a relationship of differing sorts depending on choices.

Brad - Cheryl's ex. Pretty much the opposite to you.

Paris - Your new roommate. A little bit bitchy, controlling, exhibitionist.

Marion - Your other new roommate. Nicer than Paris. Has a thing for photography.

Carmen - Laundromat owner. MILF, domineering.

Bianca - Sexy stripper. Your paths may get crossed a few times.

Mike - Paris's boyfriend.

Marcus - Met through Bianca. A large black man. Easy to avoid if you don't want that.

Amanda - Cheryl's friend. A 'helpful' outside view of you two.

Walkthrough in the forum (Early stages, incomplate. If you have questions about how to find things then feel free to ask on Discord or in the forum!)

0.0.5a july 25 18

Bugfixes from 0.0.5

0.0.5 july 24 18

Bit of a placeholder. More content with all the main characters. Day 5 finished.

0.0.4i feb 23 18

Bugfix. Some permutations weren't triggering on day 5 café scene.

Also some stuff wasn't triggering for a dream related to penis size.

0.0.4h feb 22 18

Some Cheryl content in the morning. Wake up texts, breakfast, café.

A new achievement.

0.0.4g nov 26 17

Inchoate checbox system to skip around the game with different choices/stats to see different content.

Night 4 dreams added.

Little bits of flavor here and there, not much.

0.0.4f- oct 23 2017

Bar first night done. Content with Cheryl, Amanda, Bianca, Marcus. Content that features crossdressing, cum and chastity. Forced and unforced. There's numerous different branches/variations depending on previous choices and choices on the night. You can even get a hj.

Added some more 'texts' from Cheryl that feature earlier in the story.

0.0.4e - october 17th 2017

Mainly a style update. Some tiny content at the bar, but no more than a teaser really.


Small bugfixes. Thanks to Trinity for finding them.


A few more scenes involving Paris and Marion on day 4. Some things might not happen dependent on various choices.


Some bugfixes, simple ones but they locked out a lot of content.


A fairly small update but some new content on day 4 for the bar job path(3 new scenes, one only available after a particular choice and others vary in style on choices too). Added 'achievements' to basically just signpost some content that you may miss based upon choices. Dreams reworked a bit. ~60k words



Formatting update. Ought to be nicer to play through, but we'll see. Mainly font/dialogue colors. Passage are of a uniform size for the first day or so too.

Review by mininator

Version reviewed: 0.0.5a on 01/23/2021

Loved it. Sadly it ended too early

Review by Somedude02

Version reviewed: 0.0.5a on 04/14/2020

Great game, thank you! Keep this up :)

Review by AGoldenGirl

Version reviewed: 0.0.5a on 11/16/2019

A game with some very strong characters which gives it a good standing through any playthrough. The writing for the erotic parts of the game are very well done, including the media. The sound is a nice attempt, but more would need to be added to be considered a part of the game. The main criticism would be the linear and agencyless aspects of the game. 8/10.

Review by JermBugg

Version reviewed: 0.0.5a on 10/19/2019

Still quite a few grammatical errors and typos, but you can easily understand what's being said. Wish there was a branch of the story where Cheryl convinces Brad to let the MC help give him a bj. Yet, all-in-all, one of the better sissy tf games; deffinantly in the top five. If not, then the top ten. Can't wait for the next update.

Review by Red-XIII

Version reviewed: 0.0.5a on 05/02/2019

Short and Unfinished? Definitely.

Detailed? Maybe.

Variable? Maybe.

The involuntary tag is undeserved.

Play this without taking any willing steps and all you get is 5 days of no content.

The voulntary side seems ok-ish but not particularly outstanding in any way.

Though what would I know, I'm not into willing victims. If that's the side you're more curious about than you'd probably be better off listening to other rewievers.

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