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Version: 0.5.0

A Promotion By Any Means

You control "Jack" as he blackmails and bribes his way a to a promotion.


The game currently has 2 weeks, each week consists of a week phase where you try to find a way to stop a person getting the promotion and the weekend part which is random events.

Jack - Protaganist.

Maria - Your bitch of a boss.


Mr Kee - Your boss.

Olivia - Your coworker.

There is a walkthrough on the left in the menu if you need it.


Review by exprmntle

Version reviewed: 0.5.0 on 04/21/2018

The set up is that you have four weeks to eliminate the competition for a job so that you can get a promotion.  Since the MC is a creep and kind of a loser, he opts for finding ways to bribe and blackmail his way to success.  You have four weeks to eliminate the four competitors.  You eliminate one each week. 

Unfortunately, only two of the four weeks are completed in this game.  It is a shame that the other two weeks were not completed.  This is an interesting set up and includes some nice scenes involving investigation and the execution of your nefarious schemes.  

One thing I do like in this twine game is that, like several other HTML games, there is a back button that allows you to try things and then go back if you don't get a useful effect.  Admittedly, this is because I don't like challenges that cause too much stress.  You don't have to use the back button, but for those of us who do get frustrated, it's nice to have.

I had forgotten this game but it was one of the first ones I played when I came to this website.  

Review by ConerNSFW

Version reviewed: 0.5.0 on 11/09/2016

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I was just replying to someone else's review and since there isn't an officially supported way to do that, I had to do so in the form of a review.

Review by spaceranger123

Version reviewed: 0.5.0 on 11/07/2016

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Review by super_tramp

Version reviewed: 0.5.0 on 09/02/2016

Honestly, I'm a little worried by your lack of commitment to one game.

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